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The BG NPC project



  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,805
    @Val thank you, I loaded the save, but I cannot replicate the stutter: First, directly after loading, the talk about the dream with Mulahey triggers. After that, at some point the star-gazing dialogue. Directly after that, Ajantis' rep warning pops up, because the rep is at 15 (and it needs to be at 16 for the romance to continue): "~My lady, I see you on the path of good, but I am not fully satisfied yet. If you are interested in my advice, we need to focus on doing good deeds and helping those in need we meet on our way.~" Did you get this warning? If not, maybe that is the problem, although I wouldn't understand why it doesn't work for you. Are there any errors or warnings in your "SETUP-BG1NPC.DEBUG"?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited May 2014
    @Jobby - Okay about the first saved game...


    If you picked the "fair enough to do it again?" reply, and Shar-Teel responds "I don't really see a need to try this again, male. We've both learned enough about each other." Then, you ended the romance.

    It's not her, it's you. Try being more of a "player". ;-)

    About the second one:

    So, you set x#shmale to 1, and then had the "take your clothes off" dialog, and then reset x#shmale to 1? Well, that dialog is supposed to set x#shmale to 2 since x#shmale = 1 makes that dialog fire.

    Go back to your first game, read the spoilers, and don't reset x#shmale a second time.
  • jobbyjobby Member Posts: 181
    Seriously!? The romance can end on the first set of ambiguous dialogue responses!? Haha I apologize for wasting your time mate.

    As a side note is there any way to restart it over in my current game without messing up the dialogue trees? If not that's cool and thanks for your help
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    jobby said:

    Seriously!? The romance can end on the first set of ambiguous dialogue responses!? Haha I apologize for wasting your time mate.

    As a side note is there any way to restart it over in my current game without messing up the dialogue trees? If not that's cool and thanks for your help

    Yep. :-)

    And I think this should re-start the romance:

  • jobbyjobby Member Posts: 181
    edited May 2014
    Deleted: got console commands mixed up.
    Post edited by jobby on
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    When you going over the file, are you going only over the commands or over the text as well ??? there is a banter between Jaheira and Khalid that she is telling him to change his weapon to blunt then sharp, inhis answer he said "words" instead of "swords", and there are some other miss word like that but I don't remember them right now.
  • IsayaIsaya Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 752
    edited May 2014
    @kaguana Please report typos when you find them. The scope of the BGEE work is not on the texts but I have no doubt that reported typos will be fixed as well.
    The "typo" you mentioned (in x#jaheira.tra, line @148). I'd rather think the use of "words" may indeed intended, as this looks like a reference to Jaheira's use of blunt words and of resolving disputes.
    Post edited by Isaya on
  • ValVal Member Posts: 20
    jastey said:

    @Val thank you, I loaded the save, but I cannot replicate the stutter: First, directly after loading, the talk about the dream with Mulahey triggers. After that, at some point the star-gazing dialogue. Directly after that, Ajantis' rep warning pops up, because the rep is at 15 (and it needs to be at 16 for the romance to continue): "~My lady, I see you on the path of good, but I am not fully satisfied yet. If you are interested in my advice, we need to focus on doing good deeds and helping those in need we meet on our way.~" Did you get this warning? If not, maybe that is the problem, although I wouldn't understand why it doesn't work for you. Are there any errors or warnings in your "SETUP-BG1NPC.DEBUG"?

    Ehr, you'll have to tell me how I get the debug-stuffs because it is not in the directory of the Baldur's gate ee..

    I am almost sure I did not have the Mulahey dream talk..the same goes for his warning about my rep being too low. Maybe if I donate to the church so my rep goes up I can avoid this stutter..
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    edited May 2014
    That invalid:16777215 near the Firewine bridge problem is up again, there was one invalid then there was a banter and when it was done that invalid message pop up again, it start at the same place like last time near that Ilmater guy but this time it keep thru the bridge. And here is the file save already attached
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @kaguana - It looks like some of the "existence" strings in the x#cutspy CREs still had undefined string references. I've set them all to -1.
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    @AstroBryGuy thank you I'll remember it for next game :)
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,805
    @Val the "SETUP-BG1NPC.DEBUG" should be in the main BG:EE folder, together with the setup-bg1npc.exe. You can open it with any normal editor.
    Increasing your rep would probably stop this stutter, but something is borked with your mod install, so there will be more bugs due to this - I would advice to load the BG1NPC package again, uninstall the current one and install the new one, since it's your only mod this should work fine.
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    Sorry if this is obvious to everyone else on this thread but i just got interested in modding very recently. Is this MOD still in Beta for EE? Or it generally works without problems? I am on an iPad and dont have a console, so I prefer to wait to install it if it is the case :-) thanks!
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @MacHurto - It is still a "work in progress" for BGEE. I hesitate to call it a "beta".

