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[v2.5.0] OlvynSpells: 150 New Spells for BG:EE, BG2:EE, IWD:EE and EET

OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
edited May 2023 in General Modding

Version 2.5.0


This mod adds up to 150 new spells to the game, which can be learned by spellcasters like any other spell. A lot of these spells are really cool, letting you do things you've never been able to do before. For example, here's the 4th-level spell Linked Portals, which creates two portals you can teleport between:


And here's an 8th-level spell that lets you reverse gravity. Creatures that hit the ground or the ceiling at high speed take massive falling damage.


Ever wondered what a 10th-level lightning spell would look like?


The mod also adds scrolls for the new mage spells throughout BG:EE, BG2:EE, and IWD:EE. There's no one store that sells all the scrolls (though big magic stores will sell a decent number of them); rather, you'll find them in various places over the course of the adventure.

I recommend installing EEex before installing this mod, because many of the new spells require EEex to work. Those spells won't be added to the game is EEex is not installed. EEex is currently Windows-only.

A few of the new spells are quite overpowered (like Enoll Eva's Duplication, which causes every spell you cast for the next 5 rounds to be cast twice), so the mod gives you the option not to add the really powerful spells to the game.

You can find a list of all the new spells here.

In addition, there are many other components which modify existing spells. Here is a list of the components and what they do:
*Improve Bless and (if in-game) Curse

Bless and Curse aren't great spells. They have too many drawbacks: they take a whole round to cast, they only last six rounds, and they only give small bonuses/penalties. This component reduces the casting time of Bless and Curse to 1 and/or increases their duration to 1 turn (your choice).

*Make it so that Command takes control of the target for 1 round instead of putting them to sleep

With this component installed, the spell Command dominates the target for 1 round, so you can actually give them the command of your choice.

*Improve Entangle

This component has several options: you may either make it so Entangle only affects enemies in the area of effect when the spell is cast (as in the original Baldur's Gate), remove the saving throw bonus from Entangle (as in Icewind Dale), or both.

*Improve Magical Stone

This component makes Magical Stone deal 3d4 magic damage, or 6d4 against undead. It's like the IWD version except it deals magic damage rather than crushing damage. This component also makes Magical Stone usable by druids.

*Turn Know Alignment into Identify Creature, which reveals info about the target

This component requires EEex. It turns the useless Know Alignment spell into Identify Creature, which gives useful information about the target (e.g. HP, stats, resistances).

*Increase the duration of Negative Plane Protection to 8 hours

Negative Plane Protection's original duration was way too short. This component extends it to 8 hours.

*Improve Cloak of Fear

In BGEE and BG2EE, Cloak of Fear is just a one-shot fear effect, even though the spell is supposed to give the caster an aura of fear. With this component installed, Cloak of Fear actually gives you an aura of fear. Creatures within 5 feet must Save vs. Spell or run away for 1 round. The aura lasts 1 turn.

*3E-like Flame Strike and Fire Storm

With this component installed, Flame Strike is an AoE spell that deals 1d6 damage per level (max 15d6), with a Save vs. Spell for half. Half the damage is fire and the other half is magic fire. Fire Storm deals 1d6 fire damage per level (max 20d6), with a Save vs. Spell at -4 for half, and only lasts one round.

*Make it so Champion's Strength sets the target's Strength to 25

Champion's Strength is a bit too weak normally. This component makes the spell set the target's Strength to 25. However, the caster is still prevented from casting any more spells for the duration.

*Make it so Nature's Beauty charms enemies rather than blinding or killing them

With this component installed, Nature's Beauty charms all enemies within 15 feet for 12 rounds (Save vs. Spell at -3 negates). Only humanoids and animals are affected, and elves and half-elves have a chance to resist the spell.

*Original BG1-style Monster Summoning and Animal Summoning spells

This component makes it so the Monster Summoning and Animal Summoning spells summon tons of creatures like they did in the original Baldur's Gate; the creatures will ignore the summoning limit.

*Restore original BG1 Animate Dead

This component makes it so Animate Dead summons 1 skeleton per level, and the skeletons ignore the summoning limit. You choose whether the component changes both the priest and wizard versions of Animate Dead or just the wizard version.

*Weaken devas but allow more than one to be summoned at once

Normally, summoned devas in BG2 are almost as powerful as summoned planetars but have the same one-at-a-time restriction. This component lets you summon more than one deva at a time, but weakens them to make it fair.

