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Imoen Romance V3.0 Release



  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 348
    You should update the links on mod-page, too? Please add a link to the Imoen Friendship mod (

    And, probably, it is worth replacing the coder’s name and indicate not Kat Bella, but Vanatos, since he actually did the coding, and T.C.Dale told me that Kat Bella disappeared back in 2010 and did not participate in the work on the mod.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    Austin87 wrote: »
    You should update the links on mod-page, too? Please add a link to the Imoen Friendship mod (

    And, probably, it is worth replacing the coder’s name and indicate not Kat Bella, but Vanatos, since he actually did the coding, and T.C.Dale told me that Kat Bella disappeared back in 2010 and did not participate in the work on the mod.

    the two mod are not compatible they are just to different in terms of characterization of imoen. you use one or the other not both.

  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 348
    edited November 2019
    What do you mean by terms of characterization? I installed both. They are technically compatible. They were incompatible only at an early stage (due to the coincidence of the name of the tp2-files), Imoen Friendship mod v.3.3 worked for me with Imoen Romance. True, I did not check the compatibility with the latest versions of Imoen Romance, I played both mods a few years ago.
    And in any case, it makes sense to add a link, because this page of the site includes mods that are not directly related to the Imoen romance, but contain dialogs with Imoen.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    i mean the way imoen is written is different between the two mods. also in tob they both use a timer for the same talk and that would cause an issue if you had both. acenstion and ir already has an issue due to timers.
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 348
    edited November 2019
    I understood you, thank you! Some difference in the styles of the authors of these two mods for me personally was not a big problem, in principle, both authors in their own way tried to match the character of Imoen. But this is just my opinion.
    And about the technical moment with a timer - I hope this problem will be solved now with the mod’s improvements. I just played a version of the mod where ToB I had not yet, and therefore did not know about this conflict.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    yeah you can say they are still in the style of imoen but the two mods are very different to me. imoen in the friendship is not as moody as she is in the romance talks. i feel her romance mod characterization fits better with the overall tone of soa then her friendship one but thats a personal thing.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    Is the campfire scene supposed to happen only in elhan area after you left under underdark or can it happen anywhere?
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    only at the elven camp area.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    Basically you are forced to do almost whole romance in underdark. Thanks megamike
  • elyonelyon Member Posts: 37
    edited November 2019
    No, you must eventually rest at Elhans camp but theres no requirement to finish the romance it prior to getting there the first time.

    You'll be prompted again if your out adventuring outside.
  • JarveyJarvey Member Posts: 31
    Arthas wrote: »
    Basically you are forced to do almost whole romance in underdark.

    You know, I've been thinking about how... weird the pacing in SoA is, and how that affects the mod's content as a result.

    The whole structure of SoA's main plot runs against the open design of the Amn region, and the sheer amount of content it has versus the rest of the game. If you want to experience most of what SoA has to offer, you're going to spend those hours in Chapter 2 or Chapter 6, which is awkward. If you decide to complete as much as you can early on, you leave the main plot on hold for dozens of hours and have a massively underleveled Imoen as a result. But by the time most players hit Chapter 6, they are probably tooled up and have enough experience to head on into the endgame, which makes farting around in Athkatla seem like a waste outside of tackling high-level enemies or wrapping up half-finished quests. The majority of RPGs don't lock you out of the open world for extended periods of time like BG2 does, and for good reason. If there's one thing BG1 might have over BG2, it's that it was paced better and didn't lock you out of its open world for long.

    Since the mod wasn't interested in shifting the overall plot of SoA, it didn't have much choice but to play into this awkward structuring. I actually like how much the mod adds to the Underdark. All of the character moments it adds to Imoen makes Chapter 5 feel like a character study chapter, whereas in the base game it felt like an overly long interlude where the main quest spins its wheels. But on the other hand, the mod encourages you to speed through Chapter 2 and 3, and if you're using this mod you're probably not going to Spellhold just to send Imoen off to the Copper Coronet... which plays into the pacing issues mentioned above. Without fundamentally altering the structure of the plot there's no good answer to this, so I don't hold it against the mod for packing so much into the Underdark.

    I've wondered if the game's pacing could have been fixed if Saemon actually took you back to Athkatla from Brynnlaw, rather than a detour into the Sahuagin city. Being able to wrap up Athkatla quests in Chapter 4 with Imoen in the party seems like it would fix most of the pacing issues, and players would still have the option of using the Spellhold portal if they wanted to speed through the main quest.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    being able to go back to the city during chapter 5 does not really fix the issue of the urgency of getting your soul back.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    Question: has anyone played The longer road with Imoen Romance? Was wondering if the end result is still consistent with everything. I mean, after the dark banter in SoA, I'm starting to doubt Imoen would accept Irenicus in the party.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    How will this work with Jastey's Imoen4Ever mod, that allows you to keep her until arriving on Brynnlaw? It seems like it is setup for the regularly scheduled Imoen abduction, but it would be awesome if you could romance her in chapters 2 and 3 as well.
  • wukewuke Member Posts: 113
    You can't romance her in chapter 2, 3. I'd say content-wise they are totally incompatible.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    wuke wrote: »
    You can't romance her in chapter 2, 3. I'd say content-wise they are totally incompatible.

