Not sure if this is related to the NPC Project, but this is the first time I saw a dialogue where there was no option 1.
Does Kagain have anything to say, do, or influence inside the Silvershield Estate? I thought that Eddard's Fibula was related to his quest. But he doesn't say a word at any moment near the Estate.
Not sure if this is related to the NPC Project, but this is the first time I saw a dialogue where there was no option 1.
Does Kagain have anything to say, do, or influence inside the Silvershield Estate? I thought that Eddard's Fibula was related to his quest. But he doesn't say a word at any moment near the Estate.
Looks like I need to put a conditional on the original response, which just terminates the dialogue.
Also, are there any TotSC areas that have been touched by Beta 24? I'm almost done with my current run, but I've skipped TotSC, and am planning to start a fresh run instead of continuing. However, if there's specific areas that got touched, I could test those areas while I'm at it.
Checking back some old content, I noticed Imanel Silversword's items also drop fully identified.
Also, are there any TotSC areas that have been touched by Beta 24? I'm almost done with my current run, but I've skipped TotSC, and am planning to start a fresh run instead of continuing. However, if there's specific areas that got touched, I could test those areas while I'm at it.
Checking back some old content, I noticed Imanel Silversword's items also drop fully identified.
Re: Imoen - I don't think so. There is no script trigger for that character's death (actually, the CRE doesn't even have a death variable).
I haven't made any changes to those parts of the mod. There are some lingering issues with journal entries (BG1NPC does a poor job of cleaning up journal entries when it diverges a quest line).
I'll take a look at Imanel. If you are referring to the bow she carries, I assume that is intentional...
since it is Kivan's. He shouldn't need it identified.
The bow only drops if you have a specific character in your Party at the time, but that seems intentional, and feels appropriate. Her other items (an Elven Chain and a Longsword +1) drop whether that character is in the party or not, and are already identified.
I'm testing out Xzar's questline at the moment. I tried encountering the three druids on various maps. They tend not to spawn or stay together, which makes the Dialogue a bit. Blackberry comes up to talk to you, but Storm and Zosya are elsewhere on the map. If you had somehow already explored those areas, then the camera jumps to them, and you just look at the fog, without them actually being visible. If you have not yet discovered their area, then the camera stays on Blackberry.
Also, Blackberry and Storm have a portrait, but Zosya does not, which is a tad jarring. Zosya does drop some loot (Hide Armor, Club, some gold), but Blackberry and Storm drop absolutely nothing whatsoever. Having them drop something, even if only a regular quarterstaff, would feel more natural. Again, though, I can understand if you prefer not to touch them because the mod is content locked.
"A vial of vile extract" which Xzar 'loots' from Schlumpsha the Sewer King in the Western Sewers uses almost exclusively lowercase for its name, unlike pretty much every other item in the game. Not sure if this qualifies as a 'bug' to be fixed or not.
I understand why there are four Zizi the Lovebundles, one at each entrance of the Undercellar. It guarantees that you'll run into her before you run into Slythe and Krysten. However, if you don't have Xzar in the group, having four of them is pretty weird. You could circumvent this by either spawning her only when Xzar is in the party, or by giving her four different names. Both of them would be messing with content, though, so I think it's off limits.
However, I also noticed that what happens vary from where you arrive:
For example, I arrive from the North East corner. Zizi talks to Xzar, and then turns into a Green Slime. Slythe and Krystin have some dialogue, and then the slime sits there. However, in the combat log you can see other Green Slimes attacking Zizi the Lovebundle:
If I Ctrl-J to the South West corner of the map, there's a massive outbreak of slimes going on:
The North West and South East corners of the map are void of Zizis and Slimes.
If I arrive from the North West corner, there's nothing about Green Slimes and Zizi the Lovebundles in the combat log. Zizi converts into a green slime, the South East and South West corners remain empty, but there's five slimes sitting in the North East corner.
If I arrive from the South West corner, Zizi converts into a green slime, but disappears immediately after the dialogue. The other corners are all empty.
If I arrive from the South East corner, Zizi converts into a green slime and just sits there. The other corners are all empty.
In Coran's quest, when you head to the temple to purify the roses, you can drop the Withered Roses on the ground and then talk to Rashel. She'll still give you the Red Roses, and you can pick the Withered Roses back up.
