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Recharging consumables, exploit or not?

There was a little discussion of it in the Did You Know thread, and I wanted to get to the bottom of this.

The other thread was getting a little heated, so let's try and set a ground rule right off the bat not to assign any value judgement to whether it's an exploit or not. This is a single player game. We all have ways we enjoy playing, and none of these ways are threats to eachother. Whether it's an exploit or not everybody will remain equally justified in their choice to recharge or refrain.

Some points in favor of it being an exploit, in my opinion.

-The "recharging wands" mechanic is laid out nowhere in the game, despite being much more gamechanging than a bunch of mechanics like nonlethal damage on unarmed strikes that the game would hammer into you every time you hit a loading screen.

-The method of selling the item to a merchant and then buying it back is pointlessly roundabout. As opposed to having a "recharge item" function at the shopkeep like they have an "Identify item" function.

-If wands were meant to be rechargeable, there's no reason for them to disappear after you've used them up. They'd just hang around at 0 charges waiting for you to take them back to a recharging station.

-It is the only place in these games where your resources are limitless, constrained only by your budget. There is a finite number of potions or scrolls or ammo you can buy, but you can buy infinite charges of a wand of any charge based item this way. Contrasting something like a wand of fire against an arrow of detonation in particular tells a very stark tale, with them both having near identical functions, but the wands "restock" so long as you keep bringing them in before you use your last one and the arrows do not.

In favor of this not being an exploit Arvia writes
Arvia wrote: »

I've never understood why recharging wands is seen as an exploit. They're magical items, why shouldn't you be able to go back to a store that produces and sells magical items and pay a lot of gold to have them recharged? It's so expensive that I believe it was intentional.
Why else would you get several wands with only one single charge in Chateau Irenicus? Seems like a waste otherwise.
If you think it's overpowered and don't use it, that's a personal choice, but to call it an exploit while it costs tons of gold is not an opinion I share.

The discussion so far starts with Thacobell's comment here if anybody wants to read it in its entirety.



  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    i think the problem with recharging wands is that it gives you WAY too many charges, like for example in bg1 the wand of fire and wand of paralyzation are outrageously strong ( even though the EEs weakened the wand of fire a bit ) but when you sell them and buy them back you get 50 charges with the wand of fire and an astronomical 100 charges with the wand of paralyzation which is way too damn many

    and even if it is "costly" that is lol-tastic at best, most players are going to have 20 REP with their most charismatic person up front, so lets average that at 18, and with that, how do those wands cost? 9000, maybe 12 000 gold? even more lol-tastic, in bg1 without even trying i bet most players can hit 100 000 gold and have nothing to spend it on, and worse case scenario if you are a little low on cash just go ankheg farming for 500 gold a pop and before you know it all wands recharged with barely and muss or fuss

    in my opinion i dont think there was ever the intention of selling wands to recharge them, my guess is that it was perhaps a bug or some weird whacky programing that sets wands to those charges when you sell them, because in reality it makes ZERO sense that you sell a wand that has 1 charge in it and then you buy the EXACT same want literally a nanosecond later and now it has 50 or 100 charges lol what?

    personally if this "mechanic" was intentional not only should the more expensive wand price should have stayed the same, but it should at least have given back less charges, like 10 or even 5, wands are insanely powerful, that is why they cost so much in the first place, casting time 1 and a lot of them come with penalties to the save, that is the reason why their price is so high

    in my opinion wand recharging by selling and buying IS an exploit, and its quite obvious that it is, if you sell an item to a shopkeeper with 1 charge ( or whatever it has at the time ) then when you buy it back it should have the same amount of charges

    and another thing actually, when you buy default wands from merchants they never have 50 or 100 charges, they usually have around 10-20 charges like the holmes at sorcerous sundries, luckily he has 10 each, so you have to burn through quite a bit of wands before he will sell you the 50-100 charge ones

