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[v2.5.0] OlvynSpells: 150 New Spells for BG:EE, BG2:EE, IWD:EE and EET



  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    @subtledoctor is normally on the Gibberlings3 Forum, and has checked that far more than this Beamdog forum. Collaborate with him about OlvynSpells/Faiths & Powers/Tome & Blood for cross-mod compatibility. Part of this is to find and fix bugs. Another part is to integrate OlvynSpells into the Faiths & Powers spheres system. This way, you need not be afraid of how these mods interact!

  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    Very interesting and creative stuff! Waiting in anticipation for what else you’d come up with. Keep ‘em coming!
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Bubb said you were the one who added Widen Spell to EEex. May we also get other 3.x metamagic feats, such as Quicken, Maximize, Empower, Heighten, Silent, Extend, Persist, and Energy Substitution?

  • tokduitokdui Member Posts: 10
    Hi OlvynChuru, your mod is by far one of the most comprehensive and interesting spell mod. Everything working great but for me, except the familiar related spells don't seem to do anything for me(The sequence screen do show up but nothing happens to my familiar). I do have many other mods installed which included EEex. I tried to debug myself, but can't seem to understand how your spell determent what or which is my familiar. I am fairly noob at modding if you can show me some insight as to what changes will likely hinder the execution of the spell, or if any of my debugging files might be help of you. I don't know what is useful for debugging.
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    edited September 2020
    Endarire wrote: »
    Bubb said you were the one who added Widen Spell to EEex. May we also get other 3.x metamagic feats, such as Quicken, Maximize, Empower, Heighten, Silent, Extend, Persist, and Energy Substitution?


    While we’re at it, maybe you can look at Mastery of Shaping (allies are unaffected by your spells) and Counterspelling (with what you guys have done so far, I can imagine that this is doable now) — and Mastery of Counterspelling for that matter. But then again, let’s not get too much ahead of ourselves here. Please work on the metamagics feats first, if you want to. But I thought I should put those on the table.
    Post edited by Illustair on
  • tokduitokdui Member Posts: 10
    I also have a question about the Weidu installation promoting an error that is running out of slots. Is there any easy way to overcome this problem or do I have to either uninstall of other mod or remain each and everyone spells id by hand. This will be almost impossible for me because I am not good at weird and that mod is not created by me.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    Endarire wrote: »
    @subtledoctor is normally on the Gibberlings3 Forum, and has checked that far more than this Beamdog forum. Collaborate with him about OlvynSpells/Faiths & Powers/Tome & Blood for cross-mod compatibility. Part of this is to find and fix bugs. Another part is to integrate OlvynSpells into the Faiths & Powers spheres system. This way, you need not be afraid of how these mods interact!


    I'd actually applaud for this. I've been wanting to use Olvyn Spells alongside Faiths & Powers for my (still) planned EET run, before other stuff made me postpone it. From what I understand, currently the suggestion is to install only mage spells, since cleric spells are not blend well with F&P sphere system. There are just a few spellpacks to note out there (Olvyn Spells and Made in Heaven spellpack are two particular that come to mind) that I would be thrilled to see playing well with F&P (and in extension maybe with Deities of Faerun) sphere system.

    Not clear for me what would be needed fo T&B compatibility, but since sorcerers/mages are the classes I use the most often, I'd see Olvyn Spells ro blend well with it too.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    tokdui wrote: »
    Hi OlvynChuru, your mod is by far one of the most comprehensive and interesting spell mod. Everything working great but for me, except the familiar related spells don't seem to do anything for me(The sequence screen do show up but nothing happens to my familiar). I do have many other mods installed which included EEex. I tried to debug myself, but can't seem to understand how your spell determent what or which is my familiar.

    I'll look into this.
    tokdui wrote: »
    I also have a question about the Weidu installation promoting an error that is running out of slots. Is there any easy way to overcome this problem or do I have to either uninstall of other mod or remain each and everyone spells id by hand. This will be almost impossible for me because I am not good at weird and that mod is not created by me.

    I'm going to need more information. What mod gave you this error? Could you send me the WeiDU debug file for the mod that gave you this error (it's called setup-modname.debug)? Also, could you send me your weidu.log file? Zip those two files and post them here, and I'll look into it.

    @Endarire @Illustair

    With EEex, it should be possible to implement these metamagic abilities, but I'm struggling to decide the best way to fit them into the game.

