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Patch 2.6 Launches Today!



  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Offline installers depend on the GOG's resources and time. We don't control them.
  • blagrblagr Member Posts: 1
    Hi I just installed the patch in the Beamdog client. Started TOB was about to enter the last part of Watcherskeep, when malwarebytes quarantined baldur.exe. A couple of days ago I was able to play without any issues.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Please add it as an exception for your AV/Malware software.
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    Hafir wrote: »
    O no! I can't find Jalantha Mistmyr, and I'm under Marek poison, is it a bug or I missed something?

    You have to ask one of the other priestesses to get her for you first.
  • tokttokt Member Posts: 1
    Since the last update (2.6.6 of May 18 on Steam), I have encountered two problems:

    1) At each launch, the game returns to the default settings, although I modified it

    2) My previous saved games no longer appear on the loading game menu, so I cannot launch them.
    However, these save files are still visible in my game directory.
    (C: \ Users \ XXX \ Documents \ Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition \ save)

    I uninstalled and reinstalled, but the situation remains the same.
    Thanks in advance for your help,
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited May 2021
    It means you have another Documents folder on your device, maybe OneDrive, or on another disc (with the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition folder in it), such as D: So you're modifying a different baldur.lua file and your saves are not in the correct folder.

    Why did that happen? Your AV or other software might have interfered. The problem with disappearing saves might be related to Windows Ransomware Protection. With WRP enabled, the games might start saving to "C:\saves\" because Windows fails to return the path to the Documents folder. Once you whitelist the games, it will start working again.
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • royalprotectorroyalprotector Member Posts: 42
    Dunno if this was reported but Remove Fear spells (Cavalier's version included) add a PERMANENT Morale Modifier to targets. It should remove itself along with the rest of the effects.

    Unless I'm mistaken and that's intended, but it sounds wrong to me.
  • CLsdlt80CLsdlt80 Member Posts: 82
    edited May 2021
    Dunno if this was reported but Remove Fear spells (Cavalier's version included) add a PERMANENT Morale Modifier to targets. It should remove itself along with the rest of the effects.

    curious to know: how are you testing this? when I open my save files with EEKeeper I see these specs: Morale, Morale Break, Morale Recovery. I open old saves and then recent ones where I remember having used Remove Fear and the chars 2nd and 3rd stats don't vary. What varies in some saves is "Morale", in some saves it's high then in others it goes low. PC's stats (Shadow Dancer) are 10-0-1 in oldest save and in most recent save.
  • royalprotectorroyalprotector Member Posts: 42
    edited May 2021
    @CLsdlt80 It shows in the Effects tab of EEKeeper as a permanent effect. You can double-check the effects in NearInfinity to ascertain whether they apply the effect permanently or not, which they do.
  • MrSextonMrSexton Member Posts: 396
    The Beamdog client still doesn't work. When will it be fixed?
  • CLsdlt80CLsdlt80 Member Posts: 82
    @CLsdlt80 It shows in the Effects tab of EEKeeper as a permanent effect. You can double-check the effects in NearInfinity to ascertain whether they apply the effect permanently or not, which they do.

    ok! found it with EEKeeper, in the effects tab... the thing is: is the effect actually "locking" the morale? what is it actually doing? For instance I checked chapter 4 start save game and see this on Khalid:

    Abilities tab:
    Morale: 10
    Morale Recovery: 6
    Morale Break: 60

    Effects tab:
    related to Resist Fear:
    Morale modifier (permanent):
    parameter 1: 10
    parameter 2: 1

    Then I check chapter 5 start save:

    Abilities tab:
    Morale: 60
    Morale Recovery: 6
    Morale Break: 60

    Effects tab:
    related to Resist Fear:


    Chapter 4:

    Abilities tab:
    Morale: 10
    Morale Recovery: 5
    Morale Break: 60

    Effects tab:
    related to Resist Fear:
    Morale modifier (permanent):
    parameter 1: 10
    parameter 2: 1

    Chapter 5 start save:

    Abilities tab:
    Morale: 10
    Morale Recovery: 5
    Morale Break: 60

    Effects tab:
    related to Resist Fear:
    Morale modifier (permanent) 4 times:
    parameter 1: 10
    parameter 2: 1
  • CorvusCorvus Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2021

    Corvus wrote: »
    could someone tell me, how to delete the new soundsets? i use the german version, and i dont need them, and i think with my custom soundsets it crashes my game. i deleted them in the lang/en_us folder but they still appear!
    btw. i use the steam version

    nevermind, i fixed it by myself

    Post edited by Corvus on
  • ThunderburpThunderburp Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2021
    Dunno if this was reported but Remove Fear spells (Cavalier's version included) add a PERMANENT Morale Modifier to targets. It should remove itself along with the rest of the effects.

