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[mod] Khalid for Baldur's Gate 2: EE



  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    I suppose there was supposed to be something like
    "There were moments when... I listened t-to stories about Mystra, and her p-powers, spoken b-by p-people from over the world."
    I will probably fix it at some point.
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    😊 thanks
  • SanctiferSanctifer Member Posts: 109
    xiaoleiwen wrote: »
    Hi Lava, noticed a missing line for this talk (after using the book):

    Can I ask what portrait pack you are using here ? I like Khalid's and Korgan's
  • FrenzgynFrenzgyn Member Posts: 80
    Sanctifer wrote: »
    xiaoleiwen wrote: »
    Hi Lava, noticed a missing line for this talk (after using the book):

    Can I ask what portrait pack you are using here ? I like Khalid's and Korgan's

    It should be NolSol's Realistic NPC Portraits for BGEE/BG2EE, hosted on Nexusmods if I remember correctly.
  • SanctiferSanctifer Member Posts: 109
    Thank you !
  • iavasechuiiavasechui Member Posts: 274
    So spellholdstudios is dead. Is there anyway to find Zireael's Khalid mod? I would rather have both of them alive. Please and thank you.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    I don't know and this thread is for my version of Khalid for BG2EE. I am unsure if Zireael's version works on EE. You may check on the Polish Children of Bhaal forums. Perhaps you'll find something.
  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    Hi @LavaDelVortel I am really enjoying my recent playthrough with Khalid. This mod blends with the game in such a smooth way, like it was part of the original. So congrats for another masterpiece of yours.

    I have a little question regarding
    Khalids possible new individual kit - as I gather enough Inteligence Tomes from your other mods I could raise Khalids inteligence to the point (17 of course) where I can dual-class him (since I have installed Tweaks Anthology component which allows also non-human races to dual-class). So you could guess where my question is pointing - can I dual-class Khalid to mage and still get his own special kit or it will completely broke the game (and your intentions for Khalid himself)? Thanks
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    Hi! Regarding your question...
    ...I have no idea what is going to happen. As far as I remember, kits for dual-/multiclass characters in BG2EE work a bit differently than they used to in oBG2 and they usually require some additional code. Is it going to explode? I don't think so. Is everything going to work properly regarding his kit/class...? I have some doubts, but that's just my wild guess.
  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    Hi! Regarding your question...
    ...I have no idea what is going to happen. As far as I remember, kits for dual-/multiclass characters in BG2EE work a bit differently than they used to in oBG2 and they usually require some additional code. Is it going to explode? I don't think so. Is everything going to work properly regarding his kit/class...? I have some doubts, but that's just my wild guess.

    Thanks for your answer. So better safe than sorry and I will keep Khalids class unchanged :)
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    I have a question: can I use this mod together with Skip chateau Irenicus by Argent77? Or am I supposed to play the whole dungeon ?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    IIRC you may skip it, BUT the game will assume you saw Jaheira on level 2 of the dungeon. Alternatively, I think there is an option to make a stop on level 2 using the portal, see the scene, a then again use the portal to leave the dungeon :)
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    Thanks a lot.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    I'm using this mod -- I'm now in the last third of ToB -- and wanted to say that I think it's excellent. Khalid's friendship path is extremely well written and I think his Mystra kit is great (and makes perfect sense for him, when he acquires it). I look forward to seeing how things end up at the end of ToB.

    However, I wanted to mention one very minor thing. I am using a number of your other companions: Xzelë, Afu-Zuuvi, Walahnan, and Juniper (all wonderful as well, by the way). I also have the crossmod banter pack installed. While all of the other banters have fired (Xzelë-Afu, Xzelë-Walahnan, Xzelë-Juniper, etc.), none of the Xzelë-Khalid banters occurred (either in SoA or ToB). I tried using control-I to get them to fire, but without success. Obviously, this is not a big deal, but I thought I would mention it in case there's a problem with the banter pack. (It may be just another bug with my current install.)

    Anyhow, thanks again for all your work keeping these games fresh and interesting!
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887

    Regarding the Crossmod Banter Pack -- I'll take a look at it next time I am adding anything to the CBP at G3.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    I haven't tested this mod yet, but I have a question in regards to the portrait. I should also say that I, oddly enough, only briefly played BG1, so I am not familiar with its storyline for the most part (excluding the beginning, which I did test play at one point in time). Is the portrait showing Khalid? Wasn't he more elf-like looking? Not that it is really important, but I wondered when I saw the portrait.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    Khalid is a half-elf, not an elf. Besides, most characters between BG1 and BG2 changed greatly (including Jaheira; and let's remember the extreme Viconia change). Futhermore, portraits in both these games have different proportions, colors, contrast and style in general. My version is to match the BG2 style, keeping some accents of the original one, but obviously the base is different. However, seeing how greatly different are BG1 NPCs and their BG2 incarnations, I chose to offer a fine portrait for a price of few changes and adjustments to match the BG2 style. If you do not mind that the BG1 portrait will stand out greatly when compared to others, you can always change it manually.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926

    Regarding the Crossmod Banter Pack -- I'll take a look at it next time I am adding anything to the CBP at G3.

