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What party size do you prefer?

How many people do you like best to have in the party? Full house, go solo or something in between?
  1. What party size do you prefer?56 votes
    1. Solo
    2. Two characters
    3. Three characters
    4. Four characters
    5. Five characters
    6. Full party


  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    edited August 2020
    It varies from game to game but my favourite way to play is just me and Imoen against the world. For this reason @jastey's Imoen 4 Ever mod has been a godsend for me:
  • DinoDinDinoDin Member Posts: 1,605
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    You're missing out on the best part of the game when doing anything less. Give me all those tasty banters.

    Yep, strongly agreed. The game was designed with this intention. The 2nd Ed rulesystem had long supported this party size as well. The distribution of gear in the games as well, and the fact that almost all the companions are pretty well written, well designed. And there's just enough variety of them that I still feel like I haven't played with every possible combination..

    It's interesting to me, I can definitely see the appeal of solo play as a challenge mode, but for me I've never been even tempted to play with a smaller party in all the various playthroughs I've done.
  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    DinoDin wrote: »
    It's interesting to me, I can definitely see the appeal of solo play as a challenge mode, but for me I've never been even tempted to play with a smaller party in all the various playthroughs I've done.

    It's interesting how many different takes there are on this. I find a larger party unwieldy from a tactical standpoint, especially in some of the dungeons with narrow corridors (though BG1 is worse for this). Add path-finding issues to that equation. Finally, if I take a party of five or six, I'll end up with two or three characters standing around doing nothing by mid/late SOA.

  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    You're missing out on the best part of the game when doing anything less. Give me all those tasty banters.

    You’re missing out of the most annoying part of the game when doing less. Rid me of all those annoying banters.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    I would have voted Zero if it were an option. Going on adventures is way too tiresome. All my character needs is a couch and a subscription of the latest scrying orb service. :p
  • KnellerKneller Member Posts: 438
    I choose four because that's my preference. More than that tend to be cumbersome with pathfinding, negotiating small spaces, and other babysitting. That being said, I tend to play BG1 with the full (canon) party and BG2 with five, rotating random NPCs in the last slot, just for their quests. Once those are done, I just roll with 5, though.
  • DinoDinDinoDin Member Posts: 1,605
    One thing I forgot is the inventory system. That also pushes me to never want to go smaller. First off there's a wide variety of interesting gear in the game, and many options I still have yet to explore despite countless playthroughs. As well the simple act of picking up and bringing gear or gems, jewelry to the vendors is made so so much more easy with six.

    I realize there's a bag of holding, scrolls cases and potion cases, but that means a two-step process instead of one. If inventory worked similar to Pillars or Pathfinder I'd be more prone to trying out the smaller parties.
  • ilduderinoilduderino Member Posts: 773
    Every time I try to go with less I end up with a full party
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Definitely full party, so long as every party member pulls their weight. This is one reason why I rarely take Rasaad - yes, he has an interesting quest, but you really have to baby-sit him a LOT, especially in BG1. Monks don't start to really take off until well into SoA it seems.

    I keep thinking it might be fun to run lean for a while, especially with multi-class characters, but eventually the party hits the limit again.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,943
    I'm a full party player. I'll consider less - if I ever run that party of illiterates, that one will be a bit smaller - but mostly I pick a theme and find ways to fill a whole party.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021
    to me the game gets boring with smaller parties or going solo, you can hit the level cap so quick

    the only time i do solo runs and thats IF i do solo runs which are rare as it is, are in BG1 if i don't feel like playing through the whole game just to import that character into bg2, since a solo run only takes me around 4 hours at most to get all the tomes, hit the XP cap and beat the game

