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[Released] Black Hearts - BG1



  • AciferAcifer Member Posts: 215
    Wow, the area looks fantastic! Keep up the good work!
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Will there be fog?
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2023
    These new areas look great.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Thanks for the update!
    I definitely plan to use this mod the next time I play through BG.
    And I'm glad that a SoD component is coming. There's not a lot of mod content for SoD yet. B)
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 210
    Endarire wrote: »
    Will there be fog?

    If you can point me toward the way to do fog on a map, then sure :lol:
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    I'm unsure how to do it, but SoD is the only official BG1/2 content that has a fog effect. Details.
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    edited January 2023
    I'm playing this mod now, in the middle of it and enjoying a lot. However, I have 2 bug reports. First was reported before as I see, about the ogre mage. I was directed to Firebead about the tome but he doesn't have any dialogue options. And I had done Firebead's previous quest much earlier. Second bug is when I talked to Illasera first, she told me to come back later as I was in chapter 2 at that time. Then, I didn't talk to her till Chapter 5. And on Chapter 5, I couldn't talk to her to start the quests. So, I reloaded a previous save game from Chapter 3 and started the quest and then checked the global variable that was added by the start of the first quest. I added that variable for my current save game and then all worked fine afterwards.

    Thank you very much AWizardDidIt for the mod.
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    Another bug report. In Reizen Darkeyes quest, once I find him and finish the conversation, the game stalls on a cutscene-like state and I can't do anything. Chars stand still doing nothing. I can't even quit the game, the only thing I can do is quit the game from task manager. So, it's a game breaking bug unfortunately.
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 721
    Ludwig_II wrote: »
    Another bug report. In Reizen Darkeyes quest, once I find him and finish the conversation, the game stalls on a cutscene-like state and I can't do anything. Chars stand still doing nothing. I can't even quit the game, the only thing I can do is quit the game from task manager. So, it's a game breaking bug unfortunately.
    Hum, I didn't remember having an issue with this encounter. I will check later on my quest log if I actually met him.
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    Maybe it's related to me using EEex, looks like Reizen is supposed to transform into something or have some animation but it gets stuck there and thus my whole screen gets stuck.
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 721
    Ludwig_II wrote: »
    Maybe it's related to me using EEex, looks like Reizen is supposed to transform into something or have some animation but it gets stuck there and thus my whole screen gets stuck.
    I'm also using EEex.
    if I remember right, he's the druid in the new area north of zombies farm? At the beginning of the fight he uses the commoners to summon a spiders horde. And he definitely fought my party (and killed Branwen).
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    edited January 2023
    Yeah that's the one. Apparently, something doesn't work in my game related to summoning animations part of this mod.
    The same issue happened with the portal keeper ogre magi in red wizard area in the sewers too.
    I had to use ctrl+y to get past that one too because if I engage in the convo, it gets stuck.

    But curiously this issue didn't happen outside of this mod's content.
    Post edited by Ludwig_II on
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 210
    edited January 2023
    Ludwig_II wrote: »
    I'm playing this mod now, in the middle of it and enjoying a lot. However, I have 2 bug reports. First was reported before as I see, about the ogre mage. I was directed to Firebead about the tome but he doesn't have any dialogue options. And I had done Firebead's previous quest much earlier. Second bug is when I talked to Illasera first, she told me to come back later as I was in chapter 2 at that time. Then, I didn't talk to her till Chapter 5. And on Chapter 5, I couldn't talk to her to start the quests. So, I reloaded a previous save game from Chapter 3 and started the quest and then checked the global variable that was added by the start of the first quest. I added that variable for my current save game and then all worked fine afterwards.

    Thank you very much AWizardDidIt for the mod.

    Thank you for reporting this, I'm going to look into this tonight.

    Ok I think I figured this out. There's something in the mod setup (could be EEX I'm not sure) that's interfering with the flow of the cutscene. I'm not able to really diagnose the root problem myself, but I think I have a quick workaround, which is to just disable the cutscene effect entirely. Honestly, I like the flow this way better anyway. I've also made some small changes to Firebead and Illasera's dialogues so that you won't get locked out so easily.

