I stumbled on this thread while searching news about a ICW2 EE, after having played PsT, BG1, BG2 (SoA and ToB), ICW1 (and HoW + TolM), SoD and their EE:version.
I played ICW2 a stupidly high amount of time since 2002, even finished the solo-run in HoF with that broken Sorcerer dude, playing all classes to try all options, etc. Yeah, loved this game.
I've read approximately 75% of the topic, and i've some questions/suggestions ^^'
Will the game be available in foreign languages ? If it's the case and there is some leftover work for french translation, I can help. I've already translated whole D&D or PF rulebook for my own (and friends) usage, so if it need to be done, as I love this game, I can give a hand (the harder when translating from one language to another is to keep the meaning while also conveying the intention, like, the fun or the dramatic effect of the original text, for example).
I've also read there are some issues with fleshing out NPCs. As surprised as I am (because ICW2 had no NPC at all), i'm curious about what could be done in this case. Btw, i'll give an example (short ?) after having played SoD.
The fact is ICW2 has a big trail about "racism" in it. Not in the sense we use it in modern world, but the Chimera exists by uniting the outcast of the Dale. In D&D 3.0 ruleset, Goblins are available to play, as a 0 level adjustement race. It could be SO MUCH FUN if one NPC could be a goblin. And there is why :
- It makes no sense for the Goblin to be on the "initial" Luskan group, but having it as an NPC you can welcome (or not) in the party make sense.
- You can play all the game about whether he/she is a traitor or not, and why he/she joined the party. Will the player trust him/her, or not ?
- You can easily introduce him/her early in the game with a subquest or some choices to do about him.
- You can easily create interaction between this goblin and standard NPC (from Targos or during the adventure)
- You can easily create interaction between this goblin and others NPC that don't trust him/her, or trash it. As well as interaction between him/her and the ennemies you encounter along the way, because Goblins are findable in almost every chapter of the game (and when they are not, some races accustomed to them, like Duergar who reduces them to slavery, or giant that can taunt them for being small... etc)
It's just a short example of what can be done. You have there an exotic NPC, with lot of interaction, that can be used to interact with ennemies or allies in meaningful ways, can have some dramatical or comical effect, and for what he can do, he could easily be the emblematic Goblin Archer/Ranger/Scout (or if you want him to be more intellectual, a chaman/wizardy thing), which give him a true reason to be in the group, for the story AND mechanically (without him/her behing a burden gameplay-wise).
Well, if you're interested in any ways about the things i've said, do not hesitate to contact me or use it as you wish xD
Keep the good work, you trully deserve praise.
EDIT : And my abusively sick brain got me to edit this message, cause why limiting to one goblin when you can have two of them ? We have the sprites for standard goblin, warrior goblin, dekanter goblin, chaman goblin... It can easily be done to have two goblins (like, one male and one female, no jealousy). And one can be a traitor, the other not. Or COULD be a traitor or not, based on how you treat him as the main lead... be gentle and show him/her you can overcome his origins and welcome him/her, making him/her a trusted friend, or treat him like supsicious garbage whole time and he/she will betray you at a crucial time, cause you're another filthy human/elf/dwarf/whatever like the others.
Ah btw, stats wise, Dekanter goblin are insanely broken in 3.0/3.5, but have +4 level adjustement; which can make them a interesting choice too gameplay-wise and with exotic considerations.
I stumbled on this thread while searching news about a ICW2 EE, after having played PsT, BG1, BG2 (SoA and ToB), ICW1 (and HoW + TolM), SoD and their EE:version.
I played ICW2 a stupidly high amount of time since 2002, even finished the solo-run in HoF with that broken Sorcerer dude, playing all classes to try all options, etc. Yeah, loved this game.
I've read approximately 75% of the topic, and i've some questions/suggestions ^^'
Will the game be available in foreign languages ? If it's the case and there is some leftover work for french translation, I can help. I've already translated whole D&D or PF rulebook for my own (and friends) usage, so if it need to be done, as I love this game, I can give a hand (the harder when translating from one language to another is to keep the meaning while also conveying the intention, like, the fun or the dramatic effect of the original text, for example).
I've also read there are some issues with fleshing out NPCs. As surprised as I am (because ICW2 had no NPC at all), i'm curious about what could be done in this case. Btw, i'll give an example (short ?) after having played SoD.
