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  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    This video has some pretty good info.

    In Italy 99% of people that have passed from COVID did have a health problem.
    Group most vulnerable are those with hypertension.
    Promising antivirals in trial now, 2 to 6 month wait on data.
    Info starts at 7:00 min, before that is introductions.
    The dangers of China running the pharmaceutical world from 47 min/ish

    Most people have what can be called 'health problems'. Don't know about you but most everyone in my family has something that could be pointed to after the fact as a 'health problem'. Even if you personally don't die, you get sick you can infect anyone including people with health problems in your family even. Very dangerous times for a lot of folks.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    @smeagolheart I doubt very much that my outbreak of athlete's foot will have any bearing on the matter when/if I catch this. One other thing to consider is how many people that die are not doing so as a direct result of coronavirus but due to other pathogens taking advantage of the opportunity that covid provides them with.

  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    My assumption is that suffering from health problems is an indicator that these unfortunate people were already on regular medication to reduce the impact of their afflictions.
    One improvement could be to investigate the crosstalk between medications and covid and then adjust medication to take into account the covid effects. But health care is now busy treating so many people that there is likely little time for personalised medicine.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,463
    @smeagolheart I doubt very much that my outbreak of athlete's foot will have any bearing on the matter when/if I catch this.

    I think that's the point though. The statistic that 99% of deaths in Italy are of people with underlying health conditions makes it sound as though the virus on its own is almost never deadly. However, I suspect an awful lot of those health conditions will have had zero or negligible effect on the virus. If I think of my own immediate family:
    - my son has cerebral palsy. That's a neurological condition and puts him in the priority group for getting flu vaccines - and that same group has been used for at least some of the classifications on Covid-19 advice. Thus I'm quite sure he would be reported as having an underlying health condition, though I don't think it would actually have any impact on his prospects for surviving this disease.
    - my wife has had two different types of cancer. Again, I don't think in her case that would have any impact, but for some types of cancer and treatments it would - so she would also almost certainly be reported as having an underlying health condition.
    - I had a major back operation 40 years ago and have suffered ongoing problems since. In my case I'm less sure that would be reported as an underlying condition, but I'm by no means certain. If the pressure comes on to try and explain a high death rate, anything goes ...
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    @smeagolheart I doubt very much that my outbreak of athlete's foot will have any bearing on the matter when/if I catch this. One other thing to consider is how many people that die are not doing so as a direct result of coronavirus but due to other pathogens taking advantage of the opportunity that covid provides them with.


    Surely you have more conditions. Perhaps you are overweight, have blood type A, have hypertension, a family history of some disease or other.

    There are more than a few young people who get seriously ill with this disease like even a 12 year old girl in intensive care on a ventilator and marathon runners.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    edited March 2020
    Ok so I saw the original posted on Facebook, it was obviously for political reason, buy I decided to copy it and add more to it. Not for political means, but because I do believe it gives respect to those workers and jobs who are actually the back bone of a country

    They don't always get the recognition they deserve and unfortunately it takes the Coronavirus to make this obvious to people.

    Non-essentials: athletes, actors, artist, musicians, Wall Street bankers, oil executives, hedge fund managers, fitness instructors, Designers,

    Essentials: grocery workers, truck drivers, warehouse workers, medical professionals, Public transit workers, farmer's, butchers, bakers, police force, fire department, construction workers, IT specialist, waste collectors

    Let's keep updating this list!
    Post edited by DragonKing on
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    DragonKing wrote: »
    They don't always get the recognition they deserve and unfortunately it takes the Coronavirus to make this obvious to people.

    Non-essentials: athletes, actors, artist, musicians, Wall Street bankers, oil executives, hedge fund managers, fitness instructors,

    Essentials: grocery workers, truck drivers, warehouse workers, medical professionals, Public transit workers, farmer's, butchers, bakers, police force, fire department, construction workers.