*Turn Infravision into True Strike

This component turns the useless Infravision spell into True Strike, which grants +20 THAC0 for just 9 seconds.

*Revise Sleep

With this component installed, the spell Sleep has no Hit Dice limit, but it lasts shorter and the targets will wake up when damaged.

*Revise Power Word, Sleep

With this component installed, Power Word, Sleep works regardless of the target's Hit Points (so it's a no-save Sleep effect), but it lasts only 3 rounds and the target will wake up when damaged.

*Improve Shocking Grasp, Chill Touch and Ghoul Touch

Normally these spells require you to hit someone with an attack, and the spell is wasted if you miss. That makes these spells almost useless because mages aren't very good at hitting things. This component makes it so you can simply cast these spells on a creature (as with Vampiric Touch) without having to attack them. It also improves Chill Touch significantly.

*Improve Larloch's Minor Drain and Vampiric Touch

This component improves these two life-draining spells. Larloch's Minor Drain now drains 12 hit points; Vampiric Touch now drains 3 hit points per level, up to 30 at level 10. In addition, casting these spells multiple times will increase the caster's HP even further.

*Allow familiars to deliver the wizard's touch spells

This component requires EEex. With it installed, if the PC casts a touch spell on a distant enemy and the familiar is next to that enemy, the familiar will cast the touch spell on the enemy (at the PC's caster level).[/s]

*Improve low-level spells that detect illusions

This component improves Detect Invisibility, Detect Illusions, and Invisibility Purge. Detect Invisibility is now a buff that gives the target creature the ability to see invisible creatures for the duration (this requires EEex; if you don't have EEex installed then Detect Invisibility won't be modified). Detect Illusions is now Dispel Illusions, which dispels all illusions on enemies (like True Sight except it only triggers once). Invisibility Purge now also prevents enemies from going invisible again for several rounds.

*Improve spells that merely weaken enemies rather than disable them

This component greatly improves three spells: Ray of Enfeeblement, Deafness, and Contagion. Their saving throws are made with large penalties, and if the caster is higher level than the target, these spells will offer no save.

*Have Skull Trap cap at 10d6 damage

It makes no sense for Skull Trap to deal up to 20d6 damage. This means it deals more damage than Delayed Blast Fireball despite being four levels lower. This component makes Skull Trap cap at 10d6 damage from a 10th-level caster like other AoE 3rd-level spells.

*Improve Ice Storm

In both Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale, Ice Storm could use some improvement. In Baldur's Gate, Ice Storm only lasts 3 rounds when it should last 4 rounds. In Icewind Dale, Ice Storm deals less damage than Fireball despite being a level higher. This component has two options, which can be installed in either game:
  • BG2-style improved Ice Storm: 2d10 damage per round for 4 rounds
  • IWD-style improved Ice Storm: 6d10 damage all at once

*Prevent Stoneskin from making characters grey

This component requires EEex. With it installed, Stoneskin effects won't give the character a grey color. This component involves patching creature AI, so if you're using SCS, install SCS first, then install this.

*Restore original BG1 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere (no saving throw)

To make Otiluke's Resilient Sphere more useful, this component restores it to how it was in the original Baldur's Gate, where it offered no save.

*Restore original BG1 Cone of Cold

The Cone of Cold spell in the pre-enhanced version of Baldur's Gate was quite unusual (though you never got to see it because the original Baldur's Gate didn't have any Cone of Cold scrolls). It had longer range the higher level the caster, and the cone was bigger the farther away the target point. This component restores Cone of Cold to how it was in the original Baldur's Gate, with these features.

*Make it so the spell Oracle lets you foresee what spells enemies are going to cast (like Spellcraft in 3rd-edition games)

This component requires EEex. With this component installed, Oracle doesn't detect illusions. Instead, it detects the spells enemies are casting. For the duration, whenever and enemy starts casting a spell, you learn what spell they're casting.[/s]

*Make it so Mislead's invisibility becomes partial invisibility when you attack or cast a spell, just like Improved Invisibility (regardless of whether the image is still alive)

Normally Mislead keeps you completely invisible even after you attack if the image is still alive. This is very overpowered, especially when combined with backstabbing. With this component installed, Mislead is just like Improved Invisibility except with an extra image spawned.