    Unless I'm mistaken and that's intended, but it sounds wrong to me.
    A shallow, non-exhaustive series of tests showed that:
    • Panic (24) still affects characters bugged with a Permanent until death opcode 23, as expected. According to Kjeron in 2017, Panic and Morale failure are independent from one another, though there seems to be a bit of a contradiction with IESDP's note on opcode 24.
    • Script actions MoraleSet, MoraleInc and MoraleDec as called from console command fail on bugged characters, e.g. C:Eval('MoraleDec("imoen",6)'), but they also fail on non-bugged anyway.
    • Killing a party member with CTRL+Y does affect the morale of other members. A series of CTRL+Y and CTRL+R on Dorn showed (with CTRL+M) that it decreases bugged-teammate morale by 2 each time until morale break does occur. Saving the game however calms down bugged characters instantly as their morale is reset to 10, whereas non-bugged characters keep running around. Checking the saved game with Near Infinity shows that the permanent until death effect Reset morale (23) was not cleared by the engine during this morale break episode.

    So bugged characters are not immune to morale failure, but saving the game (reload not needed) abnormally calms them down. I suppose anything that causes permanent effects to be re-applied could be abused to calm down a bugged character freaked out by events (as opposed to status effects).

    These are shallow, low coverage tests, so there could be other consequences. For example I noticed from playing normally that non-bugged characters have their morale bump by a varying +2 or +4 upon being blessed by a level 5/5 Fighter/Cleric, but I have seen nothing but a stable +1 increase on bugged characters.
    Post edited by Thunderburp on
  • BaptorBaptor Member Posts: 343
    Thanks for fixing the double click on the inspect item button. I've noticed there's the same double click when you load a game too. Just dropping that here. It's not as a big a deal.
  • skushaskusha Member Posts: 139
    @JuliusBorisov, when will the 2.6.6 GOG patch for windows finally be available? Do you know anything about this from GOG support?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Please ask GOG about offline installers. 2.6.6 is available in the Galaxy.
  • MiraStastnyMiraStastny Member Posts: 813
    2.6.6 is live on GOG.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    edited May 2021
    Patches for BG (5mb) and BG2 (7mb) but you have to (re)download Siege of Dragonspear (1.6gb) to get the patched version. Seems that as it is classed as a DLC there isn't a patch for Siege of Dragonspear.

  • royalprotectorroyalprotector Member Posts: 42
    Here's another bug that has gone unnoticed.
    Shadowdancers receive a -5 THAC0 penalty when wielding weapons they have no proficiency for, just like wizards. The other thieves have a -3 penalty instead.

    Check CLSWPBON.2da and see for yourself.
  • CLsdlt80CLsdlt80 Member Posts: 82
    edited May 2021
    what do you mean by "bugged" characters, @Thunderburp?

    edit: I think you mean characters which got the Permanent Stat:Morale Modifier [23] from the remove fear wiz and cleric spells, yes?
    Post edited by CLsdlt80 on
  • KatzerchenKatzerchen Member Posts: 61
    Couple things I noticed.
    I have downloaded the latest update, but don't use any mods.

    - Candlekeep Easter Egg seems to have been removed. Might have been intended, though.
    Unlike before the update, when I talk to Firebead Elvenhair 30 times I don't get 300 gold anymore. Talked to him at least 50 times, nothing.
    Not a big deal. Shouldn't do this anyway in a more serious RP run.

    - The new male portrait of a half-orc thief appears for female characters while the new female portrait of a halfling or gnome thief appears for male characters. While transgender PCs definitely are an option in 2021, I don't think it was intended to be this way.