The fact is ICW2 has a big thrail about "racism" in it. Not in the sense we use it in modern world, but the Chimera exists by uniting the outcast of the Dale. In D&D 3.0 ruleset, Goblins are available to play, as a no adjustement race. It could be SO MUCH FUN if one NPC could be a goblin. And here is why :
- It makes no sense for the Goblin to be on the "initial" Luskan group, but having it as an NPC you can welcome (or not) in the party make sense.
- You can play all the game about whether he/she is a traitor or not, and why he/she joined the party. Will the player trust him/her, or not ?
- You can easily introduce him/her early in the game with a subquest or some choices to do about him/her.
- You can easily create interaction between this goblin and standard NPC (from Targos or during the adventure)
- You can easily create interaction between this goblin and others NPC that don't trust him, or trash it. As well as interaction between him and the ennemies you encounter along the way, because Goblins are findable in almost every chapter of the game (and when they are not, some races accustomed to them, like Duergar who reduces them to slavery, or giant that can taunt them for being small... etc)
- Sprites for goblins, dekanter goblins, goblins wizard, goblins chief or warrior, are already available and functional.
It's just a short example of what can be done. You have there an exotic NPC, with lot of interaction, that can be used to interact with ennemies or allies in meaningful ways, can have some dramatical or comical effect, and for what he/she can do, he/she could easily be the emblematic Goblin Archer/Ranger/Scout (or if you want him/her to be more intellectual, a chaman/wizardy thing), which give him/her a true reason to be in the group, for the story AND mechanically (without him/her behing a burden gameplay-wise).
Also, of note is that
- You can also have 2 goblins (one male and one female) if you want parity and interactions between the goblins themselves. And you can create link with that.
- You can have a choice where, for example, goblin can be your ally OR a traitor depending on how well you consider them. Be considerate and friendly, show them you don't deny them only because they are goblins and truly accept them as friend or ally, and they'll be loyal to you. But show them hatred, dispose of them like garbage, and they will commit treason at an impactful moment, cause you're just another filthy "10 cities guy".
- Dekanter goblin are insanely strong stats wise in 3.0/3.5, but have an high level adjustement to compensate for it. It can be a cool thing to explore, for the exotic side of things.
Well, if you're interested in any ways about the things i've said, do not hesitate to contact me or use it as you wish xD
Keep the good work, you trully deserve praise.
EDIT : And I just found that you already explored the idea of a goblin companion with Vunarg. Nice ! And companions seems, at all, to be really interesting side characters. Gosh there is so much to flesh out with them (brain overload), gonna be amazing :')
I can’t wait for the enhanced edition of Icewind Dale 2. I only beat the first one. Love the Baldurs Gate universe. Slaying dragons is amazing better than sex imo.
Icewind Dale 2 is one of those old titles that I just love to revisit time and time again. Other titles like it never had the same feel that I like to come back to-- from the in-depth party builder to the kind of combat that you can run in real time or pause to strategize every moment, I can't seem to get enough of it. And finding out this project exists, I would really like to try out this enhanced edition of the game and do a bit of play-testing. I've run through the base game so many times at this point, I'd love to find and experience all the little tweaks and adjustments this team has made so far.
I loved the first IWD EE and would love to play this and help it achieve its ultimate vision ;-) Cheers! Youre doing an awesome thing here. Hope you choose me to beta test https://github.com/maxhd22731
I forget if I tried this before, but I have gotten a new computer so if you're taking more testers https://github.com/WizardTim81 Thank you for your time
I'm a long time player of RPG's in general and D&D games are some of my favorites. I played BG1, BG:SoD, BG2, IWD1&2, PsT, NWN1&2, so i'm fairly familiar with the rules.
I really would like to test your mod, provide feedback and report any bugs i encounter.
I saw a playthrough of this wonderful project on YouTube, and I literally just created a profile here just to make this post!
THANK YOU for your hard work, and for bringing a 2000s classic back to life! Having been a longtime infinity engine fan and having noted the at times imperfect implementation of DND 3.5 in IWD2, I would love to be a beta tester for your project!
Would you kindly add me to the discord? I'll make sure to post any feedback/bugs!
