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[Released MOD] Call of the Lost Goddess - A quest mod for BG2EE



  • deratiseurderatiseur Member Posts: 266
    I can't downlad this mod. At ~150 mos the download crash. Tried many times.
  • AciferAcifer Member Posts: 215
    That is weird. I just checked it in my office using Edge, Chrome and Firefox and the download could be finished every time.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    By the way, how was the .pdf at:

    generated? Was a special software used for that?
  • AciferAcifer Member Posts: 215
    This was a template that I had obtained from DMSGuild. You can use it initially with Microsoft Word. I then did the fine-tuning and editing in Adobe Acrobat. The background and the non-ingame graphics were textures that I created with a texture editor for 3D renders.
  • masteralephmasteraleph Member Posts: 277
    Curious whether anyone is doing crossmod for this with mod NPCs, or whether any mod NPCs have specific interactions with the mod (eg I know that Lava worked on this mod with you)
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 721
    Curious whether anyone is doing crossmod for this with mod NPCs, or whether any mod NPCs have specific interactions with the mod (eg I know that Lava worked on this mod with you)
    I read somewhere than Hephernaan have some crossmod content.
  • AciferAcifer Member Posts: 215
    Yes, so far only Hephernaan has crossmod content. I hope there will be more!
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    Come to think of it, has any of the various Amnian mod NPCs ever professed their faith in Waukeen?
  • SatSat Member Posts: 13
    Amazing mod!! Thanks for the hard work. I had a lot of pleasure going through it. Beyond the graphics, the quests branching is impressive and unique for a mod. The difficulty is nicely balanced (you need some equipment and few levels) and the rewards not gamebreaking (with maybe one exception) contrary to most quest mods.
    Any player looking to refresh his experience should try this mod. It is very stable and work well on a big eet install.
    This is a modern megamod with quality over quantity in mind (and it is far from being small...). Once more, thanks for having dedicated so much time and efforts to reach a release of this level.
  • AciferAcifer Member Posts: 215
    Sat wrote: »
    Once more, thanks for having dedicated so much time and efforts to reach a release of this level.
    Thank you very much for the kind words! This keeps me highly motivated to publish my next mods as soon as possible.
  • Dalmir_The_DarkDalmir_The_Dark Member Posts: 64

    Okay, so I just finished up this mod & all I can say is...
    I wish could have an entire game dedicated to navigating the treacherous depths of the Abyss. This mod was absolutely incredible! I really loved all of the effort put into making the Abyss truly feel like the Abyss. Playing through this mod brought back so many memories of Planescape: Torment and I am thoroughly convinced that given enough time, money & resources that you and your crew would have been able to create a full length game worthy of being a true sequel to PS:T. I'm already having withdrawals of not being in the Abyss and was truly disappointed that I had to return to Athkatla at the end of the quest.

    My only complaint is that the quest eventually had to come to an end, but I guess that's more of a compliment than a criticism. That and a handful of typos that I found along the way.

    Thanks again to all of the work that you and your crew have put into bringing this incredible adventure to life for all of us.

    Simply amazing!

    Mod rating: 9/10 (possible a 10/10 once the typos have been corrected)
  • AciferAcifer Member Posts: 215
    Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed the mod that much!
    Regarding typos, it would be best to report the relevant passages here, otherwise it may take me quite a long time to find them on my own, given the large amount of text the mod has.
  • Dalmir_The_DarkDalmir_The_Dark Member Posts: 64
    My apologies. I thought I had collected numerous screenshots during the course of my playthrough but I'm now realizing that I only captured one. I'm not sure how to post a picture as a spoiler so I'll transcribe what I captured instead:
    The description of the Larva:

    You bought this Larva from the Nighthag Zhelamiss. The Nalfeshnee Margrog wishes to obtain it before he will tell you anything about Waukeen whereabout.

    I believe it should read:

    ... Waukeen's whereabouts.

    I'd be happy to pay closer attention during a second playthrough and make a note of everything I find for you just as soon as I complete my current play through.
  • AciferAcifer Member Posts: 215
    Thank you very much! That will help me a lot!
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    edited August 2024
    There is a tiny issue, or non-issue - not sure if it is worth changing it, but I'll report it nonetheless.

    During a current quick-run-through I also go through Call of the Lost Goddess. In one of the caves
    there is that demon knight; and he can be defeated by epic wimpiness rather than lame heroing it
    up. However had I so happened to actually kill him via a summonable (a stone golem). Upon his
    death I could get his weapon, but there was no exit from the cave, so I assume epic wimpiness
    is required before the exit can be entered. Whereas if we use brute force heroing and whack-a-doodle
    him down, the exit will not open - thus forever more trapping our heroes in the cave.

    Now this may be a wanted outcome, but I think being perma-stuck in the cave is not as great.

