a wild time
the red wizards got a little cooky so we sorted them out and my thief needed another item for L... placing the sword gave us an easy fight against just the mages and the final boss was set on fire
@CharlestonianTemplar , you wrote that your party walked into the Flaming Fist Headquarters to defeat those of the Fist that had sided with Angelo. Out of curiosity, how exactly did you do that?
I always find that part extremely difficult, to walk in, try to Hold, Stun or Paralyze them, keep my own companions healed if they get caught in a Hold spell by the Fist clerics, get Eltan and leave the same way without casualties.
I treat Flaming Fist guys I meet in the streets the same, leaving them unconscious, because I absolutely won't surrender, knowing who I'll have to cooperate with to get out of the prison.
Do you really kill members of the Flaming Fist? Doesn't that lead to a crash in reputation?
My paladin would Fall and my companions would leave, so I'm really curious if by "defeat" you actually mean "kill" or "incapacitate" and how you handle that part. Obviously, you finished BG1 with reputation 20 and two paladins still in your party, so I'm curious.
There's no reputation loss for killing the mercenaries inside the Flaming Fist headquarters. That bunch are intentionally holding the rightful leader of their organization captive.
Side note: Those are creature name "Mercenary", code FLAMANG. They are lawful evil fighter/clerics, level 6/6.
@CharlestonianTemplar , you wrote that your party walked into the Flaming Fist Headquarters to defeat those of the Fist that had sided with Angelo. Out of curiosity, how exactly did you do that?
Good morning. I found that the hostile FFs that challenge you when you enter FF Hqs CAN be killed w/o loss of reputation. You will even have one or two of those that are in there fight with you. Then you can go upstairs and save Duke Eltan.
This, of course, is not true with those on the street - you can't just mow them down in public because the commoners aren't aware of the duplicitous happenings in the FF.
It is a very tough fight - a couple of those guys are clerics and they cast (I think), Unholy Blight multiple times. CT
Presenting a new entry to the challenge, I introduce Torch, a Morninglord of Lathander (using Divine Remix for kits, although the Priest of Lathander one is left essentially unchanged):
Bright and gifted though of unknown origins except to his foster father Gorion, in his childhood he was an eager student to the Oghmites of Candlekeep. However he gradually found their teachings didn't reflect his own feelings about the world. He respected the neutral power of ideas and knowledge, but couldn't bring himself to appreciate every idea in a balanced way; intrinsically he knew some were of more value, morally and intellectually, than others.
One day in his studies he turned a page in one of the religious tomes of the Library and discovered his calling: the Morninglord, who teaches self-betterment and to bring hope to others, correcting apathy and malice, and delivering light to the dark corners of the world. Secretly he began his prayers to his newly-found deity, and Lathander answered with great passion and pathos, instructing him in right and wrong, and providing him with an initiate's levels of magic. Thoughts arose from his new practices, regarding the world's injustices, and Torch found himself gaining a sense of duty to go out into the world and offer help where it was needed.
So when his guardian Gorion one day came to him, with anxiety across his face, poorly attempting to disguise the new tremor in his hands, Torch understood the time had come to step up to the challenges of the world, though he knew not yet what they would be.
"I perceive you cannot tell me what evil has clouded your thoughts, but rest assured, Father, together we can face and overcome it, fighting it back with the light within us." However the thoughts he had felt so sure of in his mind seemed to shrink and die as he voiced them to his guardian, whose furrowed brow gave away no answers, only confusion and fear.
"Oh, my child, pack your possessions so that we may leave Candlekeep immediately. Hurry, for there is no time to tarry! The keep is well protected but not invulnerable. Meet me at the library steps as soon as you are ready."
Torch hastened back to the Candlekeep Inn, deep in his thoughts. What could be going on? He banged open the door without realising and rushed headlong inside. What danger was loom--
"'Ere, now, watch where yer headed!" boomed a brutish voice from waist height, before something like a fist-sized rock firmly knocked the wind out of his stomach. Indeed, it was actually a fist, belonging to a frowning, tattooed face with ginger whiskers everywhere except on its round, egg-like crown, and half an ear missing in a quite obvious bite-shape.
"Ye cannae jest go bargin' around like tha' withoot watching where yer stepping. Grrrnnn, I mebbe half yer height but I'll still take yer kneecaps if you don't watch oot! Agh, ye tall effers, yer all the same."
Winthrop had started hooting with laughter at the sight, but over the top of his guffawing came a woman's voice from the bar: "Easy, Rnn, the boy meant no harm. 'Sides, can't you see his mind's racing over other things? He sure as the Nine Hells wasn't expecting he'd have to leapfrog a dwarf!"
"Well, it's nae excuse for no' lookin' down, but I'll let ye off the hook this once," grunted Rnn. "Actually, Ker, the lad looks like the one we was looking fer. He fits the description our Shaman gave, to a tee."
"You're right at that," and she offered her hand as she moved over, finishing her foaming mug and wiping her lips with the other. "Name's Keras, and the short one you may've realised goes by Rnn, on account of the noises he can't help but be making when he's pissed. But you can call me Ker." Her furs and leather trappings revealed extensive and fearsome body-paint. Torch deduced from her angular ears and elegant cheekbones an elven heritage, though assuredly not pure.
"We were sent by our tribal Elder from the Icy North. Seemed to think your god 'n ours needs to work together on something. Sent us on this crazy quest down South."
"Aye, we've been weeks travelling. At least we got tae split some orc skulls on the way, ha! So, where ye be off tae in such a hurry, anyway?"
Torch wasn't sure why, but he felt he could trust this pair, and Lathander teaches that help in opposing the darkness must always be accepted, and can come from the unlikeliest of places. He quickly explained his foster-father's instructions, adding that everything of this situation was extremely out of the ordinary: some great evil was clearly afoot.
"Well if it's afoot then it's got leggies, and if it's got leggies then we can knock it's kneecaps off, dunnae ye worry yer noggin aboot that," and Torch received a crushing but now friendly blow to his shoulder that completely numbed his arm. By the Gods, the dwarf was stronger than an ox.
At that moment an even more bizarre sequence of events unfolded. From under the table in the common area black smoke began billowing out, and then suddenly with a loud "BANG" the table flew up into the air, and three figures stumbled out of the acrid fumes, coughing and spluttering.
"Did it work, did it work?! Well, something must have worked. Criminy, where am I? I'm sure I got the proportions right. Yikes, and who're these people?!"
The avalanche of words seemed to be addressing no-one in particular and was pouring out of the shortest of the newcomers, with a similar facial topiary to Rnn's, but in a dirty white colour. He immediately patted down his pockets, and finding the right one, shoved his hand in and yanked out a misshapen brown stick. He stuck the end in his mouth and with trembling hands reached over to the fireplace for an ember, which he placed on the tip and began sucking, whereupon more acrid black smoke began pouring both out of his mouth and the stick. He seemed to calm down a bit, and began more seriously examining his surroundings.
Whilst the gnome (for gnome he was) was getting his bearings, the two other female figures were clearly in a much higher state of surprise at the situation, having not been attempting any type of spell.
"Where in Chessenta--argh, a curse on k'tarmen mages and magics! We were nearly home---where are we now?! I'll put axe in malak who caused this," said the fiercer-looking one, with a mess of dark hair, jumping to her feet and glaring around.
"Relu, stay calm. We can figure this out," said the other, more gently rising, and nursing her head. "You, boy, where are we?"
"Yes! What thrice forgotten corner of the Realms is this?" spouted the gnome.
"You are in the fortified walls of Candlekeep, citadel of knowledge, on the Sword Coast," said Torch, unsure of himself. "Where do you come from?"
"What?! I was deciphering what should have been an illusion from that book, and it brought me here? What a conundrum. Must have used too little phosphor to antimony, and excess heat. Yes, damn it. Hmph. Anyway, I suppose introductions are in order." The gnome wiped his grubby, sooty hand on an even grubbier tunic, and offered it. "Folks call me Sigmoid. Candlekeep, eh? Sword Coast, right?"
"So you are malak fool who brought us here! Cuda, pass me axe, let me half halfwit," said the woman the other had called Relu.
"Easy, Relu, that won't solve things," added the sandy-haired one, who seemed to be Cuda, as she dusted off her tunic and leathers, and pulled up her hood. "We should've taken cover from storm, I could feel energy charging around us. At least lightning didn't hurt, too much. This hunting trip turn out to be serious adventure. Axe is gone, anyway."
"Ah, k'tara! We'll need new equipment, then, I see," grumbled Relu. "Gnome's appointment is on hold, for now."
Torch decided the time had come to take initiative. "People, whilst it's great making introductions and exchanging pleasantries, I need to prepare myself to leave this Keep. Now these two, Keras and Rnn, seem to be here to help me. I know also from my learnings that Lathander, the Morninglord, acts skillfully with wisdom and insight, and it seems no coincidence that the three of you have been summoned here, at the outset of a dangerous journey. I propose that you join with us, and my foster father, at least until you can figure out your return to your homes."
"Well, as long as there's the non-vanishing chance of monetary recompense, I'll join your thrilling task," exclaimed Sigmoid. "It's not like I had friends back in the slums of Waterdeep. I mean, there were folks and acquaintances int'rested in my whereabouts, but not with good intentions, if you get my gist." He winked, and only then did Torch notice that his other eye was a blind, cloudy white, similar in shade to his tunic, and in fact, his beard.
"Well, Relu, I think boy could use some help of experts. Just for now, while we understand how to get home, of course," mused Cuda.
"Village life was getting boring, too," said Relu. "I can't say I'll miss the Maerwatch hills. Too many storms, not enough sun. There sun here, right?"
With the money Torch had received, plus a star sapphire gem that Sigmoid mysteriously produced whilst he wasn't looking, the unlikely companions quickly equipped themselves. On their way back to Gorion they got sidetracked by a few small tasks around the Keep grounds, but before long, Gorion was explaining to Torch, glancing with surprise at his new friends, of the contingency plan to meet Khalid and Jaheira at the Friendly Arm Inn.
Darkness gathered as they set out, and in the deepening gloom they trudged, keeping off the main track to avoid unexpected encounters. Nonetheless one found them. As they entered a small clearing with standing stones, a hulking, armoured figure, flanked by several human-height and two towering beasts emerged from the mist-wrapped trees on the far side.
Gorion turned with alarm glinting in his eyes. "We are in an ambush. Prepare yourselves!"
"You're perceptive for an old man," the armoured fiend scorned. "You know why I'm here. Hand over your ward and no one will be hurt. If you resist it shall be a waste of your life."
"You're a fool if you believe I would trust your benevolence," proclaimed Gorion, moving forward with his arms shielding those behind him. "Step aside and you and your lackeys will be unhurt."
"I'm sorry that you feel that way, old man," he sneered disdainfully, and nodded to his companions. Bows were raised and the powerful ogres began to lumber forward with great spiked morningstars swinging overhead. The remaining figure began an incantation, and power drew in from the surroundings with every word spoken.
Gorion turned one last time, and shouted urgently, "Run, child, get out of here!"
The companions turned and fled from the hopeless situation, arrows flying past them, and they heard Gorion begin chanting his own words of power. Torch knew from the look in his eyes that Gorion's stand was aimed solely to buy time. As Torch stole one last glance behind, he saw the armoured figure stride forward, a great blade as long as he was tall held easily in just one hand, chuckling with pleasure at the carnage erupting around him.
WeiDU log too long to include, write to me if interested. Main Mods:
EET, SCS, Ascension, EETactics (rewrite of Weimer's mod), various quest mods, ATweaks, RR, Divine Remix
WeiDU log too long to include, write to me if interested. Main Mods:
EET, SCS, Ascension, EETactics (rewrite of Weimer's mod), various quest mods, ATweaks, RR, Divine Remix
A well-written account. Fascinating.
You CAN attach the logs as files if you so desire. Using the attach file button.
@CharlestonianTemplar , you wrote that your party walked into the Flaming Fist Headquarters to defeat those of the Fist that had sided with Angelo. Out of curiosity, how exactly did you do that?
Good morning. I found that the hostile FFs that challenge you when you enter FF Hqs CAN be killed w/o loss of reputation. You will even have one or two of those that are in there fight with you. Then you can go upstairs and save Duke Eltan.
This, of course, is not true with those on the street - you can't just mow them down in public because the commoners aren't aware of the duplicitous happenings in the FF.
