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Patch 2.6 + mods

Am I right in thinking that many mods will be incompatible (at least initially) with the 2.6 patch?

Thanks. :smile:

(If so, I'll make sure to have 2.5 versions of BG, BG2, and IWD safely installed before the patch is released.)


  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,801
    edited January 2021
    Yes. I already know one of my mods is not compatible with 2.6.

    I can only stress that stowing away a safe copy of 2.5 might be an idea. I have a hunch the intermediate time until mods will be compatible will take a while.
    EDIT: notched my phrasing down a bit. By no means do I recommend sticking to an older version if a new patch is released! Blessed be BeamDog for patching the game.
    But all people on a 32 system won't have a choice anyway, if 2.6 no longer supports it.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    jastey wrote: »
    Yes. I already know one of my mods is not compatible with 2.6.
    What makes your mod incompatible with 2.6? I am unsure what to look for when 2.6 is out.

  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,801
    edited January 2021
    @LavaDelVortel in 2.6 there is an additional script block in the Ducal Palace that lets the Dukes turn hostile after Sarevok's death - this is the result of the script block, it doesn't explictiely check for his death - and spawn Winski to kill the HC. (Which - combined with Endless BG1 - makes the hero proclamation a little short.)
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    jastey wrote: »
    Yes. I already know one of my mods is not compatible with 2.6.

    I can only stress that stowing away a safe copy of 2.5 might be an idea. I have a hunch the intermediate time until mods will be compatible will take a while.
    EDIT: notched my phrasing down a bit. By no means do I recommend sticking to an older version if a new patch is released! Blessed be BeamDog for patching the game.
    But all people on a 32 system won't have a choice anyway, if 2.6 no longer supports it.

    I was a bit confused by your EDIT: "By no means do I recommend sticking to an older version if a new patch is released! Blessed be BeamDog for patching the game."

    So is your overall recommendation to stick with 2.5 until the mods are adapted to 2.6 (however long that takes)?

    I think it's great that Beamdog will be patching the games, but for people who want to use mods it may take a while to ensure compatibility, right?
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,801
    edited January 2021
    If we are talking "I want all mods to work properly" then installing current mod versions on 2.6 and start playing will definitely lead to bad surprises.
    But - being frustrated by players using older (mod) versions (and complaining about bugs that are long fixed) myself - I would never recommend anyone to stick with 2.5 on purpose.
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    jastey wrote: »
    @LavaDelVortel in 2.6 there is an additional script block in the Ducal Palace that lets the Dukes turn hostile after Sarevok's death - this is the result of the script block, it doesn't explictiely check for his death - and spawn Winski to kill the HC. (Which - combined with Endless BG1 - makes the hero proclamation a little short.)

    Hmmm, any chances that a fix for that will be released soon or it will wait until the full 2.6 is out?
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,801
    edited January 2021
    @Mothor I am at updating Endless BG1 so I could add a quick fix, but:
    -It's not even sure this will be the final version for the patch. How many are already playing with the 2.6 beta? (I don't know the answer and would be interested.)
    -I really and sincerely do not understand what this script block is for. I do assume the devs put it in for safety/bugfixing, though. So I'm reluctant to just disable it but would like to understand what it's for so I can work around it. Since I already looked at it and didn't get it, this will take a while.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    jastey wrote: »
    -I really and sincerely do not understand what this script block is for. I do assume the devs put it in for safety/bugfixing, though. So I'm reluctant to just disable it but would like to understand what it's for so I can work around it. Since I already looked at it and didn't get it, this will take a while.
    Perhaps @JuliusBorisov can gather some information and get back to us. It's indeed weird such a new "mechanic" is introduced even though I never - for all those years - heard anyone encountered any problems out there.

  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,801
    @JuliusBorisov @LavaDelVortel I looked at the script again thoroughly to list my exact question and I understand the script now. In short: this "dukes turning hostile" covers the case where the player attacks the dukes inside the palace. Before, this just lead to Winksi being spawned and the game ends by instant killing the PC. Now, all the dukes turn hostile and there is a short moment of fight before Winski's instant kill happens.
    So, the main problem I have with EBG1 compatibility arises from the fact that the original devs used the same variable value for triggering the events inside the palace as well as inside the Temple, with these two cases never intended to "meet" after Sarevok's death.

    I can only repeat my plea for a detailed list of changes for the 2.6, more detailed than given here where I didn't find any mentioning of the changes in the Ducal Palace fight.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    i make a backup of the install files and place it on my desk top when i play modded games.
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    edited January 2021
    I have backed up my modded BG1, BG2 games and IWD (for current playthrough) after seeing this thread, thanks for reminding.