    I would suggest that upon a violent death he will simply respawn after a sleep (or, even without
    a sleep in the cave, respawn him after some seconds with some non-wimpy speech). If he does
    not yield any XP then this should be fine. I solved this by simply reloading from before I entered
    that cave, and entered epic wimpiness to win the day, so it is really a non-issue, but I wanted to
    report it nonetheless.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    edited August 2024
    Another super-minor thing that perhaps can be improved fairly easily: after the hero (and his or her party, if he or she has one) rescued the big important person, the people in the area are very happily ever after - however had, upon returning to Amn, the priest of Waukeen does not have any dialogue option that refers to the event.

    Perhaps one more dialogue option may be appended; or a one-time mention of "I heard of your heroic deed - praise Waukeen!" or anything like that. Right now the priest behaves as if he never even heard of the party, yet alone be in part one contact that triggered or initiated the main quest.

    (Also, unrelated to the above, I think the squirrel needs a villain as enemy. Perhaps a demonic ... something, like a demonic ferret or so that hunts the squirrel. Or anything like that. Can appear after the main quest was finished, e. g. perhaps on the way back.)

    (PS: Something is a bit strange with the webforum here, I think; I get quite a delay of perhaps 6 seconds before anything is posted (e. g. when I click on "publish comment" or so, and sometimes it seems I have posted nothing, or posted twice. Is there some kind of weird check before the data is published? Most web-forums I know don't have that strange delay. There is no delay when I edit my own posts, though, the "Save Comment" button works almost instantly, so this is a bit weird to me. Anyway that is off-topic.)
  • AciferAcifer Member Posts: 215
    There is a tiny issue, or non-issue - not sure if it is worth changing it, but I'll report it nonetheless.

    During a current quick-run-through I also go through Call of the Lost Goddess. In one of the caves
    there is that demon knight; and he can be defeated by epic wimpiness rather than lame heroing it
    up. However had I so happened to actually kill him via a summonable (a stone golem). Upon his
    death I could get his weapon, but there was no exit from the cave, so I assume epic wimpiness
    is required before the exit can be entered. Whereas if we use brute force heroing and whack-a-doodle
    him down, the exit will not open - thus forever more trapping our heroes in the cave.

    Now this may be a wanted outcome, but I think being perma-stuck in the cave is not as great.

    This is an important issue. I will see how I can resolve this with the next update. Thanks for reporting!

    Another super-minor thing that perhaps can be improved fairly easily: after the hero (and his or her party, if he or she has one) rescued the big important person, the people in the area are very happily ever after - however had, upon returning to Amn, the priest of Waukeen does not have any dialogue option that refers to the event.

    Perhaps one more dialogue option may be appended; or a one-time mention of "I heard of your heroic deed - praise Waukeen!" or anything like that. Right now the priest behaves as if he never even heard of the party, yet alone be in part one contact that triggered or initiated the main quest.

    Yes, for the initial release I was very careful to modify existing dialogues to avoid unintentionally creating incompatibilities with other mods I am not aware of. In a future version of the mod, I plan to add more reactions of NPCs throughout Amn after completing the quest. However, this will take some time.

  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    Here is another small-ish idea, based in part by Lava's Southern District mod.

    The latter has a NPC that seeks bodyguards for a travel. This shows up after
    a while; that is the part I want to focus on.

    So, after having completed Call of the Lost Goddess, it may be nice to also
    have a post-solve quest hook. I am not sure what could fit, but perhaps a
    traveling wagon, say, with two horses or so and several merchants from
    the area, who want to transport these precious goods towards Trademeet -
    but they are scared of raids by bandits or something like that. (So a bit
    similar to Lava's quest, but perhaps humanoids rather than monsters; or
    whatever seems fitting for the bandits, could evidently also include monsters
    for the raid.)

    The reward can be something like, say, 5000 gold or so if no merchant dies.

    A party that wants to be evil could also steal all items etc.., so perhaps gets
    a higher reward, but at reputation cost, perhaps also alignment change if
    lawful good characters participate in the raid. Default is of course the
    "protect the merchant" part; and a slight XP reward. The idea here is mostly
    to somehow connect back to the main quest, and trade should fit Waukeen.
    (Bandits could also perhaps include one mage of level 14 or so, summoning
  • megrimlockmegrimlock Member Posts: 58
    How would that possibly connect to or improve the mod??
  • AciferAcifer Member Posts: 215
    megrimlock wrote: »
    How would that possibly connect to or improve the mod??
    Yes, that's right, I definitely won't be adding any new content to the mod, just improving the existing one. My main focus at the moment is on finalising the other mods that have yet to be completed.
  • AciferAcifer Member Posts: 215
    The mod updates to V 1.3