It is a very tough fight - a couple of those guys are clerics and they cast (I think), Unholy Blight multiple times. CT
That's very good to know and will make my next visit there a lot less complicated. It was so hard to get in and out alive without killing anyone.
I had already noticed that you can kill the mercenaries without penalty, but didn't know about the FF. I just hope it's original behavior and not a result of your many mods. Going to find out. If I become a Fallen Paladin, I'll cry .
The Death Knights at Ulcaster lived up to their name. Just too powerful for us as we were level 5.
To make a change from parties made at the start I am playing a Dwarven Burial Defender, a kit I haven't played before, but which appears to be very similar to Barbarians/Berserkers. She will pick up a team as she goes along.
Background of the portrait comes from a post that a friend of mine made on FB.
** In 2 handed swords
** In two handed wielding
She didn't make it out of Candlekeep.
The upgraded assassins were just too much for her. Shank took ages to kill, but Carbos killed her with one blow.
@Raduziel, thank you for creating this lovely mod. I'll gladly provide feedback. @jessejmc belated commiserations. I assume you weren't playing with the effect expiry notifications from the JimFix mod? That mod really helps with aura management. I've grown quite fond of it. @Wise_Grimwald, hard luck! Hope you'll find another nice theme for a run! @Stromael, best of luck with your run! Do you have a source for your EETactics mod? I googled it and couldn't find it.
Wanton, Charlatan of Candlekeep
Against his late foster father's instruction Wanton makes no priority of visiting the FAI. With his throwing daggers he slays a rogue ogre south of the inn, then travels to Beregost. While he doesn't score any gigs there, he does accept a number of less glamorous jobs. Highlight is having Eltolth retransformed from a slime back into his natural, human form, not with an elixir that guarantees success but with a cheap alternative that might not work at all. Wanton keeps the real elixir (a cloud giant strength potion usable by all classes), and earns himself gold, XP, and a reputation point for his efforts.
South of Beregost the charlatan - who of course refuses to refer to his profession as such, preferring to present himself as a minstrel - sides with gorgeous drow priestess Viconia against a Flaming Fist mercenary that's about to execute her. Not sure if this is vanilla EE as per the latest patch, or SCS NPC customisation (which sets NPCs at level 0 with 10 HPs before they join), but thankfully she's unkillable. The mercenary's sword breaks at one point, but he would have slain her before that. Viconia, a Nightcloak of Shar/Thief is happy to join Wanton.
Further south, on a mission for Bjornin, Viconia scouts a pack of gnolls standing over another drow's still fresh, mutilated corpse. Wanton's not quite able to identify the armor and two scimitars they find by simply studying them. It's only later when he has them identified through magical means, that he gets to see his suspicion confirmed that the great Drizzt Do'Urden has met his doom: reparation and a fine suit of armor for Viconia DeVir and Wanton takes one of the ranger's exquisite blades.
Wanton and Vicky finally visit the FAI. Before they can enter it they have to dispatch the evil wizard Tarnesh. Viconia's Silence spell renders him harmless and a guard finishes him off. In the inn they have a brief exchange with Gorion's friends Khalid and Jaheira. When Jaheira almost immediately attempts to dictate the agenda, Wanton deems it better to go separate ways. The poor way in which Jaheira reacts only serves to reassure Wanton he's made the right call.
While they're up north Wanton and Vicky decide to look for opportunities in Baldur's Gate, but they find the gate closed to them. They return a water elemental summoning bowl to the Umberlee priestess Tenya, whose initial hostility is overcome with a Magical Stone from Viconia (probably the only time she'll cast that spell).
The two make some new friends: Kivan, elven Feralan, and Dorn, a half-orc Blackguard, who for all his muscle and bravado disappoints by falling to a baby wyvern that poisons him in Nashkel. Somehow Wanton is happy to deal in chicanery and imposture for a living, he generally finds less enjoyment in being on the receiving end of such practices. Dorn is nevertheless raised at the local temple of Helm and given a second chance. More to Wanton's liking are fellow bard Eldoth, a Gypsy, and the Berserker warrioress Shar-Teel whose bloodlust makes her a perfect 'strong arm' for the party.
There is some tension in the group when Eldoth starts hitting on Wanton's crush Viconia,
and Wanton reacts by responding positively to Shar-Teel's sexual advances.
In a way it's a good thing that Wanton fails to impress Shar-Teel because it makes her lose interest in him as a mate, and he dreaded the thought of having to reject the mighty amazon fighter at some point for his true muse, Viconia. It was hard to earn the drow's trust though, so he understands he'll have to be patient.
The party has no difficulty defeating an enemy of Dorn's, Kryll, thanks to protection from fear neutralizing a horror spell of hers. They deliver Samuel at the FAI before moving on to the north coast, where they see an overeager Eldoth succumb to Shoal the Nereid's kiss. He is raised by the creature when the party retaliates. Her mate Droth resists a Silence, is interrupted once by Kivan but blinds Shar-Teel with a Glitterdust, before he is slain during a couple of Commands from Viconia.
In the same area Jozzi the seasnake and her elven companion Keth'Sim receive the party's aid against three attacking sahuagin. The reward is a handsome one: a returning throwing dagger +2 for Wanton.
A Silence renders Bassilus helpless against the party's missiles,
and some hobgoblins are slain thanks to Eldoth's charming song, setting them against one another.
With three strong warriors on board the south-western areas pose no trouble to the party. Vax is Held and Zal meleed; Krumm, Caldo, Ingot, Gnarl and Hairtooth are all bested with physical attacks. The Brawling Hands go to Eldoth, turning him into a capable marksman with his poisoned arrows. The gnoll stronghold is conquered and the witch Dynaheir set free.
The party then undergoes a number of changes. Kivan departs not only so he can concentrate on his bandit hunt for some time but also because he has become very friendly with Wanton, giving the charlatan pangs of guilt about involving the good elf in his schemes. Dorn departs as well, to seek out his enemy Simmeon near the entrance to Baldur's Gate.
Alora, a halfling Thief from Gullykin, is temporarily employed for shoplifting purposes, a necessary move as the party's average reputation makes several desired items unaffordable to them. A fence they have met not far from Durlag's Tower is willing to buy stolen property from them. Alora is rewarded with the Defender, one of Drizzt's powerful scimitars and thanked for her efforts. She is happier than ever with the blade and tells the companions to stay in touch should they need her services again. A drow sorcerer named Baeloth and a female Assassin, Safana, then join the party.
The well-equipped party then proceeds to deal with some of the more dangerous creatures that inhabit the Sword Coast. Sirines (thanks to Shar-Teel's berserker rages), flesh golems, ankhegs (Sleep from Baeloth), basilisks (green scroll of PfPetrification, Web from Baeloth to hold Mutamin), and battle horrors (wand of fire scorchers) all fall before the might of Wanton's party of con artists. Shar-Teel and Viconia even manage to dispatch a succubus.
A lock of the creature's hair is duly exchanged for a strength potion from the thief Riggilio.
All is not well though. Eldoth's charming song causes a lot of confusion among diggers at an archaeological site, which somehow causes historian Charleston Nib to turn hostile. He is promptly executed by a well-aimed bullet of Viconia's (that was the AI at work). The party's somewhat carefully managed reputation drops considerably, much to Wanton's mortification.
The wand of the heavens, magic missiles from Wanton and Baeloth and Shar-Teel's blades take care of a Doom Sayer before the party moves to leave the bloodbath.
Bad positioning causes Wanton to take significant damage from hobgoblin archers and an ogre berserker in the Bear River area.
But the charlatan quaffs an elixir of health, Baeloth blinds the ogre, and Shar-Teel and even Safana engage the hobgoblins to ensure no further harm is done.
Wanton's innate Friends spell bumps his reaction sufficiently to be rewarded with a pair of boots of the north from Jared for felling a bear.
East of Beregost, bloodthirsty Shar-Teel is easily provoked by Kirian and her hunting party. A wand fireball followed by two Webs from Baeloth offers the party a sound victory.
A bit further south, Shar-Teel gives the party an impressive display of her prowess when she takes on the Wolf of Ulcaster and its summons all by herself.
In the Firewine Bridge area, Wanton nicks a PfMagic scroll from Bentan, a priest of Ilmater. He then recruits the priest using his innate charm ability, finds the man has another PfMagic scroll (in quickslot), and takes him along to the entrance to the ruins. When the companions enter the ruins, Bentan refuses to follow (despite using force attack), and back outside the priest has disappeared altogether... They decide to follow the priest's example: why bother with those narrow, kobold-infested corridors? Before they leave the area Shar-Teel feels like winning a duel, and does so, slaying Meilum. She proudly equips his gauntlets as the party prepares for an investigation of the Nashkel Mines.
The session started rather frenetically when Bark couldn't resist attacking one of the High Hedge golems before Nicha talked to Thalantyr. He dragged the golem outside and looked for somewhere to disappear into stealth. That got a bit tricky as he dragged first a group of wild dogs and then some gnolls into the combat. Eventually he had to wait for Nicha to finish her shopping before the combination could deal with the golem.
On the way to the coast Charleston Nib got a helping hand, but we weren't really well equipped for the Doomsayer and left that for now. At the Lighthouse Nicha made use of a potion of clarity - turning the sirines from a potentially dangerous encounter into a trivial one.
Inside the cave Bark annoyed the golems with stealth attacks before Nicha moved in to tank them - all 3 went down pretty easily.
Nicha, who had been generated with a constitution of only 16 took the tome to get a bit of a boost.
Seeking a stronger offensive punch for Nicha, the next destination was Firewine Bridge to get Meilum's bracers. On the way we stopped to save Arabelle, only to find Hulrik oblivious to the fact that none of the bits of xvarts scattered all around were moving (that's not uncommon in MP if you both attack together).
Meilum was softened up with Nicha's new lightning spell and quickly finished off.
A trip through the Cloud Peaks was uneventful before we ventured into the Nashkel Mine. After a recent setback against Mulahey I took the unusual step of using the Greenstone amulet on Bark before engaging - that gave poor Mulahey no real chance.
Outside the mine things were a bit more even as we both tried sniping at the Amazons. Bark was tagged by a hold person, but had already retreated out of sight so was just out of the combat rather than in danger. Things looked a bit more dicey for Nicha when she was hit by a command - but Lamalha and Maneira could not do quite enough damage to finish her off.
Arriving back in Nashkel, Nicha threw in an Entangle near Nimbul. The primary purpose of that was to make sure Rasaad didn't steal our XP for the kill. He saved against the effect anyway, but was too slow to beat the speed of lightning as Nimbul went out in a final blaze of glory.
Tranzig gave away the location of the Bandit Camp in a second or two of life left to him, but we took a detour first to Durlag's Tower. The battle horrors there found it hard to hit Nicha - but the reverse was also true and it took a while to finish them off in melee combat.
Nicha memorized a pair of Call Lightnings for the Doom Guard though which meant a far quicker end for it. On the roof a couple of Mirror Eye potions provided protection against basilisks. There was still a comfortable amount left on the second, though from the way Nicha finished the combat it looked like she was in a hurry!
A basilisk tried to get revenge by ambushing us on the way to the Bandit Camp, but failed to focus its gaze before Nicha was out of sight. At the camp the basic bandits fell quickly - partly as a result of Nicha having started dual-wielding by adding the +2 scimitar from Durlag's to Drizzt's weapon. Taurgosz though was made of sterner stuff and looked like he might successfully beat up Nicha - until Bark intervened and acted as decoy until the lightning hammered down.
At the tent Bark enquired if Nicha would like to use the Greenstone Amulet, but the offer was refused (Gate70 declaring, not greatly to my surprise, "I'll take my chances"). Bark sneaked in and got ready to attack Hakt, before Nicha entered to attack Venkt. So long as Nicha resisted fear, the chances of this plan being successful were high. However, she failed to resist, which meant the chances were very considerably lower .
Melf's Acid Arrows took Nicha's HPs down to 3; meanwhile though, Bark hurt Hakt enough to send him running and got over to Venkt just in time to prevent him landing a killer LMD on Nicha. The danger was by no means over though, with Raemon continuing to target Nicha despite Bark attacking him - while Bark himself would have been in real trouble if Britik had landed a good blow. Raemon missed several times though and Bark managed to finish him off without taking further damage - only to find Hakt re-entering the fight.
He also missed a couple of shots though before dying, allowing Nicha to come back to her senses in time to gang up on Britik.