    and this isn't even with wands, the necklace of missiles is an AMAZING item because its a wand of fireballs that is super cheap that ANY class can use ( well except for wizard slayer i suppose ) and you can do the exact same thing, in fact, every once in a blue moon when i play solo games that exactly what i do, is it an exploit to recharge that necklace at 1 charge sell it, then buy back for a pitiful amount of gold for 25 gold? hell yes it is, but because i can do it, that is why i do it

    if it was intentional to recharge items with finite charges as you mentioned earlier having some sort of "recharge" function at either temples or wizard shops would make WAY more sense then selling and buying back
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    Although I'm a PnP player at heart I have to point out that the D&D Players and DMs guides were basically raped and pillaged by the original devs of BG to the point where they are no longer really relevant.
    A case in point being the removal of the permanent 1 point Con loss on Resurrection which effectively and deliberately wrote a massive exploit into the game.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    I'm sure in Pen and Paper if you buy the merchant's 6 magic arrows he's not out of stock forever either. In Pen and Paper this is implicitly a living world, as opposed to a CRPG which is to a certain extent static, immobile. The whole story was written before the player picked up the dice for the first time, with pre-set obstacles, and pre-set tools for the player to overcome these obstacles.

    From both a gameplay and story perspective I'm not sure it's really an analogous situation here.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    Also, in pen and paper I'm sure you don't ask the shopkeep to recharge your item by selling it to him and then buying it back after he's independently decided to recharge it.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    semiticgod wrote: »
    Two key notes about the original game: First, @kjeron said that non-EE Sorcerous Sundries sells an unlimited number of wands of each type besides the Wand of Polymorphing, so in the original game, wand charges were already unlimited if you could pay enough money. Recharging a wand at a shop merely lets you do that before Baldur's Gate. Second, the original Algernon's Cloak also had virtually infinite charges by default, and the wolf cloak still does--the developers were definitely not big on limiting charges.

    Addressing each of these points one by one.

    I'm pretty sure in the originals everything had a finite stock. You could even buy up all the unenchanted arrows if you were enterprising enough. I could be wrong on that. Wouldn't swear by it.

    Algernon's cloak is a known bug. A rollover error. When it should go down to 0 charges, it instead rolls around to several thousand charges, and if you use all those up then it just rolls around again.

    The Wolf Cloak provides one charge a day. So while that is technically "virtually infinite" it is not limitless by any stretch of the imagination.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Odd. In the EE versions the wolf cloak is infinite in charge; I've often used it multiple times without resting. I thought the same was true for the vanilla BG1 version.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    semiticgod wrote: »
    Odd. In the EE versions the wolf cloak is infinite in charge; I've often used it multiple times without resting. I thought the same was true for the vanilla BG1 version.'s_Mistake

    Wiki seems to be backing you up there. Says it lets you transform into a wolf "At Will", which is usually the terminology for abilities you can just use whenever.

    Are there any other items in the game with "At Will" abilities? I don't know of any but that would make it pretty unique if it was the only one.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Chronicler wrote: »
    Are there any other items in the game with "At Will" abilities? I don't know of any but that would make it pretty unique if it was the only one.

    Algernon's cloak was (in)famous for its infinite charms. This was pre-EE though. Other than that I can't think of other items with at will abilities.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,967
    There's a set of boots in BG2EE - in the files as BOOT09, but unavailable in-game and with no name or description - with an at-will ability that greatly improves AC and saves for 20 seconds at the cost of disabling attacks, spellcasting, stealth, and thieving. It's restored in the Unfinished Business mod as the Boots of Hastened Departure, with an added enemy that drops the item.

    Actually, looking them up ... the name and description have valid string pointers. The strings they point to are just blank.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    There's good points on both sides here, but honestly, I think this settles it:

    "-If wands were meant to be rechargeable, there's no reason for them to disappear after you've used them up. They'd just hang around at 0 charges waiting for you to take them back to a recharging station."

