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Is there any way to play the Baldur's Gate games so that Imoen remains a thief as you transfer your main character from game to game?


  • DaevelonDaevelon Member Posts: 610
    I think that the only way is to edit your save in bg2 and change the class for Imoen... In BG1 you can just keep her a thief and in SoD you can't use her anyway
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    You can keep the class or kit of any (continuous) NPC throughout the whole saga if you play the game with EET (Enhanced Edition Trilogy).
  • dnewhousdnewhous Member Posts: 16
    I found some rather extraordinary conceptual art online for Imoen, with a real model.
  • dnewhousdnewhous Member Posts: 16
    What's the area number where you first find the following characters: main character, Imoen, Xzar, Khalid/Jaheira, Geric, Minsc, Xan, Branwen, Viconia, Aerie?
  • MonotremataMonotremata Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2018
    dnewhous said:

    I found some rather extraordinary conceptual art online for Imoen, with a real model.

    Whoa they were really gonna use Milla as Imoen??? That would've been so frustrating since you don't have romance options for her, and you know everyone would want to hahaha.

    Also in regards to the area#s.. No clue on the actual #s (you can find all that info in ANY of the BG wikis out there) but you find yourself and Imoen right at the beginning of the game in Candlekeep. I think you run into Jahiera and Khalid either there or at The Friendly Arm Inn. No clue who Geric is, think I found Xan wandering the road (maybe that was Xzar?). Minsc I cant remember but he's almost unavoidable. Aerie isn't until BG2. Viconia in BG1 is in one of the forest areas way up in the top left corner of the map she's in. Unless you're playing an evil party, I don't think its possible to finish the game with Viconia in your party. Just doing the game's regular quests towards the story, pushed my reputation too high and she bailed really quickly. Once she does that, she's gone for good. Somehow, when I originally played BG2, I kept her until the end of the game, but I don't think BG2 handed out reputation (or maybe it was the original games) as often as the EE BG does.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437

    dnewhous said:

    I found some rather extraordinary conceptual art online for Imoen, with a real model.

    Whoa they were really gonna use Milla as Imoen??? That would've been so frustrating since you don't have romance options for her, and you know everyone would want to hahaha.
    No. It's fan-art. The artist combined a photo of Milla Jovovich with Viconia's cloak from BG2 (recolored and flipped).

    Also, the original artist of the image should be sourced.

    PS - It's @Kilivitz -
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    dnewhous said:

    What's the area number where you first find the following characters: main character, Imoen, Xzar, Khalid/Jaheira, Geric, Minsc, Xan, Branwen, Viconia, Aerie?
  • dnewhousdnewhous Member Posts: 16
    Is there any hint that Imoen forms a bond with any of the other NPCs in BG1?
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    The only way I know of is to use EE Keeper and manually edit Imoen's class back to a Thief. (Which is exactly what I'm planning to do when I do get around to repeating my BG2 run. Since my main character is a Mage and I plan on taking Aerie, I don't really need a third Mage in the party competing for scrolls. :P)

    There IS actually an Imoen romance mod out there. It's EE-compatible, from what I've heard, and quite well written.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    dnewhous wrote: »
    Is there any hint that Imoen forms a bond with any of the other NPCs in BG1?

    No. Imoen has little interactions in either of the games as in both times she was added last minute.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Zaxares wrote: »
    The only way I know of is to use EE Keeper and manually edit Imoen's class back to a Thief. (Which is exactly what I'm planning to do when I do get around to repeating my BG2 run. Since my main character is a Mage and I plan on taking Aerie, I don't really need a third Mage in the party competing for scrolls. :P)

    There IS actually an Imoen romance mod out there. It's EE-compatible, from what I've heard, and quite well written.

    Heck, even if you don't want to romance Imoen, that mod also works as a reat banter/friendship path for her. I recommend having her and Aerie together on a runthrough.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    deltago wrote: »
    dnewhous wrote: »
    Is there any hint that Imoen forms a bond with any of the other NPCs in BG1?

    No. Imoen has little interactions in either of the games as in both times she was added last minute.

    I will literally never understand why BioWare chose to make a last-minute addition to the game front and center. Also, it hurts knowing my favorite character, Yoshimo, got the short end of the stick at her expense. :/
  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    Well, Imoen was always intended to be front and center in BG2's plot, she just wasn't intended to survive Spellhold. But so many playtesters complained that the devs changed their minds and let CHARNAME rescue her after all.