In the Cloakwood we hit another MP glitch when Bark dragged a couple of ettercaps back to Nicha, only to find them hitting her with a die roll of 5 (the result I think of the game not having properly processed that Nicha had put Taurgosz's full plate on in place of the ankheg armor). An area transition reset her AC to normal though and we moved swiftly on to the mine. The fight against Drasus & co was good fun. A pair of nymphs killed Kysus with lightning blasts before holding Genthore and Rezdan. Drasus rushed over to try and rescue the situation, only to be dominated. He was then sent to finish off Rezdan, which turned him hostile again - just in time to also be held .
After a smooth trip through the mine, Bark failed to drag just a single Battle Horror back. Concerned about a pair of them attacking Nicha at once, he dug in his backpack to fish out a potion of Firebreath. Warning Nicha to hold still he spat fire at one of the opponents before circling round to breathe on the other as well. Gate70's an old hand at this sort of tactic of course and his immediate reaction was to calmly accept the situationdrink a potion as quickly as possible before he was burnt to death . It somehow felt like a slight anti-climax when the Battle Horrors combusted, leaving Nicha untouched.
She was so grateful for that, she offered to put protection from lightning on Bark before taking a potion of magic blocking and charging at Davaeorn. That allowed Bark the luxury of standing still while a lightning bolt crashed a couple of times through him. Davaeorn might have fared better with a fireball, but he'd already been hit once by Nicha and a crossbow bolt found a fatal spot before he could get another spell in.
@Blackraven I came across the conversion to EE on this thread in our forums. It was intended in its conversion only to work on BG2:EE, but with a little tinkering of some lines in the installation file it also installs fine on EET. I did a quick test-drive of Ilyich and Co., after installation, and--touch wood--it seems to be working fine.
If you like I can send you my tinkered version, fit for EET. My changes amounted to hiding any lines that said "REQUIRE_PREDICATE GAME_IS ~bg2ee~".
Oh, and the only components I'm sure don't work (at least, in my installation) are the two kits: Anti-Paladin (the new author reduced it to nearly reasonable power-levels; no more cheesy dispel on hit!) and Generic Archer. I substituted @semiticgod 's Universal Archer for the latter. Obviously there are also several AI and battles components which are conceptually incompatible with certain components of SCS, ATweaks, etc., so I skipped the Tactics versions. But it's got all the classics: Kuroisan, Lich in the Docks, Fighter/Illusionist, even Kangaxx's Guardians without needing Improved Kangaxx alongside, so you can finally properly mix it with SCS spell-casting Demi-Liches!
@Grond0, great bandit camp battle! @Stromael, thank you for the reference and for your offer. That's very kind of you. I did know about @Musigny's mod but had forgotten about it, probably because the game has had a number of patches since it was released. I don't use EET (although I like the concept), but I'm going to see if I'll install a number of its components.
I treat Flaming Fist guys I meet in the streets the same, leaving them unconscious, because I absolutely won't surrender, knowing who I'll have to cooperate with to get out of the prison.
i like to use the Wand of Polymorphing on the random fist you come across because it can be recharged in a spellshop for 100 shoots and it does NOT kill them... as a Pally this is an important point
p.s, my tactic for that battle; Viconia (with the hands of str & boots of speed) can run in under her 'sanctuary' grab the sick duke, pop an invis potion and run out with out fighting at all
Thought that I would try another Burial Defender, a kit from "I hate undead." This time a half-orc. Kit is similar to the Berserker kit.
(It was only when I did a reverse search of my portrait that I discovered just how appropriate the image was for a Burial Defender as the image is of a Black Guard of Morr, guards who protect graveyards from the undead. )
Journal of Burdef.
There was a lot of debate in Candlekeep concerning my parentage. People couldn't decide whether I was just a very large human of black parentage, or whether my sheer bulk was due to some orcish blood running in my veins. I myself am pretty sure it is the latter despite my lack of fangs or green skin. To me however, it is irrelevant. I am who I am. Take it or leave it.
After the death of Gorion I returned to the keep to arrange his burial. Now I will have to find my own way in the world.
I cleared the area around the FAI of hobgoblins and headed north where I killed the evil Sonner and his cohorts as well as a zombie.
I headed further north and killed an ankheg before returning south where I helped Melicamp before making my way to Beregost.
Hopefully my foray northwards will throw potential assassins off my scent as I intend to go south.
Arriving in the City, Bark pointed out a hole in the ground that led to an ogre mage and Nicha jumped at the chance to explore that. She did her job by finishing off the ogre mage before being held by carrion crawlers. Bark didn't fancy his chances of dealing with 3 of those quickly so unlimbered another potion of firebreath to burn a couple of them up while shooting down the third.
After starting the poison quest and summarily cutting down Jalantha, we spent a while encouraging Degrodel's guards to come outside under some stormy skies. The mage then failed to survive a sneak attack.
Things started to go downhill though when we attempted to trap Lothander to get his boots of speed. He found a narrow gap between a post and a wolf and was gone in a flash.
That proved crucial when we moved on to Marek. Bark attempted to get a sneak attack in before retreating, but failed to move quickly enough to get out of range - leaving Marek facing a confused pair. Our reputation looked like it might be going to be hit, but Marek helped avoid that by killing a couple of onlookers with a bouncing lightning bolt. From his point of view that was a particularly bad move as it meant he became Nicha's closest target and she made short work of him.
It was also a bad move for us though as the next closest target was Bark. He still had a crossbow equipped so his chances of surviving attacks for long was minimal. His only chance was for Nicha to have a sudden change of heart and go for a wander at this point, but she was to prove relentless.
I lost another attempt, with an Inquisitor.
I had made it through the quests around Beregost, the Nashkel mines and Tranzig and was going to introduce him here.
And then the stupid pathfinding made one of my party stumble into the flesh golems (I had always avoided them in previous runs) on my way to Thalantyr, I got stuck, nobody had enough potions or spells (because that's what we were going to buy) and that was the end of it.
Back to Candlekeep. But I'm going to stick with Inquisitor instead of Undead Hunter. And I'm using Isra. As my only mod, for now.
I lost another attempt, with an Inquisitor.
I had made it through the quests around Beregost, the Nashkel mines and Tranzig and was going to introduce him here.
And then the stupid pathfinding made one of my party stumble into the flesh golems (I had always avoided them in previous runs) on my way to Thalantyr, I got stuck, nobody had enough potions or spells (because that's what we were going to buy) and that was the end of it.
It is best to visit Thalantyr before picking up NPCs, then this problem doesn't happen. You don't have to do anything, just speak to him.
Journal of Burdef I have discovered that I made this character way too strong so will have a similar run with a weaker character in the future.
Cyricist run
In the meantime I am going to have a Cyricist run with a Cyricist Champion, a chaotic evil Fighter/Illusionist and a Sworn of Cyric Cleric/Thief.
I am wondering which is the best kit to have for my Champion of Cyric. There isn't one in Faith and Powers, so the choice is between Blackguard and Dark Paladin in my set-up. Are there any other kits that would be appropriate?
Does anybody know anything about the Dark Paladin kit?
Here is what I currently have. I made a Blackguard and changed the name to Dark Paladin in EE Keeper and then replaced Life Drain with Ancient Wrath as I thought it more appropriate for a Cyricist.
Any thoughts?
Journal of Cyreta
The visit of a Zhentarim Cyricist who was a Gnomish Champion of Cyric is what caused me and my gnomish allies to knowingly follow Cyric. There were many who did so unknowingly in Candlekeep, but as far as I know, we were the only gnomes who followed him knowingly and openly.
I have heard that there are other Zhentarim Cyricists in the neighbourhood, so perhaps they will join with me in my quest to become powerful. I am well aware that they are not to be trusted, any more than I am, but at least we understand each other's desire for wealth, power and sexual satisfaction.
Just discovered that Tiax cannot use throwing daggers +1 despite his proficiencies being in daggers. Annoying!
The random roller spat out a couple of characters Grond0 described as glass cannons. We duly took great care with them around Candlekeep and beyond.
After a little while (Shoal and Mad Arcand basically) our confidence grew and we headed off to the rock garden in search of trouble. The basilisks were like lambs to the slaughter, and Mutamin failed to get to grips with us.
Let's go get Korax and see if we can deal with Kirian's gang. For once, Korax failed to hold anyone and staying around to kill Kirian gave Baerin a chance to land a shot or two onto Droch and for Peter to show his spell repertoire. Painter hung around enough to finish off Peter but this meant Baerin and Lindin zeroed in on him. Painter turned and ran, not realising that Peter's dying wish to hold Droch had come true.
Droch somehow mouthed at Painter to turn around and run away in another direction so as not to drag enemies into range of a helpless Bhaalspawn. This gave Baerin a fine opportunity which he failed to fully take, and Painter continued running with a sliver of life remaining.
Droch eventually got back into the action before deciding he was on the losing end of a shootout with Baerin - so he also ran. We regrouped and killed Lindin before resting up and taking on Baerin again . Once more he badly wounded Droch so we won't use the victor's right to say he was easily defeated, only that he fought well and died with a kensai at his throat.
We staggered back to Beregost and sold their gear before pulling the legs off spiders without getting poisoned.
side quests
we wiped out the vampires with the help of two other parties... it didn't go so well for my allies but a guy collected part of their loot so I didn't have to carry it around anymore
then we did the spear which is only dangerous for Hexxat because SCS golums have a curse that breaks her reaimation script i.e, if she dies here then she is gone for good
the slavers, returned Yoshimo's heart, killed a city gate lich and wrapped up by giving a fair fight to the troll boss
Dispenser barely knew where he was – it all happened so fast. To be sure he was in Athkatla, and he remembered coming east w/ Imoen toward Athkatla after parting ways with Isra and Valerie at Crimmor. But that is the last he could recall before waking in a cell, head and body aching mercilessly, Imoen standing in front of him, blurry, having just opened the door to let him out. They had both been captured somehow but neither could remember anything, although Imoen recalled later some of the torture she had received from Irenicus, a mage neither had heard of before. Their armor and weapons were gone, but they found enough to get by in a room near the cells. Just the two of them, clueless as to their whereabouts, beginning an escape to somewhere they also did not know. For now, the most important thing was getting free & getting a handle on their situation. Dispenser used Animate Dead, creating four Skeleton Warriors to accompany them everywhere they went so that they had allies when the met hostiles.
They worked through an obvious underground complex picking up clues, battling as little as they could along the way, although that was easier said than done. They battled a Cambion but their real challenges were a group of Duerger Sappers and the incessant Mephits. Time and again, they were surrounded by various types of Mephits, using their blasts to great affect. They had been able to do some good in their escape, promising to aid three Dryads and freeing a Genie, and an Elven Mage – the latter immediately dismissed when Dispenser determined he was Lawful Evil having used Know Alignment while he slept.
The next level up, reached through a portal, added a companion, Yoshimo, a Thief/Bounty Hunter – a little shady but they needed allies badly & he was not evil. More Mephits, Assassins & a Greater Doppelganger stood in the way of their escape, but the three of them, carefully inched their way along with Skeleton Warriors until they found the way out and joined w/ a female Drow Fighter who had also been a prisoner. When they came into the light, they walked into a battle between Irenicus & the Cowled Wizards. Irenicus finally, exasperated, relented to their demand that he come w/ them, but only if they took Imoen too. Before Dispenser knew it, she was gone & he was standing alone w/ Yoshimo & Yasraena, the Elven Fighter – folks he did not know.
Dispenser needed to rest, and once oriented to where they were – Waukeen’s Promenade – he searched for lodging, finally finding an inn w/ enough beds for three in near the City Gates. But, while still at the Promenade, he just missed Isra who had been involved in an animated discussion in the Den of the Seven Vales. After talking to the person she had been speaking w/, Dispenser headed to the Jysstev Estate in the Government District by way of the Temple District. He first had to pass through the Slums to get there, & while there was approached by a rogue who offered assistance in finding Imoen through a group he was associated with – for 20,000 gold. He & Imoen had had nearly 12,000 gold when they were travelling but that too disappeared when they were captured – he would have to raise it somehow. Arriving at the Temple District. he enlisted the help of Saerileth, a Cavalier & Paladin of Tyr, near the High Hall of the Radiant Heart where he also found Sirene who had come to the Temple of Ilmater to receive the Painbearer’s Amulet for her service in defeating Sarevok & ending the Iron Crisis. Now w/ three Paladin’s, a fierce Drow Fighter, and a Bounty Hunter, he was ready to collect the gold needed to work toward the release of Imoen. He had picked up a few quests for which he could earn gold - an investigation into a cult that was plaguing the Temple District, a search for fallen Paladin slavers & enlisting the aid of a sculptor for the Temple of Lathander. He would begin in the Temple District.
