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Noober's Game



  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Arvia wrote: »
    1. Ask the man if he has seen your mentor.

    "Haven't seen anyone but yourself and One-Eye Joe all day. You must have seen Joe eating at the bar as you came back here. Come to think of it, I did hear Essie Dawlins talking about a stranger in town dressed in a cloak. Maybe that's the feller you're looking for."

    1. Ask the man what he means by "the terror."
    2. Talk to the patron at the bar.
    3. Go outside and look for your mentor around the back of the inn.
    4. Request a room for the evening and go to sleep.
  • Timbo0o0o0Timbo0o0o0 Member Posts: 63
    edited September 2021
    1. Ask the man what he means by "the terror."
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Timbo0o0o0 wrote: »
    1. Ask the man what he means by "the terror."

    "Never heard of the Terror of Marynford? You really are new here, ain't ye? I'll not say much, as it's a bad omen to speak of such things after sundown, but I will tell ye that this town and the surrounding countryside carry a dark curse. Good folk don't venture outside at night, and those who do disappear." The man returns to cleaning the potatoes.

    1. Ask the man if he has seen your mentor.
    2. Talk to the patron at the bar.
    3. Go outside and look for your mentor around the back of the inn.
    4. Request a room for the evening and go to sleep.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    4. Request a room for the evening and go to sleep.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Arvia wrote: »
    4. Request a room for the evening and go to sleep.

    The old man hands you a rusted key and directs you to the stairs on the left side of the bar. You ascend, and the aged wood creaks in protest at your weight. The room is small, but the bed is soft and warm and you are soon asleep, though your dreams are plagued by a nameless horror.

    You awake the next day to sunlight filtering through the grimy glass of your bedroom window. Dressing quickly, you descend the creaking stairs to find the common room of the inn deserted. You leave the key on the bar and exit through the main door.

    The road to town is muddy and damp from the previous night's downpour, and your boots are heavy and soaked when you arrive in the square of the small town of Marynford.

    You see a temple of Lathander on the north side of the square, a woman selling fruit to the east, and two young men talking under a tall oak in the center of the square. To the south, a road leads out of town and you think you see what appears to be a ruined tower in the distance.

    1. Enter the temple.
    2. Talk to the woman selling fruit.
    3. Talk to the two men.
    4. Follow the road to the south.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Talk to the woman selling fruit.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Balrog99 wrote: »
    Talk to the woman selling fruit.

    The woman is young and pretty, and she smiles as you approach. "Two robed travelers in as many days. What a coincidence."

    1. Ask the woman if she has seen your mentor.
    2. Ask the woman why the tavern owner bars his doors at night.
    3. Leave the woman.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    1. Ask the woman if she has seen your mentor.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Arvia wrote: »
    1. Ask the woman if she has seen your mentor.

    "Yes, I have. Wearing a cloak similar to your own. He was buying food for a journey he was taking to the ruins south of town. Oh, I tried to warn him away, but he was resolute. I hope nothing has befallen him."

    1. Ask the woman why the tavern owner bars his doors at night.
    2. Leave the woman.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    1. Ask the woman why the tavern owner bars his door at night.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Arvia wrote: »
    1. Ask the woman why the tavern owner bars his door at night.

    The woman turns pale and clutches the wooden table before her to steady herself. "We... we do not speak of such things. If you must know the answer to your question, ask the priest. He is in the temple. I... I can say no more about it. But take this garlic. It is said that the terror fears garlic."

    1. Ask the woman if she has seen your mentor.
    2. Leave the woman.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Leave the woman.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Balrog99 wrote: »
    Leave the woman.

    You see a temple of Lathander on the north side of the square, a woman selling fruit to the east, and two young men talking under a tall oak in the center of the square. To the south, a road leads out of town and you think you see what appears to be a ruined tower in the distance.

    1. Enter the temple.
    2. Talk to the woman selling fruit.
    3. Talk to the two men.
    4. Follow the road to the south.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Talk to the two men.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Balrog99 wrote: »
    Talk to the two men.

    "Howdy. I'm Bugs, and this here is Finney. We reckoned you were new around here 'cause we've never seen you before and we know just 'bout everyone in town. What brings you to these parts?"