    I read the dialogues (from the tra folder) and love that Khalid refers to Korax the ghoul!
    Also, happy to see that they are on good terms in ToB after the frosty exchanges in SoA.
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    I would really like to install this. I've got some questions:

    1) You recommend avoiding using the Skip chateau irenicus, am I wrong?

    2) I'm going for an evil playthrough. So far I would like to use Faldorn, Foundling, Hephernaan. (and If I do not remember wrong, they speak to each other too). What about Khalid?

    3) Any other evil/neutral npc mod from you I could add where they speak to each other?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    1) You recommend avoiding using the Skip chateau irenicus, am I wrong?
    The game is not going to break, however, I would advise making a stop at level 2, going and playing the Jaheira scene (in the usual place, where Khalid scene would normally take place.
    2) I'm going for an evil playthrough. So far I would like to use Faldorn, Foundling, Hephernaan. (and If I do not remember wrong, they speak to each other too). What about Khalid?
    I don't think his presence is going to cause some wars between NPCs and there is actually crossmod between some of those, IIRC (just install G3's Crossmod Banter Pack), it's just... a bit weird combination :)
    3) Any other evil/neutral npc mod from you I could add where they speak to each other?
    You'd probably need to check the number of talks in G3's Crossmod Banter Pack. All the crossmod that I've ever written is in the Pack :)
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    edited August 2024
    Thanks for the help. Just for anyone wondering, my checking from crossmod mod:

    2 banters between Lava's Faldorn and Lava's Hephernaan
    2 banters between Lava's Faldorn and Lava's Khalid
    [no banter with Foundling]

    2 banters between Lava's Faldorn and Lava's Hephernaan
    2 banters between Lava's Khalid and Lava's Hephernaan
    5 banters between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Foundling [juicy]

    5 banters between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Foundling [juicy]
    [no banter with Khalid]
    [no banter with faldorn]

    2 banters between Lava's Khalid and Lava's Hephernaan
    2 banters between Lava's Faldorn and Lava's Khalid
    [no foundling]

    An alternative: Verr'Sza
    3 banters between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Verr'Sza
    2 banters between Lava's Verr'Sza and Lava's Foundling
    [no banter with faldorn]

    So the best thing would be using Faldorn and Hephernaan and Khalid
    Foundling and Hephernaan and Ver'Sza

    For ToB
    [First team:Faldorn and Hephernaan and Khalid
    2 banters between Lava's Faldorn and Lava's Hephernaan
    2 banters between Lava's Faldorn and Lava's Khalid
    2 banters between Lava's Khalid and Lava's Hephernaan

    Second team: Foundling and Hephernaan and Ver'Sza

    2 banters between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Verr'Sza
    1 banter between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Foundling
    1 banters between Lava's Verr'Sza and Lava's Foundling

  • fataljasminefataljasmine Member Posts: 67
    Does Khalid have any ToB quests? I have made it to Amkethran with the male friendship track and havent found any triggers for anything.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    There is this option to forge a new item. IIRC, you will need Amkethran blacksmith for that. I was actually asked about this recently here:
    Just providing a link in case you had a similar question.

  • fataljasminefataljasmine Member Posts: 67
    edited August 2024
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 147
    edited September 2024
    Hey Lava,

    I don't know if this is the right place, but I noticed an Error Message during an Installation of the latest Crossmod Banterpack between your Khalid Mod and Kivan for BG2;

    It's on an EET Setup. Let me know if you need a WeiDU Log or any other Infos.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    Next time I'm helping update Crossmod Banter Pack I'll see if it can be fixed.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    edited December 2024
    I finally finished the series with Khalid all the way through. It was quite a journey -- from finding him and Jaheira in the Friendly Arm Inn, to his help in the final battle vs Mellisan. I really enjoyed having him all the way.

    As I mentioned above, I really enjoyed the friendship path with Khalid and his Blade of Mystra kit (which certainly felt earned by the time he got it).

    A minor thing: in addition to Khalid's banters with Xzelë not firing (in either SoA or ToB), his final epilogue did not appear after Melissan was defeated. (I read it by going into the mod -- an excellent final chapter for him!)

    Anyhow, those minor quirks aside, thanks again for Khalid! He really grew over the course of the saga.
    Post edited by Thrasymachus on
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    I'm glad you had fun with Khalid :) As for the crossmod, I guess I'll need to check the banter pack, as all such talks are in the G3 Crossmod Banter Pack.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    edited January 15
    Kensei_xXx wrote: »
    I don't know if this is the right place, but I noticed an Error Message during an Installation of the latest Crossmod Banterpack between your Khalid Mod and Kivan for BG2;

    This is fixed for v25.
    A minor thing: in addition to Khalid's banters with Xzelë not firing (in either SoA or ToB), his final epilogue did not appear after Melissan was defeated.

    Also fixed for v25. A lot of the crossmod banters for Khalid were checking the wrong DV, preventing them from happening.
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