*Make it so Protection from Magical Weapons only lasts 3 rounds but Absolute Immunity lasts 5 rounds

Protection from Magical Weapons is better than or as good as Mantle, Improved Mantle and Absolute Immunity despite being a lower-level spell. This component weakens Protection from Magical Weapons but improves Absolute Immunity. This way, you might want to use Mantle, Improved Mantle or Absolute Immunity sometimes, and not just Protection from Magical Weapons all the time.

*Improve Chain Lightning

Chain Lightning deals too little damage normally. This component changes Chain Lightning to be more like its Icewind Dale version (it bounces between creatures, dealing 1d6 less damage with each bounce), except it deals up to 20d6 damage and doesn't harm allies.

*Improve Delayed Blast Fireball

This component gives Delayed Blast Fireball some level scaling: it deals 1d6 per level, up to 20d6.

*Make Meteor Swarm bombard the area randomly with small meteors rather than a single area of effect

Normally Meteor Swarm is flat-out worse than Incendiary Cloud (at level 18, Meteor Swarm deals 4d10 damage (22 on average) per round while Incendiary Cloud deals 9d4 damage (22.5 on average) even on a successful save). This component doesn't significantly improve Meteor Swarm, but it makes it more different from the many other high-level fire spells.

*Improve Energy Drain

With this component installed, the spell Energy Drain drains 1 level per 3 caster levels.

*Revise Comet and Dragon's Breath

Normally Comet and Dragon's Breath are basically the same spell, except Dragon's Breath is a bit better. This component makes the two spells more different. Comet now deals more damage than Dragon's Breath, but takes longer to cast and hits allies.

*Let Contingency and Chain Contingency be cast as a free action

Originally, Contingency spells could be cast instantly, even while the game was paused. This component restores that functionality.

*Let Farsight be cast as a free action

This component lets you also cast Farsight instantly even while the game is paused.

*Let Clairvoyance be cast indoors

This component lets you cast Clairvoyance to reveal the map indoors.

*Let Rangers and Paladins gain spells quicker and up to 6th-level spells

This component lets rangers and paladins gain spells at a reasonably fast rate. They get 1st-level spells starting at level 2. For every additional 3 levels, they gain a new spell level (2nd-level spells at level 5, 3rd-level spells at level 8... 6th-level spells at level 17). This way, they gain their highest-level spells at approximately the same time that mages get their highest-level spells.

*Let Rangers and Paladins cast spells at their full caster level

The makers of the Baldur's Gate games really were determined to make Paladin and Ranger spellcasting as crappy as possible. Not only do they get spell slots and new spell levels much slower than Clerics or Druids (which by itself is fine), they also cast spells at a much lower level than they should. Rangers cast spells as if 7 levels lower (so a spell that lasts 1 round/level only lasts 2 rounds if cast by a level 9 ranger), and Paladins cast spells as if 8 levels lower. This component fixes this unnecessary drawback, letting Rangers and Paladins cast spells at their full caster level.

* Add the Detect Magic spell, which lets you view the magical effects on any creature by hovering the cursor over them and pressing Left Shift

This component requires the EEex Effect Menu to be installed. Normally that feature lets you look at the magical effects on any creature at any time. This component adds a new spell, Detect Magic, and makes it so that feature only works when at least one party member can detect magic.

* Add 3E-like Metamagic abilities to the game

This component gives all spellcasters innate abilities that can be used at will to modify the next spell they cast, but cause it to consume a higher-level spell slot. There are 9 different metamagic abilities:

- Empower Spell: Increases damage or healing by 50%; consumes a spell slot 2 levels higher.
- Extend Spell: Doubles duration; consumes a spell slot 1 level higher.
- Intensify Spell: Spell has an additional save penalty between -1 and -8; consumes a spell slot between 1 and 8 levels higher (you choose how many levels to increase it by).
- Mass Spell: Spell affects all creatures in a 15-foot radius; consumes a spell slot 5 levels higher.
- Maximize Spell: Maximizes damage or healing; consumes a spell slot 3 levels higher.
- Persistent Spell: Sets duration to 8 hours; consumes a spell slot 6 levels higher.
- Quicken Spell: Spell is cast instantly and another spell can be cast in the same round, but only one spell can be quickened per round; consumes a spell slot 2 levels higher.
- Safe Spell: Spell does not harm allies; consumes a spell slot 1 level higher.
- Widen Spell: Increases AoE size by 50%; consumes a spell slot 1 level higher.