ORDER OF MARCH: Isra, Saerileth& Sirene (shock), Dispenser (leader), Yasraena, Yoshima (traps, rear guard)
NEXT STEPS: Investigate the Cult of the Seeing Eye
PARTY MAKEUP: (Reputation: 10 - Average) (-2 Yasarena)
Dispenser: Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/9 (HP 62) Chain Mail +2 (Mail of the Dead) & Medium w/Long Sword +1 (Burning Earth),* & Warhammer* (SWS*, SSS*) Spells: Raise Dead, Holy Power, CSW, Poison, Animate Dead (4), Draw/Holy Might, Hold Person (3), Silence 15’, Sanctuary, Slow Poison, Command (3), Slow Poison, Bless, ; Abilities: Cure Affliction (2), Healing Touch (2), Hold person, Strength of One; Divine Might (2); (None) (1)
Isra: Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/9 (HP 69), Full Plate, Ghadir Family Ring, Cloak of the Stars w/ Gauntlets of Weapons Skill, Two-Handed Sword +2 (Spider’s Bane), Morning Star & Ring of Energy; (Adv AI) (2)
Sirine: Paladin (Martyr of Ilmater)/9 (HP 71 ) Full Plate Mail & Painbearer’s Amulet w/ Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise, Two-Handed Sword +3, Flail +1 & Sword of Balduran; ; (Adv AI) (3)
Saerileth: Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/10 (HP 93), Plate Mail, Medium Shield & Bastard Sword +1**, (Warhammer ***, Long Sword*, SSS**); (Adv AI) (5)
Yasarena: Fighter//9 (HP 90), Chain Mail +1 w/ Short Sword +2 (Ironkiss) & Short Sword +1********* (Fireflower (2WS**), (Adv AI) (4)
Yoshimo: Thief/Bounty Hunter//11 (HP 78), Leather & Buckler w/Katana +1* & Shortbow* (SWS*); Skills: OL 75, PP 50, FT 100, MS 60, HS 60, DI 10, ST 35; (Adv AI) (nil)
Between areas we got ambushed by worgs. Tiax didn't think to cast Command and as a result died. At least it was only 100gp to raise him.
We continued northward to the ankheg located near Tenya and killed it.
We thought that we had created enough waves for those following us to concentrate on the northern area, so we then sneaked southwards to the Temple of Lathander where we had Tiax raised before going to High Hedge where we helped Melicamp.
We tried to help reverse the lycanthropy of a nearby man but were unsuccessful and were forced to kill him with arrows +1.
That was unfortunate for him, but not for us since we were given a flame sword +1 in return for his body.
This made me look remarkably similar to the image made to represent me.
We then returned Jumper to Kessy,
after which some overly officious Flaming Fist Mercenaries attacked us. They regretted their behaviour as they breathed their last.
We were then attacked by two assassins who were obviously also Opera buffs as they dubbed themselves Troilus and Cressida. Their thief was an even match for Tiax and they eventually killed each otherand in the end, only I survived.
I was in two minds whether to pay the gold to raise them. After all, there was no evidence to link them to me. However, I reasoned that it was only 200 gp to raise them. If they hadn't been with me, I would probably have been killed, and my own life is worth far more than 200 gp to me.
Upon returning to Beregost Silke attacked me, and this time my companions proved their worth.
Inside the nearby inn, we also killed karlat.
We then returned Perdue's sword to him before heading southwards to Nashkel.
We killed hobgoblins on the way and were given a nice ring by Lord Foreshadow.
South of Nashkel we were attacked by yet another assassin who was called Zargos Flintblade. Clearly the assassins have not been thrown off our scent.
At the carnival we were attacked by Zordral. That was a big mistake on his part and we also killed Neira when she attacked us.
We headed west where we reunited Rufie with his owner and killed Vax and Zal.
After heading back north, we returned the Colquetle Amulet.
In order to gain both gold and experience we then went hunting for ankhegs.
At the Temple of Lathander we were then asked to deal with Bassilus, which we did.
Gavin joined us and we then replaced Little Ugh with Little-little-Ugh.
At an archaeological site we helped Charlesone Nib. The diggers went berserk and we had to flee, returning once we had been healed.
Upon entering a cave near the Temple of Lathander, we were assaulted by a variety of spiders and undead, the hardest to deal with being Torqion.
We then went basilisk hunting, finally killing Mutamin too.
After that we were sent to stop the murderess Valeria. To stop her, we had to kill her.
We dropped gavin off at the temple, picked up Xzar and Montaron and shortly after that, Dorn joined us.
This is the party that I intend to stick with. However, since Xzar wasn't upset b y his death in the slightest, if he is killed again, I may not fork out for him again as raising him is getting quite expensive. Another cleric would be more useful, particularly if he/she is aligned in much the same way that I am.
Having Dorn with the party lowered our reputation by 2.
However we then went in search Kryll and killed her.
Nearby was the injured Samuel. We took him to the Friendly Arms Inn whereupon our reputation went up one.
An altercation whilst we were there between the party members convinced me that none of them were to be trusted.
Simmeon had already convinced Dorn of the folly of trusting anyone. I was on the same path and realised that Dorn's conclusions could well be right particularly when it came to fellow Cyricists. Fellow Zhentarim might be a little more trustworthy, but only so lomg as our interests coincided.
Dorn wants me to search out Simmeon and kill him. He certainly appears to be worthy of death, but perhaps Dorn isn't telling me everything.
After Montaron had duly finished his role of pick-pocketer in chief I dropped him off and picked up Viconia. She had proficiency in maces, but due to the magic of mods installed couldn't use maces. I therefore used the magic of EE-Keeper to delete that proficiency and replace it with sword and shield proficiency.
Isra felt the exhaustion wash over her as she sat down on her bed at the Crooked Crane near the City Gates. Immediately the tears came. She did not care to fight it, she just let them fall down her cheeks. The others tried to console her earlier but Dispenser, all of them, knew she needed time to grieve – they were nearby getting ready to rest if she needed them. Yasraena watched, an odd feeling washing over her. Drow did not cry – it was a sign of weakness & weakness in Drow society was the quickest way to becoming an outcast – or dead. Dispenser gave Isra space, while the others uncomfortably tried to look away to allow her privacy. Her best friend, nay, the only friend she ever really had, was gone. Sirene could not be raised. Isra would go through the anger first, at herself, at the Aerial Servant, at the evil adventurers they stumbled across in the sewers leading to the Cult of the Eyeless. Why could she not finish the stalker? Sirene was unconscious, defenseless – the battle was over. Why was she not there to protect her? Instead. Sirene died just a few steps from her. The emotions came in waves until she finally lay down, broken hearted. Hours later she drifted into sleep. Paladins do cry.
They had been successful in taking out the Cult of the Eyeless & Dispenser had helped her defeat a Conjuror, Gelion, who had been tormenting her sister’s family, the Jysstev’s. Investigating & destroying the Cult had involved a trek deep into the ground where Dispenser secured one half of a mighty Rod of Amaunator in exchange for seeking out the other half in the bowels of the Cult’s complex, and using the completed rod to destroy the Unseeing Eye, a massive, powerful Beholder. Without the rod, he likely would have been nearly invincible to them but the power of that artifact was enormous.
The biggest challenges to their success were Five Blind Priests in the Beholder’s lair & an adventuring party of six, encountered in the sewers beneath the Temple District. But before either skirmish, they were diverted to save Saerileth from the clutches of a devil, Glourkist, whom she had crossed by saving another of his victims. With the aid of a fellow Paladin of Tyr, Lord Edorem, they were able to travel to his plane in the Nine Hells & defeat him (as well as a Cornugon). Without Lord Edorem, however, that battle would likely have gone otherwise. Having defeated Glourkist, Dispenser received the Hammer of Tyr for his aid & the party, with Saerileth restored, was returned to the Unseeing Eye’s lair. It was after a short rest, that the Blind Priest’s were identified by Yoshimo scouting ahead of the main body, Hidden in Shadow. Dispenser’s strategy worked masterfully. The Priests were located in such a way that Dispenser was able to cast Animate Dead, & send four Skeleton Warrior’s down one ‘intestine’ to attack them & get them engaged. Once the battle began, Dispenser sent the main body down another & attacked the already battling Priests in the flank. Even so, the battle was very difficult – Dispenser himself becoming incapacitated by an unknown spell.
Their battle w/ the adventuring party that began in the sewers beneath the district, was entirely by chance. Dispenser, has Yoshimo (as he did w/ Imoen, Khalid, & later Indira), always map their progress for later reference. When they entered the sewers, heading for the lair of the Unseeing Eye, the map revealed an obvious shortcut through previously unexplored areas, which brought Dispenser into contact w/ the apparently evil adventurers, who were unavoidably hostile. Dispenser’s strategy of dividing & conquering was ineffective as the foes would not be separated. Instead, Dispenser withdrew to the streets above but the enemy kept coming & moved into the Temple District. Several Prophets of Talos joined the battle siding against Dispenser. For fear of causing collateral damage and hurting or killing commoners, Dispenser pulled out of the district & circled around, returning near the Temple of Helm where there were not as many people.
Dispenser cast Prayer & Strength of One on his allies, while Isra, Saerileth & Sirene each cast Protection from Evil on themselves. Each quaffed a potion: Dispenser, Agility; Yasraena, Isra & Sirene, Speed; Yoshimo, Master Thievery. Dispenser then cast, Animate Dead, & they carefully started moving south toward the Temple of Lathander. The battle was joined immediately as a Fighter w/ a Longbow moved toward them, followed by two spellcasters & a dwarf. Soon a mage & another warrior moved in also. The fight was on & Dispenser used back to back to back Hold Person spells to try & incapacitate the enemy. By the time he had cast the third, his Paladins, Yasraena & Yoshimo were in the thick of melee. He tried & succeeded w/ a Command as well, dropping the dwarf momentarily. The enemies were falling quickly & before long, fairly unscathed, the final enemy from the adventuring party was dead – but not an Aerial Servant that had somehow been overlooked & was invisible. As the party exhaled & let down their guard – Sirene who was unconscious, suddenly suffered a serious blow as the creature revealed himself to make the attack. Desperately, all of them tried to destroy it before it returned to an invisible state – no one had Detect Invisibility – but it barely escaped & suddenly, lurking unseen, was a creature w/ a lethal attack biding its time to pray on the defenseless Sirene, already seriously injured from the first attack. There was nothing anyone could do. Sirene was torn asunder & it was obvious to everyone’s horror that she was gone forever, just feet from the Temple’s of Lathander & Helm. The Aerial Servant was destroyed within seconds, but the damage was done.
The somber trip back to the Crooked Crane included a stop at the Temple of Ilmater, where they tithed half of what they received as their reward - 4000 gp for Sirene. The Priestess gave Isra Sirene's Painbearer's Amulet to remember her friend & the deeds they shared in service to the less-fortunate.
After time to heal, Dispenser went looking for a mage to add arcane support he had been without since Valerie departed. During their discussion, Gaelen mentioned the Copper Coronet as a place where adventure could be found. Dispenser hoped that there might be adventurers also. He found Nalia, a Mage w/ limited thieving skill who joined on condition that Dispenser first help her w/ an invasion of her families’ keep. He would go there next.
