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[v2.5.0] OlvynSpells: 150 New Spells for BG:EE, BG2:EE, IWD:EE and EET



  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Version 2.1 is released! There are sixteen new spells!

    @Endarire This new version doesn't include a Teleport spell, but it includes a very similar spell: Teleportation Circle! With this spell, you can build a network of teleportation circles that you can teleport between!



    The spell Far Sequencer has been removed from the mod; it is replaced with the 2nd-level spell Far Cast.


    (Have you ever seen a diviner this badass?)

    Rewind Time is back in the mod as a 5th-level spell.


    This mod now includes a spell called Animal Growth, which greatly powers up allied animals. Spell Revisions already adds a spell called Animal Growth, but I thought I'd make my own version.


    Unlike the Spell Revisions version of Animal Growth, this version actually makes the animals bigger.

    Here's a new HLA spell for druids: Tornado!


    Other spells:
    New Priest Spells:

    Spirit Armor (Shaman only)

    Expose to the Elements (Druid/Ranger/Shaman)

    Sphere of Security (Cleric/Paladin)

    Absolute Guard (Non-evil Paladin only) - Requires EEex

    Greater Steel Wind Strike (Ranger, HLA) - Requires EEex, P

    Greater Living Lightning (Druid/Shaman, HLA) - Requires EEex

    Contagious Fear (Cleric/Shaman, HLA)

    Spirit of Power (Cleric only, will be learned automatically by the party upon reaching 3,000,000 XP if all party members are clerics) - Requires EEex, P

    New Wizard Spells:

    Dimensional Chest


    Skip Time
  • Adam_en_tiumAdam_en_tium Member Posts: 99
    Teleportation circle is Amazing !!!
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited October 2020
    Teleport circle is a level 9 Sor/Wiz spell in 3.5, but it functions differently. You still improved my night. Thankee! Alleluia!

    (Does your teleport circle dialog and icon say where each active circle is located? If not, may we get that in the next release?)
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited October 2020
    Endarire wrote: »
    Teleport circle is a level 9 Sor/Wiz spell in 3.5, but it functions differently. You still improved my night. Thankee! Alleluia!

    Actually, Teleport Circle was a 5th-level spell in 2E, and it functioned closer to my implementation (though still not exactly the same).
    Malakai's Teleportation Circle

    This spell has two uses; the first to consecrate a magical circle for the purposes of the spell and the second to activate a teleportation circle and teleport the contents of one circle to another and vice-versa.

    In order to consecrate a circle the wizard must carve out an intricate circle of at least 5ft diameter, this takes 1 day for every 10ft circumference of the circle. Then chunks of silver, costing 100gp per 1ft diameter of the circle, must be placed at points along the circle. Upon completion of casting the spell the silver melts to form the in-laid silver circle. When casting the spell in this way the wizard must designate a keyword to act as this circles name.

    The second use of the spell allows the contents of the current circle to switch with the contents of any of the other circles for which the wizard knows the keyword. If a circle is broken by anything at the time of casting the contents of that circle are teleported to a random location. It is imperative the wizard ensures his circle is unbroken before casting.

    If more than one magic circle has the same keyword then there is an equal chance of switching with either even if they were created by different casters.
    Endarire wrote: »
    (Does your teleport circle dialog and icon say where each active circle is located? If not, may we get that in the next release?)

    I guess I could do that.
    Post edited by OlvynChuru on
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Endarire In the next update, the teleportation circle dialogue will say where each circle is located!

  • ArjukKagrimArjukKagrim Member Posts: 44
    Thanks for the new version!
    Unfortunately I have now another issue: When trying to install animal growth (replacing the spell rev version with yours) I get an error: ERROR: "[mxsplpal.2da] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Invalid_argument("index out of bounds"))"
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519

    For the teleport circle rainbow icon menu when selecting the spell, may we also have the location of each teleportation node listed there? For example, if the red node leads nowhere, call it Teleport Node 1 (No Locaiton Set). If the yellow node is set to Baldur's Gate city southeast, call it Teleport Node 3 (Baldur's Gate City Southeast) or Teleport Node 3 (Baldur's Gate City Gate).

    This is in addition to listing locations in dialog boxes and is meant as a time saver.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Okay, Version 2.1.1 is released.