    Technically, this is true all the time.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Balrog99 wrote: »
    Balrog99 wrote: »
    Jair Bolsanaro's response to the coronavirus crisis in Brazil was to propose a measure where companies could suspend their workers, without pay, for four months.

    After massive public outcry, he changed his mind.

    No idea about website's quality but here's a place it's reported in english...

    Bolsonaro. Man of the people! o:)

    Hospital that tested Bolsonaro hides the name of two infected with coronavirus

    Armed Forces Unit reported that 17 tests were positive at the site, but only reported the names of 15 people; president Bolsanaro refuses to show exam. Coincidence?

    Where's that shirtless guy with the conspiracies on this one lol.

    23 people who were with him in the US tested positive. Only him, the one above all, didn't.


    I knew it! Twas Cesare Borgia the whole time!
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    and marathon runners.
    hate to say it but marathon running is a sport very detrimental to cardiac health. All endurance sports are in fact. And since corona affect respiratory and thereby cardiac responses...

    Good for him he got better.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    Saw this elsewhere seems fairly accurate:

    This virus reflects the political system and the fundamental values of each nation

    **China : ** They allow illegal wet markets, censor doctors, they let this shit spread, but then the Communist Party hits the brakes and they go full extreme

    **Iran : ** They encourage Religious bullshit and then everyone is contaminated. They deny it, spread it in the region, and then blame it on America.

    **Singapore : ** Highly Competent Government. Transparent. Very disciplined population.

    **Israel : ** Government goes full extreme and is incredibly paranoid from the very beginning. The answer is chaotic with intense political infighting but somehow efficient. Army, Intelligence and Security Services are mobilized. Shut. Down. Everything.

    **Cuba : ** They announce they will send medical help all around the world

    **France, Spain, Italy : ** They see the wave coming, they study it, but they take only some small measures that don't do enough. Then, crisis hits hard and Europeans do whatever it takes to save human lives. Nobody cares about the Stock Market. Ensuring every family is healthy is more important than money. The State promises massive social and health spending to ensure no one will be left behind

    **America : ** Everyone cares only about GDP and the Stock Market. If people don't work, how is the Stock Market and GDP going to perform ?!! As the Crisis spreads, the reaction becomes chaotic, States are told to fix the problem themselves and fight for equipment. The President initially denied the crisis just to reassure the Stock Market, he truly panics when he sees Corporations on the Stock Market suffer. When the WHO declares a Global Health Emergency, the New York Times puts *"Stockmarket down : LIVE"* in big bold Headlines followed by *"International Health Crisis: LIVE"* in very small.

    **UK : ** Like Europeans with an American Flavor. The UK Government sees the wave coming, they study it, and then they decide to do nothing. They warn the UK public that many of their family members will die but at least it won't hurt the Stock Market and GDP. Then, Government suddenly panics when they realize too many British people will die including some wealthy. They hit the brakes at the last moment and announce measures while loudly complaining it could hurt corporations and the economy. The Government promises no one will be left behind but considers plans to socially isolate the sick and the old alone for months just to boost GDP and The Stock Market.
    **Russia : ** Sends NBC protection troops and equipment to Italy o:)
  • MaleficentOneMaleficentOne Member Posts: 211
    Some more info.

    Also circulating is that COVID lies dormant in the nervous system (post mortem testing) and can be reactivated when the body is at its weakest (poor diet, stress or other diseases).
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    edited March 2020
    Fun little fact - the virus can remain active on plastic for up to 3 days. On paper that figure is reduced to 1. Thanks a bunch Mark Carney. For those outside the UK and Canada - Mark Carney is the Banker who has introduced PLASTIC MONEY to both countries. So instead of real money we have to put up with this toytown rubbish that can spread covid-19 for three times as long.

    Before anyone says use your debit/credit card I would remind them such cards are made of plastic...

