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The BG NPC project



  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239

    @shawne I wouldn't say impatience. It looked like they managed to get it to work with a minimum of jumping through hoops, so I'd thought I'd try it since I heard so much about it.

    Fair enough, that wasn't meant as a criticism - it's just the distinction between a version that's technically working but may cause any number of bugs and a version that's "finished".
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @Jedi_Gnome - Try this... SetGlobal("P#BranMatch","GLOBAL",1)

    I think that should trigger the romance to start.
  • Jedi_GnomeJedi_Gnome Member Posts: 92
    @AstroBryGuy Thanks, I'll try it. Do I need Quotes around the number 1 as well (..."GLOBAL","1")?

    Also, will it happen immediately or does something like an event or location trigger it?

    Thanks again!
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    No quotes around the 1. As long as you've had a couple "friend talks" with Branwen, the romance should initiate. There's a timer attached to it, so the first love talk might not trigger immediately.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    There's a timer attached to it, so the first love talk might not trigger immediately.

    You can use C:AdvanceRealTime("the number goes here with the quotation marks") to make it faster (automatic if you enter a very high value), the game time is in seconds.
  • Jedi_GnomeJedi_Gnome Member Posts: 92
    Thanks again, guys. I'll see how it goes.
  • Captain_ApathyCaptain_Apathy Member Posts: 1
    @Jedi_Gnome‌ For those who were having trouble getting the Dynaheir and Ajantis components installed - it looks as though the latest version from github is missing a macro that maps tutu item codes to those used in BGT (which, from what I can see, is what the isntaller thinks BGEE is most of the time, since they're far more similar). the file in question is macro_tutu_items_to_bgt.tph. I ran over its contents and checked in nearinfinity, and the BGT item codes listed in it seem to match those that BGEE uses... So I copied it from the old version of BG1NPC that's still on gibberlings and dumped it in the bg1npc/lib folder where it was expected, and both components installed just fine. I attached a copy of the macro in question for those who can't be bothered pulling it out of the old bg1npc installer... good luck!
  • Jedi_GnomeJedi_Gnome Member Posts: 92
    @Captain_Apathy Thanks, but at this point I don't know if Branwen will even work because I'm a gnome and I also did the relationship with Neera. The BG2 Tweaks skip over the romance cheats (no restrictions, concurrent) when installing in BG:EE. I'll just try @AstroBryGuy suggestion to get the Branwen romance to work. Otherwise, I'll have to wait until I get to BG2:EE to be the "ladies gnome." In the meantime, it does look like I got bonus content based on the new dialogue from Dynahier & Jaheria when I start after installing BG NPC project.
  • whitewolfwhitewolf Member Posts: 12
    thank you for the help before, now I'm getting a message saying ERROR: No translation provided for @1006 I am trying to download on my laptop would that change anything?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited March 2014
    @whitewolf - It's possible something didn't work right in performing the Windows 1252 -> utf8 encoding conversion.

    What are the contents of the file bg1npc/tra/%LANGUAGE%/setup.tra ? (where %LANGUAGE% is whatever language you are installing, e.g., english). And what OS are you installing on?
  • RaphaBERaphaBE Member Posts: 4
    First off, I'd like to thank those working on this exciting project. I fondly remember using BG1 NPC in my playthroughs several years ago, and I'm looking forward to that experience again.

    That said, I've managed to install the GitHub beta version after making a couple minor fixes. (There's an unterminated comment in the TP2 file, and an incorrect ELSE statement in a script.) Now I'm curious as to why others are using the TP2 file provided by Shin, which seems outdated compared to the GitHub version. Is that simply because of the minor issues which I've mentioned, or are there more serious problems with the GitHub version?

    Also, I'm wondering whether it'd be possible to obtain a more recent version for testing. The GitHub version is over 3 months old, and doesn't include recent fixes listed in this thread (Firebead's book, missing items, etc). I perfectly understand that the mod isn't ready for release yet, but having access to recent betas may speed up the testing process?