    but in bg2 must have a full team
  • AerieAerie Member Posts: 226
    Six is a little too much for me. But four is a little too small so five it is! Also with a five man party you can swap people in or out just to do their quests.
  • ANOFANOF Member Posts: 70
    I try to stick to three party members as I like to cover as many bases as possible with as few people as possible in order to accelerate levelling up. I might recruit a fourth party member if a quest is better served with a larger group, but I don’t keep them around any longer than I have to.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    I prefer going with a full party too myself. I love the banters, the added role flexibility, and the greater strategic options in combat. That said, usually I have one character designated as the "substitute" that I frequently drop out from time to time so I can bring other characters along to do their personal quests.
  • BlackbɨrdBlackbɨrd Member Posts: 293
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    to me the game gets boring with smaller parties or going solo, you can hit the level cap so quick

    the only time i do solo runs and thats IF i do solo runs which are rare as it is, are in BG1 if i don't feel like playing through the whole game just to import that character into bg2, since a solo run only takes me around 4 hours at most to get all the tomes, hit the XP cap and beat the game

    but in bg2 must have a full team
    Hi @sarevok57 after reading your answer, I wanted to ask you something. Have you completed a run with every companion, if not who haven't you beaten the game with?

    While I have your attention have you got through Shadows of Amn with every companion? That includes Wilson the bear.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021
    Blackbɨrd wrote: »
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    to me the game gets boring with smaller parties or going solo, you can hit the level cap so quick

    the only time i do solo runs and thats IF i do solo runs which are rare as it is, are in BG1 if i don't feel like playing through the whole game just to import that character into bg2, since a solo run only takes me around 4 hours at most to get all the tomes, hit the XP cap and beat the game

    but in bg2 must have a full team
    Hi @sarevok57 after reading your answer, I wanted to ask you something. Have you completed a run with every companion, if not who haven't you beaten the game with?

    While I have your attention have you got through Shadows of Amn with every companion? That includes Wilson the bear.

    for SoA i have beaten the game with absolutely everyone, and have finished every quest that everyone has, even the new EE joinable companions ( i had a team that had; dorn, rasaad, wilson, hexxat and neera on it, what a cluster that was )

    for ToB 99% of the time my games end somewhere before the end because i usually get restartitis at that time ( usually by abizigal's enclave ) so with that i haven't beat ToB with;

    dorn ( although i remember finishing some quest with 2 dragons )
    neera ( didn't even start her ToB quest )
    rasaad ( didn't even start his ToB quest either )
    hexxat ( didn't start her ToB quest, or maybe i did? don't remember )

    * if i did beat ToB with these guys it was a very very long time ago and i don't remember

    when it comes to bg2 play throughs if i play a game with joinable companions ( instead of just making my own ) there are some that i never use;

    rasaad ( to squishy and takes way to long to be useful )
    neera ( don't like wild mages in general )
    wilson ( requires way too much micro management to stay alive on insane difficulty with double damage on )
    cernd ( if i want a druid type, i will just use jaheira instead, or make one myself )
    haer'dalis ( requires way too much micro management in battle, and if i want to have a blade around i will make my character one instead )

    for everyone else, i will bonuce around a bit, changing up team make ups just for the lewlz, the only new EE companions that i will bring along are dorn and hexxat because they are required to finish an evil team if i plan on making one
  • BlackbɨrdBlackbɨrd Member Posts: 293
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    Blackbɨrd wrote: »
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    to me the game gets boring with smaller parties or going solo, you can hit the level cap so quick

    the only time i do solo runs and thats IF i do solo runs which are rare as it is, are in BG1 if i don't feel like playing through the whole game just to import that character into bg2, since a solo run only takes me around 4 hours at most to get all the tomes, hit the XP cap and beat the game

    but in bg2 must have a full team
    Hi @sarevok57 after reading your answer, I wanted to ask you something. Have you completed a run with every companion, if not who haven't you beaten the game with?