    Her inclusion in BG1 was also due to playtesters. That time, they were complaining about the lack of a good-aligned thief in the first half of the game. Realizing their mistake, the devs cobbled together a character on the cutting-room floor (so to speak) and added the Candlekeep interaction so players would feel like she was front and center in the game (even though she wasn't).
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    jsaving wrote: »
    Well, Imoen was always intended to be front and center in BG2's plot, she just wasn't intended to survive Spellhold. But so many playtesters complained that the devs changed their minds and let CHARNAME rescue her after all.

    Her inclusion in BG1 was also due to playtesters. That time, they were complaining about the lack of a good-aligned thief in the first half of the game. Realizing their mistake, the devs cobbled together a character on the cutting-room floor (so to speak) and added the Candlekeep interaction so players would feel like she was front and center in the game (even though she wasn't).

    But, oh my Lord, that speech she gives you if you boot her outside Candlekeep! Talk about a guilt trip. I can never not take Imoen because of The Guilt Speech. Same thing with Jaheira.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Quartz wrote: »
    deltago wrote: »
    dnewhous wrote: »
    Is there any hint that Imoen forms a bond with any of the other NPCs in BG1?

    No. Imoen has little interactions in either of the games as in both times she was added last minute.

    I will literally never understand why BioWare chose to make a last-minute addition to the game front and center. Also, it hurts knowing my favorite character, Yoshimo, got the short end of the stick at her expense. :/

    Honestly, I think Yoshimo's character has a lot more impact exactly BECAUSE of how he was handled. When I think of NPCs in BG2, he is usually one of the first ones that comes to mind.
  • dnewhousdnewhous Member Posts: 16
    Is she ever revealed to be your sister? Or is that just a fan inference?
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    In BG2 she's revealed to be another Bhaalspawn; ergo, she's your sister, although whether or not having a deity as a parent really makes them your 'sibling' is questionable. Did Bhaal really personally impregnate all those females (bearing in mind that you meet some VERY unusual Bhaalspawn in ToB) or did he just point a finger at them and go "Bam! You are now pregnant, courtesy of Bhaal!" (which, for the record, is something that D&D deities can totally do using their Alter Reality divine power, similar to using a Wish spell)? If Bhaal had been a female deity, they could have done the exact same thing with hundreds of mortal mothers; would you then still consider Bhaal to be your parent, even if she had been female herself?
  • ElysianEchoesElysianEchoes Member Posts: 475
    I seem to remember seeing something in game that said Bhaal "forced himself" on people, though I don't recall exactly where. That had a physical connotation, to me at least. All the more reason to end him permanent like.
  • MorkfelMorkfel Member Posts: 27
    In my last game I threw the 'Girdle of Masculinity/Feminity' on her and made her my brother.

    Would be cool if there was enough fan-art and voice acting to allow that belt to change portraits and voices too, Obviously that would be an obscene amount of work that would almost never get used for 99% of the companions anyway. There's always the option to work it into a storyline mod though.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    I seem to remember seeing something in game that said Bhaal "forced himself" on people, though I don't recall exactly where. That had a physical connotation, to me at least. All the more reason to end him permanent like.

    I remember that too. IIRC, you learn that in one of the Solar dream sequences in ToB where you speak with Gorion's spirit. I definitely wouldn't discount the possibility that Bhaal physically forced himself on some unwilling females, but considering that Bhaal had hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Bhaalspawn, it does seem unlikely that he personally raped each and every one of them. There probably wouldn't have been enough time, even accounting for a deity's ability to create multiple avatars (if I recall correctly, as an intermediate deity, Bhaal would have been limited to creating about 10 avatars before his divine power grew too weak to create more). Not to mention that, again, if Bhaal DID create several avatars for the express purpose of mating to create his Bhaalspawn, were they really HIM? Or would it be like being fathered by a twin/clone? Technically speaking the "real Dad" has the exact same genetic material, but the avatar ceased to exist the moment its task was done.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Its also completely impossible for the CHinchilla and any humanoid bhaalspawn to share genetics.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    But, oh my Lord, that speech she gives you if you boot her outside Candlekeep! Talk about a guilt trip. I can never not take Imoen because of The Guilt Speech. Same thing with Jaheira.
    I solve that problem by shooting her in the face as she approaches. No guilt, that way.

    Kidding. Kind of...
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    I seem to remember seeing something in game that said Bhaal "forced himself" on people, though I don't recall exactly where. That had a physical connotation, to me at least. All the more reason to end him permanent like.
    Yep that's in the game. Mass rapist. Great guy. /s
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