    Sadly, yes. The romance would have to be rewritten in parts.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Well poo! I'd rather have her in the party, though, so I think I'm going to hold out for the latter. I have ALWAYS hated that aspect of the pacing in BG2.
  • wukewuke Member Posts: 113
    I've been thinking, one possible way to make it more justifiable to do that many quests in chapter 2, 3 is to increase the amount of money shadow thieves demand to help charname, or reduce the price of loot. I mean, charname can easily get that 20000gp after one or two major side quests, or simply by killing well-equiped parties. If they have to do most of the side quests to raise that money, it would feel more like a struggle for charname. Gameplay-wise it will still feel a bit forced, just blame bioware :p

    I think I prefer the implementation of money in DAO: without exploits player can only afford maybe one or two top-tier equipments.
  • JarveyJarvey Member Posts: 31
    megamike15 wrote: »
    being able to go back to the city during chapter 5 does not really fix the issue of the urgency of getting your soul back.

    True. The only way I can think of fixing the faux sense of urgency is to add timers that punish the player for taking too long between plot events, but how do you go about that? Ending the game for taking too long at is rather cheap and unsatisfying, so do you account for possible differences in the story? That's ambitious, but puts a lot of pressure on designers and writers to account for all the possible variables, and of course some players really hate being put under a constant time limit.
    wuke wrote: »
    I've been thinking, one possible way to make it more justifiable to do that many quests in chapter 2, 3 is to increase the amount of money shadow thieves demand to help charname, or reduce the price of loot. I mean, charname can easily get that 20000gp after one or two major side quests, or simply by killing well-equiped parties. If they have to do most of the side quests to raise that money, it would feel more like a struggle for charname. Gameplay-wise it will still feel a bit forced, just blame bioware :p

    If I had the skill, I'd totally make a mod that raises the gold # needed to 60000 GP or so. 20000 is a number that's intimidating when its your first time playing SoA, until you realize just how easy it is to get money. In my last playthrough, I ended SoA with around 250,000 GP in hand and I wasn't going out of my way to hold onto money.

    Sadly, my Infinity Engine modding knowledge isn't up to the task, but it doesn't sound like a particularly hard job - at least in theory.
  • NeverusedNeverused Member Posts: 803
    Sword Coast Stratagems has a component making both the cost of a license and the payment for Spellhold significantly more, if you still want that mod...
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 348
    elyon, there is no news about the new version yet? Will it be possible to add cross-language .tra?
    And again thank you for the work to fix the mod from thousands of fans of this mod!
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    I get that you can romance imoen even as an evil charname, but what I wonder is if you can discuss your evilness with imoen (I mean if the romance is actually impacted by such evillness).

  • wukewuke Member Posts: 113
    the alignment banter has an evil version, and there're cases when you act/talk evil she gets frustrated.
    Also her (romanced) epilogues with evil charname are quite different compared to good/neutral ones
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    wuke wrote: »
    the alignment banter has an evil version, and there're cases when you act/talk evil she gets frustrated.
    Also her (romanced) epilogues with evil charname are quite different compared to good/neutral ones
    Based on what I remember reading in the dialog files, you can definitely try and "corrupt" Imoen to the dark side as part of her romance. IIRC, you need to do it as part of how Imoen deals with her taint. By encouraging her to embrace her Bhaalspawn heritage (usually by claiming that embracing Bhaal's power is the only way they'll survive the battles to come), you can make her harder and more indifferent. However, you can't suppress her true nature completely, and I believe in her epilogues she will still ultimately renounce an Evil Charname, though with great sadness and regret if you successfully romanced her.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    Thank you to both.
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 348
    Will there be a next version? :) Thank you, elyon!
  • KaiketsuKaiketsu Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2019

    Thank you for the support for the mod in 2019. I finished ToB playthrough today and unfortunately I think there are some serious conflicts with some of the mods.

    First thing, EE-installer points out Imoen Romance as a whole is BUGGED in EET. I did not find any gamebreaking bugs, but I didn't use any of the new NPCs, there is a hint that some NPC combinations may cause gamebreaking bugs. You may want to look at that.

    Second, there is an obvious conflict with Ascension. I like SCS and Ascension, but I prefer Imoen Romance. so I tried to install only those modules that were flagged as NON conflicting.

    And guess what, I think there's still conflict. Because I got a generic ending and pretty much no dialogue after you defeat the final boss. If anything, I expected an extended dialogue there and of course a proper ending! Could it be that even the components not flagged as bugged will screw this over? unless there's just no ending for the mod, just the regular stuff, which I find hard to believe...

    Right now I'm uninstalling the Ascension component and reinstalling Imoen Romance, though I don't know if this will work on saves that were made right before the final fight. We shall see.

    If you could respond on this, I'd be grateful.

    IR forever. <3

    edit: yep, it's Ascension. it overrides IR, so you can't play those together, despite EET installer hinting that only some modules are not compatible. Proper ending reached! closure to a fantastic mod and a great, heartwarming story. <3
    Post edited by Kaiketsu on
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 348
    edited December 2019
    elyon, Sarevok08, no news? Will there be a new multi-language version?
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  • AngelayAngelay Member Posts: 1
    The romance only begin in chapter 6? I have Imoen 4 Ever installed and the romance didn't triggered in chapter 2 and 3, only the dreams sequences.
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