    Metamagic could take the form of limited-use innate abilities. So, you'd use the Maximize Spell ability from the special abilities bar (using this ability would be a free action, so you could cast a spell in the same round), and the next spell you cast after that would deal maximum damage. I could potentially limit these abilities to only work with spells a certain number of levels lower than the maximum spell level you could cast (so if you can cast up to 7th-level spells, the Maximize Spell ability only works with 4th-level or lower spells).

    Or I could make it so using metamagic to cast a spell actually uses up a higher level spell slot (so maximizing a fireball uses a 6th-level spell slot rather than a 3rd-level one). But this would only really work for sorcerers and shamans, since mage-like spellcasters wouldn't be able to control which 6th-level spell they'd lose.

    The other issue is, how would a character obtain these abilities? Would they just get the abilities at certain levels, or would they pick them as HLAs? The latter choice would make them BG2-only unless the player is using a mod that adds HLAs to other games.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    @OlvynChuru I see that Dire Charm is still neutered. The Sirens cast it on Jahera (BGEE) and she just stands there until the spell wears off. Not having a Dire Charmed character turn on the party has really weakened the spell (and made Sirens relatively easy pickings for great XP). Only happens when I have this mod installed.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Necromanx2 I'll have that fixed in the next update.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited September 2020
    Thankee for your consideration!

    Let players choose at install time how they want to handle metamagic: Free (no spell slot level increase) metamagic X/day (like Sudden Quicken); spending a spell slot of X levels higher (the default in 3.5 and my recommended default method for this mod); or usable only with spells of spell level X or lower, or if your caster level is Y or higher (the 3.5 method for metamagic feats on spell-like abilities).

    Metamagic is probably best done by using a spell slot of X levels higher. (Heighten and other variable spell slot level increasers should function as Heighten by 1 Level, Heighten by 2 Levels, etc.)

    The simplest way to grant metamagic is as automatically-granted innate abilities at the levels they'd first be available. (Thus, for +2 spell slot level metamagics, make them available when the caster can first cast level 3 spells.) These are abilities which should be granted pre-HLAs for balance reasons. There's little good reason to learning Extend Spell if your caster level is already 18+. Reducing metamagic costs by 1 per feat (minimum 1) is already a 3.5 Epic feat, and there are many metamagic resources in 3.5 to reduce or replace metamagic spell slot level increases. (I know Baldur's Gate is primarily a modified D&D 2e game.)

    As for spending spell slots, make that a player-toggled option as well. I recommend spending spell slots of X levels higher, like in 3.5. Prepared casters could still do this by spending the rightmost-prepared spell slot of that level for metamagic fuel to spontaneously convert that spell into a metamagicked spell. This works sorta like level drain, where you lose the rightmost spell slots of a spell level. (The other option of being able only to use metamagic on spells of level X or below or if your caster level is Y or above is sorta like how 3.5's SLA metamagics work, such as Quicken Spell-like Ability.

    Sequencers, Contingencies, Etc.
    By default, save whatever spell combination I have in there each time I use it! For example, if I use a minor sequencer with mirror image and resist fear, put those spells in that minor sequencer for next time! I know I can click the icons to remove/change spells, but I want this to be efficient!

    Mastery of X Abilities
    Archmage High Arcanas seem more fitting as HLAs since they're meant to be taken 14+ and, thematically, are meant to represent some of the heights of pre-Epic arcane caster power.

    Alternate Way to Gain Abilities
    Perhaps make these cost proficiency points. (Baldur's Gate 3.5 mod does this in some places.) Also, the Might and Guile mod gives feats to Rogues.

    Further Spell Request: Teleport
    This is my extensive plan and pseudocode for the teleport spell in the BGEE games. Much of the pre-coding work is done for you. What say you to implementing it?

    OlvynSpells, Faiths & Powers, and Tome & Blood
    Have you talked with subtledoctor on Gibberlings3 yet about mod intercompatibility? I also asked @GrammarSalad who worked on these mods to talk with you about mod intercompatibility.

    Finally for Now
    Thankee for your continued work and spiffy results! Alleluia!
    Post edited by Endarire on
  • tokduitokdui Member Posts: 10
    Thanks for looking into the familiar problem. As of that is a problem I encounter with a mod calls "B_Spells" from this link. I think it might just be that mod is sorta broken. I do personally installed a bunch of mods so I won't be surprised it is due to conflict that causes familiar related spell ineffective.
  • tokduitokdui Member Posts: 10
    Thanks for looking into the familiar problem. As of that is a problem I encounter with a mod calls "B_Spells" from this link. I think it might just be that mod is sorta broken. I do personally installed a bunch of mods so I won't be surprised it is due to conflict that causes familiar related spell ineffective.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    It's good to know someone else is as enthusiastic about the potential of a metamagic system in BG as I am. I knew it could be a possibility when I was reading the thread on EEex about a year ago and now it's becoming reality soon. I'm in favor of the default 3.5e metamagic method. IWD2EE's metamagic is more like a passive benefit that can let you combine multiple metamagics, and although that's technically allowed in 3.5e, IWD2EE doesn't make you trade higher-level spell slots to do so.

