For the record Garricks quest runs fine also, should i dull down my enthusiasm and only post errors btw? I don't want to clog the topic up with useless info.
Confirmations are very valuable, especially since they let the modder know what really happened - sometimes the player thinks it's working, but doesn't know that half of the intended quest didn't trigger (if it's a new mod). A feedback à la "all went well in my playthrough" is worth nothing, I am afraid. So, keep it up! (And thank you!)
A small "bug". There is no bag of holding in BGEE. I have a nasty habit of consoling one in. When opening it in the store window interface l, (to sell loot), the little title bar says "You ask Viconia a lot of personal questions." Probably not even worth mentioning, as I had to cheat to produce this anomaly in the first place.
In the base game, you would get a "Missing string" or equivalent for this bag. Depending on how many mods you install and in which order, you could get any string from any mod. There is nothing any mod can do about that. If you want "clean" bags, you can install component Add Bags of Holding of BG2 Tweaks. You'll be able to buy different kinds of bags in several shops of the Sword Coast.
Fair enough, I'm actually thinking about taking garrick on my good playthrough as I think the modders have fleshed out his personality perfectly, also the imoen spellbook banter worked fine although the book she created didn't seen to increase her dexterity on the stats page, I don't know if this is intended or not.
Garrick + Xzar = hilarity
Edit: there wasn't any dialogue after being jumped by druids for xzars quest either, that seemed a bit more odd but is probably fine*
@jackjack you can fix that string by writing a very small WeiDU mod, that does just that. It is extremely easy to do.
Assuming that you are using the console to get BAG31:
1) copy paste the following code in a text file and rename the file Bag_of_Holding.tp2
BACKUP ~Bag_of_Holding/backup~ AUTHOR ~jackjack, at BEGIN ~Bag of Holding~ COPY_EXISTING ~BAG31.STO~ ~override~ SAY NAME2 ~Bag of Holding~ BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES
2) put the file Bag_of_Holding.tp2 in the main game folder (the one with chitin.key) 3) in the same main folder you should already have either the file weidu.exe or some file called setup-name_of_mod.exe from some other mod, make a copy of one of those exe files and rename it setup-Bag_of_Holding.exe 4) install as any normal WeiDU mod and enjoy your Bag of Holding
It also possible to add the bag to some store (so you don't have to use the console to get it), but I wanted to keep the tp2 as simple as possible on purpose.
Fair enough, I'm actually thinking about taking garrick on my good playthrough as I think the modders have fleshed out his personality perfectly, also the imoen spellbook banter worked fine although the book she created didn't seen to increase her dexterity on the stats page, I don't know if this is intended or not.
Garrick + Xzar = hilarity
Edit: there wasn't any dialogue after being jumped by druids for xzars quest either, that seemed a bit more odd but is probably fine*
I'll give Imoen's Artifact a check. The effect is supposed to be temporary.
Do you mean there was no dialog from the druids that accosted you? Did they just appear and go hostile?
no it was after they jumped me and we killed them all Xzar didn't comment, as I said that might just be intended behavior.
Corans quest
[Spoiler] Everything seemed to trigger ok, took the roses to Rashel, went back, entered the temple, spoke to the thief, then re-loaded to see the different outcomes.
1. Refused to give her the powders, she turned into a fire elemental and attacked along with Coran and the thief, we killed her and I then had to re-introduce Coran to the party as if i had kicked him.
2. Gave her the powders received the amulet and Coran re-joined automatically [/Spoiler]
[Spoiler] The three merchants appeared in the Basilisk area however they wouldn't talk to me, I have previously cleared the area out and according to the readme they are supposed to talk and give +1 to rep.
I tried attacking them to see if that would force the mercenaries to spawn but the three merchants just remained blue and un-hostile (even as i killed them) [/Spoiler]
So it seems that something isn't triggering correctly, I don't know if this is because i already cleared the area or not, Do you want me to upload a save-file?
[Spoiler] No big issues here just a minor glitch which doesn't really affect anything, being evil and all I decided to whack Amarande after he patronized me, at "Near Death" A random dialogue floated above his head saying "of course i will reward you for this deed Jaheria, here have a lovely club" paraphrasing clearly. [/Spoiler]
So it seems that something isn't triggering correctly, I don't know if this is because i already cleared the area or not, Do you want me to upload a save-file?
Should be an easy fix. Their dialog files didn't get set. I'll fix that in the .tp2.