These abilities stack: you could use Empower Spell and Maximize Spell, then cast a Fireball which deals 90 damage, save for half, but uses an 8th-level spell slot.

Spellcasters gain these abilities at the earliest level that they can cast a spell that they could modify with the particular ability (e.g. a mage gets Extend, Intensify, Safe and Widen Spell at level 3, and Empower Spell and Quicken Spell at level 5).
Post edited by OlvynChuru on


  • UlbUlb Member Posts: 295
    Very cool, though, you know, there is at least 10 kits worth of spells in there.. not fair to give it (almost) all to mages.. :P
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    I just uploaded a little fix. OlvynSpells should now be compatible with mods that add Icewind Dale spells to the Baldur's Gate games.
  • logojin7logojin7 Member Posts: 17
    Very nice mode. Recurring Contingency (All) Looking at this, can the rest of the spells only use the spelling school that each spell is written on?
    And is it compatible with dnd3.5 mode?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @logojin7 Recurring Contingency is the only universal spell in the mod. I wasn't sure what school it should be. All the other spells cannot be used by certain specialist mages.

    I have no idea if there are any compatibility problems with the DnD 3.5 mod.
  • logojin7logojin7 Member Posts: 17
    Thanks for the quick response
    I'm sorry to ask you the same question.
    Can specialists use Perfect Invisibility (Illusion) if they are not the opposite school? for example, is the Illusionist the only learner of Perfect Invisibility (Illusion) spells?

    You said EEex is only Windows.
    Can I install mod on Windows and play on mobile version without any problems?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @logojin7 Perfect Invisibility is actually a special case: it can only be learned by Illusionists (both single-classed and multi-classed ones). But most spells in this mod can be learned by any specialist other than the opposite school.

    I've never played the EE games on mobile devices, so I have no idea what problems there would be.
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    edited October 2019
    logojin7 wrote: »
    You said EEex is only Windows.
    Can I install mod on Windows and play on mobile version without any problems?

    EEex only functions on Windows due to how it injects code into the executable. If you attempt to copy an EEex install over to a mobile environment I suspect it'll just crash; and even if it does launch, it won't be functional.

    Edit: Of course, if you use the variant of OlvynSpells that doesn't use EEex you should be able to transfer it to mobile just fine.
  • logojin7logojin7 Member Posts: 17
    @OlvynChuru i See. I think it would be fun to look at the explanation in the mode separately. Thank you
    @Bubb That's too bad. Could it be an improvement if time went by? thank you very much for giving me the answer before trying.
  • seraglioseraglio Member Posts: 122
    I cannot get this to install in BG2. It quits with this error

    ERROR: cannot resolve trigger 0x40de
    ERROR: [AR0900.bcs] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
    Stopping installation because of error.
    ERROR: [mewatbg2.2da] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.

    I installed on BG1 and the installer completed. However when I inspect mew**** spells in EEkeeper or NI, most have failed to write any tlk entry, so I still don't know what they do.

    If you have any idea what the issue is that would be great. But to be honest I have a complex install on BG2 especially so it may well be on my end.

    All I really want is the full spell descriptions. You indicate you don't want to "spoil" people, but I'm not an end user, I'm a modder. I'm using it as a kind of demonstration mod for an easy way to try to see what you can do with it since the 30+ page thread dives pretty deep in the weeds. If you have a text file of the spell descriptions in a format easier to read than the translation file that would be swell.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    seraglio wrote: »
    I cannot get this to install in BG2. It quits with this error

    ERROR: cannot resolve trigger 0x40de
    ERROR: [AR0900.bcs] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
    Stopping installation because of error.
    ERROR: [mewatbg2.2da] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.

    That's weird because the mod installs fine on BG2 for me.

    It seems like your version of BG2 doesn't have the HasDLC() trigger (trigger 0x40de) for some reason, yet AR0900.BCS still uses the HasDLC() trigger. What is your version of BG2:EE? Are you playing it on a computer or on some other device?
    seraglio wrote: »

    I installed on BG1 and the installer completed. However when I inspect mew**** spells in EEkeeper or NI, most have failed to write any tlk entry, so I still don't know what they do.

    The mewi*** and mepr*** files normally don't have descriptions; look at the spwi*** and sppr*** files in the override folder. Those will have the descriptions.