    I did actually make some more significant changes behind the scenes, so I want to give the mod a quick playthrough to make sure it all works still. I'll upload the fix in about 8 hours when I'm off of work.

    EDIT: Playthrough completed flawlessly, so pushed changes to github, latest version v1.02
    Post edited by AWizardDidIt on
  • FoxySherufanirFoxySherufanir Member Posts: 10
    I want to report a few bugs I found for the EET version of Black Hearts. The area "wi0002" or Hidden Cave, where a particular mirror is supposed to be, causes the game to crash when entering. I tested whether another mod caused it, but after doing a clean installation of EET with Black Hearts being the only mod installed aside from DLC Merger, the crash still happens. I also checked to see if any other areas added by the mod have the same issue with the MoveToArea command, but I didn't run into the same problem. The other bug I found is this appearing "//[Blackhearts EET/Scripts/WIILLSP.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 31 column 1-33
    //Near Text: )
    // [AttackedBy] argument [Myself] not found in [AStyles.IDS]" in the console command box when installing the mod.
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 210
    edited January 2023
    I want to report a few bugs I found for the EET version of Black Hearts. The area "wi0002" or Hidden Cave, where a particular mirror is supposed to be, causes the game to crash when entering. I tested whether another mod caused it, but after doing a clean installation of EET with Black Hearts being the only mod installed aside from DLC Merger, the crash still happens. I also checked to see if any other areas added by the mod have the same issue with the MoveToArea command, but I didn't run into the same problem. The other bug I found is this appearing "//[Blackhearts EET/Scripts/WIILLSP.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 31 column 1-33
    //Near Text: )
    // [AttackedBy] argument [Myself] not found in [AStyles.IDS]" in the console command box when installing the mod.

    I'm not sure how this didn't come up in my playtesting, but those errors were caused by EET name changing some of the vanilla BG1 area names.

    I've updated the EET version of the mod to v1.02 to correct this. Please go ahead and drop the two files in the zip attached to this post into your override folder (no need to reinstall the mod, just dropping these into the override folder should do the trick). It contains the fix to that first cave area as well as a fix to a future area that was going to break due to a similar issue.

    The parsing error is fixed in v1.02 when I redid some of the scripts but should have no ill effects regardless.

    Post edited by AWizardDidIt on
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 221
    edited January 2023
    Hello @AWizardDidIt,

    I may be making a mistake, but for EET this file (WI0006.BAF) should not mention BG0226 instead of AR0226 ?
  • PlaguexxPlaguexx Member Posts: 2
    I had a great time playing this mod.
    A few bugs I encountered playing EET version.
    -Talking Firebead about the tome and he doesn't have any dialogue options. (looks like fixed now)
    -The Hidden Cave causes the game to crash when entering. (looks like this is fixed now)
    - After speaking to Nerys in the Three Old Kegs Inn and traveling to her house game crashes. (looks like fixed now)
    - While speaking to Nerys in her home she does not have the dialog options to advance the quest
    - After speaking to Nerys in her home game crashes when you attempt to leave or go up the stairs.
    - Path to the Northern Gorge is empty. (Empty because I'm not on that part of the quest yet?)
    - Leaving The Northern Gorge takes me to a Baldur's Gate 2 area.
    - Entering the southern warehouse in the Docks District of Baldur’s Gate causes game to crash while on this part of the quest.
    - -I used EE Keeper to advanced quest to this point as I wanted to see the entire mod.

  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 210
    edited January 2023
    JohnBob wrote: »
    Hello @AWizardDidIt,

    I may be making a mistake, but for EET this file (WI0006.BAF) should not mention BG0226 instead of AR0226 ?