Thank you again for giving IWD2 the attention it deserves!
Hello, if y'all are still looking for beta testers, I would love to get be a tester and report any bugs I find and leave feedback where needed.
Thank you.
Icewind Dale 2: Enhanced Edition has been "almost here" for months now. I'm not trying to be negative by saying that, I'm just saying it's a misleading title. I didn't mind waiting for the public release, but I have no sense of when that will happen. So, I'd like to share my GitHub address and ask for access to the closed beta version, under the condition that I will not share it with anyone: https://github.com/Mirrorman95
My Github:
Thank you!
My Github:
I stumbled on this thread while searching news about a ICW2 EE, after having played PsT, BG1, BG2 (SoA and ToB), ICW1 (and HoW + TolM), SoD and their EE:version.
I played ICW2 a stupidly high amount of time since 2002, even finished the solo-run in HoF with that broken Sorcerer dude, playing all classes to try all options, etc. Yeah, loved this game.
I've read approximately 75% of the topic, and i've some questions/suggestions ^^'
Will the game be available in foreign languages ? If it's the case and there is some leftover work for french translation, I can help. I've already translated whole D&D or PF rulebook for my own (and friends) usage, so if it need to be done, as I love this game, I can give a hand (the harder when translating from one language to another is to keep the meaning while also conveying the intention, like, the fun or the dramatic effect of the original text, for example).
I've also read there are some issues with fleshing out NPCs. As surprised as I am (because ICW2 had no NPC at all), i'm curious about what could be done in this case. Btw, i'll give an example (short ?) after having played SoD.
The fact is ICW2 has a big trail about "racism" in it. Not in the sense we use it in modern world, but the Chimera exists by uniting the outcast of the Dale. In D&D 3.0 ruleset, Goblins are available to play, as a 0 level adjustement race. It could be SO MUCH FUN if one NPC could be a goblin. And there is why
- It makes no sense for the Goblin to be on the "initial" Luskan group, but having it as an NPC you can welcome (or not) in the party make sense.
- You can play all the game about whether he/she is a traitor or not, and why he/she joined the party. Will the player trust him/her, or not ?
- You can easily introduce him/her early in the game with a subquest or some choices to do about him.
- You can easily create interaction between this goblin and standard NPC (from Targos or during the adventure)
- You can easily create interaction between this goblin and others NPC that don't trust him/her, or trash it. As well as interaction between him/her and the ennemies you encounter along the way, because Goblins are findable in almost every chapter of the game (and when they are not, some races accustomed to them, like Duergar who reduces them to slavery, or giant that can taunt them for being small... etc)
It's just a short example of what can be done. You have there an exotic NPC, with lot of interaction, that can be used to interact with ennemies or allies in meaningful ways, can have some dramatical or comical effect, and for what he can do, he could easily be the emblematic Goblin Archer/Ranger/Scout (or if you want him to be more intellectual, a chaman/wizardy thing), which give him a true reason to be in the group, for the story AND mechanically (without him/her behing a burden gameplay-wise).
Well, if you're interested in any ways about the things i've said, do not hesitate to contact me or use it as you wish xD
Keep the good work, you trully deserve praise.
EDIT : And my abusively sick brain got me to edit this message, cause why limiting to one goblin when you can have two of them ? We have the sprites for standard goblin, warrior goblin, dekanter goblin, chaman goblin... It can easily be done to have two goblins (like, one male and one female, no jealousy). And one can be a traitor, the other not. Or COULD be a traitor or not, based on how you treat him as the main lead... be gentle and show him/her you can overcome his origins and welcome him/her, making him/her a trusted friend, or treat him like supsicious garbage whole time and he/she will betray you at a crucial time, cause you're another filthy human/elf/dwarf/whatever like the others.
Ah btw, stats wise, Dekanter goblin are insanely broken in 3.0/3.5, but have +4 level adjustement; which can make them a interesting choice too gameplay-wise and with exotic considerations.
I stumbled on this thread while searching news about a ICW2 EE, after having played PsT, BG1, BG2 (SoA and ToB), ICW1 (and HoW + TolM), SoD and their EE:version.
I played ICW2 a stupidly high amount of time since 2002, even finished the solo-run in HoF with that broken Sorcerer dude, playing all classes to try all options, etc. Yeah, loved this game.