[Spoiler] No big issues here just a minor glitch which doesn't really affect anything, being evil and all I decided to whack Amarande after he patronized me, at "Near Death" A random dialogue floated above his head saying "of course i will reward you for this deed Jaheria, here have a lovely club" paraphrasing clearly. [/Spoiler]
Amazing coincidence here... There is a script that was copied from BG2 that is used by the shadow druids. That script has a few hard-coded string references to the BG2 dialog.tlk. One of those strrefs is, in BGEE, pointing to a dialog line from BG1NPC that references Jahiera's quest. Again - pure coincidence. :-)
I'll fix the script. I think I can just take that stuff out.
why this Components NPCs Can Be Sent to Wait in an Inn can't work in BG1EE ? and why the engagement from Ajantis is so big ??? can it be resize ??
That component has worked fine for me, I've also split pairs up to see if it would work which has also been fine, the Friendly arms is full of potential chunk replacements in my game
Cheers mate, I'm glad they're easy fixes, I reloaded and removed Xan from my party before continuing with my game, on that merit will that fix work in my current save? It seems like an interesting quest that could use some further "testing" due to its complexity
why this Components NPCs Can Be Sent to Wait in an Inn can't work in BG1EE ? and why the engagement from Ajantis is so big ??? can it be resize ??
That component has worked fine for me, I've also split pairs up to see if it would work which has also been fine, the Friendly arms is full of potential chunk replacements in my game
I don't get the option to install that component when I install BG1NPC that why I ask about it
Cheers mate, I'm glad they're easy fixes, I reloaded and removed Xan from my party before continuing with my game, on that merit will that fix work in my current save? It seems like an interesting quest that could use some further "testing" due to its complexity
No. The dialog files are attached to the CREs of the merchants, copies of which are loaded into your save game when you enter the area for the first time. So, even if you fix the CREs in the override directory, it won't affect the CREs in the save game. You'd have to go in and edit the CREs in the save game, or go back to a save before you entered the area in question.
why this Components NPCs Can Be Sent to Wait in an Inn can't work in BG1EE ? and why the engagement from Ajantis is so big ??? can it be resize ??
That component has worked fine for me, I've also split pairs up to see if it would work which has also been fine, the Friendly arms is full of potential chunk replacements in my game
I don't get the option to install that component when I install BG1NPC that why I ask about it
@Jobby is running SCS as well, so I would assume he has installed SCS' "NPCs Wait At Inns" component.
The "NPCs Wait At Inns" component is compatible with BGTutu only. The code for that component is full of hard-coded Tutu references and is therefore incompatible with BGT and BGEE.
SCS provides the same functionality and is BGEE compatible. It is also modular, so if you don't want the AI improvements, you can install just that component.
The "NPCs Wait At Inns" component is compatible with BGTutu only. The code for that component is full of hard-coded Tutu references and is therefore incompatible with BGT and BGEE.
SCS provides the same functionality and is BGEE compatible. It is also modular, so if you don't want the AI improvements, you can install just that component.
I know there is that component in SCS but I don't wanna install another mod just for that option and the other mod that there is this component in it is BG1 tweaks that is incompatible with the EE version yet (if at all) and if that component is already in this mod is there no way to code it otherwise that will fit the EE version ?
AS for Ajantis' Engagement Ring the icon of the ring is big
The "NPCs Wait At Inns" component is compatible with BGTutu only. The code for that component is full of hard-coded Tutu references and is therefore incompatible with BGT and BGEE.
SCS provides the same functionality and is BGEE compatible. It is also modular, so if you don't want the AI improvements, you can install just that component.
I know there is that component in SCS but I don't wanna install another mod just for that option and the other mod that there is this component in it is BG1 tweaks that is incompatible with the EE version yet (if at all) and if that component is already in this mod is there no way to code it otherwise that will fit the EE version ?
AS for Ajantis' Engagement Ring the icon of the ring is big
NPC Wait At Inns - It is 3000 lines of dialog code that are hard-coded to BGTutu. Sorry.
Ajantis' Engagement Ring - If you don't like the inventory icon, unzip the attached file and put it in your overrride directory. It's one of the standard ring inventory icons.
@AstroBryGuy thank you for this file I did like the ring but the size of it doesn't seem real or logical at all it like x1000 bigger then the actual finger of the character for something like that especially engagement ring that should be a delicate ring
As for the NPC wait at Inns it pity that nothing can be done about it in this mod, tho I do wonder why they don't just add it officially to the game there is that option in BG2 after all
Well i haven't been to the area with Xan in my party in my current save, I re-loaded and booted him from the party, According to the readme it says the merchants only spawn when he is with your group, however if the merchant files get loaded (even though they don't spawn) when i previously entered the area without Xan then fair enough you are right.