    Thanks again!
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    edited March 2014
    Arizael said:

    2) Extract the downloaded file into your BG:EE folder (in such way that setup-bg1npc.exe must is in your main game folder).

    quick question for everyone:
    is this the one in the "documents" folder or in the "BG EE" folder????

    edit: nvm, figured it out

    however it says "error installing Ajantis romance teen content". I dunno why

    then it worked for branwen, but coran is also not installing
  • NecomancerNecomancer Member Posts: 622
    BGEE folder.
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    edited March 2014
    Quickie frome me too @Arizael (and others)... If I want to use other mods too, do I install them before or after BG1NPC? I am actually thinking before, because it would be easier to revert back to a normal working game... But maybe that's just me...
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    It seems that things installed correctly, with the exception of the Male NPC romances. I will play soon and see if it actually worked.

    So pumped!
  • NecomancerNecomancer Member Posts: 622
    If you want to get those romances installed you wern't the only one to have trouble and someone mentioned above a simple change you can make that lets them work. Have fun, Boo!
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @Sjerrie - A good general mod install order would be:

    Non-WeiDU mods (install before any WeiDU mods)
    Item/Store mods
    Quest mods
    Banter/Friendship mods for existing NPCs (e.g., BG1NPC)
    New NPC mods
    Kit/Spell mods
    Tweak/AI mods (BG2 Tweaks, SCS, aTweaks)
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    @AstroBryGuy if a broader mod (such as BG2Tweaks) has both an item component and a spell component, should I:

    1) install BG2Tweaks' item component,
    2) install other mods that deal with banter
    3) go back to BG2Tweaks to install the spell components

    In that order?
  • RyofuRyofu Member Posts: 268
    Is this ready already?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited March 2014
    @Ryofu - There's no BGEE release at this time. Enough changes have been made to the code to such that it will install on BGEE and it is largely playable - with known (and unknown) issues.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Sjerrie said:

    @AstroBryGuy if a broader mod (such as BG2Tweaks) has both an item component and a spell component, should I:

    1) install BG2Tweaks' item component,
    2) install other mods that deal with banter
    3) go back to BG2Tweaks to install the spell components

    In that order?

    No. The order is like the Pirate Code, more "guidelines" than a hard rule. :-)

    I usually install BG2Tweaks right before SCS and aTweaks (which should always be last). A mod like BG2Tweaks needs to be installed late because it can affect things installed by earlier mods. For example, BG2Tweaks' component to allow arcane casting in armor edits almost every piece of armor in the game. So, if you're installing an item mod with new armor (or one that "edits" existing armor by just overwriting the files), you want BG2Tweaks to be installed after that mod so that it can edit the new armor too.
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    Ok! Most of BG1NPC seems to install alright (have not yet started a game). However, a few components will not install because of a missing "macro_tutu_items_to_bgt.tph"-file...

    Should it actually be there? Or is it only a relevant file for Tutu/BGT installs as the filename seems to suggest? Is there a replacement file or a workaround?
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    So... lemme ask: Does life exist in this project? All the time i let clear that as an free project made by fans they had no schedule to fulfill. But... Does ppl still work on it ot the project is not actuve anymore? What i see atm is individual people interested in the mod trying to adapt it as it is to the new Enhanced Edition and that's all.

    While no one is forced to produce an free mod, some clarify in the subject would be appreciated to avoid false hope.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Sjerrie said:

    Ok! Most of BG1NPC seems to install alright (have not yet started a game). However, a few components will not install because of a missing "macro_tutu_items_to_bgt.tph"-file...

    Should it actually be there? Or is it only a relevant file for Tutu/BGT installs as the filename seems to suggest? Is there a replacement file or a workaround?