    While I have your attention have you got through Shadows of Amn with every companion? That includes Wilson the bear.

    for SoA i have beaten the game with absolutely everyone, and have finished every quest that everyone has, even the new EE joinable companions ( i had a team that had; dorn, rasaad, wilson, hexxat and neera on it, what a cluster that was )

    for ToB 99% of the time my games end somewhere before the end because i usually get restartitis at that time ( usually by abizigal's enclave ) so with that i haven't beat ToB with;

    dorn ( although i remember finishing some quest with 2 dragons )
    neera ( didn't even start her ToB quest )
    rasaad ( didn't even start his ToB quest either )
    hexxat ( didn't start her ToB quest, or maybe i did? don't remember )

    * if i did beat ToB with these guys it was a very very long time ago and i don't remember

    when it comes to bg2 play throughs if i play a game with joinable companions ( instead of just making my own ) there are some that i never use;

    rasaad ( to squishy and takes way to long to be useful )
    neera ( don't like wild mages in general )
    wilson ( requires way too much micro management to stay alive on insane difficulty with double damage on )
    cernd ( if i want a druid type, i will just use jaheira instead, or make one myself )
    haer'dalis ( requires way too much micro management in battle, and if i want to have a blade around i will make my character one instead )

    for everyone else, i will bonuce around a bit, changing up team make ups just for the lewlz, the only new EE companions that i will bring along are dorn and hexxat because they are required to finish an evil team if i plan on making one

    That does sound like a messed up cluster lol

    Thanks for taking the time to comment, it's cool to hear you have completed SOA with every companion. I'm a little surprised you've never completed the game with Haer'Dalis though.

    Your reasons for not using those certain companions makes sense, HOWEVER I noticed you listed 5 companions. Perhaps that can be your newest challenge, complete the game with 5 companions you don't like using :D don't worry I'm joking.

  • kungfuhobbitkungfuhobbit Member Posts: 169
    Six is good for banter, but bad for congestion in small dungeons and inventory micro
  • borntodieborntodie Member Posts: 199
    edited August 2020
    I'm undecided. I always plan to have a party of 4, because it feels like a sweet spot tactically, and because pathing. But then I somehow always end up having 6 and wanting room for more.

    Tried a solo game once. Powerwise it was awesome, but it felt too lonely to my taste. Not doing it again.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    The more the better. I love the interactions. I would make an 8 people party if I could. So many interesting interactions to see.
  • BlackbɨrdBlackbɨrd Member Posts: 293
    borntodie wrote: »
    I'm undecided. I always plan to have a party of 4, because it feels like a sweet spot tactically, and because pathing. But then I somehow always end up having 6 and wanting room for more.

    Tried a solo game once. Powerwise it was awesome, but it felt too lonely to my taste. Not doing it again.

    Have to agree, solo is very lonely and in my opinion lacks a bit of personality.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    Blackbɨrd wrote: »
    borntodie wrote: »
    I'm undecided. I always plan to have a party of 4, because it feels like a sweet spot tactically, and because pathing. But then I somehow always end up having 6 and wanting room for more.

    Tried a solo game once. Powerwise it was awesome, but it felt too lonely to my taste. Not doing it again.

    Have to agree, solo is very lonely and in my opinion lacks a bit of personality.

    Solo gives you the most opportunity to really delve into the differences between classes and find out how good they can be. For someone, like me, who also plays mainly for the strategy and hardly at all for RP, the far greater speed of the game when played solo is also an attraction.
  • minsc4prezminsc4prez Member Posts: 105
    I think 5 is the optimal number of permanent companions, leave the 6th slot open to trade in and out different characters to do all their side quests.
  • SirBatinceSirBatince Member Posts: 882
    edited August 2020
    I have literally never done anything other than solo in about 40 full runs and 15 different classes

    I have never experienced a single banter and yet the gameplay is still top tier to me. That's how godly this game is.
  • SelerelSelerel Member Posts: 172
    Depends on the class I'm playing, how I RP my character's personality, if perma-deaths have happened or I never ran into the NPC, etc. Varies greatly run to run but also chapter to chapter in a single run. I voted 5 though. It usually ends up being 4 or 5.