    Now if we could just get proper Psionics and a power points system into BG, with Psions, Wilders, Psychic Warriors, Cerebremancers, and Psychic Theurges, I'd be in heaven. If I ever get a big sum of money, I'll have to offer a mod bounty to make it so.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited September 2020
    Flashburn wrote: »
    It's good to know someone else is as enthusiastic about the potential of a metamagic system in BG as I am. I knew it could be a possibility when I was reading the thread on EEex about a year ago and now it's becoming reality soon. I'm in favor of the default 3.5e metamagic method. IWD2EE's metamagic is more like a passive benefit that can let you combine multiple metamagics, and although that's technically allowed in 3.5e, IWD2EE doesn't make you trade higher-level spell slots to do so.

    Now if we could just get proper Psionics and a power points system into BG, with Psions, Wilders, Psychic Warriors, Cerebremancers, and Psychic Theurges, I'd be in heaven. If I ever get a big sum of money, I'll have to offer a mod bounty to make it so.

    I'm also enthusiastic about it.
    tokdui wrote: »
    Thanks for looking into the familiar problem. As of that is a problem I encounter with a mod calls "B_Spells" from this link. I think it might just be that mod is sorta broken. I do personally installed a bunch of mods so I won't be surprised it is due to conflict that causes familiar related spell ineffective.

    It is somewhat broken atm.

    @tokdui please feel free to pm me about whatever issue you're having with b_spells

    I think I know what the spell.ids issue is. It's something I was using to assign IDs values to SR spells. It isn't needed anymore so I'll remove it.

    Still, please send me a pm letting me know what game you're having issues with and what other mods you have installed (especially what other spell mods you have installed)


    I'll send OlvynChuru pull requests re compatibility. I think for b_spells at least, it's best if ospells is installed after b_spells. Will have to look hard at the others
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Will to Power: A 2e Psionics Mod for Baldur's Gate
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Endarire wrote: »
    Will to Power: A 2e Psionics Mod for Baldur's Gate
    Will to Power is not what I'm looking for. Spoiler for off-topic.
    For one, all the kits are more similar to the Psychic Warrior or multiclass manifesters than actual dedicated manifesters like the straight-class Psion/Wilder. Two, the power list is pitifully small. Three, its "2e-inspired." My pipe dream is something that would rival AionZ's Shadow Magic mod in terms of scale, and includes most of the powers from NWN1's PRC Pack, accurate PP progression, bonus PP from a high manifesting stat, and the ability to begin as the theurge-type prestige classes: Cerebremancer (Psion/Mage, Wilder/Sorcerer) and Psychic Theurge (Psion/Cleric or Wilder/Cleric). Some liberties would have to be taken regarding the stat bonuses since you're limited to only 1-25, but yeah.

    But that's all it is: a pipe dream.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Since Shadow Magic was done, what about talking with modders to determine what's involved and start actively working on it so this dream moves from being pre-pipes to in the pipes to manifested?
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited September 2020
    @OlvynChuru I am seeing a weirdness that I have no idea what is causing it but suspect it is this mod with the update recently made (using v1.7.6 in NGEE). I am finding that mod added spell casters have one of what looks like every spell they could ever cast from their cast icon. I have attached a screenshot and I can scroll through ALLOT of spells. I don't know 99% of those and of course could not memorize so many at 4th level. The vanilla NPCs are fine.
    EDIT: I did not see this prior to the latest update.
  • southfla79southfla79 Member Posts: 214
    I've had that happen before. Never reported it since I have a very large install and couldn't narrow down what caused it. Not the best fix but if you cast the extra spells till they're gone they rarely come back
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited September 2020
    Thanks @southfla79! I had to cast about 6 of them and then they all went away. Rested and they didn't come back (so far).
    EDIT: Though this is the first time I have ever seen this. My mod mage (or multi-class mage) and bards are doing this now.
  • southfla79southfla79 Member Posts: 214
    I only had it happen to Dynaheir, whom I changed to a Sorceror. I don't recall it happening to my FMC main character or Imoen the mage/thief multiclass.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Also requested for metamagic is a way to add metamagicked spells to sequencers, contingencies, etc.