    Since this mod makes extensive additions to the dialog.tlk file (which you cannot modify on the iPad without jailbreaking), I don't forsee it working on an iPad.
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    @AstroBryGuy‌ well I have jailbroken my ipad so that shouldnt be an issue (although SCS is giving me problems with Dialog.tlk so you never know).
  • ValVal Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2014
    jastey said:

    I would advice to load the BG1NPC package again, uninstall the current one and install the new one, since it's your only mod this should work fine.

    Okay..well, the stutter stopped after I raised my rep and I was able to play for a bit-but now the game just freezes at the "after sex"-talk. This freeze also occures on other occasions- (Jaheira/Faldorn encounter the shadow druids for exmaple)..SO I have three questions now..

    1) What is the most recent version of the mod with the fewest know bugs?

    2) How do I "keep" my save with Ajantis? I have been far in his romance, I do not really feel like playing the game trhough again

    3) Some detailed instructions on reinstalling the mod would be nice..
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Val said:

    jastey said:

    I would advice to load the BG1NPC package again, uninstall the current one and install the new one, since it's your only mod this should work fine.

    Okay..well, the stutter stopped after I raised my rep and I was able to play for a bit-but now the game just freezes at the "after sex"-talk. This freeze also occures on other occasions- (Jaheira/Faldorn encounter the shadow druids for exmaple)..SO I have three questions now..

    1) What is the most recent version of the mod with the fewest know bugs?

    2) How do I "keep" my save with Ajantis? I have been far in his romance, I do not really feel like playing the game trhough again

    3) Some detailed instructions on reinstalling the mod would be nice..
    If the freeze is occurring in multiple locations (and not part of the same component), I'm curious to discover the root cause (since it might not be Ajantis' romance). If you have a save game, I can take a look.

    Your questions:

    1) No BGEE-compatible version has been officially released yet. The "in development" BGEE-compatible version is available on GitHub, which is updated regularly.

    2) Since you only have BG1NPC loaded, you should be able to continue using your saved game once you reload the mod.

    3) The command to uninstall the mod is "setup-bg1npc --uninstall". Then download the latest version and replace the old version of BG1NPC with the new one. Run "setup-bg1npc" to install the new version.

  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,805
    @AstroBryguy a freezing game sounds awfully lot like there is a symbol in the text that is not in UTF-8 without BOM format. Looking at the file "x#ajantislts_pr.tra", I see that the "é" from "fiancée" is not displayed correctly:

    @1067 = ~My love, we did not talk of this yet... I am very happy to have you as my beloved fiancꥮ But before we can plan the wedding arrangements, there are some very important things that have to be done first.~

    @Val did AstroBryGuy answer your questions? If you need more help, let me know.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited May 2014
    @Jastey - Good idea; I hadn't thought of that. Isaya's UTF8 conversion batch files should take care of this. I tested out that dialog in my BG1NPC install, and it works fine. The accent appears above the e in "fiancée" and no crash.

    I also found the likely candidate for causing the error in the Jahiera/Faldorn shadow druid encounter. It's from x#jaqu.d (from x#shdrg.dlg):

    @27 = ~This naÔve newcomer would agree to anything less than death for these false druids? We shall dispose of you and your newfound friends, weakling... and deal with the miners, afterwards!~

    In my BG1NPC install, this string is UTF8 (with the correct diaeresis over the i):

    This naïve newcomer would agree to anything less than death for these false druids? We shall dispose of you and your newfound friends, weakling... and deal with the miners, afterwards!
    (StrRef: 46064)

    @Val - when did you download and install BG1NPC? Was your install based on the .tp2 file posted by Arizael? (

    If so, that .tp2 file removed Isaya's UTF8 conversion scripts. This means that your dialog.tlk file will have non-UTF8 characters, which can cause these crashes.
    Post edited by AstroBryGuy on
  • ValVal Member Posts: 20

    @Val - when did you download and install BG1NPC? Was your install based on the .tp2 file posted by Arizael? (

    If so, that .tp2 file removed Isaya's UTF8 conversion scripts. This means that your dialog.tlk file will have non-UTF8 characters, which can cause these crashes.

    Uh, honestly, I do not remember whether the version I have downloaded was based on the file posted by Arizael.

    I now have downloaded the version from github..and have another question. If I uninstall (and then reinstall) the bg-npc mod-would that not mean that I have to romance Ajantis all over again?
  • IsayaIsaya Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 752
    @Val When you reinstall, WeiDU will ensure that new texts without the wrong characters will be used, while keeping the previously added ones for texts without such characters. The consequence is your save games will still work properly and won't be reset.
    The only case that could cause problem is if one game element that is kept in the save game for tracking the game history (such as area you visited, people you met, shop you entered, etc.) was using a name with a special character using a wrong encoding. In this case, the game would crash when you get to meet again that character/shop/etc. Fortunately this is rather unlikely.

    On the contrary, the dialogs using these special characters will now point to the new fixed strings added when you reinstall the new version, so the game should not crash in a dialog with Ajantis anymore.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Val said:

    the game just freezes at the "after sex"-talk.

