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Dark Dreams of Furiae - launched on Steam, GOG, Beamdog

JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
edited March 2020 in News

Dark Dreams of Furiae, the latest Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Module by Silverstring Media & Phantom Compass, is now available to wishlist on Steam!


Brace for a new mystery adventure in the Planescape DnD setting!

Don't worry - it's coming soon not only to Steam, but GOG and the Beamdog Store.


More details on our blog!
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on


  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Huh. Might finally have a reason to pick up the EE then. Sounds promising.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    You had me at the "Planescape" part.

    Coming next: Dark Sun? Always could use more cannibalistic halflings.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    You had me at the "Planescape" part.

    Coming next: Dark Sun? Always could use more cannibalistic halflings.

    Oh? Is that where the halflings in BG2's Planar Sphere came from? I had no idea...
  • aarionnaarionn Member Posts: 94
    Finally! This is great news. Was wondering when the new premium module will come out. First day buy to support the developer!
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    edited March 2020
    It's plan escape time all over again!!

    Seriously, I'm excited for Planescape content. I've longed for more Planescape ever since PS:T (original release). Please tell me this will be on GoG in a timely fashion.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    How can this have ties with a 5e module though? I mean... that's like 2.5th editions from the Planescape setting apart. Meaning vastly different cosmologies from one another.
  • anastielanastiel Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 246
    You had me at the "Planescape" part.

    Coming next: Dark Sun? Always could use more cannibalistic halflings.

    we will know soon.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    Cool! Glad to see a new module!
  • JFKJFK Member Posts: 214
    Great! Looking forward to it!
  • FilipseFilipse Member Posts: 36
    Screenshots look like regular-NWN assets without much new, classes and skills, and armors are the same, features seem vague... am i supponsed to be impressed?
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    edited March 2020
    Filipse wrote: »
    Screenshots look like regular-NWN assets without much new, classes and skills, and armors are the same, features seem vague... am i supponsed to be impressed?

    This is DLC by a 3rd party and has nothing to do with Beamdog's work to make this game enhanced. It isn't for new "features." It is for a new module in the Planescape setting. However, their latest patch has done some of the things you ask for (custom spellcasting classes are possible now), and while it didn't do anything for armor yet, it did some new things for weapons. Have you read the latest patchnotes ?
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    I was hoping to see the capabilities of the new renderer come to fruition too. But any new content is better than no content.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Filipse wrote: »
    Screenshots look like regular-NWN assets
    I noticed that, too. The vanilla tilesets are a little... inadequate for the Planescape campaign setting. Gotta say I wasn't expecting to see high quality custom models such as the CODI Sigil Tilesets in the screenshots. But at least a handful of new assets sprinkled here and there fit for the Planes. Like tieflings with goat legs models, for instance. Seeing that two different game studios were tasked for the creation of a new premium module kinda comes with such expectations.
  • MatthieuMatthieu Member Posts: 386
    So it's happening at the same time as Descent into Avernus with itself happens right before Baldur's Gate 3
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    edited March 2020
    1varangian wrote: »
    I was hoping to see the capabilities of the new renderer come to fruition too. But any new content is better than no content.

    The new renderer is still not finished. You won't see it till it's fully done. But @themazingness is completely right: our latest stable patch is one hell of a patch and has substantial improvements for the base game.
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    Looks cool! Out of all the modules a Planescape one sounds the most interesting.
  • FilipseFilipse Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2020
    This is DLC by a 3rd party and has nothing to do with Beamdog's work to make this game enhanced. It isn't for new "features." It is for a new module in the Planescape setting. However, their latest patch has done some of the things you ask for (custom spellcasting classes are possible now), and while it didn't do anything for armor yet, it did some new things for weapons. Have you read the latest patchnotes ?

    That's not realy a great point; making people mod to make their own content, isnt equalivent to Beamdog making content.

    While it is nice with modding-functionalities added i dont realy feel like "feature" is a way to word it as it sounds kinda disingenious, as feature would imply anyone would gain benefits of it's use, within the game, which is not true as some people never even touch the online-play aspect at all, and only stick to the campaigns, and for them it wont make any difference whatsoever, and such to the common player's eye NWN:EE doesnt add much to the table, which hardly helps with marketability, or convincing the still-existing pre-EE crowd to come over.