    You are correct. Pushing a quick fix to that. I think the EET modconverter missed this when translating the scripts. Ah well. I'll check through them all really quick first.
    Plaguexx wrote: »
    I had a great time playing this mod.
    A few bugs I encountered playing EET version.
    -Talking Firebead about the tome and he doesn't have any dialogue options. (looks like fixed now)
    -The Hidden Cave causes the game to crash when entering. (looks like this is fixed now)
    - After speaking to Nerys in the Three Old Kegs Inn and traveling to her house game crashes. (looks like fixed now)
    - While speaking to Nerys in her home she does not have the dialog options to advance the quest
    - After speaking to Nerys in her home game crashes when you attempt to leave or go up the stairs.
    - Path to the Northern Gorge is empty. (Empty because I'm not on that part of the quest yet?)
    - Leaving The Northern Gorge takes me to a Baldur's Gate 2 area.
    - Entering the southern warehouse in the Docks District of Baldur’s Gate causes game to crash while on this part of the quest.
    - -I used EE Keeper to advanced quest to this point as I wanted to see the entire mod.

    Thanks for continuing despite the bugs. Just to comment on each of these, they're basically all caused because I failed to take into account when converting the mod to EET that I had to change connecting areas to point to the new named BG areas. I think I may have expected the eet modconverter to do too much. All of the issues you reported were caused due to that, with Nerys being due to a script not pushing her to the right global to continue on her dialogue.

    I've just pushed a fix to all the areas in the mod so that they now point correctly. Should fix all lingering area based issues *crossing fingers*
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    Thanks for the quick fixes. I'll try them out next time. I finished the content and it was really great. Thank you for the mod and your efforts. One final small issue is, when the mod is finished, it doesn't mark all of the journal entries as QuestDone. It only makes the final entry as done, so the quest stays in both Quest and QuestDone areas in the journal. Not a big deal of course, just wanted to report regardless.
  • FoxySherufanirFoxySherufanir Member Posts: 10
    I want to report a bug I found for EET 1.03. The area you're supposed to go to in the docks causes a crash when entering. However, it only crashes when you go there to find Nerys otherwise, it doesn't cause a crash.
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 210
    I want to report a bug I found for EET 1.03. The area you're supposed to go to in the docks causes a crash when entering. However, it only crashes when you go there to find Nerys otherwise, it doesn't cause a crash.

    I see the problem here. Fixed and updated in the github. You can fix this in your current game by dropping the file in the zip attached to this post in your override folder.
  • megrimlockmegrimlock Member Posts: 58
    edited February 2023
    I really enjoyed the mod. Good writing, very nicely woven into the game, nice looking new areas. It was certainly more than I was expecting from its basic description of "incorporates the Black Pits fights".

    I had one bug over and above the ones mentioned (and in several cases squashed) above. In the mod's final boss fight, I got the impression from the dialogue that the boss was supposed to teleport away whilst I fought her minions. She didn't, and was instead hanging around with a blue circle until I dispatched them. When I spoke to her, she did her intro dialogue again. We then fought, but I think this screwed up something else, because when I went back to Ilasera at the Elfsong, the conversation suggested she had teleported to *my* location - and then she said something about sending me back to the material plane. Not a major problem, because she just sent me across town to the Undercellar, but a bit wonky nevertheless.

    The other thing is not a bug but a feature request for when you expand the mod into SoD. I was surprised and delighted to see Ilasera turn up at the end after the mod was marked "complete". However, I was playing with Endless BG1 and Transitions installed (to test conflicts between them - they are supposed to work together but I can't get them to play nice). This means the game does not end abruptly with Sarevok's death. For Black Hearts, this means Ilasera just kinda stands around afterward, and gives her generic "Can I help you?" dialogue options if you speak to her. A "good job, see ya later" type dialogue would be nice here for those using one or both of these mods, especially if she is to feature in the SoD portion.

    And would definitely be interested in Nerys being added as a joinable NPC at some point if that was what you cut in order to get the initial relase done.
    Post edited by megrimlock on
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 210
    edited February 2023
    Thanks for the feedback! Some comments on what you said:

    - It's weird that the final boss didn't instigate a dialogue and then initiate the fight. She's supposed to switch to an Enemy state and attack you along *with* the minions. Since this didn't happen, I can only assume the Enemy state change didn't switch, but looking at the script, there's no way to exit that conversation without it. Then after she dies, Illasera appears to you and teleports you back to the Underceller. I wonder if there was a global flag somewhere that got messed up. I'll have to keep a look out for similar reports so I can try to find a way to replicate and fix it.