ORDER OF MARCH: Yasraena Isra, & Saerileth (shock), Dispenser (leader), Yoshimo & Nalia (traps, arcane support & rear guard)
CURRENT DISPOSITION: Resting & recovering spells in the Crooked Crane
NEXT STEPS: Accompany Nalia to her family keep
PARTY MAKEUP: (Reputation: 13 – Popular)
Dispenser: Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/9 (HP 62) Chain Mail +2 (Mail of the Dead) & Medium w/Long Sword +1 (Burning Earth),* & Warammer +1 (Hammer of Tyr)*, (SWS*, SSS*) w/Gauntlets of Dexterity; Spells: Raise Dead, Holy Power, CSW, Poison, Animate Dead (4), Draw/Holy Might, Hold Person (3), Silence 15’, Sanctuary, Slow Poison, Command (3), Slow Poison, Bless; Abilities: Cure Affliction (2), Healing Touch (2), Hold person, Strength of One; Divine Might (2); (None) (1)
Yasarena: Fighter//9 (HP 90), Dark Mail +3, Short Sword +2***** (Ironkiss), Short Sword +1***** (Fireflower) w/ Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise (2WS**), (Adv AI) (4)
Isra: Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/9 (HP 69), Full Plate , Ghadir Family Ring, Cloak of the Stars w/ Gauntlets of Weapons Skill, Two-Handed Sword +2 (Spider’s Bane)**, Wyvern’s Tale +2* (THWS**), & Ring of Energy; (Adv AI) (2)
Saerileth: Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/10 (HP 93), Full Plate & Ring of Protection +1 w/ Medium Shield & Bastard Sword +1**, (Warhammer **, (Long Sword*, SSS**); (Adv AI) (5)
Yoshimo: Thief/Bounty Hunter//11 (HP 78), Leather & Buckler w/Katana +1* & Shortbow* (Dagger*, SWS*); Skills: OL 75, PP 50, FT 100, MS 60, HS 60, DI 10, ST 35; (Adv AI) (nil)
Nalia: Mage/Thief//4/10 (HP 62), Short Bow* & Short Sword*; Spells: Breach, Animate Dead, Minor Sequencer, Stoneskin, Haste, Hold Person, Spell Thrust, Melf’s Acid Arrow (2), Mirror Image, Web, Chromatic Orb (4); Abilities: Set Snare, Scribe Scrolls; (Adv AI) (nil)
the red wizards got a little cooky so we sorted them out and my thief needed another item for L... placing the sword gave us an easy fight against just the mages and the final boss was set on fire
I always find that part extremely difficult, to walk in, try to Hold, Stun or Paralyze them, keep my own companions healed if they get caught in a Hold spell by the Fist clerics, get Eltan and leave the same way without casualties.
I treat Flaming Fist guys I meet in the streets the same, leaving them unconscious, because I absolutely won't surrender, knowing who I'll have to cooperate with to get out of the prison.
Do you really kill members of the Flaming Fist? Doesn't that lead to a crash in reputation?
My paladin would Fall and my companions would leave, so I'm really curious if by "defeat" you actually mean "kill" or "incapacitate" and how you handle that part. Obviously, you finished BG1 with reputation 20 and two paladins still in your party, so I'm curious.
Edit: Link to the post I'm referring to. Hope it works, never tried this before. https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/comment/1101190/#Comment_1101190
Side note: Those are creature name "Mercenary", code FLAMANG. They are lawful evil fighter/clerics, level 6/6.
Good morning. I found that the hostile FFs that challenge you when you enter FF Hqs CAN be killed w/o loss of reputation. You will even have one or two of those that are in there fight with you. Then you can go upstairs and save Duke Eltan.
This, of course, is not true with those on the street - you can't just mow them down in public because the commoners aren't aware of the duplicitous happenings in the FF.
It is a very tough fight - a couple of those guys are clerics and they cast (I think), Unholy Blight multiple times. CT
Presenting a new entry to the challenge, I introduce Torch, a Morninglord of Lathander (using Divine Remix for kits, although the Priest of Lathander one is left essentially unchanged):
One day in his studies he turned a page in one of the religious tomes of the Library and discovered his calling: the Morninglord, who teaches self-betterment and to bring hope to others, correcting apathy and malice, and delivering light to the dark corners of the world. Secretly he began his prayers to his newly-found deity, and Lathander answered with great passion and pathos, instructing him in right and wrong, and providing him with an initiate's levels of magic. Thoughts arose from his new practices, regarding the world's injustices, and Torch found himself gaining a sense of duty to go out into the world and offer help where it was needed.
So when his guardian Gorion one day came to him, with anxiety across his face, poorly attempting to disguise the new tremor in his hands, Torch understood the time had come to step up to the challenges of the world, though he knew not yet what they would be.
"I perceive you cannot tell me what evil has clouded your thoughts, but rest assured, Father, together we can face and overcome it, fighting it back with the light within us." However the thoughts he had felt so sure of in his mind seemed to shrink and die as he voiced them to his guardian, whose furrowed brow gave away no answers, only confusion and fear.
"Oh, my child, pack your possessions so that we may leave Candlekeep immediately. Hurry, for there is no time to tarry! The keep is well protected but not invulnerable. Meet me at the library steps as soon as you are ready."
Torch hastened back to the Candlekeep Inn, deep in his thoughts. What could be going on? He banged open the door without realising and rushed headlong inside. What danger was loom--
"'Ere, now, watch where yer headed!" boomed a brutish voice from waist height, before something like a fist-sized rock firmly knocked the wind out of his stomach. Indeed, it was actually a fist, belonging to a frowning, tattooed face with ginger whiskers everywhere except on its round, egg-like crown, and half an ear missing in a quite obvious bite-shape.
Winthrop had started hooting with laughter at the sight, but over the top of his guffawing came a woman's voice from the bar: "Easy, Rnn, the boy meant no harm. 'Sides, can't you see his mind's racing over other things? He sure as the Nine Hells wasn't expecting he'd have to leapfrog a dwarf!"
"Well, it's nae excuse for no' lookin' down, but I'll let ye off the hook this once," grunted Rnn. "Actually, Ker, the lad looks like the one we was looking fer. He fits the description our Shaman gave, to a tee."
"You're right at that," and she offered her hand as she moved over, finishing her foaming mug and wiping her lips with the other. "Name's Keras, and the short one you may've realised goes by Rnn, on account of the noises he can't help but be making when he's pissed. But you can call me Ker." Her furs and leather trappings revealed extensive and fearsome body-paint. Torch deduced from her angular ears and elegant cheekbones an elven heritage, though assuredly not pure.
"Aye, we've been weeks travelling. At least we got tae split some orc skulls on the way, ha! So, where ye be off tae in such a hurry, anyway?"
Torch wasn't sure why, but he felt he could trust this pair, and Lathander teaches that help in opposing the darkness must always be accepted, and can come from the unlikeliest of places. He quickly explained his foster-father's instructions, adding that everything of this situation was extremely out of the ordinary: some great evil was clearly afoot.
"Well if it's afoot then it's got leggies, and if it's got leggies then we can knock it's kneecaps off, dunnae ye worry yer noggin aboot that," and Torch received a crushing but now friendly blow to his shoulder that completely numbed his arm. By the Gods, the dwarf was stronger than an ox.
At that moment an even more bizarre sequence of events unfolded. From under the table in the common area black smoke began billowing out, and then suddenly with a loud "BANG" the table flew up into the air, and three figures stumbled out of the acrid fumes, coughing and spluttering.
"Did it work, did it work?! Well, something must have worked. Criminy, where am I? I'm sure I got the proportions right. Yikes, and who're these people?!"
The avalanche of words seemed to be addressing no-one in particular and was pouring out of the shortest of the newcomers, with a similar facial topiary to Rnn's, but in a dirty white colour. He immediately patted down his pockets, and finding the right one, shoved his hand in and yanked out a misshapen brown stick. He stuck the end in his mouth and with trembling hands reached over to the fireplace for an ember, which he placed on the tip and began sucking, whereupon more acrid black smoke began pouring both out of his mouth and the stick. He seemed to calm down a bit, and began more seriously examining his surroundings.
"Relu, stay calm. We can figure this out," said the other, more gently rising, and nursing her head. "You, boy, where are we?"
"Yes! What thrice forgotten corner of the Realms is this?" spouted the gnome.
"You are in the fortified walls of Candlekeep, citadel of knowledge, on the Sword Coast," said Torch, unsure of himself. "Where do you come from?"
"What?! I was deciphering what should have been an illusion from that book, and it brought me here? What a conundrum. Must have used too little phosphor to antimony, and excess heat. Yes, damn it. Hmph. Anyway, I suppose introductions are in order." The gnome wiped his grubby, sooty hand on an even grubbier tunic, and offered it. "Folks call me Sigmoid. Candlekeep, eh? Sword Coast, right?"
"So you are malak fool who brought us here! Cuda, pass me axe, let me half halfwit," said the woman the other had called Relu.
"Easy, Relu, that won't solve things," added the sandy-haired one, who seemed to be Cuda, as she dusted off her tunic and leathers, and pulled up her hood. "We should've taken cover from storm, I could feel energy charging around us. At least lightning didn't hurt, too much. This hunting trip turn out to be serious adventure. Axe is gone, anyway."
"Ah, k'tara! We'll need new equipment, then, I see," grumbled Relu. "Gnome's appointment is on hold, for now."
Torch decided the time had come to take initiative. "People, whilst it's great making introductions and exchanging pleasantries, I need to prepare myself to leave this Keep. Now these two, Keras and Rnn, seem to be here to help me. I know also from my learnings that Lathander, the Morninglord, acts skillfully with wisdom and insight, and it seems no coincidence that the three of you have been summoned here, at the outset of a dangerous journey. I propose that you join with us, and my foster father, at least until you can figure out your return to your homes."
"Well, as long as there's the non-vanishing chance of monetary recompense, I'll join your thrilling task," exclaimed Sigmoid. "It's not like I had friends back in the slums of Waterdeep. I mean, there were folks and acquaintances int'rested in my whereabouts, but not with good intentions, if you get my gist." He winked, and only then did Torch notice that his other eye was a blind, cloudy white, similar in shade to his tunic, and in fact, his beard.
"Well, Relu, I think boy could use some help of experts. Just for now, while we understand how to get home, of course," mused Cuda.
"Village life was getting boring, too," said Relu. "I can't say I'll miss the Maerwatch hills. Too many storms, not enough sun. There sun here, right?"
With the money Torch had received, plus a star sapphire gem that Sigmoid mysteriously produced whilst he wasn't looking, the unlikely companions quickly equipped themselves. On their way back to Gorion they got sidetracked by a few small tasks around the Keep grounds, but before long, Gorion was explaining to Torch, glancing with surprise at his new friends, of the contingency plan to meet Khalid and Jaheira at the Friendly Arm Inn.
Darkness gathered as they set out, and in the deepening gloom they trudged, keeping off the main track to avoid unexpected encounters. Nonetheless one found them. As they entered a small clearing with standing stones, a hulking, armoured figure, flanked by several human-height and two towering beasts emerged from the mist-wrapped trees on the far side.
Gorion turned with alarm glinting in his eyes. "We are in an ambush. Prepare yourselves!"
"You're perceptive for an old man," the armoured fiend scorned. "You know why I'm here. Hand over your ward and no one will be hurt. If you resist it shall be a waste of your life."
"You're a fool if you believe I would trust your benevolence," proclaimed Gorion, moving forward with his arms shielding those behind him. "Step aside and you and your lackeys will be unhurt."
"I'm sorry that you feel that way, old man," he sneered disdainfully, and nodded to his companions. Bows were raised and the powerful ogres began to lumber forward with great spiked morningstars swinging overhead. The remaining figure began an incantation, and power drew in from the surroundings with every word spoken.
Gorion turned one last time, and shouted urgently, "Run, child, get out of here!"
The companions turned and fled from the hopeless situation, arrows flying past them, and they heard Gorion begin chanting his own words of power. Torch knew from the look in his eyes that Gorion's stand was aimed solely to buy time. As Torch stole one last glance behind, he saw the armoured figure stride forward, a great blade as long as he was tall held easily in just one hand, chuckling with pleasure at the carnage erupting around him.
Image credits:
WeiDU log too long to include, write to me if interested. Main Mods:
EET, SCS, Ascension, EETactics (rewrite of Weimer's mod), various quest mods, ATweaks, RR, Divine Remix
A well-written account. Fascinating.
You CAN attach the logs as files if you so desire. Using the attach file button.
That's very good to know and will make my next visit there a lot less complicated. It was so hard to get in and out alive without killing anyone.
I had already noticed that you can kill the mercenaries without penalty, but didn't know about the FF. I just hope it's original behavior and not a result of your many mods. Going to find out. If I become a Fallen Paladin, I'll cry
The Death Knights at Ulcaster lived up to their name.
To make a change from parties made at the start I am playing a Dwarven Burial Defender, a kit I haven't played before, but which appears to be very similar to Barbarians/Berserkers. She will pick up a team as she goes along.
Background of the portrait comes from a post that a friend of mine made on FB.
** In 2 handed swords
** In two handed wielding
She didn't make it out of Candlekeep.
The upgraded assassins were just too much for her. Shank took ages to kill, but Carbos killed her with one blow.
@jessejmc belated commiserations. I assume you weren't playing with the effect expiry notifications from the JimFix mod? That mod really helps with aura management. I've grown quite fond of it.
@Wise_Grimwald, hard luck! Hope you'll find another nice theme for a run!