    Having 1 charge left or 0 should have zero impact on the ability to recharge them. But no, wands completely disappear when used up.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    There's good points on both sides here, but honestly, I think this settles it:

    "-If wands were meant to be rechargeable, there's no reason for them to disappear after you've used them up. They'd just hang around at 0 charges waiting for you to take them back to a recharging station."

    Having 1 charge left or 0 should have zero impact on the ability to recharge them. But no, wands completely disappear when used up.

    Why? A magical wand with no charges is a stick. I doubt it would even register to detect magic. It's harder to enchant non-magical objects so I don't see that as the 'definitive' answer.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    A bow with no arrows is a stick, but it hardly disappears from your inventory when your quiver runs dry. It just waits for you to load up more arrows, because they're designed to be continually emptied and reloaded. They have a whole interface set up for just that purpose.

    If a bow came pre-loaded with exactly 16 arrows, had no functionality for you to swap out or replace those arrows, and disappeared forever when you used the last one, excepting of course, you sell your bow to a merchant, and then buy it back, at which point he will have topped up your quiver when you weren't looking, that would strike you as an unorthodox setup would it not?
  • squirossquiros Member Posts: 33
    from a real life perspective, merchants don't 'recharge' wands. i used to work for a company that sold [product]. when a defective product came in, industry standard operating procedure was to send out a new product. defective ones would then flood the engineering floor and diagnostics would be run. i can't imagine any merchants would be different. the shop doesn't recharge a wand, it just gives you a new one, just like every merchant since forever. the depleted wand is then sent to engineering - or the mages guild where mages will run a diagnostic expected value. for example, maybe they pay an archmage and this funds the mage guild. it charges however much the demand/time ratio makes sense and supplies the shopkeep with more wands. the failures are included in the price. the merchant simply gives you one of thousands he has on standby. for our company, if we could figure out what was wrong with the product, we would fix it with new materials and repackage it as refurb and sell it at a discount. or replace internals and sell it as new.

    wands get used up because that's definitely something that happens. some products are lost when abused. they are irreparable. that doesn't mean they were never meant to be fixed, it's just that it's no longer worth attempting to fix this one in particular. for example, at my company, some of the products were left out in the rain for a year and forgotten. the damage would be so extensive that anyone would immediately know that any diagnostics would likely damage the diagnostic equipment. it would be uncontested it's user error. similarly the shop would not give it to a master wand smith for recharging; it simply disappears because it's irreparable.

    wand behavior is not indicative of its intended availability. it's like saying red items shouldn't be usable, so the wand of magic missiles shouldn't be usable by anyone because of its color. the two elements are completely unrelated. just because it disappears doesn't mean it's not supposed to be fixable, it may represent the inability to scavenge enough pieces to call it a 'wand'.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    squiros wrote: »
    from a real life perspective, merchants don't 'recharge' wands. i used to work for a company that sold [product]. when a defective product came in, industry standard operating procedure was to send out a new product. defective ones would then flood the engineering floor and diagnostics would be run. i can't imagine any merchants would be different. the shop doesn't recharge a wand, it just gives you a new one, just like every merchant since forever. the depleted wand is then sent to engineering - or the mages guild where mages will run a diagnostic expected value. for example, maybe they pay an archmage and this funds the mage guild. it charges however much the demand/time ratio makes sense and supplies the shopkeep with more wands. the failures are included in the price. the merchant simply gives you one of thousands he has on standby. for our company, if we could figure out what was wrong with the product, we would fix it with new materials and repackage it as refurb and sell it at a discount. or replace internals and sell it as new.

    wands get used up because that's definitely something that happens. some products are lost when abused. they are irreparable. that doesn't mean they were never meant to be fixed, it's just that it's no longer worth attempting to fix this one in particular. for example, at my company, some of the products were left out in the rain for a year and forgotten. the damage would be so extensive that anyone would immediately know that any diagnostics would likely damage the diagnostic equipment. it would be uncontested it's user error. similarly the shop would not give it to a master wand smith for recharging; it simply disappears because it's irreparable.

    wand behavior is not indicative of its intended availability. it's like saying red items shouldn't be usable, so the wand of magic missiles shouldn't be usable by anyone because of its color. the two elements are completely unrelated. just because it disappears doesn't mean it's not supposed to be fixable, it may represent the inability to scavenge enough pieces to call it a 'wand'.