    With my Avenger playthough, I had a solid quartet by the end of SoA and through TOB (Korgan, Nalia, and Jan).

    Currently with my Wizard Slayer>Thief in SoA, I have 5.
  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    My preference and what is allowed are not the same thing. I want all of them, but I am limited to 6.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    4-6, but usually almost always full. I just like the variety and tactical options it gives you, plus the different interjecting personalities.
  • BlackbɨrdBlackbɨrd Member Posts: 293
    Grond0 wrote: »
    Blackbɨrd wrote: »
    borntodie wrote: »
    I'm undecided. I always plan to have a party of 4, because it feels like a sweet spot tactically, and because pathing. But then I somehow always end up having 6 and wanting room for more.

    Tried a solo game once. Powerwise it was awesome, but it felt too lonely to my taste. Not doing it again.

    Have to agree, solo is very lonely and in my opinion lacks a bit of personality.

    Solo gives you the most opportunity to really delve into the differences between classes and find out how good they can be. For someone, like me, who also plays mainly for the strategy and hardly at all for RP, the far greater speed of the game when played solo is also an attraction.

    Does it? As far as I can see Solo only gives you one, maybe two/three opportunities at a time to ''delve into the differences between classes and find out how good they can be''.

    If you wanted to really delve into the differences between classes and get the most opportunities to do so, Blackpits is the best option. In Blackpits you can create six custom characters, which gives you even more opportunities to experiment with classes.

    Why not make a group of 3-6 in Baldur's Gate? Wouldn't that give more chances to play around with different classes and kits? That would have a fair amount of strategy in itself. Solo only gives you 1-3 classes to experiment with, a group of custom people gives you 10+ classes to experiment with.

    I think you are wrong with solo having a far greater speed. IMO Solo is slower, than having a party. Not playing for RP sounds like you are missing out on something.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    Blackbɨrd wrote: »
    Grond0 wrote: »
    Blackbɨrd wrote: »
    borntodie wrote: »
    I'm undecided. I always plan to have a party of 4, because it feels like a sweet spot tactically, and because pathing. But then I somehow always end up having 6 and wanting room for more.

    Tried a solo game once. Powerwise it was awesome, but it felt too lonely to my taste. Not doing it again.

    Have to agree, solo is very lonely and in my opinion lacks a bit of personality.

    Solo gives you the most opportunity to really delve into the differences between classes and find out how good they can be. For someone, like me, who also plays mainly for the strategy and hardly at all for RP, the far greater speed of the game when played solo is also an attraction.

    Does it? As far as I can see Solo only gives you one, maybe two/three opportunities at a time to ''delve into the differences between classes and find out how good they can be''.

    If you wanted to really delve into the differences between classes and get the most opportunities to do so, Blackpits is the best option. In Blackpits you can create six custom characters, which gives you even more opportunities to experiment with classes.

    Why not make a group of 3-6 in Baldur's Gate? Wouldn't that give more chances to play around with different classes and kits? That would have a fair amount of strategy in itself. Solo only gives you 1-3 classes to experiment with, a group of custom people gives you 10+ classes to experiment with.

    I think you are wrong with solo having a far greater speed. IMO Solo is slower, than having a party. Not playing for RP sounds like you are missing out on something.

    I agree I am missing out on something with not playing RP, but it's something I don't value highly :p.

    I don't think there's any question about the speed of the game. Playing solo I can complete BGEE in less than 2 hours with a range of different characters (with no cheats or engine abuses). In a party it takes significantly longer.

    As for experimenting, I'm not quite sure of your point. What I meant in my earlier post was not experimenting in a single run, but trying out the whole range of solo characters across many hundreds of different runs. A few examples of the sorts of things that you might do when solo, but are unlikely to do in a party are:
    - fully exploit the stealth abilities of things like rangers and monks.
    - leverage weapon speed advantages by micro-managing fights.
    - test out how to improve the shaman's spirit summons by moving between rounds.
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