This looks quite intriguing. I'm looking forward to trying it out once I play BG again and it's available!
I like SoD and so am pleased that there will be some additional content for it. (The main thing I dislike about SoD is that, like ToB, there is little mod material for it.)
I'm glad you're interested in it! Just a word of caution... don't get too excited for a ton of new SoD content. I'm still thinking out the specifics, but what I have planned so far is a small murder mystery that I doubt will end up being too long. It will mostly just serve to bridge the gap between my mod and ToB.
Shavarath - the Eberronian cosmology plane where celestials, demons, devils, and sometimes also mortals continually fight - seemed like a fitting place to set your mod. (Google "Shavarath Plane" for more info!)
Update to this week's pretty short! I finished up creation of the last 3 area maps in terms of the various maps and wall objects needed to traverse them. I've started on scripting but this will likely be a slow process. Lots to do there and unfortunately this week is pretty busy for me so I may not get a lot done, but I'm just going to keep on chipping away at it
Since Tuesday, I've worked diligently on this item list of things that seemed appealing to me and apt for BG1EE/EET. Read the Design Philosophy section!
As mentioned in this Google Doc, anyone is welcome to use these items/ideas so long as they credit me. Go ahead and mod, everyone, and enjoy! Alleluia!
You just sent 100 pages of items to a busy modder who is being nice and doing all he can to his first big mod could become something he could be proud of, after you included other demands like (and I quote): "Include native EET compatibility" - which is not even a question, but sounds more like an order.
This is ridiculous that whenever a modder decides to show what he/she was working on suddenly becomes a list of demands, while what we usually need is patience, information, and belief that what we do is wanted / needed / looks enjoyable. Ideas are fine, but there is a limit to that and 100 pages are way past the line of tactful responses. Oh, and then you added "you can use them, but credit me" to make it even worse.
Go and learn modding, if you have that many ideas. It takes time, it takes much learning, coding, writing, and discipline. I'm already wondering how many of these you have. And BTW, I can still send you a list of 485839 things that could be added, because well, of course, I can demand such things, right? After all why I shouldn't I tell you what you should do. And don't forget to credit me. (this paragraph is sarcastic, in case it wasn't obvious)
@AWizardDidIt - you do a wonderful thing here and I really hope to finally play some new quests mods that aren't mine! Made the mod the way you could be proud of it and - simply - happy!
The mod and it’s ideas look awesome. Awizarddidit is surely on the right track - and as I have said elsewhere, the modding scene looks strong with many new and most certainly some “still going very strong” modders they can lean on - thanks to all of you.
I have deep respect for Lavas words of caution: a modder is perhaps already filled up with work to do, when making a mod. The topic is off course quite sensitive, and I hope we will focus on the meaning of the words and not only the form.
Agreed. I am sure many modders appreciate feedback on work or ideas that they have published, but simply going "hey stop whatever you're doing and attend to my wish list instead" is rather rude. To quote from another thread in this subforum where the same thing happened recently: Sounds like a good reason for you to get into modding yourself.
Anyway, back on topic. AWizardDidIt, what you have so far looks great and I'm really looking forward to seeing your mod when you're happy with it.
I will join the comments. Make your mod according to your idea, and then add new different additions as desired.
And do not be afraid of different comments, the feedback will be after the release of your particular idea of the mod.
Hi all! Thanks for the support! I missed an update last week because of it being my last week in a certificate course I'm taking so I needed to plug in on that and step away from modding, but I'm plugging back away at it a little at a time. I'm working on getting the final scripting and encounters set up for my dungeon zone, including a few dialogue encounters so it's taking some time.
Thank you for sharing me on that. I did take a casual look at the list and a lot of these things unfortunately are beyond my ability to mod right now but I might try to see what I can do to get a few things in. I really think though with as much thought as you've put into these, that you try to take up some modding yourself! Modding items isn't too hard and it's a great way to get started learning IE modding. This youtube video especially was really helpful (I'm pretty sure the video creator posts here). I'd watch the whole series if you can but this one below specifically goes into how you'd create an item (it says making a quest, but includes instructions for making an item too).
Paused by the recent release of Wrath of the Righteous haha.
Well, not totally paused. I basically force myself to get *one* thing done for the mod each day, even if it's just an item, creature, or a line of dialogue, just so I make sure it's always in my mind.
I'll get back to it in full, but goodness is WotR good and doing everything in its power to distract me
Hmmm.... Interesting. As it just so happens I'm about to start a brand new playthrough of Baldur's Gate to try out Lava's Shades of the Sword Coast. I think I'll try out your Black Pits in BGEE mod as well while I'm at it.
We still are interested in this finished mod. Thankee! Alleluia!
So this is less an update and more an explanation, but I unfortunately got sidetracked by life for about 6 months and by the time I found myself with free time to work on things, I found I wasn't even sure how to restart on it. And my enthusiasm for BG had waned some.
I still want to finish this. The mod's probably 75% of the way there. When will I be able to get back to it? Not sure, but just know it's not totally abandoned. It's still my intention to finish it. I just can't say when.
Know that the progress from your first post of this thread encouraged me - and likely many others - and inspired me to inquire of you and request you finish it. The mod looked so spiffy and I imagined enjoying it.
Well, I decided the last couple nights to try and figure out where I left off.