    @Endarire Teleportation Circle now lets you know where existing circles are when you're choosing a new one to create.


    @ArjukKagrim This version fixes that error.

  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited October 2020
    @OlvynChuru Thankee and alleluia!

    How EET compatible is the teleportation? I assumed it was because the area code was saved, meaning it should work with mods too.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084

    The teleportation should be compatible with EET. You should be able to teleport between a BG1 area and a BG2 area.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited October 2020
    Unlimited Spells per Spell Level
    For a near-term release, may we get a spells per level limit workaround for all divine spells, all arcane spells, and all spell levels? You did it for level 7 divine and level 9 arcane spells already.

    Spell Request: Darklight's Lightning Web
    This is a spell I saw when D&D 3.0 was new and have never been able to cast it in a game. Adding this to OlvynSpells seems easy since web and electricity damage are already in-game, but adding this crowd control + damage spell would be a dream come true for me!

    Finally For Now
    Post edited by Endarire on
  • ArjukKagrimArjukKagrim Member Posts: 44
    @OlvynChuru I guess some of my mods still mess things up. Now I receive the following error-message:
    "ERROR: illegal 228-byte read from offset 17672 of 17672-byte file ARS005.ARE
    ERROR: [ARS005.ARE] -> [override/ARS005.ARE] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("ARS005.ARE: read out of bounds"))"

    On my clean bg2 installation the new version works flawless up to now :)
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Endarire wrote: »
    Various people in the Infinity Engine modding community want to know how you exceeded the normal engine limit of 50 level 9 arcane spells per level. We'd also like you to allow arcane spell and divine spells of all spell levels to exceed this 50 spells per level cap.

    Okay, I just published the function I used to do this. Take a look at this thread.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    @OlvynChuru have you considered updating Olvyn Spells to utilize Domain system introduced by Faiths and Powers? From what I understood from subtledoctor, both mods are technically compatible, in the sense that one can install both, but having both mods installed result divine spells working outside of domain system, which can be a bit jarring. I would love to be able to use both OS and F&P.

    Also is there any overlapping between OS and Spell Revisions or Angel's "Made in Heaven Spellpack" mods?

    I usually play arcane casters and I would be thrilled to be able to utilize as many spells from those 3 mods as possible, without encountering major incompatibilities.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited October 2020
    I thoroughly agree with @Cahir here! Certain OlvynSpells would be wonderful for Faiths and Powers domains, such as Fly, Linked Portals, and Ethereal Jaunt for the Exploration Domain! This is the sort of compatibility with Unearthed Arcana mods - mostly Faiths and Powers and Tome and Blood - to which I previously referred! This is also what I would like for OlvynSpells in the near future.

    On a similar note, in the near future, I would greatly like the OlvynTool to be applied to EE-compatible mods with significant numbers of spells so there are fewer compatibility problems. I made a list about what mods add what player character-usable spells to the Baldur's Gate games, but the main mods to which I refer at present since each of these mods has a significant number of new spells. I know this means other mod authors and maintainers will be updating mods:

    -B_Spells (Spells and Magic)

    -Dark Side of the Sword Coast (DSotSC)


    -Made in Heaven Spell Pack

    -Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (NTotSC)

    -OlvynSpells (I know you're working on it or have finished it as of this writing)

    -Saradas Magic 1 & 2

    -Spell Revisions (SR)

    -The Darkest Day (TDDz)

    -Trials of the Luremaster for BG2EE (TotLM in BG2EE)

    -Wild Mage Additions

  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Endarire wrote: »
    Certain OlvynSpells would be wonderful for Faiths and Powers domains, such as Fly, Linked Portals, and Ethereal Jaunt for the Exploration Domain! This is the sort of compatibility with Unearthed Arcana mods - mostly Faiths and Powers and Tome and Blood - to which I previously referred! This is also what I would like for OlvynSpells in the near future.

    I'm perfectly aware of that. It's just that Faiths and Powers and Tome and Blood are very big mods that I'm unfamiliar with (I've never played with either of these mods except briefly installing them to get an idea of the compatibility issues). They are also very modular: Faiths and Powers includes two different sphere systems, so I'd have to incorporate this mod's spells into both of them, which takes a lot of work.
    Endarire wrote: »
    On a similar note, in the near future, I would greatly like the OlvynTool to be applied to EE-compatible mods with significant numbers of spells so there are fewer compatibility problems.

