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[v2.5.0] OlvynSpells: 150 New Spells for BG:EE, BG2:EE, IWD:EE and EET



  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Hi OlvynChuru, been enjoying the new spells. I am still in BGEE and trying each spell when the situation is good. My complements on the great work!
    I was wondering why some spells like Dimension Door (1st level in mod) are such low level compared to the book (4th level)?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Necromanx2 wrote: »
    I was wondering why some spells like Dimension Door (1st level in mod) are such low level compared to the book (4th level)?

    The mod moves Dimension Door down to 1st-level because it's too weak for a 4th-level spell. It can occasionally come in handy if you're cornered, but other 4th-level spells like Confusion and Stoneskin come in handy far more often, so it's hard for Dimension Door to compete as a 4th-level spell.

    Spell Revisions also makes Dimension Door a 1st-level spell (renamed Dimension Jump in that mod), by the way.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited August 2020
    Hi @OlvynChuru, is this mod compatible with either of the big Cleric kit mods (Deities of Faerun and Faiths and Powers)? Would you recommend this mod being installed before or after the kit mods?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Necromanx2 I've never used those mods so I have no idea.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    With anything that sufficiently changes the spell system, probably not compatible. Cleric kits similar to those in the vanilla game, with a few added innate abilities, would be fine. Changing priest spellcasting to depend on the sphere system (each kit gets access to some but not all types of magic) wouldn't - the new spells wouldn't be integrated into that properly.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited August 2020
    In my BGEE game, Fiery Link will allow me to cast on an enemy and then fail to cast. When I cast on an ally, it damages my ally as well as any enemies in between. My ally takes damage every time the enemy does for the duration of the spell.

    Attached my Weidu log in case it helps.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited August 2020
    First, you amazed me when you showed me reverse gravity! I've been wanting to use that in a D&D video game RPG for a long time! Thankee! Alleluia!

    Compatibility & Install Order
    How compatible is this mod with Spell Revisions? I was concerned that Spell Revisions + your mod + Weasel's Spells + various other mods would overload the game's maximum spell count,

    Also, what's the best install order for SR + this mod + other spell adding/revising mods?

    Finally, what's the full list of spells that requires EEex to install/properly work? The list is in the original post in a spoiler block.

    However, what do you mean for spells that require "EEex, P"? "P" means powerful spells.

    Does this mod interface with SCS to let AI controlled units also use these new spells?

    Mod Requests
    What about adding a version of animate dead closer to RAW where animated dead are undispellably permanent but you can only have so many HD of them? (That's how it was in 3.x and Pathfinder 1e.)

    What about adding an option to make gate and the planar binding spells call minions long-term? Genies and Elementals would be more useful if their duration was "buffably undispellably permanent," or they lasted for 1 day per caster level.

    Also, what about the feasibility of adding a teleport spell to warp to other world map areas? Code-wise, it seems complex due to accounting for many variables, but with EEex and modders' combined knowledge, it's probably possible. Someone already made a teleport without error spell for BG2EE without EEex, but it probably requires updating to work with EET and in general.

    I'd like Evard's black tentacles to be added to the game. The Warlock mod adds the Warlock version of this spell (chilling tentacles), but I've been wanting to use Evard's in a video game also for a long time. (I didn't like Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2 enough to enjoy EBT in those games.)

    What plans do you have to add all the unique spells from Planescape: Torment into your mod? I'd like those too!

    Specific Spell/Topic Inquiries
    Does your mod add metamagic - Widen Spell, Extend Spell, etc.? I saw one mod that did, but I'm unsure of its name and how to get it. Reply with this mod's name and link pweath!
    Post edited by Endarire on
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Endarire wrote: »
    How compatible is this mod with Spell Revisions? I was concerned that Spell Revisions + your mod + Weasel's Spells + various other mods would overload the game's maximum spell count,

    This mod is compatible with Spell Revisions, but not compatible with Tome and Blood. This mod should be installed after Spell Revisions and/or SCS.
    Endarire wrote: »
    Does this mod interface with SCS to let AI controlled units also use these new spells?

    No, it doesn't, regardless of your install order.
    Endarire wrote: »
    I'd like Evard's black tentacles to be added to the game. The Warlock mod adds the Warlock version of this spell (chilling tentacles), but I've been wanting to use Evard's in a video game also for a long time. (I didn't like Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2 enough to enjoy EBT in those games.)

    Sure! I could add that.
    Endarire wrote: »
    What plans do you have to add all the unique spells from Planescape: Torment into your mod? I'd like those too!

    Well, I'm not going to add ALL the spells from Planescape: Torment to this mod. But here are some of the more interesting ones I could potentially add:

    * Pain Mirror
    * Elysium's Tears
    * Fire and Ice (I'd increase its damage because it was too weak in PST)
    * Mechanus's Cannon
    Endarire wrote: »
    Does your mod add metamagic - Widen Spell, Extend Spell, etc.?