In that event is the process of editing my save horrendously complicated? I have been looking towards getting involved in modding at some point in the near/distant future and if it's not too much effort to explain (or even point me in the right direction) I would happily give it a go. Plus i could test the encounter out for ya
Sorry just remembered one tiny wee glitch (that may not even be).
Bandit Camp [Spoiler] After speaking to Ender Sai i get a dialogue saying someone along the lines of *you notice something out of the corner of your eye* Monty then proceeds to banter with Viconia, then backstabs Ender. A bit strange but could just be an unfortunate timer for all I know. [/Spoiler]
Sorry just remembered one tiny wee glitch (that may not even be).
Bandit Camp
After speaking to Ender Sai i get a dialogue saying someone along the lines of *you notice something out of the corner of your eye* Monty then proceeds to banter with Viconia, then backstabs Ender. A bit strange but could just be an unfortunate timer for all I know.
I think the latter.
The way that the scripting works you first get the *you notice something out of the corner of your eye* dialog. This sets a variable and then the dialog ends. Monty's script picks up on the variable, runs a cutscene to have Monty kill Ender. The cutscene increments the variable and ends. This also gets picked up by Monty's script to start another dialog for the "WTF?" conversation with Monty. So, it is possible that a script could squeak in and fire a dialog in one of the "breaks", i.e. between the initial dialog and the cutscene or after the cutscene.
Apologies, I forgot that was a module in SCS, if you install only that if shouldn't affect anything else but i understand if you don't want to.
It ok with all the mods around one can forget what install where and no I don't really wanna instal SCS, I just wish that this component would have work for EE but it isn't, and there isn't a separated mod for it or even BG1 tweaks that have isn't good for EE yet (if at all)
Well i haven't been to the area with Xan in my party in my current save, I re-loaded and booted him from the party, According to the readme it says the merchants only spawn when he is with your group, however if the merchant files get loaded (even though they don't spawn) when i previously entered the area without Xan then fair enough you are right.
In that event is the process of editing my save horrendously complicated? I have been looking towards getting involved in modding at some point in the near/distant future and if it's not too much effort to explain (or even point me in the right direction) I would happily give it a go. Plus i could test the encounter out for ya
If you haven't been there with Xan, then in this case, it should pick up new CREs from the override directory. I'd forgotten that they only spawn if Xan is there.
Try dropping the files in this archive into your override directory. These are CREs for the merchants with their scripts & dialogs referenced. If you have BG1NPC as the first mod loaded, the strrefs should work fine.
Hmm I don't know if this is a problem with the strrefs as you said, but something went kinda funky when i tried to do the quest. for the record I installed BG:NPC project first and then SCS afterwards, I also re-installed both of them in the same order.
Initial dialogue triggered, although the name is replaced by another piece of dialogue oddly.
[Spoiler] [/Spoiler]
[Spoiler] Following that i got all the dialogue response options but no actual text from the merchants, the responses also seemed to do the correct thing, increasing rep by 1 in this case. [/Spoiler]
[Spoiler] After that I agreed to follow the deer and the new area triggered but the dialogue was still weird, Xan then interjected and after I responded I got a crash to desktop [/Spoiler]
I don't know if this is to do with my savegame, if so I apologise, although I'm pretty sure I did re-load after entering the area with Xan as i had seen you say something about pre-loaded CRE files on the Gibberlings forum.
Either way I'm going to hang off this quest for now and will try and attempt it in a new save.
P.S. Sorry for the awful screenshots, I didn't realise they had been awkwardly cropped lol.
The odd names just mean that my assumption that our string reference numbers are the same was a bad one. Your previous report about Jaheira's Quest made me think they were the same. Sorry about that. :-)
Based on the string used for Skodd's name, it looks like a difference of 7... These files should work - I think.
Let me know if there's still no dialog appearing, and if the crash still occurs. If it does, please send me a save game to investigate. Thanks.
EDIT: The next dialog should fire from X#SIENE. Did you copy all 6 of the included files into your override directory? I think her dialog reference may have been missing as well.
There is nothing any mod can do about that.
If you want "clean" bags, you can install component Add Bags of Holding of BG2 Tweaks. You'll be able to buy different kinds of bags in several shops of the Sword Coast.
Garrick + Xzar = hilarity
Edit: there wasn't any dialogue after being jumped by druids for xzars quest either, that seemed a bit more odd but is probably fine*
Assuming that you are using the console to get BAG31:
1) copy paste the following code in a text file and rename the file Bag_of_Holding.tp2 2) put the file Bag_of_Holding.tp2 in the main game folder (the one with chitin.key)
3) in the same main folder you should already have either the file weidu.exe or some file called setup-name_of_mod.exe from some other mod, make a copy of one of those exe files and rename it setup-Bag_of_Holding.exe
4) install as any normal WeiDU mod and enjoy your Bag of Holding
It also possible to add the bag to some store (so you don't have to use the console to get it), but I wanted to keep the tp2 as simple as possible on purpose.