    It's up to the creators of those mods to apply the Class Spell Tool to their mods, not up to me. That's why I released the tool in the first place.
  • tokduitokdui Member Posts: 10
    edited October 2020
    After installing the latest 2.1.1, as far as I can test empower meta-magic seems to no longer provide any effects. It seems correctly reducing higher memorized spell count (+2) but doesn't provide the benefit. Before the recent update, empower meta-magic work correctly on my game without any problem. I hope this information will help you.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    To clarify, I intended my previous message more at the other mod authors/maintainers to update spells, not you.

    There are two Spheres systems in Faiths and Powers, the 2E style one which is experimental and seemingly not supported by the authors and the Infinity Engine one which is supported by the authors.

    @Grammarsalad was involved in the Unearthed Arcana mods, and I've referred him to you and this thread. He knows more about the inner workings of these mods and what's involved in making all these mods compatible.

    In terms of other metamagic requests, I like Energy Substitution (Acid/Cold/Electricity/Fire only), Energy Admixture, Fell Animate, Fell Drain, Intensify Spell, Invisible Spell, Sculpt Spell, Still Spell, and Twin Spell.

    Interface-wise, I'd like the ability to auto-apply a known metamagic feat to a spell I can cast. Thus, I could right-click my spells prepared, choose skull trap, then add Empower Spell to it to auto-Empower that spell if I had the spell slots to fuel it.

    In terms of requested new spells, I like telekinesis for tripping/disarming/knockback/flinging against walls as well as remote looting/item activation and, if you can swing it, also remote thief skill use. I'd also like enlarge and reduce. D&D 3.5 made them Humanoid only, but previous versions allowed size changing for other creatures. Assume these work on allies only. Finally for now, I greatly want the planar binding to get Outsiders and Elementals as summonlings.

  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Endarire wrote: »
    Interface-wise, I'd like the ability to auto-apply a known metamagic feat to a spell I can cast. Thus, I could right-click my spells prepared, choose skull trap, then add Empower Spell to it to auto-Empower that spell if I had the spell slots to fuel it.

    While in theory that might make metamagic slightly quicker to use, it also introduces additional annoyances, like if you want to cast a spell without metamagic and you forget to turn off the auto-metamagic, causing it to use up a higher-level spell slot when you didn't want it to.
    Endarire wrote: »
    In terms of requested new spells, I like telekinesis for tripping/disarming/knockback/flinging against walls as well as remote looting/item activation and, if you can swing it, also remote thief skill use.

    A Telekinesis spell that temporarily gives you a bunch of at-will abilities that push or pull enemies is totally feasible. As is tripping (though I don't usually associate that with telekinesis) and levitating creatures. Causing creatures to take damage when they hit a wall is much trickier. As is letting you interact with items and use thief skills at long range (not that that's particularly useful outside of PnP anyway).
    Endarire wrote: »
    I'd also like enlarge and reduce. D&D 3.5 made them Humanoid only, but previous versions allowed size changing for other creatures. Assume these work on allies only.

    Changing creature size is theoretically possible, but it's a LOT of work. My Animal Growth spell required me to make bigger versions of every single animal animation in the IE games. Making bigger versions of all the player character animations would be even worse than that. MUCH worse. I think there are over 1000 different animation files for player characters. I would have to enlarge them one at a time, and that would take many, many hours of constant work. So I don't plan to do this right now.
    Endarire wrote: »
    Finally for now, I greatly want the planar binding to get Outsiders and Elementals as summonlings.

    I don't see the point. There are already plenty of spells in the game that summon elementals and other extraplanar creatures to serve you.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2020
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    Endarire wrote: »
    I'd also like enlarge and reduce. D&D 3.5 made them Humanoid only, but previous versions allowed size changing for other creatures. Assume these work on allies only.