    Alternatively, you could look at MESpells/tra/english/engish.tra, which has all the spell descriptions.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    The summon lesser kobold spell (EET install without SR) seems bugged: the creature the spell is meant to summon, MEKOBOSU.cre, doesn't exist, leading to a crash.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Shin Thanks for pointing that out! I should have a fix up today.
  • Maick90Maick90 Member Posts: 52
    edited November 2019
    Hi! I tried to install this mod and got:
    ERROR: illegal 228-byte read from offset 21180 of 21180-byte file OH2000.ARE
    ERROR: [OH2000.ARE] -> [override/OH2000.ARE] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("OH2000.ARE: read out of bounds"))

    Do you know how to fix this?

    Edit: I forgot to mention this is an EET installation
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Maick90 I just released a fix. Try downloading the mod again and see if it installs correctly now. Tell me if you have any other issues.
  • Maick90Maick90 Member Posts: 52
    edited November 2019
    It seems to work now! Thanks! :# BTW now that there are so much more spells, is there a way to increase the amount of spells all classes of spellcasters can memorize in their spellbooks?
    Edit: the game seems to crash when using the spell "jump." I installed the EEX but it still happens. Does it have something to do with the EET installation?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Maick90 I have no idea what's causing that crash with Jump. In my tests of the Jump spell (on BG1:EE without EET) it has worked fine. The code involved with Jump is really complex, so this bug could take me a long time to fix.

    Just flat out increasing the number of spells spellcasters can memorize would be unbalanced. Do you mean to increase the number of spells they can learn? Tweaks Anthology has a component that lets you do that, I think.
  • Maick90Maick90 Member Posts: 52
    No problem, thanks! :) Yes, i was meaning the number of spells they can learn, not what they can memorize, sorry.
  • seraglioseraglio Member Posts: 122
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    seraglio wrote: »
    I cannot get this to install in BG2. It quits with this error

    ERROR: cannot resolve trigger 0x40de
    ERROR: [AR0900.bcs] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
    Stopping installation because of error.
    ERROR: [mewatbg2.2da] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.

    That's weird because the mod installs fine on BG2 for me.

    It seems like your version of BG2 doesn't have the HasDLC() trigger (trigger 0x40de) for some reason, yet AR0900.BCS still uses the HasDLC() trigger. What is your version of BG2:EE? Are you playing it on a computer or on some other device?
    seraglio wrote: »

    I installed on BG1 and the installer completed. However when I inspect mew**** spells in EEkeeper or NI, most have failed to write any tlk entry, so I still don't know what they do.

    The mewi*** and mepr*** files normally don't have descriptions; look at the spwi*** and sppr*** files in the override folder. Those will have the descriptions.

    Alternatively, you could look at MESpells/tra/english/engish.tra, which has all the spell descriptions.

    I run BG2 on a normal windows PC, nothing exotic. Ver (Eeex) V 2.5 .16.6
    Can I manually add this trigger that's missing?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    seraglio wrote: »
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    seraglio wrote: »
    I cannot get this to install in BG2. It quits with this error

    ERROR: cannot resolve trigger 0x40de
    ERROR: [AR0900.bcs] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
    Stopping installation because of error.
    ERROR: [mewatbg2.2da] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.

    That's weird because the mod installs fine on BG2 for me.

    It seems like your version of BG2 doesn't have the HasDLC() trigger (trigger 0x40de) for some reason, yet AR0900.BCS still uses the HasDLC() trigger. What is your version of BG2:EE? Are you playing it on a computer or on some other device?
    seraglio wrote: »

    I installed on BG1 and the installer completed. However when I inspect mew**** spells in EEkeeper or NI, most have failed to write any tlk entry, so I still don't know what they do.

    The mewi*** and mepr*** files normally don't have descriptions; look at the spwi*** and sppr*** files in the override folder. Those will have the descriptions.

    Alternatively, you could look at MESpells/tra/english/engish.tra, which has all the spell descriptions.

    I run BG2 on a normal windows PC, nothing exotic. Ver (Eeex) V 2.5 .16.6
    Can I manually add this trigger that's missing?