    No, it doesn't currently.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited August 2020

    I saw an EEex screenshot that had a caster with various 3.x metamagic feats. (It was a bug report that Widen Spell's targeting reticle didn't increase in size to account for WIden Spell.) What mod was that and how to get it?

    Since your mod adds fly, what about adding some quest or item to Aerie the formerly-winged Elf that lets her fly by some means?

    How is this mod incompatible with Tome & Blood? (Perhaps NPCs don't start with these new spells, but T&B doesn't change what spells each character knows.) Each does something with the game's spell system. The main things I wanted from T&B were:

    -Revised Invisibility

    -Revised Specialist Wizards

    -Arcane Crafting

    -Armored Casting for Bards

    -Innate Metamagic (Option 5 so it works with MultiSors): This means sequencers and contingencies, not Widen Spell, etc.


    -Revised Familiars

    -Ability Score-based Bonus Spells

    -Multiclass Sorcerers
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Endarire wrote: »
    I saw an EEex screenshot that had a caster with various 3.x metamagic feats. (It was a bug report that Widen Spell's targeting reticle didn't increase in size to account for WIden Spell.) What mod was that and how to get it?

    Widen Spell is included in EEex itself. If you have EEex installed, enter this command in the console:


    This will give the Widen Spell ability to the party member in the first portrait slot. Or you could add it to a character with EEKeeper while you have EEex installed.

    EEex doesn't include any other metamagic abilities by default, but the new features added by EEex might let me make more metamagic abilities.
    Endarire wrote: »

    I saw an EEex screenshot that had a caster with various 3.x metamagic feats. (It was a bug report that Widen Spell's targeting reticle didn't increase in size to account for WIden Spell.) What mod was that and how to get it?

    Since your mod adds fly, what about adding some quest or item to Aerie the formerly-winged Elf that lets her fly by some means?

    How is this mod incompatible with Tome & Blood[/url]?

    I'm not totally sure (Tome and Blood is an extremely complex mod). But I'm worried that some of the Tome and Blood components might ignore the spells added by this mod. In any case, install order should be Spell Revisions first, then OlvynSpells, then Tome and Blood.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited August 2020
    Thankee for clarifying Widen Spell!

    What would be involved in adding the metamagic feats of Quicken (sets cast time to 1 or 0), Maximize, Empower, Heighten (adds a save penalty based on either the spell level you cast or the maximum spell level you can cast or your character level), and Extend? I know there are plenty more metamagic feats, but these are core 3.5. (Persistent Spell is also a favorite to transform a spell's duration into 24 hours which stacks with Extend Spell.)

    Does fly work with spells added by mods besides Spell Revisions?
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Also, how well does this mod work with EET?

    How well do EEex and GemRB work together?

  • kungfuhobbitkungfuhobbit Member Posts: 169
    edited August 2020
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    Version 1.3.5 is out!
    Another component makes Meteor Swarm more awesome by having it drop individual meteors randomly in the area of effect (one meteor per level).

    Wonderful work thankyou!
    Is there a way to make the meteors fall in a straight line diagonally, like comet, without moving to track creatures?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Wonderful work thankyou!
    Is there a way to make the meteors fall in a straight line diagonally, like comet, without moving to track creatures?

    My implementation of the new Meteor Swarm is pretty complex. It might be best if you install this mod and take a look at the spells and projectiles involved in the new Meteor Swarm, copying or modifying files to suit your needs.

    I'm sorry I couldn't give a better answer.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited August 2020
    What would be involved in modding in creature templates for PCs, most notably Lichdom and secondarily vampirism and half dragon/fiend/celestial? Graphics changes and significant quest lines are optional and I know the beta Mod Vampire World sorta lets PCs become vampires. Becoming a Lich for the self resurrection ability, ability score increases, Undead type, and defensive bonuses appeals to me, as does the notion of crafting a phylactery.

    This probably isn’t the mod for it, but I ask you this now since you have experience modding EEex. I also don’t intend to overwhelm you by my excitement! I still thank you for your continued development input!
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Endarire wrote: »
    Becoming a Lich for the self resurrection ability, ability score increases, Undead type, and defensive bonuses appeals to me, as does the notion of crafting a phylactery.

    Making a PC undead and giving them undead immunities and lich bonuses is easy. But giving a lich PC a resurrection ability is problematic: how would enemies destroy your phylactery?
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    You made me "hmm" about the phylactery, having posted that question very soon before bed.

    Since the other BG series Liches seemingly have no phylactery to destroy, and the ones that do are in the vast minority to my recollection, implementing this has these main options:

    -PC Liches are special in that they have indestructible phylacteries with no extra hassle. The character revives either after the party finishes an 8 hour sleep, or X days pass. (In 3.5, Liches rejuvinate d10 days after death at their phylacteries.)

    -Each time a PC Lich is auto-revived, his phylactery has a chance to be destroyed. (Perhaps it's a 1% chance the first time which increases by 1-2% each time with a cap of, say, 50% that the phylactery is destroyed, but can be remade.)