    @Sjerrie‌ - See this post from @Captain_Apathy‌ (just up the page actually)
  • JaggedJagged Member Posts: 105
    I feel like I'm close to having this wok but I could use some of help. I'm getting the following error:

    [C:\Users\jim\AppData\Local\BeamDog\Player\Games\00766\setup-bg1npc.exe] WeiDU v
    ersion 23100
    [C:\Users\jim\AppData\Local\BeamDog\Player\Games\00766\setup-bg1npc.exe] Using s
    cripting style "BG1"

    Choose your language:
    0 [English]
    1 [Espanol (traducido por Clan DLAN)]
    2 [Francais (traduit par les d'Oghmatiques)]
    Using Language [English]

    Would you like to display the readme? [Y]es [N]o

    Would you like to display the components from [The BG1 NPC Project: Banters, Que
    sts, and Interjections]?
    [Y]es, [N]o? y

    Would you like to display the components from [The BG1 NPC Project: Portrait Cha
    nges and Additions]?
    [Y]es, [N]o? y

    Would you like to display the components from [The BG1 NPC Project: Romances]?
    [Y]es, [N]o? y

    Would you like to display the components from [The BG1 NPC Project: Tweaks]?
    [Y]es, [N]o? y

    Install Component [The BG1 NPC Project: Required Modifications]?
    [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? y

    Installing [The BG1 NPC Project: Required Modifications] [v21_PRERELEASE_1]

    BG:EE install detected.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.

    ERROR Installing [The BG1 NPC Project: Required Modifications], rolling back to
    previous state
    Will uninstall 0 files for [BG1NPC.TP2] component 0.
    Uninstalled 0 files for [BG1NPC.TP2] component 0.
    ERROR: Failure("No rule to identify BGEE")
    PLEASE email the file SETUP-BG1NPC.DEBUG to The BG1 NPC Project Team: forums.gib
    Using Language [English]

    Install Component [The BG1 NPC Project: Required Modifications]?
    [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit?

    So I guess it has something to do with not having updated Weidu but I thought I followed the process to update it. I have downloaded the latest vesion and copied into the same folder. Is there something else I need to do?

  • RaphaBERaphaBE Member Posts: 4
    Jagged said:

    So I guess it has something to do with not having updated Weidu but I thought I followed the process to update it. I have downloaded the latest vesion and copied into the same folder. Is there something else I need to do?

    It looks like auto-updating doesn't always trigger correctly. Instead, you can simply delete the original setup-bg1npc.exe and rename weidu.exe (latest version) into setup-bg1npc.exe afterwards.
  • JaggedJagged Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2014
    I did a clean install and tried Shin's step again. This time it seems to have worked! Only the Dynaheir romance had an error but I didn't need that anyway. Thank you guys for all you hard work!

    Apparently I spoke too soon. The dialogues are all starting at the right places but only "Invalid: 55349" shows up. The number different for each line but they are all invalid. Any advice on this?

    Thanks in advance!
  • JaggedJagged Member Posts: 105
    I think the problem is with the language. NPC install shows:

    [C:\Users\jim\Desktop\Games\BGEE\00766\setup-bg1npc.exe] WeiDU version 23200
    Using Language [English]

    Using lang\cs_cz/dialog.tlk

    Would you like to display the components from [The BG1 NPC Project: Banters, Que
    sts, and Interjections]?
    [Y]es, [N]o? n

    Would you like to display the components from [The BG1 NPC Project: Portrait Cha
    nges and Additions]?
    [Y]es, [N]o? n

    Would you like to display the components from [The BG1 NPC Project: Romances]?
    [Y]es, [N]o? n

    Would you like to display the components from [The BG1 NPC Project: Tweaks]?
    [Y]es, [N]o? n

    Install Component [The BG1 NPC Project: Required Modifications]?
    [R]e-Install, [N]o Change or [U]ninstall or [Q]uit? n

    Skipping [The BG1 NPC Project: Required Modifications]

    Install Component [The BG1 NPC Project: Player-Initiated Dialogues]?
    [R]e-Install, [N]o Change or [U]ninstall or [Q]uit? n

    Skipping [The BG1 NPC Project: Player-Initiated Dialogues]

    Press ENTER to exit.

    I'm guessing "Using lang\cs_cz/dialog.tlk is the issue." How would I change that?
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    I don't remember what was the thread but there were one that teach to bind the dialog.tlk file of each language as the universal language of the installation. Maybe that could help you. something to do with using the "cmd" command for it.
This discussion has been closed.