Likewise, if you travel back to the Firewine Ruins, you can drop both the Withered Roses and the Red Roses on the ground before entering the Ruins. Natan and Coran will still get charmed by the Roses, but you can head back upstairs and loot them again.
After getting the Multicolored Powders from Natan, you can kill Natan upstairs and get another set of Multicolored Powders.
Still, none of these are gambreaking. They're all minor issues, so it would be fine to simply ignore these.
Also, are there any TotSC areas that have been touched by Beta 24? I'm almost done with my current run, but I've skipped TotSC, and am planning to start a fresh run instead of continuing. However, if there's specific areas that got touched, I could test those areas while I'm at it.
Checking back some old content, I noticed Imanel Silversword's items also drop fully identified.
from my understanding imoen's writer left mid way through the making of the mod. so she has alot of content at the start of the game but then it starts to fizzle out by mid to late game.
Hey thanks for the update, this is my first playthrough with this mod and so far I'm impressed!
The mod runs great so far, Imoen has gotten her spellbook working which is a great addition. Just one issue though, the game crashes consistently at certain dialogues. For example whenever Imoen starts talking to Jahera about her hatred for cities, and when Imoen has the banter with Kivan about the necklace he wears when I rest. The dialogue gets to the second or third part then crashes when I click "continue".
I've installed Modmerger first, and also have other mods installed in this order;
Exp cap remover BG classic cutscenes NPC Tweaks Mod *BG NPC Project v24* SCS SCS hotfix for 2.0+
I'm wondering if maybe there is a conflict between these mods? Mivsan_NT's SCS playthrough inspired me to try my own and he featured all of these mods, although before the SoD update.
(I've tried reinstalling NPC project so I guess it's now last in the mod install order now? Still the same problem.)
Thanks for reading!
edit. I am in the process of reinstalling now, can someone recommend a better install order maybe?
Okay the fresh install and reinstallation of the mods seems to have fixed it! Had the Imoen and Kivan conversation without the CTD. I chose not to install the NPC tweaks or the cutscene mod, they weren't vital so I guess the fewer mods the less chance of incompatibility.
The cutscene mod caused problems for me a few years ago now. Aparently the shorter length causes problems. It doesn't give enough time for the program to work.
In Jaheira's quest, I've killed the Shadow Druids around Beador, but he's not responding/talking. I'm guessing there's a version incompatibility here. Is there any chance that upgrading to v24 will fix this (mid game - with over 112k XP I'm a bit reluctant to restart), or is there something else I can do? The documentation I have refers to the variable X#JaheiraSen which appears not to exist in my game.
You do have both Jaheira and Khaled in your party?
Yes. J&K are in the party. Obviously Beador, plus "playmates" spawned and until that point no sign of any problems. I can kill him, but that has no effect either. Literally seems like the quest has stuck.
@Xanadoo EE2.5 adjusted this encounter, and as such, NPC Project v23 is no longer compatible. The easiest solution (if possible) is to load a save before the encounter, and remove Jaheira from the group for the duration of the encounter. That of course means you'll miss out on her quest.
v24 fixes this, but I highly recommend against upgrading mid-game.
So an issue I just ran into: if I kill Tranzig, I get trapped in a constant loop of initiating conversation with Branwen where it's the usual PID options.
The prebattle dialogue between Tranzig and Branwen all works fine, the battle starts, Tranzig begs to be spared and I can choose to talk Branwen down etc, it is just that once Tranzig dies or is let go that the issue starts.
I can't find a way to make the game stop initiating this dialogue. I assume the game is attempting to start some conversation regarding her achieving revenge, but isn't referencing the right dialogue option. Even if Branwen isn't in my party when I speak to and kill Tranzig, once I add her back the loop begins.
I just pickpocketed all the stuff from Tranzig so it's not a huge deal, but I figured it was worth mentioning.
@Dawglicious I had the same issue, and reported it earlier. AstroBryGuy already fixed the issue, but of course that only pops up on the next release. ABG has been awfully quiet lately, so IRL must be keeping him busy...
Oww, sorry to hear. Hope you're doing okay now healthwise?
Thanks to all for the well-wishes.
I'm getting better. Actually got out for a walk around the block the other day. It was tiring, but good. Funny how great something that small that can feel.
@AstroBryGuy The messenger is spawned using CreateCreatureObjectOffScreen - maybe we could change this to something "closer" to Ajantis, since it's also not announed in any way (e.g. by Ajantis telling that there is someone) this can be easily missed, indeed.