    Changing creature size is theoretically possible, but it's a LOT of work. My Animal Growth spell required me to make bigger versions of every single animal animation in the IE games. Making bigger versions of all the player character animations would be even worse than that. MUCH worse. I think there are over 1000 different animation files for player characters. I would have to enlarge them one at a time, and that would take many, many hours of constant work. So I don't plan to do this right now.


    I experimented with creating the enlarge spell, but decided it was not feasible. It's hundreds and hundreds of MB in extra animations. It would be roughly the same for a reduce spell.

    Edit: though, I have the animations somewhere if you want them @OlvynChuru

    That is, I believe I have all the animations you would need

    Edit 2: I seem to recall that I was going to use enlarged dwarf animations for gnomes and I think I was going to share fighter and priest animations, so I may not have all the animations.

    Also, @kjeron created a function that could create altered sized animations using weidu, so it didn't take that long to do. I could see if I still have it somewhere or we could ask him about a reduce spell
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Grammarsalad Great! Could you post the animations in a zip file here or send them to me?

    Is it hundreds and hundreds of MB just for the enlarged versions of PC animations? I don't need an enlarged version of every animation in the game. Simply having enlarged PC animations is reasonable enough for an Enlarge spell.

    And reduced animations wouldn't use up nearly as much space. The file size for an animation that's half normal size 1/16 the file size for an animation that's twice normal size. But I'm not nearly as excited for a Reduce spell as I am for an Enlarge spell.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    @Grammarsalad Great! Could you post the animations in a zip file here or send them to me?

    Is it hundreds and hundreds of MB just for the enlarged versions of PC animations? I don't need an enlarged version of every animation in the game. Simply having enlarged PC animations is reasonable enough for an Enlarge spell.

    And reduced animations wouldn't use up nearly as much space. The file size for an animation that's half normal size 1/16 the file size for an animation that's twice normal size. But I'm not nearly as excited for a Reduce spell as I am for an Enlarge spell.

    It is hundreds and hundreds for just the pc animations, yes. There are so many.

    But, great, I'll find them and get back to you (probably in a few days--starting back at work tomorrow).

    Hmm, if you're interested, I'll also see if @kjeron might be willing to share his function to do a reduce spell....
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    Actually, I think I have all of them in a Google drive
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2020
    Actually I'm not seeing them in that link. I think they are on my pc. I'd check now but my wife is sleeping.

    Edit: I found halfling anims.

    Oh, and the hundreds of mb were only for converting fighter anims which we were going to use for everybody (because otherwise we were getting into gig territory). Edit: though, we were seriously thinking of making an exception for the monk

    Anyway, I'll track them down, reupload them to googledrive and link them

    Edit 2: I found kjerons function, so even if I don't find all of the anims I can remake them (as well as anims for reduce I think)
    Post edited by Grammarsalad on
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    Edit 2: I found kjerons function, so even if I don't find all of the anims I can remake them (as well as anims for reduce I think)
    It only enlarges (2x2). It's nothing complex, it just doubles every pixel vertically/horizontally.
  • tokduitokdui Member Posts: 10
    Not sure if it is just me. Can anyone please confirm Empower meta magic working correctly for them? Mine no longer works after 2.1.1.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    @Grammarsalad @OlvynChuru
    What happens if someone casts enlarge on a Wizard who then uses polymorph self or shapechange to be a bigger Gnoll, Illithid, or other creature? What if used on a creature that shapeshifts into an Elemental, or used on a summon like a wraith? What about NPCs of nonstandard races, like Drow, Goblin, Rakshasa, Tiefling, and Aasimar? (Verr'Sza is a Rakshasa.)
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Endarire wrote: »
    What happens if someone casts enlarge on a Wizard who then uses polymorph self or shapechange to be a bigger Gnoll, Illithid, or other creature?

    Unless I also made bigger versions of every animation they could shapeshift into, they wouldn't be enlarged (at least not visually).
    Endarire wrote: »
    What about NPCs of nonstandard races, like Drow, Goblin, Rakshasa, Tiefling, and Aasimar? (Verr'Sza is a Rakshasa.)

    As long as those NPCs use PC animations, they should be fine. Verr'Sza for example uses a regular PC animation rather than a rakshasa animation.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    What about the Varshoon Illithid NPC?
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Also, at this point, would Reduce/Enlarge be better as separate mods due to disk space requirements?
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