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What is your favourite non-Beamdog RPG series (or a title)?

JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
The amount of poll options is limited, so I'm going with the top Metacritic games.

Take note, that if you like only one, or several, but not all games from the series (because the amount of poll options is limited) please vote for the appropriate series. Please provide as many details in your reply as possible.
  1. What is your favourite non-Beamdog RPG series (or a title)?51 votes
    1. Divinity: Original Sin series
    2. Mass Effect series
    3. The Elder Scrolls series
    4. Final Fantasy series
    5. The Witcher series
    6. Diablo series
    7. Fallout series
    8. Dragon Age series
    9. Pillars of Eternity series
    10. A different RPG (RPG series)


  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    Honestly none. I'm just not interested in anything else. But then again I only play the BG series, mainly because of the D&D mechanics/rules to them (and a few other issues). My favorites in the far past were the Pool of Radiance/ Champions of Krynn series games, again, because of that D&D rule set. Maybe I'm set in my ways but I know what I like after 40+ years of playing D&D and computer role playing games. I still like the top down look to playing more than anything else as well (as opposed to a face to face view). B)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2018
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    This was a tough one. I absolutely loved Pillars 1, but Pillars 2 only managed to suck me in for ~5 hours before I quit. I just couldn't get into the "ARR WE PIRATES ME MATEY!!!" vibe. The combat is OK, but it just doesn't work quite as well as I would like; imo, combat is more of a chore in Pillars when compared to other RPGs.

    Divinity, while it is quirky, has some of the best combat out of any of the RPGs I've played. It's funny - people seemed to really dislike the armor system of D:OS 2, but I actually much preferred it over the first game's "stunned, game over, must reload" approach.

    Of course the Infinity Engine games are still my all-time favorites. :)
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    I'm basing my vote on Morrowind and Oblivion. I could never really get into Skyrim for some reason (but my dad loves it!).
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    The Bards Tale (original trilogy)
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    The Mother series, yes the whole series. To this day, its still a pretty unique concept. With a great blend of quirky humor, whimsy, tragedy, and horror. Its like if the Peanuts fought Cthulhu.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Tough one. I was trying to think of one that wasn't listed that I enjoyed but I really couldn't think of any, so I will go with the one I played the most which is Dragon Age.

    Origins I've played through about 5 or 6 times with restartitist effecting many other play throughs. I loved how I could make a Thief that wielded a maul to deliver devastating backstabs.
    DA2 is better than people give it credit for and I have played through it about 4 or 5 times. Combat got silly, but the story and characters are still great.

    DragonAge Keep gives Inquisition countless replayability, however, it is the weaker of the three games as it attempts to go open world with too many stupid quests to sidetrack players from the main quest. DA2 did this better as a lot of the side quests actually tied in with the main story giving the region more life. I finished Inquisition once and am now slogging through a completionist run.

    Mass Effect come close, but that is due to it having what I consider one the best games ever in its series -Mass Effect 2. The selling point of MA2 is its "short burst" quests. It is easy to pick up a controller, play and complete a fast pace quest in an half hour to an hour, then be able to walk away to do something with more important. A person hardly gets that in a videogame let alone a RPG. It having multiple ending scenarios with consequences was also well done and never repeated in any game I have played since.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    I also loved Realmz back in the day, and the Gold Box games, among others.
  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248
    I've taken days off for an Elder Scrolls launch. I've missed sleep for Civilization.

    But Diablo has ruined jobs and relationships.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    edited September 2018
    Favorite series would be Shin Megami Tensei. Other than the Baldurs Gate series, it's the only other game series I can claim to have completed every entry of, multiple times. There's something I find addictive in the alignment based choices and endings, sweeping tales of biblical conflict, brutal difficulty, negotiating with demons of varying personalities who are just as likely to cheat you as join you.

    I'll buy a console just to try a Megami Tensei title.
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    Raduziel said:

    If a company ever makes an Enhanced Edition of FO1 and FO2 I would sell a kidney to throw money over this project.

    I agree. Maybe not a kidney, I anticipate I'm going to need both of mine. Maybe a piece of liver, though. Definitely some plasma or bone marrow though.

    It was a tough call, between Fallout and Elder scrolls. But I had to pick fallout because I've completed more Fallout games (1, 2, 3, 4, new vegas, and tactics) than Elder Scrolls (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim), and I guess have more hours played of the Fallouts too. Barring the Infinity Engine games, New Vegas is my favorite game of all time.

    Anyways, as to the WHY, its gotta be the aesthetics and subject matter. Brownish grey post apocalyptic America just is more interesting than random fantasy world. Its more relatable and unique.
  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248
    edited September 2018

    Favorite series would be Shin Megami Tensei. Other than the Baldurs Gate series, it's the only other game series I can claim to have completed every entry of, multiple times. There's something I find addictive in the alignment based choices and endings, sweeping tales of biblical conflict, brutal difficulty, negotiating with demons of varying personalities who are just as likely to cheat you as join you.

    I'll buy a console just to try a Megami Tensei title.

    I own a Vita for Persona 4 Golden and a PS4 for Persona 5.

    I got hooked on the series when they were remade for the PSP and they have been console sellers for me since.


    Unfortunately I havent delved too far into the rest of the series beyond Persona/Nocturne/IV
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    edited September 2018
    Dragon Age, though not the whole series, just Origins (and it's sequel Awakenings). It's my most played game after Baldur's Gate (even more so for me than Baldur's Gate II).