/* messenger, appears in city areas. (LT 32) */
!HasItemEquiped("%tutu_var%BELT05",Player1) //girdle of gender bender
!HasItemEquiped("%tutu_var%HELM02",Player1) //helmet of alignment change
!HasItemEquiped("%tutu_var%BELT05",Myself) //girdle of gender bender
!HasItemEquiped("%tutu_var%HELM02",Myself) //helmet of alignment change
AreaCheck("%NWBaldursGate%") //North-Western District of Baldur's Gate
AreaCheck("%NBaldursGate%") //Northern District of Baldur's Gate
AreaCheck("%NEBaldursGate%") //North-Eastern District of Baldur's Gate
AreaCheck("%WBaldursGate%") //Western District of Baldur's Gate
AreaCheck("%CentralBaldursGate%") //Center District of Baldur's Gate
AreaCheck("%EBaldursGate%") //Eastern District of Baldur's Gate
AreaCheck("%UlgothsBeard%") //Village of Ulgoth's Beard
AreaCheck("%SWBaldursGate%") //South-Western District of Baldur's Gate
AreaCheck("%BaldursGateDocks%") //Southern District of Baldur's Gate
AreaCheck("%SEBaldursGate%") //South-East District of Baldur's Gate
AreaCheck("%FriendlyArmInn%") //Friendly Arm Inn
AreaCheck("%Beregost%") //Beregost
AreaCheck("%Nashkel%") //Nashkell
AreaCheck("%NashkelCarnival%") //Carnival
CreateCreatureObjectOffScreen("X#AJDOUG",Myself,0,0,0) //Douglas
HI @Jastey - Do you think we could use CreateCreatureObjectOffset() instead? Set the offset to something that should be outside visual range? Unfortunately, we don't know the exact location of the spawn. So, a fixed offset could spawn the messenger in an odd place.
@AstroBryGuy Hm, you are right, CreateCreatureObjectOffset() with the wrong offset could also lead to the messenger being behind a door... unless we take a very small offset?
For Ajantis BGII I just use CreateCreatureObject("C#AJSHBO","C#Ajantis",0,0,0). I prefer the messenger pop up in the middle of the group over the encounter not working because he got stuck behind a door etc...
Does Kagain have anything to say, do, or influence inside the Silvershield Estate? I thought that Eddard's Fibula was related to his quest. But he doesn't say a word at any moment near the Estate.
Also, are there any TotSC areas that have been touched by Beta 24? I'm almost done with my current run, but I've skipped TotSC, and am planning to start a fresh run instead of continuing. However, if there's specific areas that got touched, I could test those areas while I'm at it.
Checking back some old content, I noticed Imanel Silversword's items also drop fully identified.
I haven't made any changes to those parts of the mod. There are some lingering issues with journal entries (BG1NPC does a poor job of cleaning up journal entries when it diverges a quest line).
I'll take a look at Imanel. If you are referring to the bow she carries, I assume that is intentional...
I'm testing out Xzar's questline at the moment. I tried encountering the three druids on various maps. They tend not to spawn or stay together, which makes the Dialogue a bit. Blackberry comes up to talk to you, but Storm and Zosya are elsewhere on the map. If you had somehow already explored those areas, then the camera jumps to them, and you just look at the fog, without them actually being visible. If you have not yet discovered their area, then the camera stays on Blackberry.
Also, Blackberry and Storm have a portrait, but Zosya does not, which is a tad jarring. Zosya does drop some loot (Hide Armor, Club, some gold), but Blackberry and Storm drop absolutely nothing whatsoever. Having them drop something, even if only a regular quarterstaff, would feel more natural. Again, though, I can understand if you prefer not to touch them because the mod is content locked.
"A vial of vile extract" which Xzar 'loots' from Schlumpsha the Sewer King in the Western Sewers uses almost exclusively lowercase for its name, unlike pretty much every other item in the game. Not sure if this qualifies as a 'bug' to be fixed or not.
I understand why there are four Zizi the Lovebundles, one at each entrance of the Undercellar. It guarantees that you'll run into her before you run into Slythe and Krysten. However, if you don't have Xzar in the group, having four of them is pretty weird. You could circumvent this by either spawning her only when Xzar is in the party, or by giving her four different names. Both of them would be messing with content, though, so I think it's off limits.