    - When I do the SOD update, it'll come with some changes to the base mod as well. I do believe I'll add an extra bit of dialogue if playing Endless BG so she exits that way.

    - Nerys was a fun character to write and she will be in future mods in this series (and yes, I do plan a continuation of Black Hearts into BG2 and TOB), but I'd rather keep her as a non-party helper. There's a lot of party npc mods already so I feel like I'd rather try and do something different by having characters in quests who are your allies but are not trying to take up a slot in your party.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    There are "extra party member" NPCs AKA "7th party member" NPCs like Afaaq who don't need to take a party slot but still accompany the group. They can still join the party and it's sometimes wise for them to join at least briefly to set up their spells, inventories, etc.
  • megrimlockmegrimlock Member Posts: 58
    Your plans for Nerys are welcome, I just wasn't sure what you had set aside in your efforts to get the mod out the door for its first release.

    I forgot something else - I only found where Nerys was by reading this thread. Ilasera had suggested I could ask the thieves or Flaming Fist for help, but I got no dialogue options with Alatos, Narlen, Eltan or Scar. Perhaps I missed something, I was rushing through the game somewhat.

    Finally, do your plans for expanding into SOA/TOB have in mind incorporating the Black Pits 2 fights in a similar way? (I ask this as someone who hasn't actually played BP2).
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    In a low spoiler fashion, BP2 is a direct sequel to BP1 and happens before SoA/ToB. ToB's Neera quest has a direct tie in to the BP2 areas, but not the BP2 campaign.
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 210
    megrimlock wrote: »
    Your plans for Nerys are welcome, I just wasn't sure what you had set aside in your efforts to get the mod out the door for its first release.

    I forgot something else - I only found where Nerys was by reading this thread. Ilasera had suggested I could ask the thieves or Flaming Fist for help, but I got no dialogue options with Alatos, Narlen, Eltan or Scar. Perhaps I missed something, I was rushing through the game somewhat.

    Finally, do your plans for expanding into SOA/TOB have in mind incorporating the Black Pits 2 fights in a similar way? (I ask this as someone who hasn't actually played BP2).

    You do have to do some quests before Scar or Alatos will tell you anything (and Alatos makes you do a heist for him), but you should still have an option to ask. I'll have to check their various dialogue states to see if I missed any to add that dialogue to.

    And yes, I'd be mixing in BP2 fights into BG2 and TOB. It'll probably be a fairly small BG2 component and a much larger TOB one.
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    This mod is the only reason I will probably reinstall SoD, if the relevant Sod story plugin ever comes out.
  • DuronDuron Member Posts: 147
    Great mod.

    Reporting a bug, maybe cause of my heavily moded game but still happened. While in the mirror cave quest I couldn't heal the elf. My party is full of mod added NPCs (emily, recorder, Sirene etc), so no problem that I couldn't heal as I myself am not a cleric. I went and picked up Ajantis (was just closest to grab) and when I get back he said he can heal her, lets get rdy for fight. Screen zooms in just like for animation but nothing happens. Elf is gone and I can't do anything but walk around the cave. So I had to load the game and kill her as I can't do anything to progress the story here.
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 210
    Duron wrote: »
    Great mod.

    Reporting a bug, maybe cause of my heavily moded game but still happened. While in the mirror cave quest I couldn't heal the elf. My party is full of mod added NPCs (emily, recorder, Sirene etc), so no problem that I couldn't heal as I myself am not a cleric. I went and picked up Ajantis (was just closest to grab) and when I get back he said he can heal her, lets get rdy for fight. Screen zooms in just like for animation but nothing happens. Elf is gone and I can't do anything but walk around the cave. So I had to load the game and kill her as I can't do anything to progress the story here.

    Thank you for the report. I'm going to look if maybe there's a problem if you didn't have a cleric or ajantis going into the cave and return to her with one of them.
    Ulkesh wrote: »
    This mod is the only reason I will probably reinstall SoD, if the relevant Sod story plugin ever comes out.

    It will! I'm dragging my feet on it because I'd like to play some other stuff right now (currently spending my free time on a big modded skyrim run, so uh, might be a bit), but I do have a lot of the stuff written for it. I just need to get some distance and then come back refreshed.
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