Turns out, I am kinda pushing through some things I got stuck on before. I can see myself making some steady progress on this. I might cut back some of the scope of what I was going to do though in the interests of getting it done. I had an idea for a resolution to Tamoko's character if you let her live at the end of BG in SOD, but that might be out of the scope of the project and also I feel like Tamoko's fate is probably handled by some other mod or mods that I don't wanna step on the toes of.
Some things I'm considering, anyway. We will see how things go.
I'm happy to see you've regained your interest in this project. It would be a terrible waste of an incredible idea if this project was to be left unfinished. I'm glad to see you're feeling inspired again.
I still have a lot of work left, so no rush!
I'm glad you're interested in it! Just a word of caution... don't get too excited for a ton of new SoD content. I'm still thinking out the specifics, but what I have planned so far is a small murder mystery that I doubt will end up being too long. It will mostly just serve to bridge the gap between my mod and ToB.
Thankee for your update! You can do it! <cheerleads with pom poms> Alleluia!
Since Tuesday, I've worked diligently on this item list of things that seemed appealing to me and apt for BG1EE/EET. Read the Design Philosophy section!
As mentioned in this Google Doc, anyone is welcome to use these items/ideas so long as they credit me. Go ahead and mod, everyone, and enjoy! Alleluia!
This is ridiculous that whenever a modder decides to show what he/she was working on suddenly becomes a list of demands, while what we usually need is patience, information, and belief that what we do is wanted / needed / looks enjoyable. Ideas are fine, but there is a limit to that and 100 pages are way past the line of tactful responses. Oh, and then you added "you can use them, but credit me" to make it even worse.
Go and learn modding, if you have that many ideas. It takes time, it takes much learning, coding, writing, and discipline. I'm already wondering how many of these you have. And BTW, I can still send you a list of 485839 things that could be added, because well, of course, I can demand such things, right? After all why I shouldn't I tell you what you should do. And don't forget to credit me. (this paragraph is sarcastic, in case it wasn't obvious)
@AWizardDidIt - you do a wonderful thing here and I really hope to finally play some new quests mods that aren't mine! Made the mod the way you could be proud of it and - simply - happy!
The mod and it’s ideas look awesome. Awizarddidit is surely on the right track - and as I have said elsewhere, the modding scene looks strong with many new and most certainly some “still going very strong” modders they can lean on - thanks to all of you.
I have deep respect for Lavas words of caution: a modder is perhaps already filled up with work to do, when making a mod. The topic is off course quite sensitive, and I hope we will focus on the meaning of the words and not only the form.
Anyway, back on topic. AWizardDidIt, what you have so far looks great and I'm really looking forward to seeing your mod when you're happy with it.
And do not be afraid of different comments, the feedback will be after the release of your particular idea of the mod.
Thank you for sharing me on that. I did take a casual look at the list and a lot of these things unfortunately are beyond my ability to mod right now but I might try to see what I can do to get a few things in. I really think though with as much thought as you've put into these, that you try to take up some modding yourself! Modding items isn't too hard and it's a great way to get started learning IE modding. This youtube video especially was really helpful (I'm pretty sure the video creator posts here). I'd watch the whole series if you can but this one below specifically goes into how you'd create an item (it says making a quest, but includes instructions for making an item too).
How fares progress on this mod?
I'm eager to hear about updates!
Well, not totally paused. I basically force myself to get *one* thing done for the mod each day, even if it's just an item, creature, or a line of dialogue, just so I make sure it's always in my mind.
I'll get back to it in full, but goodness is WotR good and doing everything in its power to distract me
I hear you, man. It's hard to focus on some mundane stuff. Owlcat did it right this time
We're still interested in this Black Hearts mod! How fares progress?
Since it's been about 10 months, how fares progress? Surely, Wrath of the Righteous didn't keep you from modding BG for that long!
*starts casting spell*
"Vita, Mortis, Careo..."
BP in BG AKA Black Pits in BGEE & EET adds the Black Pits area into BG1.
We still are interested in this finished mod. Thankee! Alleluia!
Hmmm.... Interesting. As it just so happens I'm about to start a brand new playthrough of Baldur's Gate to try out Lava's Shades of the Sword Coast. I think I'll try out your Black Pits in BGEE mod as well while I'm at it.
So this is less an update and more an explanation, but I unfortunately got sidetracked by life for about 6 months and by the time I found myself with free time to work on things, I found I wasn't even sure how to restart on it. And my enthusiasm for BG had waned some.
I still want to finish this. The mod's probably 75% of the way there. When will I be able to get back to it? Not sure, but just know it's not totally abandoned. It's still my intention to finish it. I just can't say when.
Just know we're cheerin' for ya, Wiz! You can do it! Alleluia!
Know that the progress from your first post of this thread encouraged me - and likely many others - and inspired me to inquire of you and request you finish it. The mod looked so spiffy and I imagined enjoying it.
Turns out, I am kinda pushing through some things I got stuck on before. I can see myself making some steady progress on this. I might cut back some of the scope of what I was going to do though in the interests of getting it done. I had an idea for a resolution to Tamoko's character if you let her live at the end of BG in SOD, but that might be out of the scope of the project and also I feel like Tamoko's fate is probably handled by some other mod or mods that I don't wanna step on the toes of.
Some things I'm considering, anyway. We will see how things go.
I don't know any mod that touches Tamoko extensively, so I think you could work on that too, if you found the will to do so.