@Stromael, best of luck with your run! Do you have a source for your EETactics mod? I googled it and couldn't find it.
Wanton, Charlatan of Candlekeep
Against his late foster father's instruction Wanton makes no priority of visiting the FAI. With his throwing daggers he slays a rogue ogre south of the inn, then travels to Beregost. While he doesn't score any gigs there, he does accept a number of less glamorous jobs. Highlight is having Eltolth retransformed from a slime back into his natural, human form, not with an elixir that guarantees success but with a cheap alternative that might not work at all. Wanton keeps the real elixir (a cloud giant strength potion usable by all classes), and earns himself gold, XP, and a reputation point for his efforts.
Further south, on a mission for Bjornin, Viconia scouts a pack of gnolls standing over another drow's still fresh, mutilated corpse. Wanton's not quite able to identify the armor and two scimitars they find by simply studying them. It's only later when he has them identified through magical means, that he gets to see his suspicion confirmed that the great Drizzt Do'Urden has met his doom: reparation and a fine suit of armor for Viconia DeVir and Wanton takes one of the ranger's exquisite blades.
Wanton and Vicky finally visit the FAI. Before they can enter it they have to dispatch the evil wizard Tarnesh. Viconia's Silence spell renders him harmless and a guard finishes him off. In the inn they have a brief exchange with Gorion's friends Khalid and Jaheira. When Jaheira almost immediately attempts to dictate the agenda, Wanton deems it better to go separate ways. The poor way in which Jaheira reacts only serves to reassure Wanton he's made the right call.
The two make some new friends: Kivan, elven Feralan, and Dorn, a half-orc Blackguard, who for all his muscle and bravado disappoints by falling to a baby wyvern that poisons him in Nashkel. Somehow Wanton is happy to deal in chicanery and imposture for a living, he generally finds less enjoyment in being on the receiving end of such practices. Dorn is nevertheless raised at the local temple of Helm and given a second chance. More to Wanton's liking are fellow bard Eldoth, a Gypsy, and the Berserker warrioress Shar-Teel whose bloodlust makes her a perfect 'strong arm' for the party.
There is some tension in the group when Eldoth starts hitting on Wanton's crush Viconia,
The party has no difficulty defeating an enemy of Dorn's, Kryll, thanks to protection from fear neutralizing a horror spell of hers. They deliver Samuel at the FAI before moving on to the north coast, where they see an overeager Eldoth succumb to Shoal the Nereid's kiss. He is raised by the creature when the party retaliates. Her mate Droth resists a Silence, is interrupted once by Kivan but blinds Shar-Teel with a Glitterdust, before he is slain during a couple of Commands from Viconia.
A Silence renders Bassilus helpless against the party's missiles,
With three strong warriors on board the south-western areas pose no trouble to the party. Vax is Held and Zal meleed; Krumm, Caldo, Ingot, Gnarl and Hairtooth are all bested with physical attacks. The Brawling Hands go to Eldoth, turning him into a capable marksman with his poisoned arrows. The gnoll stronghold is conquered and the witch Dynaheir set free.
The party then undergoes a number of changes. Kivan departs not only so he can concentrate on his bandit hunt for some time but also because he has become very friendly with Wanton, giving the charlatan pangs of guilt about involving the good elf in his schemes. Dorn departs as well, to seek out his enemy Simmeon near the entrance to Baldur's Gate.
Alora, a halfling Thief from Gullykin, is temporarily employed for shoplifting purposes, a necessary move as the party's average reputation makes several desired items unaffordable to them. A fence they have met not far from Durlag's Tower is willing to buy stolen property from them. Alora is rewarded with the Defender, one of Drizzt's powerful scimitars and thanked for her efforts. She is happier than ever with the blade and tells the companions to stay in touch should they need her services again. A drow sorcerer named Baeloth and a female Assassin, Safana, then join the party.
The well-equipped party then proceeds to deal with some of the more dangerous creatures that inhabit the Sword Coast. Sirines (thanks to Shar-Teel's berserker rages), flesh golems, ankhegs (Sleep from Baeloth), basilisks (green scroll of PfPetrification, Web from Baeloth to hold Mutamin), and battle horrors (wand of fire scorchers) all fall before the might of Wanton's party of con artists. Shar-Teel and Viconia even manage to dispatch a succubus.
All is not well though. Eldoth's charming song causes a lot of confusion among diggers at an archaeological site, which somehow causes historian Charleston Nib to turn hostile. He is promptly executed by a well-aimed bullet of Viconia's (that was the AI at work). The party's somewhat carefully managed reputation drops considerably, much to Wanton's mortification.
Bad positioning causes Wanton to take significant damage from hobgoblin archers and an ogre berserker in the Bear River area.
Wanton's innate Friends spell bumps his reaction sufficiently to be rewarded with a pair of boots of the north from Jared for felling a bear.
East of Beregost, bloodthirsty Shar-Teel is easily provoked by Kirian and her hunting party. A wand fireball followed by two Webs from Baeloth offers the party a sound victory.
Bark (male dwarven swashbuckler, Grond0); Nicha (female half-elf fighter/druid, Gate70)
Previous updates
The session started rather frenetically when Bark couldn't resist attacking one of the High Hedge golems before Nicha talked to Thalantyr. He dragged the golem outside and looked for somewhere to disappear into stealth. That got a bit tricky as he dragged first a group of wild dogs and then some gnolls into the combat. Eventually he had to wait for Nicha to finish her shopping before the combination could deal with the golem.
On the way to the coast Charleston Nib got a helping hand, but we weren't really well equipped for the Doomsayer and left that for now. At the Lighthouse Nicha made use of a potion of clarity - turning the sirines from a potentially dangerous encounter into a trivial one.
Seeking a stronger offensive punch for Nicha, the next destination was Firewine Bridge to get Meilum's bracers. On the way we stopped to save Arabelle, only to find Hulrik oblivious to the fact that none of the bits of xvarts scattered all around were moving
A trip through the Cloud Peaks was uneventful before we ventured into the Nashkel Mine. After a recent setback against Mulahey I took the unusual step of using the Greenstone amulet on Bark before engaging - that gave poor Mulahey no real chance.
Arriving back in Nashkel, Nicha threw in an Entangle near Nimbul. The primary purpose of that was to make sure Rasaad didn't steal our XP for the kill. He saved against the effect anyway, but was too slow to beat the speed of lightning as Nimbul went out in a final blaze of glory.
Tranzig gave away the location of the Bandit Camp in a second or two of life left to him, but we took a detour first to Durlag's Tower. The battle horrors there found it hard to hit Nicha - but the reverse was also true and it took a while to finish them off in melee combat.
A basilisk tried to get revenge by ambushing us on the way to the Bandit Camp, but failed to focus its gaze before Nicha was out of sight. At the camp the basic bandits fell quickly - partly as a result of Nicha having started dual-wielding by adding the +2 scimitar from Durlag's to Drizzt's weapon. Taurgosz though was made of sterner stuff and looked like he might successfully beat up Nicha - until Bark intervened and acted as decoy until the lightning hammered down.
In the Cloakwood we hit another MP glitch when Bark dragged a couple of ettercaps back to Nicha, only to find them hitting her with a die roll of 5 (the result I think of the game not having properly processed that Nicha had put Taurgosz's full plate on in place of the ankheg armor). An area transition reset her AC to normal though and we moved swiftly on to the mine. The fight against Drasus & co was good fun. A pair of nymphs killed Kysus with lightning blasts before holding Genthore and Rezdan. Drasus rushed over to try and rescue the situation, only to be dominated. He was then sent to finish off Rezdan, which turned him hostile again - just in time to also be held
After a smooth trip through the mine, Bark failed to drag just a single Battle Horror back. Concerned about a pair of them attacking Nicha at once, he dug in his backpack to fish out a potion of Firebreath. Warning Nicha to hold still he spat fire at one of the opponents before circling round to breathe on the other as well. Gate70's an old hand at this sort of tactic of course and his immediate reaction was to calmly accept the situationdrink a potion as quickly as possible before he was burnt to death
Bark, swashbuckler 8, 56 HPs, 117 kills
Nicha, fighter 6 / druid 7, 61 HPs, 190 kills, 0 deaths
If you like I can send you my tinkered version, fit for EET. My changes amounted to hiding any lines that said "REQUIRE_PREDICATE GAME_IS ~bg2ee~".
Oh, and the only components I'm sure don't work (at least, in my installation) are the two kits: Anti-Paladin (the new author reduced it to nearly reasonable power-levels; no more cheesy dispel on hit!) and Generic Archer. I substituted @semiticgod 's Universal Archer for the latter. Obviously there are also several AI and battles components which are conceptually incompatible with certain components of SCS, ATweaks, etc., so I skipped the Tactics versions. But it's got all the classics: Kuroisan, Lich in the Docks, Fighter/Illusionist, even Kangaxx's Guardians without needing Improved Kangaxx alongside, so you can finally properly mix it with SCS spell-casting Demi-Liches!
@Stromael, thank you for the reference and for your offer. That's very kind of you. I did know about @Musigny's mod but had forgotten about it, probably because the game has had a number of patches since it was released. I don't use EET (although I like the concept), but I'm going to see if I'll install a number of its components.
i like to use the Wand of Polymorphing on the random fist you come across because it can be recharged in a spellshop for 100 shoots and it does NOT kill them... as a Pally this is an important point
p.s, my tactic for that battle;
Viconia (with the hands of str & boots of speed) can run in under her 'sanctuary' grab the sick duke, pop an invis potion and run out with out fighting at all
(It was only when I did a reverse search of my portrait that I discovered just how appropriate the image was for a Burial Defender as the image is of a Black Guard of Morr, guards who protect graveyards from the undead.
Journal of Burdef.
There was a lot of debate in Candlekeep concerning my parentage. People couldn't decide whether I was just a very large human of black parentage, or whether my sheer bulk was due to some orcish blood running in my veins. I myself am pretty sure it is the latter despite my lack of fangs or green skin. To me however, it is irrelevant. I am who I am. Take it or leave it.
After the death of Gorion I returned to the keep to arrange his burial. Now I will have to find my own way in the world.
I cleared the area around the FAI of hobgoblins and headed north where I killed the evil Sonner and his cohorts as well as a zombie.
I headed further north and killed an ankheg before returning south where I helped Melicamp before making my way to Beregost.
Hopefully my foray northwards will throw potential assassins off my scent as I intend to go south.
Bark (male dwarven swashbuckler, Grond0); Nicha (female half-elf fighter/druid, Gate70)
Previous updates
Arriving in the City, Bark pointed out a hole in the ground that led to an ogre mage and Nicha jumped at the chance to explore that. She did her job by finishing off the ogre mage before being held by carrion crawlers. Bark didn't fancy his chances of dealing with 3 of those quickly so unlimbered another potion of firebreath to burn a couple of them up while shooting down the third.
After starting the poison quest and summarily cutting down Jalantha, we spent a while encouraging Degrodel's guards to come outside under some stormy skies. The mage then failed to survive a sneak attack.
Things started to go downhill though when we attempted to trap Lothander to get his boots of speed. He found a narrow gap between a post and a wolf and was gone in a flash.
After killing the ankheg near Baldur's Gate I returned south where I was able to help Melicamp.
I tried to help cure the werewolf of lycanthropy but was unsuccessful and had to kill it.
Thalantyr however rewarded me well for the body.
Heading to Beregost and then going south, two ogrillon were easy to deal with as were three flaming fist mercenaries.
Continuing south we killed hobgoblins, found the colquetle amulet and continued south to nashkel where I found some ankheg armour.
Continuing south, I was attacked by Zargos Flinblade who perished after one critical hit from my blade.
It took three blows to kill Greywolf.
Isra and then Sirene joined me after which we fought Zordral. He too fell very speedily.
Upon coming across Samuel, I took him to the Friendly Arms Inn. Not so friendly! I was attacked by a mage who paid for his agression with his life.
We then went hunting ankhegs which was good for earning both experience and gold.
I had made it through the quests around Beregost, the Nashkel mines and Tranzig and was going to introduce him here.
And then the stupid pathfinding made one of my party stumble into the flesh golems (I had always avoided them in previous runs) on my way to Thalantyr, I got stuck, nobody had enough potions or spells (because that's what we were going to buy) and that was the end of it.
Back to Candlekeep. But I'm going to stick with Inquisitor instead of Undead Hunter. And I'm using Isra. As my only mod, for now.