    Also requested for sequencers, contingencies, etc.: By default, save whatever spell combination I have in there each time I use it! For example, if I use a minor sequencer with mirror image and resist fear, put those spells in that minor sequencer for next time! I know I can click the icons to remove/change spells, but I want this to be efficient!

  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited September 2020
    FYI: Displacement seems more similar to the 3.5 version of this spell. (The AD&D 2E spell version is called displace self and is level 2.)

    Thus, may we have displacement castable at touch range instead of being self only?

    Recall party is listed as being a level 3 spell but placed between the level 4 and 5 spells. What spell level is it?

    Since critical spell already exists in-game, may we also get spell storing weapons?

    Rewind Time: I'd like the ability to use this, preferably without crashes. What would be involved in having this spell work properly? (Do we need lots of HD space? RAM? Processor speed? Other?) What warnings are appropriate for this spell?

    Far Sequencer: When you say touch spell shouldn't be used, do you mean can't be used? What about personal spells?

    Globe of Invisibility: Normal or improved invisibility?

    4 Hour Spells & Long-Duration Spells: Enhance attribute and certain other spells have a duration of 4 hours. Attain perfection has a duration of 1 hour. These are intended as long-term buffs. I'd prefer these be 8 hours so they last "all day," or just long enough that successful resting will end them. (They're still dispellable, of course.)

    Sequencers and Spells that Cast Other Spells: I'd like the ability to cast spells of higher levels with these (farsight sequencer, backstab sequencer, etc.) at higher caster level, just like contingency permits now. May we get this option?

    Angel of Made in Heaven Mods has a custom spell pack. Since you've made so many custom spells, I request you talk with him about recoloring entangle black/dark grey to make Evard's Black Tentacles black.

    Also, to clarify, T&B's Revised Specialists makes certain spells specialist-only, like chill touch being Necromancer only.

    Post edited by Endarire on
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Endarire wrote: »
    FYI: Displacement seems more similar to the 3.5 version of this spell. (The AD&D 2E spell version is called displace self and is level 2.)

    Thus, may we have displacement castable at touch range instead of being self only?

    That might be reasonable.
    Endarire wrote: »
    Recall party is listed as being a level 3 spell but placed between the level 4 and 5 spells. What spell level is it?

    Recall Party is 3rd-level for clerics but 4th-level for mages.
    Endarire wrote: »
    Since critical spell already exists in-game, may we also get spell storing weapons?

    That should be possible, but this is a spell mod, not really an item mod. I might make some items like that in another mod.
    Endarire wrote: »
    Rewind Time: I'd like the ability to use this, preferably without crashes. What would be involved in having this spell work properly? (Do we need lots of HD space? RAM? Processor speed? Other?) What warnings are appropriate for this spell?

    I don't know because I wasn't able to figure out why it was crashing the game.
    Endarire wrote: »
    Far Sequencer: When you say touch spell shouldn't be used, do you mean can't be used? What about personal spells?

    For technical reasons, touch range spells won't have their range extended by Far Sequencer. I could fix this, but it would require Far Sequencer to become EEex-only. I do plan on revising Far Sequencer anyway, since it's pretty underpowered (maybe I'll make it much lower level).
    Endarire wrote: »
    Globe of Invisibility: Normal or improved invisibility?

    It gives normal invisibility, but the invisibility is reapplied every round the creature stays in the globe.
    Endarire wrote: »
    4 Hour Spells & Long-Duration Spells: Enhance attribute and certain other spells have a duration of 4 hours. Attain perfection has a duration of 1 hour. These are intended as long-term buffs. I'd prefer these be 8 hours so they last "all day," or just long enough that successful resting will end them. (They're still dispellable, of course.)

    Okay, I guess.
    Endarire wrote: »
    Sequencers and Spells that Cast Other Spells: I'd like the ability to cast spells of higher levels with these (farsight sequencer, backstab sequencer, etc.) at higher caster level, just like contingency permits now. May we get this option?

    Far Sequencer can already store a spell of any level. Backstab Sequencer can only store up to 2nd-level spells because it's just a 4th-level spell itself (compare it to Minor Sequencer). Or are you talking about caster levels rather than spell levels? Contingency doesn't increase the level you cast the stored spells at, I don't think.
  • tokduitokdui Member Posts: 10
    I kinda agreed with @Endarire. I too hope it is possible to use Far Sequencer for spell that only target Caster, but it might be engine limitation which is completly understandable.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited September 2020
    Thankee for your reply! I also want to see your replies for the material I mentioned above! (It's the post immediately below your create pit spell GIF.)