  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    edited March 2020
    But you don't give your card to other people, right? At least hereabouts you never hand it over to anyone.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    No you put it into the machine where some viruses get shed. Potentially any other cards placed into the machine then pick up these same viruses. You then type in your pin number on the same keypad that everyone else uses. Yes there are these fancy cards that have near field technology that you place on or near the machine but not everyone has got one and due to security fears they have a much lower max spend on them.

  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    edited March 2020
    Ah, here we can set the max and set whether it needs a code or not. Many people use nfc passes now. Some stores even go towards this QR code to transfer money (like in China). Less and less contact issues
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Cash will inevitably be phased out as a medium of currency, yes. Not only are digital payments a lot quicker and more convenient, but there's also less risk of contact transmission of all kinds of pathogens by not directly handling physical objects that can pick up microbes.

    That said, I will be rather sad the day I can't have a small hoard of coins I can put into a jar or chest and run my fingers through it like a dragon. XD
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    ESA continues to reduce mission control personnel for satellites
    The European Space Agency ESA further reduced mission control personnel in Darmstadt. The reason is an employee's infection with the corona virus. An average of 30 of the 900 employees would currently still work in the control center (ESOC), said the deputy ESOC director Paolo Ferri. Instruments had been switched off on four satellites. Tests on the recently launched Solar Orbiter mission have also been discontinued.

    The caution is also due to the approaching earth fly-by of the BepiColombo mercury probe, for which experts at the center would be needed. "The health of our colleagues is our top priority," said ESA director of mission operations, Rolf Densing. For this reason, the activities for some scientific missions would be reduced. ESA controls 21 spacecraft from Darmstadt.
    Interesting titbit indeed. Wonder how things will pan out for folks with satellite television in the coming days.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Some more info.

    Also circulating is that COVID lies dormant in the nervous system (post mortem testing) and can be reactivated when the body is at its weakest (poor diet, stress or other diseases).

    So we have to have a good diet and not get any diseases or stress the rest of our lives? That will be challenging! Man this has been crazy how in three months the world turned upside down.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    Some more info.

    Also circulating is that COVID lies dormant in the nervous system (post mortem testing) and can be reactivated when the body is at its weakest (poor diet, stress or other diseases).

    So we have to have a good diet and not get any diseases or stress the rest of our lives? That will be challenging! Man this has been crazy how in three months the world turned upside down.

    Everyone needs to stay inside as much as humanly possible for the next 2 or 3 months. End of story. We'll still likely see one or two more outbreaks over the next year. But right now, everyone needs to be away from each other to every extent possible. Every single interaction avoided is a blow against the spread.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    edited March 2020
    Well the Coronavirus just rose on my, OH EF NO list!

    So it can attack the lungs so rapidly that it literally drowns you... Very fast and without warning.

    oh as far as the economy goes, people don't realize March is just the entry door, it's April where we really start seeing ish hit the fans

    This is a current unemployment chart.... That spike looks like it shouldn't even be there.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    We are now at ground 0 people! Part of the reason the mortality rate is down for the Coronavirus is because doctors and nurses are working overtime at hospitals.

    Spain and Italy are also talk about it, letting the old die and prioritize the young... But ours is talking just let everyone young and old die.


  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Fun little fact - the virus can remain active on plastic for up to 3 days. On paper that figure is reduced to 1. Thanks a bunch Mark Carney. For those outside the UK and Canada - Mark Carney is the Banker who has introduced PLASTIC MONEY to both countries. So instead of real money we have to put up with this toytown rubbish that can spread covid-19 for three times as long.

    Before anyone says use your debit/credit card I would remind them such cards are made of plastic...


    Plastic money lasts longer and extremely harder to counterfeit. And get this... can be washed with soap and water if you are paranoid about germs.

    Like eliminating the penny, plastic bills have been a proper investment for the Canadian economy.