    I think so, yes.
  • Maick90Maick90 Member Posts: 52
    Hi! I just realized i had some sort of wrong version of Eeex installed. I installed the proper version and now at least the jump spell works without crashes.
  • seraglioseraglio Member Posts: 122
    I took a look at trigger.ids and 0x40DE HasDLC(S:DLCName*) is not there. There are some other oddities in the file though, lots of whats listed in IEDSP isn't in mine, and some things are out of order and listed twice "0x4031 HaveSpellRES(S:Spell*)". I've never messed with this particular ids file. Should I start a separate thread? I'd like to learn more about it before messing with it. These are my last entries starting around at where the missing one should be

    0x40DA HaveSpellParty(I:Spell*Spell)
    0x4031 HaveSpellRES(S:Spell*)
    0x40DB AmIInWatchersKeepPleaseIgnoreTheLackOfApostophe()
    0x40DB InWatchersKeep()
    0x00a1 SpellCastOnMeRES(S:Spell*,O:Caster*)
    0x410d EEex_HasDispellableEffect(O:Object*)
    0x410e EEex_LuaTrigger(S:Function*)
    0x410f EEex_IsImmuneToOpcode(O:Object*,I:Opcode*)
    0x4110 EEex_MatchObject(S:Function*)
    0x4110 EEex_MatchObjectEx(S:Function*,I:nNearest,I:range*,I:Flags*EEEX_MAT)

  • seraglioseraglio Member Posts: 122
    Ok I wen't ahead and added 0x40DE HasDLC(S:DLCName*) to the bottom of trigger.ids, just to see if order mattered. Re-ran installer and It gave similar error that 0x40E0 NextTriggerObject(O:Object*) was missing. Progress! So I added that as well.

    Install went longer, and now errors out here:

    ERROR: illegal 2-byte read from offset 2002 of 2002-byte file SPWI925.SPL
    ERROR: [SPWI925.SPL] -> [override/SPWI925.SPL] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("SPWI925.SPL: read out of bounds"))
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.

    What's it trying to do to Comet? Thought this mod just adds some new spells and scrolls on vendors?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    seraglio wrote: »
    Install went longer, and now errors out here:

    ERROR: illegal 2-byte read from offset 2002 of 2002-byte file SPWI925.SPL
    ERROR: [SPWI925.SPL] -> [override/SPWI925.SPL] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("SPWI925.SPL: read out of bounds"))
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.

    Uh oh, those errors are tricky to fix. Could you send me your SETUP-MESPELLS.DEBUG file? I need to have some idea of where in the installation this problem is happening.
  • seraglioseraglio Member Posts: 122
    Uggh, sorry. I just removed the offending spell from override and reran the install. It works now, so the current debug doesn't show any error. Looks like it was trying to increase the range of the spells, many spells have a range of 10000 now, perhaps for some scry and die opcode 262 effect?

    I saw range increase this on shroud of flame, spwi524, an icewind dale spell add on I believe. It has 2 subspells, cdia511a and b. Their range was also increased. Its supposed to work like a contagion, nearby creatures basically catching on fire. In cdia511b this is handled with a torus shaped area small aoe, so maybe it won't change anything, but I'm concerned some offensive spells may have had small ranges for some specific purpose.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    seraglio wrote: »
    Uggh, sorry. I just removed the offending spell from override and reran the install. It works now, so the current debug doesn't show any error. Looks like it was trying to increase the range of the spells, many spells have a range of 10000 now, perhaps for some scry and die opcode 262 effect?

    I saw range increase this on shroud of flame, spwi524, an icewind dale spell add on I believe. It has 2 subspells, cdia511a and b. Their range was also increased. Its supposed to work like a contagion, nearby creatures basically catching on fire. In cdia511b this is handled with a torus shaped area small aoe, so maybe it won't change anything, but I'm concerned some offensive spells may have had small ranges for some specific purpose.

    The range in a spell file does not determine how large the area of effect is; that's determined by the projectile file.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited January 2020
    Okay, I've been meaning to check this mod out for quite a while. This will be a nice companion for B_Spells. It also looks like I should not install Animal Eyes (for Beast Sense) and one or two of the vision based spells (for Extend Vision) if this mod is installed.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Grammarsalad If you already have B_Spells installed, OlvynSpells will yield to the B_Spells versions of those vision spells and will not add Beast Sense or Extend Vision to the game.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited January 2020
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    @Grammarsalad If you already have B_Spells installed, OlvynSpells will yield to the B_Spells versions of those vision spells and will not add Beast Sense or Extend Vision to the game.

    Lol, rereading my post, I wasn't clear.

    I want to make it so if OlvynSpells is installed first, then B_Spells won't install certain spells (for greater user choice--i.e. in case they prefer the spells from OlvynSpells)
    Post edited by Grammarsalad on
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