    A majority-audience dont even touch the toolset, so said "features" isnt realy features, as much as they are "modding functionalities", which only apply to the fraction of the playerbase that messes around with the toolset, an even smaller crowd within that toolset-modding crowd knows how implementing and using custom 2DA's work at all in the first place.

    Though maybe i am biased, i just have little interest in Third-Party Modules (with some rare-exceptions that did actual cool stuff functionaly, like Infinite Dungeons or Tyrants of the Moonsea with the map-thingy), i am just tired of hearing Beamdog excuse 2 Years of patching without much to show for it, which is even more frustrating as you only get generic PR-replies with no actual Developer Communication outside of Forum-PR from Julius (no offense to Julius, it's his job) since the steams and now even the monthly-news updates ended.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    edited March 2020
    At this moment, even to the common player's eye, NWN:EE adds quite a few. And we're not done. The renderer rework is progressing.
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    1varangian wrote: »
    I was hoping to see the capabilities of the new renderer come to fruition too. But any new content is better than no content.

    The new renderer is still not finished. You won't see it till it's fully done. But @themazingness is completely right: our latest stable patch is one hell of a patch and has substantial improvements for the base game.

    We need a teaser I think.
  • FilipseFilipse Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2020
    At this moment, even to the common player's eye, NWN:EE adds quite a few. And we're not done. The renderer rework is progressing.

    We had afew views/teases in 2018 (the weapon previews up on modding workshop and steam), and nothing, not a single view since.... not exactly stellar communication going 2 year without showing much work for the big-words given, along with the fact that communication was just so much better before, and nowadays it feels like you're the only one that actualy responds to anything Julius, and you're not allowed to give any concrete answers that dont allready frustrate an allready frustrated playerbase.

    Would have been nice if you atleast had some sneakpeaks once in a while, or released models of weapons gradualy, as they work pretty fine with override-function.
  • TrixterTrixter Member Posts: 237
    Is there item stripping and level limitations?
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    Is this the scraps of the cancelled Gaider led game or something completely different?

    Will it be available on DAY ONE for the Beamdog store? Because I will buy it say one, but if I have to wait months again, I may pass on it like I did the last one.

    Glad @Jacob is involved. Glint was awesome and so was his role in Where the Water Tastes Like Wine.
  • SymphonySymphony Member, Developer Posts: 142
    Filipse wrote: »
    Screenshots look like regular-NWN assets without much new, classes and skills, and armors are the same, features seem vague... am i supponsed to be impressed?

    I don't think there is an intention for players to mod their own content in order to enjoy their gameplay, and while it's nice that it is doable, this is a premium module, I don't treat these as much different than a playable fantasy novel, the writing is the focus.

    If you want feats, skills, classes, that's not a premium module. Wyvern Crown of Cormyr had the Purple Dragon Knight, and the ride skill, which eventually (not immediately) made their way to the main game in "XP3", but that class, skill, and the horse feats (to say nothing of the horse models and animations) has classically been the target of community arguments about whether or not they should be included in the base game at all.

    Apart from Wyvern Crown, none of the other 8 premium modules added feats, classes and skills to the game.

    It sounds like you want an expansion pack, and while I am very fond of new game features and assets, HOTU was a monumental effort from a much larger company hard on the heels of recently inventing the game, possibly adding features they had to cut from the original release that they always intended on having in the game, that came with the kinds of features you want to see in a release, at the cost of everyone needing to leave their homes and spend ~$50 to stay current with their friends.

    This premium module is a Wizards of the Coast vetted work of D&D fiction compatible with the game we all play.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Symphony wrote: »
    I don't think there is an intention for players to mod their own content in order to enjoy their gameplay, and while it's nice that it is doable, this is a premium module, I don't treat these as much different than a playable fantasy novel, the writing is the focus.
    I can only speak for myself on this, but I do heavily mod my NwN:EE experience. In part to make it look more presentable for today's standards, part to flesh out the available classes and races customizations with the PRC. IF I could replace the tilesets used by Dark Dreams of Furiae with CODI's Sigil ones, I would do so in a heartbeat. People eat with their eyes first after all.
    Symphony wrote: »
    This premium module is a Wizards of the Coast vetted work of D&D fiction compatible with the game we all play.
    Honestly, I am not enthused that the upcoming premium module is at all connected with Baldur's Gate: Descent in Avernus. Hopefully future premium module will not do the same and instead deliver their own fictions - unrelated to WotC's 5e TT adventure modules.
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