It is best to visit Thalantyr before picking up NPCs, then this problem doesn't happen. You don't have to do anything, just speak to him.
Journal of Burdef I have discovered that I made this character way too strong so will have a similar run with a weaker character in the future.
Cyricist run
In the meantime I am going to have a Cyricist run with a Cyricist Champion, a chaotic evil Fighter/Illusionist and a Sworn of Cyric Cleric/Thief.
I am wondering which is the best kit to have for my Champion of Cyric. There isn't one in Faith and Powers, so the choice is between Blackguard and Dark Paladin in my set-up. Are there any other kits that would be appropriate?
Does anybody know anything about the Dark Paladin kit?
Here is what I currently have. I made a Blackguard and changed the name to Dark Paladin in EE Keeper and then replaced Life Drain with Ancient Wrath as I thought it more appropriate for a Cyricist.
Any thoughts?
Journal of Cyreta
The visit of a Zhentarim Cyricist who was a Gnomish Champion of Cyric is what caused me and my gnomish allies to knowingly follow Cyric. There were many who did so unknowingly in Candlekeep, but as far as I know, we were the only gnomes who followed him knowingly and openly.
I have heard that there are other Zhentarim Cyricists in the neighbourhood, so perhaps they will join with me in my quest to become powerful. I am well aware that they are not to be trusted, any more than I am, but at least we understand each other's desire for wealth, power and sexual satisfaction.
Just discovered that Tiax cannot use throwing daggers +1 despite his proficiencies being in daggers.
Droch (male elf archer, Gate70); Painter (male dwarf kensai, Grond0)
The random roller spat out a couple of characters Grond0 described as glass cannons. We duly took great care with them around Candlekeep and beyond.
After a little while (Shoal and Mad Arcand basically) our confidence grew and we headed off to the rock garden in search of trouble. The basilisks were like lambs to the slaughter, and Mutamin failed to get to grips with us.
Let's go get Korax and see if we can deal with Kirian's gang. For once, Korax failed to hold anyone and staying around to kill Kirian gave Baerin a chance to land a shot or two onto Droch and for Peter to show his spell repertoire. Painter hung around enough to finish off Peter but this meant Baerin and Lindin zeroed in on him. Painter turned and ran, not realising that Peter's dying wish to hold Droch had come true.
Droch somehow mouthed at Painter to turn around and run away in another direction so as not to drag enemies into range of a helpless Bhaalspawn. This gave Baerin a fine opportunity which he failed to fully take, and Painter continued running with a sliver of life remaining.
Droch eventually got back into the action before deciding he was on the losing end of a shootout with Baerin - so he also ran. We regrouped and killed Lindin before resting up and taking on Baerin again . Once more he badly wounded Droch so we won't use the victor's right to say he was easily defeated, only that he fought well and died with a kensai at his throat.
Current inventory:
we wiped out the vampires with the help of two other parties... it didn't go so well for my allies but a guy collected part of their loot so I didn't have to carry it around anymore
then we did the spear which is only dangerous for Hexxat because SCS golums have a curse that breaks her reaimation script i.e, if she dies here then she is gone for good
the slavers, returned Yoshimo's heart, killed a city gate lich and wrapped up by giving a fair fight to the troll boss
Dispenser barely knew where he was – it all happened so fast. To be sure he was in Athkatla, and he remembered coming east w/ Imoen toward Athkatla after parting ways with Isra and Valerie at Crimmor. But that is the last he could recall before waking in a cell, head and body aching mercilessly, Imoen standing in front of him, blurry, having just opened the door to let him out. They had both been captured somehow but neither could remember anything, although Imoen recalled later some of the torture she had received from Irenicus, a mage neither had heard of before. Their armor and weapons were gone, but they found enough to get by in a room near the cells. Just the two of them, clueless as to their whereabouts, beginning an escape to somewhere they also did not know. For now, the most important thing was getting free & getting a handle on their situation. Dispenser used Animate Dead, creating four Skeleton Warriors to accompany them everywhere they went so that they had allies when the met hostiles.
They worked through an obvious underground complex picking up clues, battling as little as they could along the way, although that was easier said than done. They battled a Cambion but their real challenges were a group of Duerger Sappers and the incessant Mephits. Time and again, they were surrounded by various types of Mephits, using their blasts to great affect. They had been able to do some good in their escape, promising to aid three Dryads and freeing a Genie, and an Elven Mage – the latter immediately dismissed when Dispenser determined he was Lawful Evil having used Know Alignment while he slept.
The next level up, reached through a portal, added a companion, Yoshimo, a Thief/Bounty Hunter – a little shady but they needed allies badly & he was not evil. More Mephits, Assassins & a Greater Doppelganger stood in the way of their escape, but the three of them, carefully inched their way along with Skeleton Warriors until they found the way out and joined w/ a female Drow Fighter who had also been a prisoner. When they came into the light, they walked into a battle between Irenicus & the Cowled Wizards. Irenicus finally, exasperated, relented to their demand that he come w/ them, but only if they took Imoen too. Before Dispenser knew it, she was gone & he was standing alone w/ Yoshimo & Yasraena, the Elven Fighter – folks he did not know.
Dispenser needed to rest, and once oriented to where they were – Waukeen’s Promenade – he searched for lodging, finally finding an inn w/ enough beds for three in near the City Gates. But, while still at the Promenade, he just missed Isra who had been involved in an animated discussion in the Den of the Seven Vales. After talking to the person she had been speaking w/, Dispenser headed to the Jysstev Estate in the Government District by way of the Temple District. He first had to pass through the Slums to get there, & while there was approached by a rogue who offered assistance in finding Imoen through a group he was associated with – for 20,000 gold. He & Imoen had had nearly 12,000 gold when they were travelling but that too disappeared when they were captured – he would have to raise it somehow. Arriving at the Temple District. he enlisted the help of Saerileth, a Cavalier & Paladin of Tyr, near the High Hall of the Radiant Heart where he also found Sirene who had come to the Temple of Ilmater to receive the Painbearer’s Amulet for her service in defeating Sarevok & ending the Iron Crisis. Now w/ three Paladin’s, a fierce Drow Fighter, and a Bounty Hunter, he was ready to collect the gold needed to work toward the release of Imoen. He had picked up a few quests for which he could earn gold - an investigation into a cult that was plaguing the Temple District, a search for fallen Paladin slavers & enlisting the aid of a sculptor for the Temple of Lathander. He would begin in the Temple District.
ORDER OF MARCH: Isra, Saerileth& Sirene (shock), Dispenser (leader), Yasraena, Yoshima (traps, rear guard)
MONSTERS DEFEATED: Cambion, Frennedan (Greater Doppelganger), Lesser Clay Golems (2), Clone, Assassins (4), Otyugh, Duerger Mage, Ilyich (Duerger), Duerger (7), Air Mephits (2), Dust Mephit, Ice Mephits (4), Lightning Mephits (2), Magma Mephit, Mist Mephits (2), Mineral Mephits (2), Mist Mephit, Radiant Mephit, Salt Mephit, Steam Mephits (2), Smoke Mephits (6), Goblins (36), Worg, Kobold Commandos (2)
LEVEL UP: Dispenser, Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/9, Imoen, Thief (Adventurer)/11, Yoshimo, Thief (Bounty Hunter)/11
NOTEWORTHY TREASURE: (Gold = 1548 gp [1548])
Armor & weapons: Sword of Chaos +2, Mail of the Dead +2, Long Sword +1 (Burning Earth), Ring of Protection +1
Gems/jewelry: Pearl Necklaces (2), Water Opal, Black Opal, Bloodstone Necklace, Sphene Gem
Potions: Extra Healing (9)
Scrolls: Fireball (2), Dispel Magic, Blur, Invisibility
Wands: Wand of Cloudkill, Wand of Frost, Want of Lightning, Wand of Monster Summoning
Misc & Artifacts:
1) Dispenser, Cambion (6000 exp)
2) Imoen, Mephit Portal (5000 exp)
CURRENT DISPOSITION: Resting in the Crooked Crane
NEXT STEPS: Investigate the Cult of the Seeing Eye
PARTY MAKEUP: (Reputation: 10 - Average) (-2 Yasarena)
Dispenser: Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/9 (HP 62) Chain Mail +2 (Mail of the Dead) & Medium w/Long Sword +1 (Burning Earth),* & Warhammer* (SWS*, SSS*) Spells: Raise Dead, Holy Power, CSW, Poison, Animate Dead (4), Draw/Holy Might, Hold Person (3), Silence 15’, Sanctuary, Slow Poison, Command (3), Slow Poison, Bless, ; Abilities: Cure Affliction (2), Healing Touch (2), Hold person, Strength of One; Divine Might (2); (None) (1)
Isra: Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/9 (HP 69), Full Plate, Ghadir Family Ring, Cloak of the Stars w/ Gauntlets of Weapons Skill, Two-Handed Sword +2 (Spider’s Bane), Morning Star & Ring of Energy; (Adv AI) (2)
Sirine: Paladin (Martyr of Ilmater)/9 (HP 71 ) Full Plate Mail & Painbearer’s Amulet w/ Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise, Two-Handed Sword +3, Flail +1 & Sword of Balduran; ; (Adv AI) (3)
Saerileth: Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/10 (HP 93), Plate Mail, Medium Shield & Bastard Sword +1**, (Warhammer ***, Long Sword*, SSS**); (Adv AI) (5)
Yasarena: Fighter//9 (HP 90), Chain Mail +1 w/ Short Sword +2 (Ironkiss) & Short Sword +1********* (Fireflower (2WS**), (Adv AI) (4)
Yoshimo: Thief/Bounty Hunter//11 (HP 78), Leather & Buckler w/Katana +1* & Shortbow* (SWS*); Skills: OL 75, PP 50, FT 100, MS 60, HS 60, DI 10, ST 35; (Adv AI) (nil)
MOD USED: Amber v5, Tyris Flare v8, Foundling v4.2, Pesty v3.1, Asher v1.12, Gavin v23, Sirene for BG2, Isra v3, Paina, Tashia v1.2, Vampire Tales, Ninde, Saerileth, Arath v4, Dace v5, Tsujatha, Kelsey v5, Keto v5, Sarah v5, Nathaniel v4.4, Iylos v2.6, Adrian v4.3, Naphele v2.5, Fade v5.5, Saradas Magiv v1.6, de’Arnice Romance v6, Unfinished Business v26, Plane Touched Races, Wheels of Prophecy v8.3, NPC Flirt v1.06, Romantic Encounters v14, Tweaks Anthology, Deities of Faerun, Song & Silence v9, Rogue Rebalancing v4.92, Wizard Slayer Rebalancing v1.14, SCS v32.7, Atweaks v4.53, Item Randomizer
(Current AI) (Chain of Command rank)
Between areas we got ambushed by worgs. Tiax didn't think to cast Command and as a result died. At least it was only 100gp to raise him.
We continued northward to the ankheg located near Tenya and killed it.
We thought that we had created enough waves for those following us to concentrate on the northern area, so we then sneaked southwards to the Temple of Lathander where we had Tiax raised before going to High Hedge where we helped Melicamp.
We tried to help reverse the lycanthropy of a nearby man but were unsuccessful and were forced to kill him with arrows +1.
That was unfortunate for him, but not for us since we were given a flame sword +1 in return for his body.
This made me look remarkably similar to the image made to represent me.
We then returned Jumper to Kessy,
after which some overly officious Flaming Fist Mercenaries attacked us. They regretted their behaviour as they breathed their last.
We were then attacked by two assassins who were obviously also Opera buffs as they dubbed themselves Troilus and Cressida. Their thief was an even match for Tiax and they eventually killed each otherand in the end, only I survived.
I was in two minds whether to pay the gold to raise them. After all, there was no evidence to link them to me. However, I reasoned that it was only 200 gp to raise them. If they hadn't been with me, I would probably have been killed, and my own life is worth far more than 200 gp to me.
Upon returning to Beregost Silke attacked me, and this time my companions proved their worth.
Inside the nearby inn, we also killed karlat.
We then returned Perdue's sword to him before heading southwards to Nashkel.
We killed hobgoblins on the way and were given a nice ring by Lord Foreshadow.
South of Nashkel we were attacked by yet another assassin who was called Zargos Flintblade. Clearly the assassins have not been thrown off our scent.
We then killed the bounty hunter Greywolf.
A paladin there thanked us before departing.
Oublek then rewarded us for doing our bit.
At the carnival we were attacked by Zordral. That was a big mistake on his part and we also killed Neira when she attacked us.