    (I just read the OP post asks as many details as possible, maybe later, I'm just starting my day and don't feel very awake yet).
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    I voted "other" simply because I can't decide.

    I am vivid fan of Diablo in general, I like every one of 3 games, albeit for different reasons. I also like the lore.

    I consider all three Witchers games really good, even if the first game has many issues and aged badly and the second game doesn't really nail the mood. Witcher 3, however, was one of best gaming experiences I ever had.

    Pillars of Etenrity I really like, though I haven't played expansions and the second game yet. Due to this, I cannot vote for the entire series.

    My relationship with Fallout games is complicated at best. I like the writing and mood of classic games. And I am pretty sure that I could enjoy New Vegas just fine, if it wasn't the fact I would be paying people I hate (Bethesda). I can always support Obsidian with buying other products, though.

    Elder Scrolls aren't my cup of tea at all.

    I believe jrpgs aren't considered in this topic.

    Dragon Age, I don't know if I should give it a chance. Same for Divinity series.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Reading all these favorites makes me feel old, since played my favorite on an Apple //e. :wink:
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    O_Bruce said:

    Dragon Age, I don't know if I should give it a chance.

    @O_Bruce do yourself a favor and give it a shot.

  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    After I get myself a functional PC, then yeah. Maybe I will.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    hmm interesting, if i can recall i believe i remember @JuliusBorisov asking what are the 3 things that an RPG must have, and now here is a poll about what is our favourite types of RPGs?

    could there possibly be something brewing in the beamdog world.....?

    perhaps a new IP in the works, secretly being concocted.....?

    or is beamdog trying to play it off like nothing is going on hmm....?

    well if so, i shotty the clairvoyance badge, because i would almost swear something is going on somewhere, no matter how secretive you guys are trying to be :)
  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248
    edited September 2018
    elminster said:

    Nox. It was a fun, silly diablo clone. Its a shame nothing with it has happened since.

    Such a great game! It's currently $0.89 on GOG.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    sarevok57 said:

    hmm interesting, if i can recall i believe i remember @JuliusBorisov asking what are the 3 things that an RPG must have.

    That was @David_Gaider who asked.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    elminster said:

    Nox. It was a fun, silly diablo clone. Its a shame nothing with it has happened since.

    Nox was a very, very fun game. Vivid imagery and sounds, fast-paced, and responsive. The only two flaws were its slow mana regeneration that heavily punished wizards and conjurers who missed spells, and its many instant death scenarios. I came so close to beating the game once without dying, only to die twice to those endgame lasers and several times against Hecubah. Those Death Ray spells seem to be all RNG, but they make or break the fight.

    Warriors do okay against Hecubah, but Conjurers and Wizards struggle horribly. Hecubah just dies so much faster against Warriors even though all three classes are using the exact same weapon, which doesn't even depend on strength. I'm still not sure if the final fight is bugged or not; she can last for absolutely unnatural periods of time.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    deltago said:

    sarevok57 said:

    hmm interesting, if i can recall i believe i remember @JuliusBorisov asking what are the 3 things that an RPG must have.

    That was @David_Gaider who asked.
    shh.... close enough :)
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Probably the Utawarerumono trilogy. Best game story as a whole in my book, hands down. Although I do enjoy myself a nice Drakensang session just as much. Especially when I play through the River of Time.

    Honorable mentioning goes to the various total conversions of SureAI. It's only fair to count Nehrim, Enderal, Arktwend and Myar Aranath as their own franchise rather than list them under the Elder Scrolls.
  • fluke13fluke13 Member Posts: 399
    The only thing I understood in the above post was "Elder Scrolls"... But I'd be keen to know more.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Would SoulsBorne count?
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437


    Wizardry I-III were awesome. Return of Werdna was, well, nearly impossible, but brilliant. Never played the series beyond that.
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    Mass Effect was my introduction to "Action" RPGs, long after I gave up on twitch games. It trained me all the way from the beginner difficult level, all the way through to "insanity". The first game was such a wonderful exploration of a new upbeat SF Universe with infinite possibility, it was one of my most joyful gaming experiences. It even dripped the plot at just the right pace for you to feel smug figuring it out in time for the big reveal.

    The second game is generally regarded as the best of the series, but was initially my least favorite. Much darker in tone, relying on some of my least favorite SF tropes. It appeared to put the emphasis much more squarely on Action than RPG. However, in replying, the story comes more to the fore, and the gameplay, after I had adjusted to the more hardcore twitch-gamer audience, is definitely stronger than the original. There series is going from strength to strength, but lost the stats-based factor in which many RPG fans delight.

    ME3 should have been the crown jewel in the series. The gameplay nice fuses the Action elements of ME2 with the stats based upgrades for the first game. The stakes are high, all our old friends from the first game are back (well, mostly) and we get to wrap up the overarching story. However, it manages to fumble the ball - the wrap-up is poorly handled, and the rewrite patch manages to make it more of a mockery. The ME2 companions are all given short shrift, and the rush to release has typically reduced each conversation to just 2 options, crimping the story telling. They even killed a fan-favorite character live on Twitter for the launch - which was totally lost unless you followed twitter, leaving an odd and unexplained gap in the main game.

    The DLC was a mixed bag, but definitely some that contribute to the overall experience and storyline.

    Still my favorite series, as each game continues to evoke emotion if I replay today. Still a game I enjoy breaking out on a new PC to hit each achievement anew. The only RPG that has been anywhere near as replayable, for me, as the BG series.

    I will admit, several of the replies above give me regret that I have not yet played the fallout series. Hoping for the EEs one day...
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