    May we get collaboration between DavidW and you so that OlvynSpells are incorporated into SCS if each is present?

    Contingency doesn't change the caster level of its spells, but the maximum spell level you can store in it is 1/3 your caster level (max spell level 6). It's useful for stoneskin and protection from magic weapons. For other sequencers, I'd like the ability to be able to cast spells of higher spell levels, to a maximum of the sequencer's spell level or 1 less, whichever is more appropriate.

    Contingent Resurrection: Why prevent it from functioning on the same target for 7 days? Why not reduce the delay to 8 hours/successful rest or entirely remove it?

    Globe of Invisibility: Clarify that this is normal and not improved invis.

    Rewind Time: Have you talked with @Bubb about fixing this spell?

    Your sequencers and contingencies: May we get Tome & Blood cross-mod compatibility with the Innate Metamagic options? (The metamagics are the vanilla contingies and sequencers.) For example, I plan to have a multiclass Sorcerer/Druid in our group and, according to T&B's documentation, I should use Innate Metamagic option 5 so it's compatible with MultiSors. (I'm unsure if the other options work with MultiSors.)

    Protection from time stop is situationally useful, but it feels expensive for what it does. What say you to changing it to this, which seems better as the "signature spell" of Transmuters in this mod?
    Spirit of Speed
    Range: Touch
    Duration: 8 hours
    Casting Time: 7
    Area of Effect: 1 creature
    Saving Throw: None

    This spell, only learnable and castable by Transmuters, grants its subject these benefits:

    -The ability to act when a Time Stop effect is in effect from an ally or an enemy. (Normally, you can only act during Time Stop if you cast it.)

    -Immunity to Slow effects.

    -The effects of Improved Haste which don't stack with Spirit of Speed, with Improved Haste, nor with normal Haste.

    If Spirit of Speed ends or is dispelled, all of these effects end simultaneously.

    (What happens if this spell is dispelled while another caster has time stop active?
    Post edited by Endarire on
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited September 2020
    Endarire wrote: »
    Protection from time stop is situationally useful, but it feels expensive for what it does. What say you to changing it to this, which seems better as the "signature spell" of Transmuters in this mod?
    Spirit of Speed
    Range: Touch
    Duration: 8 hours
    Casting Time: 7
    Area of Effect: 1 creature
    Saving Throw: None

    This spell, only learnable and castable by Transmuters, grants its subject these benefits:

    -The ability to act when a Time Stop effect is in effect from an ally or an enemy. (Normally, you can only act during Time Stop if you cast it.)

    -Immunity to Slow effects.

    -The effects of Improved Haste which don't stack with Spirit of Speed, with Improved Haste, nor with normal Haste.

    If Spirit of Speed ends or is dispelled, all of these effects end simultaneously.


    Protection from Time Stop is among the most overpowered spells in the whole mod. I think it might be tied with Mass Sequencer for the most overpowered spell. When you give your party's warriors protection from time stop, every Time Stop spell essentially becomes "all enemies are paralyzed for 3 rounds with no save, bypassing Magic Resistance and immunity to paralysis." It's not just situationally useful; the main use of it isn't to protect against an enemy's Time Stop but to allow your characters to keep attacking during your own Time Stop, which you can do in almost any battle. If your sorcerer has 6 9th-level spells, they can put Protection from Time Stop on two of your warriors and then cast Time Stop four times, paralyzing enemies for 12 rounds with no save while your warriors beat them up.

    I was considering weakening Protection from Time Stop so that it doesn't allow haste or improved haste (maybe I'll call it Protection from Time and add slow immunity as well).

    If Protection from Time Stop is dispelled during a Time Stop, the character becomes frozen in time until time resumes.
    Post edited by OlvynChuru on
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited September 2020
    I realized after I wrote that you were right. Being able to act freely when the other side is effectively nullified makes for quick wins. (This spell is effectively 3.5's epic feat Spell Stowaway: time stop which some our tabletop group used to great effect!) I haven't played with characters who focused on physical attacks during time stop, giving me inaccurate impressions of this ability's power.

    I like the name temporal stability more than protection from X, since "protection" sounds like Abjuration and temporal stability seems more Transmutation-y.

    What about making this spell a HLA instead?
    Post edited by Endarire on
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