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[Mod] Imoen 4 Ever - Experience the BG Saga with Imoen - and the beginning of SoA without pressure!



  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Imoen4Ever updates to v7!

    -Ophyllis should reply correctly after Imoen's interjection
    -Imoen should start her correct dialogue at the Sewer exit
    -more interjections in SoD
    -more lines altered from "searching for Imoen" to "going after Irenicus"
    -typo corrections
    -added UnderstandMouseMagic to credits
    -Internal restructure: texts will be copied to "autotra" folder before used in game (and converting them to utf8 for EE) and using marker file so text conversion is done only once; Russian version now uses English setup.tra directly.
    -added check to tp2 to forbid installation after EET_End
    -corrected entry for "Beregost_House08_L2" on cpmvars.tpas
  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    edited May 2021
    How active is Imoen in BG2 right now? Please don't feel pressured, I don't mean to be pushy. I've played BG2 for 20 years, and I'm likely to play it 20 more so I'm in no hurry.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    I4E adds one dialogue after Imon comes back and reactions to the PC's dreams, some dialogues to the main story event (working for Aran, going after irenicus, Bodhi's foreboding remarks with regard to Imoen), and some dialogues after Spellhold with regard to Imoen's soul and what was revealed in Spellhold etc. It's a few dialogues actually, but I4E doesn't insert any interjections (yet) except for Salvanas.

    In addition, any existing or mod added Imoen reaction would play too since it's the normal Imoen in I4E.
    I hope this answers your question.
  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    It answered my question and other things I had never thought of. Good response.
  • TygaranTygaran Member Posts: 41
    query... Since this mod is thematically incompatible with the Imoen Romance, I was wondering if there are any plans for a romance track, or would you think that outside the scope of what you wish to accomplish here. I'm one of those people who love Imoen =]

    20 years in Candlekeep, only one other known young lady of comparable age, raised by different fathers.... I can easily see Imoen and the PC developing romantic feelings long before the truth of their heritage comes out. ;)
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    @Tygaran that's outside of the scope of this mod. I'll add "friendship" dialogues where I think they'd fit, but no romance track.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    The mod updates to v7.1. All language versions are complete again.

    Polish: by @memory (already in v7)

    Russian: by Arkie

    Thank you very much for the translations!
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    The mod updates to v7.2!


    - Imoen should initiate kickout dialogue in BGII.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    This is going to be a curious question, but if you are playing an EET game with I4E, when, if ever, does Imoen get dual-classed to mage?

    I ask because she is currently at level 6 in my EET run. Ordinarily I would be considering dual-classing her now so that she will get her thief skills back before the end game. However, if she is going to get switched anyway at some point in the future, I may just let her keep advancing as a thief.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    @Maurvir the mod does not change Imoen's class in any way, nor does EET. It's all up to the player's decision.
  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    Thank you for this, I'm playing it now for the first time and I like the dream commentary and other adaptations made now that I've done at least one third of the stuff there is to do before the island voyage. I will try it for another new character later on even though it isn't realistic to try adapting it to the hundreds of NPC and quest mods that exist. By the way, did you hear that Imoen was turned into a vampire and nobody noticed during throne of Bhaal? Says so in the recent Minsc and Boo journals

    Imagine that.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    @lollers that's an idea I will not follow up on.
    Thanks for the kind words.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    edited October 2021
    This summary really reads like an archetypal parody of bad fanfiction. It's unfathomable to me that somewhere out there an editor greenlighted this for publication.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    I'm not certain if it's this mod or not, though I suspect it is, but there is a misspelling in one of Imoen's dialogs after she is rescued where she says "teleproted" instead of "teleported". I will see if I can find the exact reference in NI.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    @Maurvir yes, that's from I4E. Thank you! Fixed locally.
    I use grepWin for cases like these to search through files for text matches. Sorry for promotion but this tool is superb and I wouldn't be able to create mods without it to track down e.g. variable names across different files etc.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    The mod updates to v8!

    Version 8 comes with a new component that makes the contents of "Imoen's chest" from the palace move along to the SoD camps in case Imoen is in the party. The mod also now has the globally unique LABELs syntax to support Project Infinity.


    -new component: Imoen's chest moves with the campaign, too.
    -one more interjection in crusader camp.
    -added check to SoD kickout dialogue so it can't trigger in BGII.
    -typo corrections.
    -added globally unique LABELs to support Project Infinity.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Imoen4Ever updates to v9!


    -"Imoen Remains in Group in Korlasz' Dungeon": Imoen will notify Duke Jannath about the Bhaal research found in Korlasz' Crypt. Research can be given Duke Jannath if Imoen didn't take them.
    -"Imoen Remains in Group in Korlasz' Dungeon": added check for EndlessBG1's "Korlasz' Dungeon is in BG1" component (the components are not compatible and redundant with regard to Imoen remaining in party in Korlasz' Crypt).
    -"Imoen gives better reason to stay behind in Palace": component is no longer dependent on component "Imoen remains in the group in Korlasz' dungeon" - neither for installation, nor ingame. Imoen will now always give the changed reason for her remaining in the palace. Coding syntax was optimized.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810

    Imoen 4 Ever updates to v10, with minor changes and an alternate portrait for Imoen from @Acifer !