    Oh, and I just tend to tap with my phone whenever I can. Zero contact doing so.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    edited March 2020
    Paper money you can iron thus both smoothing it out and killing all known organisms (except maybe some really extreme extremophiles). Plastic money retains all creases forever. Within weeks of their introduction, I came across torn plastic notes.

  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Paper money you can iron thus both smoothing it out and killing all known organisms (except maybe some really extreme extremophiles). Plastic money retains all creases forever. Within weeks of their introduction, I came across torn plastic notes.


    Who owns an iron any more and would use it on money? Soap and water is available pretty much everywhere in the developed world. And yes, right after the bills were released people attempted to rip and destroy them to test their limits (he’ll people were freezing twoonies to see if they could pop out the middle when they were first introduced) that doesn’t mean they are not more durable than paper money.

    Also, I went to a pharmacy last night and they weren’t even accepting money. It had to be plastic to limit the spread of germs. No granted, if some idiot wanted to fight that, they probably would have accepted cash but it was strongly discouraged.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    One could always try toilet paper as a subsitute currency.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    DragonKing wrote: »
    This is a current unemployment chart.... That spike looks like it shouldn't even be there.

    It shouldn't be, but everyone freaked out and wildly overreacted--zomg let's close as many businesses as possible, regardless of the consequences, putting all those people out of work, then tell everyone to stay at home, cowering in fear over the impending meteor strike...I mean zombie apocalypse...I mean corona.

    Worried about money? Worried about your cards? Do what I do--wear gloves to touch that stuff. I haven't touched a keypad with my actual finger, except for at home, in over a month. I haven't touched an actual doorknob or handle out in public in that time, either. As I have said before, I may be a jackass from time to time but I am not a stupid jackass.

    As far as staying at, I don't think I will. I have 1.5 jobs, both of which are considered "essential" and I have a "get out of jail free" card in my glove box (why do we still call it that? that term is a century old at this point). I can drive around freely all I want to--since I work in IT I can always claim that I am on my way to my employer to get into the server closet to restart a device, even if I get pulled over in the middle of the night, or that I am going in to help put a truckload of groceries onto the shelves for extra overtime pay. There is one problem with that, of course--there isn't anything for me to go do because even the casinos are closed these days. Rather than waste gas if I want to "road trip" I will just access Google Maps and switch to street view.

    Incidentally, plastic *could* be made completely sterile--I forget the name of it right now but there is a process by which the surface of the plastic is actually completely covered in small bumps as opposed to being relatively flat; this creates an electrostatic layer that prevents bacteria--possibly even viruses--from being able to adhere to, or live on, the surface. This also has the side effect of making the plastic completely waterproof--liquid will bead up and fall off the surface, even liquids with a high viscosity like melted wax, syrup, or tree resin. Fascinating stuff. This might be the same sort of plastic they use for 3D-printing bones or joints.
  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    edited March 2020
    It shouldn't be, but everyone freaked out and wildly overreacted--zomg let's close as many businesses as possible, regardless of the consequences, putting all those people out of work, then tell everyone to stay at home, cowering in fear over the impending meteor strike...I mean zombie apocalypse...I mean corona.
    Well, it's not like there's any need to worry about consequences - surely there're plenty of rich people with more money than they apparently deserve, who should pay for every snowflake locked up in their safe space because of some flu...
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    Ardanis wrote: »
    It shouldn't be, but everyone freaked out and wildly overreacted--zomg let's close as many businesses as possible, regardless of the consequences, putting all those people out of work, then tell everyone to stay at home, cowering in fear over the impending meteor strike...I mean zombie apocalypse...I mean corona.
    Well, it's not like there's any need to worry about consequences - surely there're plenty of rich people with more money than they apparently deserve, who should pay for every snowflake locked up in their safe space because of some flu...

    Is this supposed to be sarcastic?? Have we really moved onto the "social distancing is the new SJW" phase of this shit?? Maybe all the epidemiologists in the world are all cultural marxists. Who knew??
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