    I think I will spend few months to half year to complete these three games. I just wondering whether I should also install a fresh copy in another PC and back up the fresh copy if I want to play new playthrough with different MODs after completing my first playthrough.

    Asking this because I'm not sure whether half year will be sufficient for most MODs to be compatible with the latest official patch...

    Steam version anyway.
  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 138
    Am I right in thinking that many mods will be incompatible (at least initially) with the 2.6 patch?
    It seems that Premium mods aren't compatible with the Steam version, while they are compatible with the Beamdog version, but are freezy crashy with exit codes.

    The Steam version seems to be an earlier version without the hugely expanded menu (and puzzling as to what all the advanced options do), while the Beamdog version seems to be the latest unstable version.

    I have both the Steam and Beamdog client and prefer the (apparently) older Steam version.

  • seraglioseraglio Member Posts: 122
    How does Beamdog patch? Is there a way to block it? I have hundreds of hours invested in modding my install and I DONT WANT TO CHANGE ANYTHING!

    I had to stop playing Pathfinder kingmaker and Pillars of eternity for same reason(and not buying there new games)...kept patching the game long after it became playable...they should use resources making new content...not piddling around for obscure bugs no one runs into.

    Whats beamdog's reason for moving to 64bit? Are they going to release new content on the new 64bit
    but still 20year old engine? Think you'd be safe modding a 20 yo game. UGGGH! Another game I'm gonna have to move to unwired VM so I can play the game I payed for how I want.

    rant over
  • AmmarAmmar Member Posts: 1,297
    I suspect moving to 64 bit now is future proofing the game, at some point it's likely that 32 bit support will be dropped from the OS. There shouldn't be any game features that require it certainly.

    As for not auto-patching the game, that's definitely possible, but the how depends on where you got it.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    @seraglio The move to 64bit is caused by the realities of today's gaming. New hardware & software stops supporting 32bit applications on many platforms.

    As for keeping the game intact, just copy/paste your game folder to another place on your PC, and you'll be fine. I still have 1.3, 2.3, 2.5 and now 2.6 setups, both modded and unmodded, on my PC.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,929
    It's pretty clear that Beamdog's general strategy for the Enhanced Editions has been to make them run on as wide a range of systems as possible - at least, from the perspective of how many people have those systems. If there are more 64-bit systems that don't allow 32-bit apps than there are 32-bit systems that can't run 64-bit apps, making it a 64-bit app is the way to go.

    And if you want to run the game on an old system that can't handle 64-bit apps - well, the original pre-EE game is still out there. I know GOG has an option to download it.

    I'll definitely finish my current run on 2.5 before I update, and maybe do a short "last hurrah" run in honor of an exploit that's going away. Hopefully by then, any mod incompatibilities in what I use will have new updates to cover them.
  • seraglioseraglio Member Posts: 122
    @seraglio The move to 64bit is caused by the realities of today's gaming. New hardware & software stops supporting 32bit applications on many platforms.

    As for keeping the game intact, just copy/paste your game folder to another place on your PC, and you'll be fine. I still have 1.3, 2.3, 2.5 and now 2.6 setups, both modded and unmodded, on my PC.

    Could you expand on what you said a bit? For instance, I keep about 4 levels of backups for my current install (downloaded from beamdog, I don't do business with steam or similar companies). Are you saying I can start any of those backup copies, and it wont update cause thats not the official "install directory" listed in the registry? Seems odd, most other games I played contact the patch server on startup of the exe regardless of where you start it from. I switch drives/drive letters, get new HDD's, move apps around all the time... games still patch. I'm more looking for the address of beamdog's patch server so I can block it on my firewall. Otherwise, I'll have to block the game from using the internet locally. Is there an approximate date they're gonna force it down?

    Thanks for the other comments, I guess I'm so in windows world I forget about those "other" platforms. That said it still seems weird any OS producer would drop support for 32bit. Windows still supports applications from 1980, its part of its business model. Why would you put the onus on hundreds of thousands tiny app developers to keep up with you, when you can just run older apps in emulation mode? That's a lot of support cost to burden smaller developers with that may not even benefit from 64bit features., or even still be in business. It's one company(the OS developer) vs. thousands (the app developers). Worlds changed a lot since I was a developer in the early 90's I guess.....
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Yes, you can run the game straight from the .exe file from any of those backup folders.
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