    -new optional component (not dependent on the others): new alternate portrait for Imoen for all games, by Acifer.
    -Imoen should not mention protection spell unless the component is installed; Irenicus mentioning it should be patched correctly.
    -More reactions in BGII chapters 2&3: Imoen notices cows in the slums.
    -One more reaction to item in SoD.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810

    Imoen4Ever updates to v11 with finished SoD content. Please note: her reactions to SoD events use the tracking system of "Road to Discovery", so at least the main component (2nd component) of RtD should be installed.

    Also note that the install order changed: I4E should be installed after Another fine Hell and jastey's SoD Tweakpack.


    -SoD content finished.
    -German proofread (v9), by Shai Hulud.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    What's the install order for mods that normally went after I4E like Afaaq?

  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    The BGII install order didn't change - I4E as soon as possible. Just the SoD components should go after my SoD quest and early tweak mod. (Road to Discovery still goes very last.)
  • ConnellyConnelly Member Posts: 79
    jastey wrote: »
    The BGII install order didn't change - I4E as soon as possible. Just the SoD components should go after my SoD quest and early tweak mod. (Road to Discovery still goes very last.)

    To be clear then, for an EET installation the rough order would be:
    1. I4E BG2 components
    2. whatever quest mods need to be here
    3. Boarerskyr Bridge & Another Fine Hell
    4. your SoD Tweaks
    5. I4E SoD components
    6. the rest (including Themed Tweaks > RtD)

  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Yes, that's what I would suggest.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810

    The mod updates to v11.1, there was still one German line in the English version.


    -English version should not contain German string.
  • IecerintIecerint Member Posts: 431
    I'm playing through with this mod and really love the SOD content. Keeping Imoen here improves the story significantly. Her writing is very natural and actually makes more sense than vanilla, where her staying behind instead of sneaking out seemed out of character. I also enjoyed Jastey's SOD tweak mods in terms of writing/tone.

    I encountered some content in BG2 that I found quite immersion-breaking; I'm not sure if it's part of the Imoen mod, or some other mod. Instead of Irenicus talking about it being time for "more experiments" as BG2 starts, he makes strange comments about "throwing rocks" and "going to the Underdark" with out-of-character writing. The scene after leaving Irenicus's dungeon is also abbreviated and has some immersion-breaking dialogue. Is this part of this mod? If so, it would be great to get the content for BG2 without these components of the mod, which seem unnecessary for the premise of I4E. If you do know what other mod this might be, please let me know.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited April 2023
    That's definitely not I4E. I don't know which other mod it would be.

    Does it look like intended dialogue, I mean it's not scrumbled text lines from someplace else because some wrong strings are referenced or the likes?

    best post your weidu.log.

    Thanks for the kind words.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,522
    Iecerint wrote: »
    I encountered some content in BG2 that I found quite immersion-breaking; I'm not sure if it's part of the Imoen mod, or some other mod. Instead of Irenicus talking about it being time for "more experiments" as BG2 starts, he makes strange comments about "throwing rocks" and "going to the Underdark" with out-of-character writing. The scene after leaving Irenicus's dungeon is also abbreviated and has some immersion-breaking dialogue. Is this part of this mod? If so, it would be great to get the content for BG2 without these components of the mod, which seem unnecessary for the premise of I4E. If you do know what other mod this might be, please let me know.

    To me it sounds like you either installed the original Dungeon-be-Gone mod or the silly version of the faster chapter 1&2 cutscenes and dreams from Tweaks Anthology. Both are very immersion-breaking.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Oh, that sounds about right. From Tweaks Anthology readme:
    Faster Chapter One and Two Cutscenes and Dreams
    BG2EE, EET, BG2, BGT

    If you're replaying the game for the Nth time, this component saves precious minutes. In general this skips or shortens cutscenes and dream sequences. You can also speed up your first encounter with Gaelan Bayle by saying (3) "Yes, show me to your home." and then (5) "Very well, I'll be back with the money."

    There are two options for this component: the original cutscenes from the Ease-of-Use mod (by Karzak, Blucher, aVENGER, and Weimer), and a non-silly version. The originals featured lines which really broke the fourth wall, such as the PC using lines from Neeber and Irenicus and Imoen leaving happily together after the party escaped to the Promenade.
  • IecerintIecerint Member Posts: 431
    Yeah, looks like it. Thanks; I'll have an eye for that with my next installation attempt.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Imoen4Ever updates to v11.2, with a finished German version by Shai Hulud! Thank you for the translation!


    -German version finished, by Shai Hulud.
    -All strings should be traify-d.
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