However, I also noticed that what happens vary from where you arrive:
If I Ctrl-J to the South West corner of the map, there's a massive outbreak of slimes going on:
The North West and South East corners of the map are void of Zizis and Slimes.
If I arrive from the North West corner, there's nothing about Green Slimes and Zizi the Lovebundles in the combat log. Zizi converts into a green slime, the South East and South West corners remain empty, but there's five slimes sitting in the North East corner.
If I arrive from the South West corner, Zizi converts into a green slime, but disappears immediately after the dialogue. The other corners are all empty.
If I arrive from the South East corner, Zizi converts into a green slime and just sits there. The other corners are all empty.
In Coran's quest, when you head to the temple to purify the roses, you can drop the Withered Roses on the ground and then talk to Rashel. She'll still give you the Red Roses, and you can pick the Withered Roses back up.
Likewise, if you travel back to the Firewine Ruins, you can drop both the Withered Roses and the Red Roses on the ground before entering the Ruins. Natan and Coran will still get charmed by the Roses, but you can head back upstairs and loot them again.
After getting the Multicolored Powders from Natan, you can kill Natan upstairs and get another set of Multicolored Powders.
Still, none of these are gambreaking. They're all minor issues, so it would be fine to simply ignore these.
He attacks while having a blue selection circle. Is that on purpose, or should he be hostile?
Also, if you attack him, he just dies, and that's it. The rest of the encounter continues as vanilla.
From what I've read...
The mod runs great so far, Imoen has gotten her spellbook working which is a great addition. Just one issue though, the game crashes consistently at certain dialogues. For example whenever Imoen starts talking to Jahera about her hatred for cities, and when Imoen has the banter with Kivan about the necklace he wears when I rest. The dialogue gets to the second or third part then crashes when I click "continue".
I've installed Modmerger first, and also have other mods installed in this order;
Exp cap remover
BG classic cutscenes
NPC Tweaks Mod
*BG NPC Project v24*
SCS hotfix for 2.0+
I'm wondering if maybe there is a conflict between these mods? Mivsan_NT's SCS playthrough inspired me to try my own and he featured all of these mods, although before the SoD update.
(I've tried reinstalling NPC project so I guess it's now last in the mod install order now? Still the same problem.)
Thanks for reading!
edit. I am in the process of reinstalling now, can someone recommend a better install order maybe?
I'm in the process of reinstalling the mods, did a complete uninstall of Baldur's Gate EE and will keep you updated
Thanks again for the great mod!
In Jaheira's quest, I've killed the Shadow Druids around Beador, but he's not responding/talking. I'm guessing there's a version incompatibility here. Is there any chance that upgrading to v24 will fix this (mid game - with over 112k XP I'm a bit reluctant to restart), or is there something else I can do? The documentation I have refers to the variable X#JaheiraSen which appears not to exist in my game.
Yes. J&K are in the party. Obviously Beador, plus "playmates" spawned and until that point no sign of any problems. I can kill him, but that has no effect either. Literally seems like the quest has stuck.
v24 fixes this, but I highly recommend against upgrading mid-game.
The prebattle dialogue between Tranzig and Branwen all works fine, the battle starts, Tranzig begs to be spared and I can choose to talk Branwen down etc, it is just that once Tranzig dies or is let go that the issue starts.
I can't find a way to make the game stop initiating this dialogue. I assume the game is attempting to start some conversation regarding her achieving revenge, but isn't referencing the right dialogue option. Even if Branwen isn't in my party when I speak to and kill Tranzig, once I add her back the loop begins.
I just pickpocketed all the stuff from Tranzig so it's not a huge deal, but I figured it was worth mentioning.
Thanks to all for the well-wishes.
I'm getting better. Actually got out for a walk around the block the other day. It was tiring, but good. Funny how great something that small that can feel.
This is intentional. There are 4 CREs created by the BG1NPC code, x#zizi1.cre, x#zizi2.cre, x#zizi3.cre, x#zizi4.cre.
Got it.
HI @Jastey - Do you think we could use CreateCreatureObjectOffset() instead? Set the offset to something that should be outside visual range? Unfortunately, we don't know the exact location of the spawn. So, a fixed offset could spawn the messenger in an odd place.
For Ajantis BGII I just use CreateCreatureObject("C#AJSHBO","C#Ajantis",0,0,0). I prefer the messenger pop up in the middle of the group over the encounter not working because he got stuck behind a door etc...