    - updated Chinese translation by @lzw104522773 - thank you very much!
    - updated English translation by dizzyorange - thank you very much!
    - Demonknight of wrath will not spawn countless swords anymore
    - changed the demonknight's scripts and cre-files to prevent being indestructible
    - fixed typos in the journal
    - fixed typos in some item descriptions (e.g. 1d8 instead of the German 1w8)
    - fixed "Graz'zt's defamatory song" spell icon
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    Was I away for that long? Great time to be back! This looks incredible! I’m having goosebumps! Do you need help with the voice acting? Give me a PM. I could contribute.
  • AciferAcifer Member Posts: 215
    Illustair wrote: »
    Was I away for that long? Great time to be back! This looks incredible! I’m having goosebumps! Do you need help with the voice acting? Give me a PM. I could contribute.

    Thank you for your offer to provide some voicesets for the mod! Unfortunately, it seems that it is still not possible to send a PM in this forum. I have tried repeatedly for the last two days without success, so I am posting my message here:

    I would be very happy about your contribution, as the only voicesets so far have been created by AI, which is more than undesirable. So I would be very glad to add real human voices!
    I'm not familiar how to approach this. Would you like to listen to the various existing voices and determine which one you would like to replace?
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,447
    edited October 2024
    I've got a bit of a question/comment for Acifer. I'll start with the obvious, brilliant work. Most professionally crafted mod I've seen yet. Fun, exciting, baffling in places. But it all plays out well.

    But I had the thought, If I killed Margrog it would void his particular contract. And indeed, if you act fast enough you can kill him before he gates away. But there is no dialogue acknowledgement anything has happened. I don't know all the meta-physics of it! Maybe we just slew one manifestation and he can continue to do his business in another guise. But it would be nice if either our heroic efforts, or feeble waste of time were acknowledged by the game.

    I've posted it as the latest illustrated journal entry in Psyche: Update 33
  • AciferAcifer Member Posts: 215
    Yes, you can indeed do that, but not in this moment. I didn't expect anyone to manage to do it that quickly at this point. ;)
    In this respect, it's unfortunately a bug. I'll make Margrog immortal at this point for the duration of the teleportation. I'll release it with the next update. However, his death should not affect the progress of the adventure.
    Your blog looks amazing!
    Thank you for the kind words, I’m glad you enjoyed the mod!
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,447
    Oh yeah, I’m just getting familiar with your work. Loretakers is a total blast. Although you are seriously into Abyss and high level themes! That is not a criticism, your interest is your interest. And I love that it’s taken you to do extraordinary mods. But I’ll keep hoping for more low to mid level stuff!

    I am doing Lost Goddess almost last, I’ll still do Watcher’s Keep, then off to Suldenesselar. But my party is pretty near as powerful as you can be and still get to Lost Goddess, perhaps not what you intended.

    I’m having a ton of fun with the journal. I don’t know if you’re familiar with zeno_42 ( but I blame him for getting me started on the AI art. I was already doing the writing, now it’s becoming a monster.
  • AciferAcifer Member Posts: 215
    atcDave wrote: »
    I am doing Lost Goddess almost last, I’ll still do Watcher’s Keep, then off to Suldenesselar. But my party is pretty near as powerful as you can be and still get to Lost Goddess, perhaps not what you intended.
    The mod is intended for a mid-level party. However - you don't have to solve all quests if you have a high level party. Once you know who has access to the person you're looking for, you can attack her and use brute force to fight your way through. It's difficult, you don't have a lot of time, but for someone who's played the mod a few times and can live without all the additional quests, it's a legit way to shorten the mod and finish the main quest nonetheless.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,447
    Oh I may have to try that!
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    I finished the main quest, returned to Amn and I noticed that the Deva feather quest is still remained in my journal, but I have completed her request before. So I guess I should mention here.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    Yeah, I think this was reported before; perhaps Acifer missed it in the latest bugfixes. In the changelog at it was not mentioned, but I think Acifer commented somewhere that he was made aware of the journal entry. (I am even able to break journal entries, actually - in Lava's White Queen mod, if you sneak via invisibility and head straight for the white queen as quickly as possible, I am able to yield funny results, ranging from the queen never attacking me, to the queen attacking her guardians; and upon then leaving, after killing her, to not get the final battle scene against the big evil guy - and the journal entry is then also not cleared when leaving the area; and Vicona gets abducted on the way out, when the white queen is already dead. I guess ultimately it is a shortcoming not really of the mod authors, but of the game engine, since these simple conditional checks seem to be way too complicated to add; and possibly also because nobody is thinking of unusual ways to solve or run through quests. And sometimes it seems that other mods interfere too, so I am kind of agreeing with morpheus on that issue - less is more, the less changes mods do to the vanilla game state the better. It's also one reason why I'd wish all mod-teams could come together and build up one cohesive item-mod, for instance.)
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