    When I didn't visit Firebead Elvenhair in Beregost right away, but only after I had visited Nashkell (but without clearing the mines), his miniquest to get him a book did not trigger.
    Might have nothing to do with the update, also will try again. Sometimes odd things just happen.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    Katzerchen wrote: »
    Candlekeep Easter Egg seems to have been removed. Might have been intended, though.
    It hasn't changed - if you click too fast you can skip the trigger. It only triggers while you've talked 30 times, any more and you've missed it.
    Katzerchen wrote: »
    When I didn't visit Firebead Elvenhair in Beregost right away, but only after I had visited Nashkell (but without clearing the mines), his miniquest to get him a book did not trigger.
    You have to initiate dialog with CHARNAME or Imoen to receive it. No other requirements/restrictions have been added.
  • ThunderburpThunderburp Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2021
    CLsdlt80 wrote: »
    what do you mean by "bugged" characters, @Thunderburp?

    edit: I think you mean characters which got the Permanent Stat:Morale Modifier [23] from the remove fear wiz and cleric spells, yes?

    Yes, I went back and edited that part to make it clearer. Some kind of forum edit glitch actually deleted my original comment and I had to retype and repost it. Looks like I missed adding back a few things, sorry.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    The effect is instantaneous, even if it has a duration or is permanent.
    It sets current morale, but doesn't maintain that value.

    The various "Resist Fear" abilities do not grant complete immunity to morale failure, as they only set morale break to 1, not zero, as they should.

    Morale can trigger "Morale Failure: Running", "Morale Failure: Panic", or "Morale Failure: Berserk", but there is no way to control which it will cause. This is the "Panic" the IESDP is referring to, not op24.
  • ThunderburpThunderburp Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2021
    The effect is instantaneous, even if it has a duration or is permanent. It sets current morale, but doesn't maintain that value.
    Yes, but Reset morale (23) staying permanently means that anything that re-applies the list of effects on a creature will have their morale set to 10. Saving the game appears to do that, but more abusively: Unequipping/reequipping an item on any member of the group will calm down all bugged characters.
    The various "Resist Fear" abilities do not grant complete immunity to morale failure, as they only set morale break to 1, not zero, as they should.
    I noticed that yeah, fortunately it doesn't seem to be so easy to fall to Morale 0 in normal gameplay... Still, it's another bug to fix. I think this one affects BG2EE too, whereas the permanent opcode 23 only affects BG1EE.

    I suspected that the IESDP thing was just unfortunate wording with regards to Near Infinity's naming choices, glad to see it confirmed =)
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    @Thunderburp Poor wording on my part. It does need fixing (either back to BG2 mode, or no duration).
    With a duration it's functioning as you describe, a triggered effect (initial application, shuffling items around, reloading, etc...), instead of a maintained effect, as most other opcodes work.
    However, looking back at the spell descriptions (Resist Fear and Remove Fear), a maintained value wouldn't be correct either. Nor should they be applying the Morale Break effect at all, just a one-time set Morale = 20, plus immunity to magical fear (op24).

    Sources of full immunity (undead, paladin kits, etc...) likely don't even need to use op23, just op106 (set=0).
  • ThunderburpThunderburp Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2021
    Yes, the fix is to have these spells run Reset morale (23) once and be gone, like any effect that "cures" something, e.g. Remove intoxication (164) or Cure stun (46). The name chosen by Near Infinity also fits that very well.

    I agree Morale break (106) is the one suited to provide immunity to morale failure.
    Nor should they be applying the Morale Break effect at all, just a one-time set Morale = 20, plus immunity to magical fear (op24).
    Maybe it's not a mistake but a design choice that the Resist Fear and Remove Fear spells set morale break to 1 rather than 0, making it still possible to have morale failure while under the effect of those spells, but harder?
    Post edited by Thunderburp on
  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 138
    edited June 2021
    So glad IWD got updated.
    Decided to have another crack at BG again and try to escape the confusing Durlag tower.

    Quick question on 2.6.6
    Can you still carry over characters from BG to BG-II?
    You do get rather attached to them...
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Of course, you can! There are no changes regarding the import process. You can use the Import game button in the main menu of BGII:EE.
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