We headed west where we reunited Rufie with his owner and killed Vax and Zal.
After heading back north, we returned the Colquetle Amulet.
In order to gain both gold and experience we then went hunting for ankhegs.
At the Temple of Lathander we were then asked to deal with Bassilus, which we did.
Gavin joined us and we then replaced Little Ugh with Little-little-Ugh.
At an archaeological site we helped Charlesone Nib. The diggers went berserk and we had to flee, returning once we had been healed.
Upon entering a cave near the Temple of Lathander, we were assaulted by a variety of spiders and undead, the hardest to deal with being Torqion.
We then went basilisk hunting, finally killing Mutamin too.
After that we were sent to stop the murderess Valeria. To stop her, we had to kill her.
We dropped gavin off at the temple, picked up Xzar and Montaron and shortly after that, Dorn joined us.
This is the party that I intend to stick with.
Having Dorn with the party lowered our reputation by 2.
However we then went in search Kryll and killed her.
Nearby was the injured Samuel. We took him to the Friendly Arms Inn whereupon our reputation went up one.
An altercation whilst we were there between the party members convinced me that none of them were to be trusted.
Simmeon had already convinced Dorn of the folly of trusting anyone. I was on the same path and realised that Dorn's conclusions could well be right particularly when it came to fellow Cyricists. Fellow Zhentarim might be a little more trustworthy, but only so lomg as our interests coincided.
Dorn wants me to search out Simmeon and kill him. He certainly appears to be worthy of death, but perhaps Dorn isn't telling me everything.
After Montaron had duly finished his role of pick-pocketer in chief I dropped him off and picked up Viconia. She had proficiency in maces, but due to the magic of mods installed couldn't use maces. I therefore used the magic of EE-Keeper to delete that proficiency and replace it with sword and shield proficiency.
Next up - that darned Nimbul.
Isra felt the exhaustion wash over her as she sat down on her bed at the Crooked Crane near the City Gates. Immediately the tears came. She did not care to fight it, she just let them fall down her cheeks. The others tried to console her earlier but Dispenser, all of them, knew she needed time to grieve – they were nearby getting ready to rest if she needed them. Yasraena watched, an odd feeling washing over her. Drow did not cry – it was a sign of weakness & weakness in Drow society was the quickest way to becoming an outcast – or dead. Dispenser gave Isra space, while the others uncomfortably tried to look away to allow her privacy. Her best friend, nay, the only friend she ever really had, was gone. Sirene could not be raised. Isra would go through the anger first, at herself, at the Aerial Servant, at the evil adventurers they stumbled across in the sewers leading to the Cult of the Eyeless. Why could she not finish the stalker? Sirene was unconscious, defenseless – the battle was over. Why was she not there to protect her? Instead. Sirene died just a few steps from her. The emotions came in waves until she finally lay down, broken hearted. Hours later she drifted into sleep. Paladins do cry.
They had been successful in taking out the Cult of the Eyeless & Dispenser had helped her defeat a Conjuror, Gelion, who had been tormenting her sister’s family, the Jysstev’s. Investigating & destroying the Cult had involved a trek deep into the ground where Dispenser secured one half of a mighty Rod of Amaunator in exchange for seeking out the other half in the bowels of the Cult’s complex, and using the completed rod to destroy the Unseeing Eye, a massive, powerful Beholder. Without the rod, he likely would have been nearly invincible to them but the power of that artifact was enormous.
The biggest challenges to their success were Five Blind Priests in the Beholder’s lair & an adventuring party of six, encountered in the sewers beneath the Temple District. But before either skirmish, they were diverted to save Saerileth from the clutches of a devil, Glourkist, whom she had crossed by saving another of his victims. With the aid of a fellow Paladin of Tyr, Lord Edorem, they were able to travel to his plane in the Nine Hells & defeat him (as well as a Cornugon). Without Lord Edorem, however, that battle would likely have gone otherwise. Having defeated Glourkist, Dispenser received the Hammer of Tyr for his aid & the party, with Saerileth restored, was returned to the Unseeing Eye’s lair. It was after a short rest, that the Blind Priest’s were identified by Yoshimo scouting ahead of the main body, Hidden in Shadow. Dispenser’s strategy worked masterfully. The Priests were located in such a way that Dispenser was able to cast Animate Dead, & send four Skeleton Warrior’s down one ‘intestine’ to attack them & get them engaged. Once the battle began, Dispenser sent the main body down another & attacked the already battling Priests in the flank. Even so, the battle was very difficult – Dispenser himself becoming incapacitated by an unknown spell.
Their battle w/ the adventuring party that began in the sewers beneath the district, was entirely by chance. Dispenser, has Yoshimo (as he did w/ Imoen, Khalid, & later Indira), always map their progress for later reference. When they entered the sewers, heading for the lair of the Unseeing Eye, the map revealed an obvious shortcut through previously unexplored areas, which brought Dispenser into contact w/ the apparently evil adventurers, who were unavoidably hostile. Dispenser’s strategy of dividing & conquering was ineffective as the foes would not be separated. Instead, Dispenser withdrew to the streets above but the enemy kept coming & moved into the Temple District. Several Prophets of Talos joined the battle siding against Dispenser. For fear of causing collateral damage and hurting or killing commoners, Dispenser pulled out of the district & circled around, returning near the Temple of Helm where there were not as many people.
Dispenser cast Prayer & Strength of One on his allies, while Isra, Saerileth & Sirene each cast Protection from Evil on themselves. Each quaffed a potion: Dispenser, Agility; Yasraena, Isra & Sirene, Speed; Yoshimo, Master Thievery. Dispenser then cast, Animate Dead, & they carefully started moving south toward the Temple of Lathander. The battle was joined immediately as a Fighter w/ a Longbow moved toward them, followed by two spellcasters & a dwarf. Soon a mage & another warrior moved in also. The fight was on & Dispenser used back to back to back Hold Person spells to try & incapacitate the enemy. By the time he had cast the third, his Paladins, Yasraena & Yoshimo were in the thick of melee. He tried & succeeded w/ a Command as well, dropping the dwarf momentarily. The enemies were falling quickly & before long, fairly unscathed, the final enemy from the adventuring party was dead – but not an Aerial Servant that had somehow been overlooked & was invisible. As the party exhaled & let down their guard – Sirene who was unconscious, suddenly suffered a serious blow as the creature revealed himself to make the attack. Desperately, all of them tried to destroy it before it returned to an invisible state – no one had Detect Invisibility – but it barely escaped & suddenly, lurking unseen, was a creature w/ a lethal attack biding its time to pray on the defenseless Sirene, already seriously injured from the first attack. There was nothing anyone could do. Sirene was torn asunder & it was obvious to everyone’s horror that she was gone forever, just feet from the Temple’s of Lathander & Helm. The Aerial Servant was destroyed within seconds, but the damage was done.
The somber trip back to the Crooked Crane included a stop at the Temple of Ilmater, where they tithed half of what they received as their reward - 4000 gp for Sirene. The Priestess gave Isra Sirene's Painbearer's Amulet to remember her friend & the deeds they shared in service to the less-fortunate.
After time to heal, Dispenser went looking for a mage to add arcane support he had been without since Valerie departed. During their discussion, Gaelen mentioned the Copper Coronet as a place where adventure could be found. Dispenser hoped that there might be adventurers also. He found Nalia, a Mage w/ limited thieving skill who joined on condition that Dispenser first help her w/ an invasion of her families’ keep. He would go there next.
ORDER OF MARCH: Yasraena Isra, & Saerileth (shock), Dispenser (leader), Yoshimo & Nalia (traps, arcane support & rear guard)
MONSTERS DEFEATED: Unseeing Eye, Gelion, Mage (Conjuror)/12, Aerial Servant, Beholders (2)2180, Gauths (6), Draug Fea (Dwarf Fighter/12), Tarnor the Hatchetman (Fighter/13), Gallchobhair (Fighter/11), Blind Priests (5), Rengaard (Fighter/Cleric//12/12), Otyughs (2), Zorl (Cleric/12), Ghoul Lords (2), Mummies (19), Hell Hounds (4), Sea Troll, Wraiths (4), Theshold (Ghast/Ghoul), Vampire Mists (2), Carrion Crawler, Prophets (2), Ghasts (10), Ooze Mephit, Shadows (16), Grey Ooze, Huge Spiders (3), Green Slimes (3), Kobold Captain, Kobold Shaman, Zombies (2), Gibberlings (3), Kobold Commando, Mutated Gibbelings (8), Goblins (6), Kobolds (2)
CASUALTIES: Sirene (chunked – Aerial Spirit), Yoshimo (Gaius)
NOTEWORTHY TREASURE: (Gold = ~ 1526 gp [13197])
Armor & weapons: Full Plate +1, Darkmail +3, Full Plate (3), Splint Mail +1, Gauntlets of Dexterity, Bastard Sword +1
Gems/jewelry: Star Sapphire
Potions: Extra Healing (2)
Scrolls: Breach, Animate Dead, Stoneskin, Fireshield (Red – 2), Minor Sequencer, Spell Thrust,
Wands: None
Misc & Artifacts: Ring of Djinni Summoning, Ring of Lock Picks
1) Yasraena, Glourkist (Devil – 12500 exp)
2) Isra, Gauth & Yoshimo, Beholder (9000 exp ea)
3) Saerileth, Mummy (3000 exp)
CURRENT DISPOSITION: Resting & recovering spells in the Crooked Crane
NEXT STEPS: Accompany Nalia to her family keep
PARTY MAKEUP: (Reputation: 13 – Popular)
Dispenser: Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/9 (HP 62) Chain Mail +2 (Mail of the Dead) & Medium w/Long Sword +1 (Burning Earth),* & Warammer +1 (Hammer of Tyr)*, (SWS*, SSS*) w/Gauntlets of Dexterity; Spells: Raise Dead, Holy Power, CSW, Poison, Animate Dead (4), Draw/Holy Might, Hold Person (3), Silence 15’, Sanctuary, Slow Poison, Command (3), Slow Poison, Bless; Abilities: Cure Affliction (2), Healing Touch (2), Hold person, Strength of One; Divine Might (2); (None) (1)
Yasarena: Fighter//9 (HP 90), Dark Mail +3, Short Sword +2***** (Ironkiss), Short Sword +1***** (Fireflower) w/ Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise (2WS**), (Adv AI) (4)
Isra: Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/9 (HP 69), Full Plate , Ghadir Family Ring, Cloak of the Stars w/ Gauntlets of Weapons Skill, Two-Handed Sword +2 (Spider’s Bane)**, Wyvern’s Tale +2* (THWS**), & Ring of Energy; (Adv AI) (2)
Saerileth: Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/10 (HP 93), Full Plate & Ring of Protection +1 w/ Medium Shield & Bastard Sword +1**, (Warhammer **, (Long Sword*, SSS**); (Adv AI) (5)
Yoshimo: Thief/Bounty Hunter//11 (HP 78), Leather & Buckler w/Katana +1* & Shortbow* (Dagger*, SWS*); Skills: OL 75, PP 50, FT 100, MS 60, HS 60, DI 10, ST 35; (Adv AI) (nil)
Nalia: Mage/Thief//4/10 (HP 62), Short Bow* & Short Sword*; Spells: Breach, Animate Dead, Minor Sequencer, Stoneskin, Haste, Hold Person, Spell Thrust, Melf’s Acid Arrow (2), Mirror Image, Web, Chromatic Orb (4); Abilities: Set Snare, Scribe Scrolls; (Adv AI) (nil)
MOD USED: Amber v5, Tyris Flare v8, Foundling v4.2, Pesty v3.1, Asher v1.12, Gavin v23, Sirene for BG2, Isra v3, Paina, Tashia v1.2, Vampire Tales, Ninde, Saerileth, Arath v4, Dace v5, Tsujatha, Kelsey v5, Keto v5, Sarah v5, Nathaniel v4.4, Iylos v2.6, Adrian v4.3, Naphele v2.5, Fade v5.5, Saradas Magiv v1.6, de’Arnice Romance v6, Unfinished Business v26, Plane Touched Races, Wheels of Prophecy v8.3, NPC Flirt v1.06, Romantic Encounters v14, Tweaks Anthology, Deities of Faerun, Song & Silence v9, Rogue Rebalancing v4.92, Wizard Slayer Rebalancing v1.14, SCS v32.7, Atweaks v4.53, Item Randomizer
(Current AI) (Chain of Command rank)