    1. Ask the man if he has seen your mentor.
    2. Ask the man why the tavern owner bars his door at night.
    3. Leave the men.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Ask the man if he has seen your mentor.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Balrog99 wrote: »
    Ask the man if he has seen your mentor.

    "Hmm... A feller wearin' a robe like yours? Hey, Finney, didn't you say you saw a feller like that talking to Essie Dawlins a few days back? Yeah. Go talk to Essie by her fruit stand. She may know somethin'."

    1. Ask the man why the tavern owner bars his door at night.
    2. Leave the men.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Ask the man why the tavern owner bars his door at night.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Balrog99 wrote: »
    Ask the man why the tavern owner bars his door at night.

    "Hush now, ma'am. We don't none of us talk about that out of doors. If you got questions 'bout that, best be asking the priest in the temple. He points to the temple of Lathander on the north side of the square."

    1. Ask the man if he has seen your mentor.
    2. Leave the men.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    2. Leave the men.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Arvia wrote: »
    2. Leave the men.

    You see a temple of Lathander on the north side of the square, a woman selling fruit to the east, and two young men talking under a tall oak in the center of the square. To the south, a road leads out of town and you think you see what appears to be a ruined tower in the distance.

    1. Enter the temple.
    2. Talk to the woman selling fruit.
    3. Talk to the two men.
    4. Follow the road to the south.
  • Timbo0o0o0Timbo0o0o0 Member Posts: 63
    1. Enter the temple.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Timbo0o0o0 wrote: »
    1. Enter the temple.

    The oaken doors are heavy and solemn as they silently swing closed behind you. An aging man clad in simple robes looks up from the altar to Lathander in the front of the temple. He smiles warmly as he sees you. "Hello, traveler, how may I be of service?"

    1. Ask the man if he has seen your mentor.
    2. Ask the man why the tavern owner bars his door at night.
    3. Leave the temple.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Ask the man why the tavern owner bars his door at night.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Balrog99 wrote: »
    Ask the man why the tavern owner bars his door at night.

    The priest's face becomes grave. "It is good you have asked me, if you are not already aware. There is a curse upon Marynford and the surrounding lands. It has been so for years and years. Sadly, the curse originated within these very walls."

    "My predecessor, a gifted and ambitious priest by the name of Brehan, desired to revive faith in Lathander among the people of Marynford. He preached, devoted his life to service, and offered assistance to all who were in need. Despite these measures, the devotion of the town remained tepid."

    "Brehan became convinced that a display of power was needed to reveal the glory of Lathander to the villagers, so he undertook an expedition into a nearby ruin to rebuke and destroy a ghost that was rumored to reside there."

    "He found and destroyed the ghost, but as the ghost faded from existence, it cursed him to eternal undeath. Brehan fell ill and soon became ghostly pale himself and increasingly terrified of the light of day."

    "One morning, I entered the infirmary and found Brehan's attendant dead on the floor with two puncture wounds on her neck. The door to the temple was battered down, and a set of tracks led in the direction of the ancient ruins. Since then, those who venture out at night sometimes do not return."

    "Here. Take this talisman of Lathander. It may protect you if you run afoul of the beast."

    1. Ask the man if he has seen your mentor.
    2. Leave the temple.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    2. Leave the temple.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Arvia wrote: »
    2. Leave the temple.

    You see a temple of Lathander on the north side of the square, a woman selling fruit to the east, and two young men talking under a tall oak in the center of the square. To the south, a road leads out of town and you think you see what appears to be a ruined tower in the distance.

    1. Enter the temple.
    2. Talk to the woman selling fruit.
    3. Talk to the two men.
    4. Follow the road to the south.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    4. Follow the road to the south.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Arvia wrote: »
    4. Follow the road to the south.

    The south road appears little used, and the grass grows high on either side. You are lost in thought, pondering the fate of your mentor, when a figure leaps from hiding. The man is scarred heavily and points his sword at you. "Your money or your life, fool!"

    1. Cast Magic Missile at the man.
    2. Cast Sleep on the man.
    3. Cast Charm Person on the man.
    4. Try to flee.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    2. Cast Sleep on the man.
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