    So going by your train of thought, why the step of selling the item to the merchant at all?

    Why does your ability to hand this merchant a wand with 1 remaining charge have any impact on his ability to find another wand to sell you, for full price?
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    Does that also go for all charge based items by the way? Does the Nashkel Store have thousands of Staffs of Striking just hanging in the backroom, all fully charged already, all only for sale if you manage to bring yours in before you use your last charge?
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    There's good points on both sides here, but honestly, I think this settles it:

    "-If wands were meant to be rechargeable, there's no reason for them to disappear after you've used them up. They'd just hang around at 0 charges waiting for you to take them back to a recharging station."

    Having 1 charge left or 0 should have zero impact on the ability to recharge them. But no, wands completely disappear when used up.

    Technically, wands SHOULDN'T disappear when used up. That's not what happens in PnP. ;) Wands disintegrating when they're used up in the BG games is an oddity. But, oddly enough, despite being a PnP player at heart, I actually prefer the wands disappearing, because otherwise you run into the situation in NWN1/2 where the empty wands just become worthless loot worth 0 gold that can't be sold or destroyed; the only thing to do is drop them on the ground so they don't clutter your inventory and I HATE doing that. It feels messy! XD

    But anyway, as to the original point, I don't feel that recharging wands is an exploit, no. D&D rules do explicitly allow wands to be recharged, although one could argue that your average shopkeeper would not be able to recharge a wand. (NPCs like Thalantyr would be able to, of course, but not some random innkeeper.) I do acknowledge the points about wands coming back with 50 charges etc., although I'm inclined to lean towards the side of "it's there as player convenience as opposed to have multiple 5-charge Wands of Fire".

    Ultimately, as players are free to simply not recharge the wands if they feel it is too powerful a tactic, it's not something that's of particularly high priority to change or fix.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,967
    edited December 2020
    In the BG series, it is possible to get some 0-charge items that would ordinarily disappear if you used them up. The Shield Amulet in the werewolf ship is one.

    They sell for a token 1 gold, so they can be recharged.
    Post edited by jmerry on
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    It is objectively an exploit, not only for all reasons stated in the first post but also the fact that the way it exists in the game is certainly now how it was intended by developers. If they had any intention to let you recharge wands or any other type of consumable item, they would make it an option via vendors, etc.

    I don't like to state the obvious, but unfortunately, some people need to hear it: I don't tell people how to play just because I call it an exploit. You can still use that if you want. That's not up to me.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    jmerry wrote: »
    In the BG series, it is possible to get some 0-charge items that would ordinarily disappear if you used them up. The Shield Amulet in the werewolf ship is one.

    They sell for a token 1 gold, so they can be recharged.

    Yes, the same with a wand of frost with zero charges from Centeol.
    O_Bruce wrote: »
    If they had any intention to let you recharge wands or any other type of consumable item, they would make it an option via vendors, etc.

    This might as well be turned around: If they had any intention to not let you recharge wands or any other type of consumable item, they would not make it an option via vendors, etc.

    I really can't see how the fact that vendors buy empty items and sell them recharged clearly indicates developer intent against recharging. A recharge function wasn't included for PCs, so why not have it done at a considerable price by an NPC, at a shop? Makes sense to me.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    "If they had any intention to not let you recharge wands or any other type of consumable item, they would not make it an option via vendors, etc."

    I don't know if you realized it yet, but your response to me does not make sense. At all. There is no option intended to let you re-charge these items, even at vendors. There is an unintentional glitch. When you interact with vendors in-game, did you see these tab/option "recharge equipment?" Yeah, I can't either. You can use a glitch/oversight from the developers, though.
  • PokotaPokota Member Posts: 858
    The only reason I consider it exploity is because it doesn't matter if you sell the wand to a Wizard Shop like Thalantyr... or to the innkeeper at Feldpost's Inn.