I've read approximately 75% of the topic, and i've some questions/suggestions ^^'
Will the game be available in foreign languages ? If it's the case and there is some leftover work for french translation, I can help. I've already translated whole D&D or PF rulebook for my own (and friends) usage, so if it need to be done, as I love this game, I can give a hand (the harder when translating from one language to another is to keep the meaning while also conveying the intention, like, the fun or the dramatic effect of the original text, for example).
I've also read there are some issues with fleshing out NPCs. As surprised as I am (because ICW2 had no NPC at all), i'm curious about what could be done in this case. Btw, i'll give an example (short ?) after having played SoD.
The fact is ICW2 has a big thrail about "racism" in it. Not in the sense we use it in modern world, but the Chimera exists by uniting the outcast of the Dale. In D&D 3.0 ruleset, Goblins are available to play, as a no adjustement race. It could be SO MUCH FUN if one NPC could be a goblin. And here is why
- It makes no sense for the Goblin to be on the "initial" Luskan group, but having it as an NPC you can welcome (or not) in the party make sense.
- You can play all the game about whether he/she is a traitor or not, and why he/she joined the party. Will the player trust him/her, or not ?
- You can easily introduce him/her early in the game with a subquest or some choices to do about him/her.
- You can easily create interaction between this goblin and standard NPC (from Targos or during the adventure)
- You can easily create interaction between this goblin and others NPC that don't trust him, or trash it. As well as interaction between him and the ennemies you encounter along the way, because Goblins are findable in almost every chapter of the game (and when they are not, some races accustomed to them, like Duergar who reduces them to slavery, or giant that can taunt them for being small... etc)
- Sprites for goblins, dekanter goblins, goblins wizard, goblins chief or warrior, are already available and functional.
It's just a short example of what can be done. You have there an exotic NPC, with lot of interaction, that can be used to interact with ennemies or allies in meaningful ways, can have some dramatical or comical effect, and for what he/she can do, he/she could easily be the emblematic Goblin Archer/Ranger/Scout (or if you want him/her to be more intellectual, a chaman/wizardy thing), which give him/her a true reason to be in the group, for the story AND mechanically (without him/her behing a burden gameplay-wise).
Also, of note is that
- You can also have 2 goblins (one male and one female) if you want parity and interactions between the goblins themselves. And you can create link with that.
- You can have a choice where, for example, goblin can be your ally OR a traitor depending on how well you consider them. Be considerate and friendly, show them you don't deny them only because they are goblins and truly accept them as friend or ally, and they'll be loyal to you. But show them hatred, dispose of them like garbage, and they will commit treason at an impactful moment, cause you're just another filthy "10 cities guy".
- Dekanter goblin are insanely strong stats wise in 3.0/3.5, but have an high level adjustement to compensate for it. It can be a cool thing to explore, for the exotic side of things.
Well, if you're interested in any ways about the things i've said, do not hesitate to contact me or use it as you wish xD
Keep the good work, you trully deserve praise.
EDIT : And I just found that you already explored the idea of a goblin companion with Vunarg. Nice ! And companions seems, at all, to be really interesting side characters. Gosh there is so much to flesh out with them (brain overload), gonna be amazing :')
PLEASE! Will HAPPILY report any bugs, etc. You are proof that passion projects bring out passionate players.
Thank you for your care and guardianship of this classic.
Here's my github if you'd allow me the opportunity to try out the beta.
thank u in advance!
I'm a long time player of RPG's in general and D&D games are some of my favorites. I played BG1, BG:SoD, BG2, IWD1&2, PsT, NWN1&2, so i'm fairly familiar with the rules.
I really would like to test your mod, provide feedback and report any bugs i encounter.
Thank you in advance!
I would like to try this mod.
Thanks in advance!
I saw a playthrough of this wonderful project on YouTube, and I literally just created a profile here just to make this post!
THANK YOU for your hard work, and for bringing a 2000s classic back to life! Having been a longtime infinity engine fan and having noted the at times imperfect implementation of DND 3.5 in IWD2, I would love to be a beta tester for your project!
Would you kindly add me to the discord? I'll make sure to post any feedback/bugs!
Thank you again for giving IWD2 the attention it deserves!
Thank you.
Thank you.