    -PC Liches can be revived, but their phylacteries must be brought to a specific location.

    -PC Liches auto-revive where their phylacteries are. A phylactery in the party inventory means the PC just revives beside the person holding the phylactery in inventory. A phylactery in the world (on the ground or in a container) means the PC revives beside that object in an available space. Just be careful of dropping phylacteries in areas that later become inaccessible, like random encounter zones.

    -Something else.

    As for what's involved in making a phylactery, I'm unsure what 2E rules state, but D&D 3.5 rules make a phylactery cost 120,000G to make! (That's super expensive, by the way!) At that price, many players expect effectively invincible phylacteries. What ingredients are involved in making BG phylacteries is up to the mod author/GM, though going for an ingredient collection route implies a quest (chain).

    While we're on this topic, a fitting ToB quest for Edwin could be Lichdom. He's already super-powerful, arcane-inclined, and assuming he's done his Nether Scroll quest in SoA, he could finally have the means of achieving this goal. Besides, he already has the picture for it! (This pic also works for Edwina.)

    Thus, what say you?
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Let me know what you think regarding what I wrote. I don’t intend to rush you.

  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Endarire Having a PC lich revive after death also raises another issue: it won't work for the protagonist in the Baldur's Gate games because the game immediately ends when they die.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited August 2020
    I know about the Protagonist Can Die (PCD) mod, but ignoring that for a moment, what about just skipping the auto-revive part? What about including PCD functionality in this Lich mod? You know better at present what's likely to happen.

    For non-main characters, the auto-revive upon X condition seems easy. (I considered flavoring it as being preferable to Bhaalspawn - Imoen and Sarevok - due to their connection with the Lord of Murder, but it's mod maker's call.)
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    What say you regarding using Protagonist Can Die or preventing the main character from self-reviving?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Endarire Where would I find this "Protagonist Can Die" mod?
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited September 2020
    Protagonist Can Die and Gibberlings3 Thread

    There may be other versions at other locations.
    Post edited by Endarire on
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited September 2020
    Additionally, if you are willing and able, I would like the teleport without error spell mod for BGIIEE (which is a mod I didn't make) to be adapted to your mod and made formally compatible with EET, Worldmap , and Tangled Oak Isle. (To my present understanding, these mods - EET, Tangled Oak Isle, and Worldmap - contain all overworld map locations in BG1, SoD, BG2, ToB, and mods.)

    I'm unsure if using teleport in-game would break any quests or cause any technical problems, vanilla or mod.

    Still, what say you?

    Post edited by Endarire on
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Endarire I'd assume I'd need permission to incorporate someone else's whole mod into this mod.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    I am unsure what happened to the author. His listed email no longer works and the forum linked to in the mod’s docs has had little activity lately. If you’re concerned, ask him if you can find him.

    The teleport mod wasn’t complete for EET and would likely need significant reworking for EET (specifically for BG1 and SoD and mod-introduced areas) and to minimize bugs and technical problems. Incorporating a teleport spell on your mod or another with proper credit to the original author as inspiration seems fair, even if you examine and at least partially use his implementation. Besides, EEex would probably be a better way to handle teleporting since it can account for more.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Also, regarding subtledoctor's mods, adapting OlvynSpells to work with his Faiths and Powers mod would seemingly be simple, but he was concerned about having too many spells per spell level, thereby causing technical problems. Does EEex allow having more than 49ish spells per spell level per type (49ish arcane and 49ish more divine)?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Endarire The two spell levels where there is a danger of having too many spells are 7th-level priest spells and 9th-level wizard spells. Specifically, you can only have up to 49 spells with a filename starting with "SPPR" (priest spells) or "SPWI" (wizard spells) at a given level. If a spell's filename does not begin with "SPPR" or "SPWI" then it won't be learned by priests, and it won't be available for sorcerers or shamans to learn. The same goes if last two digits of the filename are over 50 (e.g. "SPPR760").

    OlvynSpells only adds 4 7th-level priest spells with filenames beginning with "SPPR". The other 7th-level priest spells the mod adds are HLA spells, which are given to characters via a different method and don't have to begin with "SPPR".

    The bigger problem is with 9th-level wizard spells. In the vanilla game almost all of the slots from SPWI901 to SPWI949 are taken up (largely by innate enemy-only abilities which were given filenames starting with "SPWI9" for some reason). OlvynSpells adds so many 9th-level wizard spells that they go over the limit, with filenames like SPWI968. This means that in the current version of the mod, some of the 9th-level spells can't be learned by sorcerers.

    In the next update, I'll fix this issue. I've figured out a way to add spells to classes' spell lists regardless of how many there are, and it doesn't require EEex.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Alleluia! Subtledoctor and other modders should be excited to learn this!
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538
    edited September 2020
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    Specifically, you can only have up to 49 spells with a filename starting with "SPPR" (priest spells) or "SPWI" (wizard spells) at a given level.

    Unless I'm missing something, you can have up to 50 spells (from 01 to 50).
    Post edited by _Luke_ on
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