    Restrict selling wands to arcane dealers, and I'll look the other way on "recharging".
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    I tend to agree that this would feel less exploity if you could only get "refreshed" wands from sellers of magical goods, not any Tom, Dick, or Harry who happens to buy and sell stuff.

    As it is, I rarely take advantage of this, as I generally keep wands for "backup" - situations where my mages need a touch of assistance to get through a situation. Most of the time, I use no more than a few charges of any wand.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    O_Bruce wrote: »
    When you interact with vendors in-game, did you see these tab/option "recharge equipment?"
    To be fair, there's a massive amount of mechanical stuff in BG1 that's not documented anywhere. It took 20 years before anyone realized specialist mage penalties even existed.

    It wouldn't surprise me if the developers used the shop system in lieu of creating a separate "recharge items" menu. Adding a separate window in Thalantyr's shop and Sorcerous Sundries would have taken more coding work.

    The main difference between recharging consumables in BG1 and doing it in PnP is that there's a chance of failure in PnP. But then, the devs also removed those sorts of limitations from Raise Dead.

    They might have the same reasons behind them: making these PnP features act just like they did in PnP would take more work from the coders and bugtesters. Like a lot of developers, they published a simplified version of a traditional system.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    edited December 2020
    I don't recall sto files saved charge values, so they would just default to the maximum value of the itm file and increase the store inventory by the number of sold items of the same sort
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    One supporting piece of evidence for the notion that it's unintentional is that the maximum value of the wands is so high. Sorcerous Sundries sells wands with 20 charges, but most wands have a maximum charge value of 100.

    I'm not sure it's entirely intentional. It seems like a coding oversight that just happened to mimic PnP behavior.
  • shabadooshabadoo Member Posts: 324
    Recharging wands had always been a part of D&D. PC magic users were allowed this as well as npc mu's. The info was buried in the appendices or other optional rules sections at the back of the book, along with discussions of independent spell research and creating new spells. Few or even zero actual "rules" or mechanics were given... but it was always allowed and encouraged.
    The lack of guidance on the issue by the original and subsequent creators has, imo, created the current confusion over how or even if this should be allowed.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    One supporting piece of evidence for the notion that it's unintentional is that the maximum value of the wands is so high. Sorcerous Sundries sells wands with 20 charges, but most wands have a maximum charge value of 100.

    I'm not sure it's entirely intentional. It seems like a coding oversight that just happened to mimic PnP behavior.

    Replaying BG:EE currently, I've come to this conclusion as well. Having a few wands with 20 charges, even if you first sold them and then bought back, sounds like an absolutely no issue for me. It's too bad that wands are so rare in BG2 because that doesn't affect balance there at all, especially considering you're swimming in wands in BG1.

    I'm fine with recharging wands to 100 charges, though - will just mean I get one item place instead of 5 item places (5 wands per 20 charges) in one purchase.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Does anybody remember loading screens in classic BG2? The one with various tips etc.?

    I just remembered that one of these loading screen tips mentions selling to vendors items that were out of their charges. The tip explicitly mentions that the vendors will offer you 1 gold for such an item, citing that the reason for that is that said vendor would think the item does not have any use.

    With that in mind, with this tip being about a very specific situation and very close to the topic, it comes to me as strange that the game doesn't inform you about the possibility of recharging items like that. It does not hint at that possibility, instead mentions the item being useless. That makes me think even more that the item recharge thing is not intentional.

    I tried to google a screenshot with that exact loading screen tip but couldn't find it. I can try to dig out my old BG2 copy and try to take the screenshot myself. The only problem is, it would be in Polish. So, if anyone here who has access to classic BG2 in English, you can provide the screenshot if you so desire.
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