Do you mean there was no dialog from the druids that accosted you? Did they just appear and go hostile?
Corans quest
Everything seemed to trigger ok, took the roses to Rashel, went back, entered the temple, spoke to the thief, then re-loaded to see the different outcomes.
1. Refused to give her the powders, she turned into a fire elemental and attacked along with Coran and the thief, we killed her and I then had to re-introduce Coran to the party as if i had kicked him.
2. Gave her the powders received the amulet and Coran re-joined automatically
The three merchants appeared in the Basilisk area however they wouldn't talk to me, I have previously cleared the area out and according to the readme they are supposed to talk and give +1 to rep.
I tried attacking them to see if that would force the mercenaries to spawn but the three merchants just remained blue and un-hostile (even as i killed them)
So it seems that something isn't triggering correctly, I don't know if this is because i already cleared the area or not, Do you want me to upload a save-file?
No big issues here just a minor glitch which doesn't really affect anything, being evil and all I decided to whack Amarande after he patronized me, at "Near Death" A random dialogue floated above his head saying "of course i will reward you for this deed Jaheria, here have a lovely club" paraphrasing clearly.
I'll fix the script. I think I can just take that stuff out.
Cheers mate, I'm glad they're easy fixes, I reloaded and removed Xan from my party before continuing with my game, on that merit will that fix work in my current save? It seems like an interesting quest that could use some further "testing" due to its complexity
The "NPCs Wait At Inns" component is compatible with BGTutu only. The code for that component is full of hard-coded Tutu references and is therefore incompatible with BGT and BGEE.
SCS provides the same functionality and is BGEE compatible. It is also modular, so if you don't want the AI improvements, you can install just that component.
As for the NPC wait at Inns it pity that nothing can be done about it in this mod, tho I do wonder why they don't just add it officially to the game there is that option in BG2 after all
Apologies, I forgot that was a module in SCS, if you install only that if shouldn't affect anything else but i understand if you don't want to.
Well i haven't been to the area with Xan in my party in my current save, I re-loaded and booted him from the party, According to the readme it says the merchants only spawn when he is with your group, however if the merchant files get loaded (even though they don't spawn) when i previously entered the area without Xan then fair enough you are right.
In that event is the process of editing my save horrendously complicated? I have been looking towards getting involved in modding at some point in the near/distant future and if it's not too much effort to explain (or even point me in the right direction) I would happily give it a go. Plus i could test the encounter out for ya
Sorry just remembered one tiny wee glitch (that may not even be).
Bandit Camp
After speaking to Ender Sai i get a dialogue saying someone along the lines of *you notice something out of the corner of your eye* Monty then proceeds to banter with Viconia, then backstabs Ender. A bit strange but could just be an unfortunate timer for all I know.
Try dropping the files in this archive into your override directory. These are CREs for the merchants with their scripts & dialogs referenced. If you have BG1NPC as the first mod loaded, the strrefs should work fine.
Hmm I don't know if this is a problem with the strrefs as you said, but something went kinda funky when i tried to do the quest. for the record I installed BG:NPC project first and then SCS afterwards, I also re-installed both of them in the same order.
Initial dialogue triggered, although the name is replaced by another piece of dialogue oddly.
Following that i got all the dialogue response options but no actual text from the merchants, the responses also seemed to do the correct thing, increasing rep by 1 in this case.
After that I agreed to follow the deer and the new area triggered but the dialogue was still weird, Xan then interjected and after I responded I got a crash to desktop
I don't know if this is to do with my savegame, if so I apologise, although I'm pretty sure I did re-load after entering the area with Xan as i had seen you say something about pre-loaded CRE files on the Gibberlings forum.
Either way I'm going to hang off this quest for now and will try and attempt it in a new save.
P.S. Sorry for the awful screenshots, I didn't realise they had been awkwardly cropped lol.
Based on the string used for Skodd's name, it looks like a difference of 7... These files should work - I think.
Let me know if there's still no dialog appearing, and if the crash still occurs. If it does, please send me a save game to investigate. Thanks.
EDIT: The next dialog should fire from X#SIENE. Did you copy all 6 of the included files into your override directory? I think her dialog reference may have been missing as well.
The grey merchant is unnamed, and I think two of the slaves are unnamed also.
Apart from that everything worked, we were teleported to the right places and Xan got his 10k experience boost after 5mins