    I don't know how to say this but... maybe he's just not that into you ;p
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,805
    @Val no worries, the game will go on if you load your save, as all variables etc. are still set. So, after uninstalling your current version (this is important) and installing the GitHub one, you can just go on playing, with then hopefully less glitches.
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    I'm playing my game and something with the time isn't right I set it for an hr between romance and from some reason the talks are one after another in a 10 min or something instead of 1 hour like I set it to be and then there are hours of not talking at all not just with the romance even the other npcs not talking, is that mean all the banter are done in the middle of the game?
  • jobbyjobby Member Posts: 181
    edited May 2014
    Just thought i would mention that I've restarted the game after re-installing both the npc project and then SCS, Shar-Teel romance seems to be working fine so far (although i had to force-start it using the command @Astrobryguy suggested.

    I'm on SharInterestTalk 21 atm and everything has run fairly well so far with the exception of the Dorn-Shar-teel bugged banter (BG:EE bug not npc project) that @Isaya on pg 16 of this thread posted a fix to.

    Also the Kivan sea people quest worked fine for me on first attempt, I'm going to go through the other quests with the exception of Dynaheir and Jaheria, refused Jaheria the first time round not realising her and Khalid would disappear forever! and in regards to Dynaheir....

    Killed Drizzt for his lovely thief armor, Shar-teel dueled to thief, violet potion, 5 invisibility potions and backstabbed to death before he could finish off the Gnolls, cheap I know but none the less.. Mwhahahahah

    Is there any area in particular you guys reckon requires additional attention? I'm quite happy to rotate the 6th party member for the sake of npc project quests as I'm only using Dorn for the caster chain (Fighter/Mage PC).
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited May 2014
    kaguana said:

    I'm playing my game and something with the time isn't right I set it for an hr between romance and from some reason the talks are one after another in a 10 min or something instead of 1 hour like I set it to be and then there are hours of not talking at all not just with the romance even the other npcs not talking, is that mean all the banter are done in the middle of the game?

    This is the Ajantis romance, right? I wonder if a timer isn't getting restarted after a romance dialog. @Jastey might have a better idea.

    The not talking could be that you aren't in the right type of area for the next talk to fire. For example, sometimes the dialogs are only set to occur outdoors. Besides, who wants a romantic conversation when you're traipsing through the sewers of Baldur's Gate? :-)
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    jobby said:

    Just thought i would mention that I've restarted the game after re-installing both the npc project and then SCS, Shar-Teel romance seems to be working fine so far (although i had to force-start it using the command @Astrobryguy suggested.

    I'm on SharInterestTalk 21 atm and everything has run fairly well so far with the exception of the Dorn-Shar-teel bugged banter (BG:EE bug not npc project) that @Isaya on pg 16 of this thread posted a fix to.

    Also the Kivan sea people quest worked fine for me on first attempt, I'm going to go through the other quests with the exception of Dynaheir and Jaheria, refused Jaheria the first time round not realising her and Khalid would disappear forever! and in regards to Dynaheir....

    Killed Drizzt for his lovely thief armor, Shar-teel dueled to thief, violet potion, 5 invisibility potions and backstabbed to death before he could finish off the Gnolls, cheap I know but none the less.. Mwhahahahah

    Is there any area in particular you guys reckon requires additional attention? I'm quite happy to rotate the 6th party member for the sake of npc project quests as I'm only using Dorn for the caster chain (Fighter/Mage PC).
    When did you download BG1NPC? And, I assume you're referring to setting the variable x#shmale to 1?

    I reviewed what it takes for the x#shmale variable to be set. It requires a timer to be expired, and for you to be in a Forest type area (along with the other requirements of low rep, male, etc..). Surprisingly, only a few areas in vanilla BG1/BGEE are flagged as "Forest" (even those with lots of those, uh, tall wood things with leaves). BG1NPC turned on the "Forest" flag for a lot more areas, but it was flagged as Tutu/BGT only. I activated this section of the code for BGEE 2 days ago (May 21st). So, if you downloaded before then, Shar-Teel's romance likely wasn't starting because you weren't in an area flagged as "forest".
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328

    This is the Ajantis romance, right? I wonder if a timer isn't getting restarted after a romance dialog. @Jastey might have a better idea.

    The not talking could be that you aren't in the right type of area for the next talk to fire. For example, sometimes the dialogs are only set to occur outdoors. Besides, who wants a romantic conversation when you're traipsing through the sewers of Baldur's Gate? :-)

    It not just his romance tho it wired that the love talking it just one after another without the space that is install, it also the normal talking I have them almost one after another. and in that game when I said no talking the other pcs as well with me or one another it was quiet for hours like after the romance talk no other npc was talking. and I'm not talking here about romance talk I'm talking on normal talks as well. but anyway I'm saying was because I started a new game hopefully it won't happen again.
  • jobbyjobby Member Posts: 181

    I dled the most recent version from the Github (sounds like a gathering place of offensive people lol) on the 9th of May, but I'm glad to see that you've repaired that part and as I said everything's worked fine so far.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @jobby - Glad to hear it!
This discussion has been closed.