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Mod impressions: BG2:EE Quest Mods



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  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    the minsc quest and the lamp quest are pretty good.

    the bodi cat and mouse thing is bugged so don't install that.
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  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    Minsc quest is great fun. Valygar/Suna Seni is conceptually incompatible with ... some other Valygar mod (Romance?) but nothing too far off the mark. I'd recommend all of them really, save for Bodhi in Spellhold maybe, although for me it has generlly worked fine.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    not really the romance mod has a thing where it detects it and changes a line to make them compatible.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Thank you very much for adding Sir Ajantis Mod and berelinde's Keldorn Romance!
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    I've added two more quest mods:
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited July 2020
    I realized after posting this that some of these quests are for BG1. I assumed you were interested in BG1EE and BG2EE quest mods.

    Greetings, ineth! Thankee for making this mod list!

    Which mods of these have versions that are EET compatible? I ask due to wanting to play EET using compatible mods.

    Also, what of Shadows over Soubar and The Stone of Askavar? (Askavar is EET compatible according to its author.)

    Weasel has quest mods here, including Tangled Oak Isle. Any mod with the EET tag (click the blue tags on the mid-right of the page) is EET compatible.

    Angel made Made in Heaven Encounters and Quests which is likely EET compatible.

    These mods may also count: The Cowled Menace (EET Required) & Twisting with the Rune (EET Compatible).
    Post edited by Endarire on
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 211
    What a great thread! Thank you for all your work @ineth I just spent a good hour of my work day procrastinating by reading these! :D
  • Mantis37Mantis37 Member Posts: 1,177
    I wonder if Spellhold Gauntlet works well with the enhanced editions? It would be lovely to be able to skip through that dungeon again.
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    Thanks for the suggestions. I'll put them on my TODO list.
    For EET compatibility, you need to check the Mod Compatibility List for EET which is being kept up-to-date by the makers of EET.

    All the mods on the list work with BG2:EE (provided that you follow the EE-specific installation instructions where specified).
    When I tested Spellhold Gauntlet on BG2:EE, I encountered two problems: (1) At the start, the Apparition disappeared to quickly to talk to him, and (2) at the end, leaving the maze through the appropriate dialog option didn't work.
    But I'm pretty sure that both problems were caused by a mod conflict with the "Bodhi hunts you in Spellhold" component of the Unfinished Business mod. That component makes no sense in combination with Spellhold Gauntlet anyway, so I shouldn't have installed them together.
    Also, for both problems the work-around was a simple console command.
  • Mantis37Mantis37 Member Posts: 1,177
    OK, thank you for the information :).
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Also add Hidden Adventures to your list.
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    edited February 2021
    Xan npc MOD added four quests and some encounters,I finished 3 quests, and I found them quite well written,, those quests also have interjections from vanilla npc, very fun and worth including in this thread I think:)
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Greetings, ineth! How fares your reviewing?
  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    Tangled oak was very good, and I recommend it highly. Has a whole questline, a few side quests. I think it was made from scratch, or is reused areas cleverly disguised as new.
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited October 2021
    I've added one more mega-mod:

    According to it's readme, TTD was the first mod ever released for BG2 (stable version 1.0.0 on October 17, 2001).

    Still on my TODO list:
    • Tangled Oak Isle
    • Heroes, Thieves and Moneylenders
    • Trials of the Luremaster for BG2:EE
    • Solaufein's Rescue
    • Hidden Adventures
    • Twisting With the Rune
    • Shadows Over Soubar

    I may have also stepped on a bit of a slippery slope by including NPC mods with quests, since there seem to be a bunch more of those. I'll probably exclude ones where the quest content is too trivial (e.g. mini-encounters that are basically just part of a friendship/love talk).
    For now, I'm planning to check out the following additional NPC mods to see whether their quest content is non-trivial:
    • de’Arnise Romance
    • Will of the Wisps
    • Amber
    • Sirene
    • Skitia's NPCs
    • Xan BG2 NPC

    Any more recommendations?
    Post edited by ineth on
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited October 2021
    This is for my own mod: Sir Ajantis for BGII has a quest before Ajantis can be taken into the group. It's a little bit similar like my Solaufein mod with regard to length (although the Ajantis' one can be a bit trickier). Thanks btw for having Solaufein's Rescue on the list!
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749

    Your Ajantis mod is already in the 2010 - 2014 section.


    Drizzt, EEEE, Shades, Askavar, and Grey Clan seem to be BG1 mods (based on skimming their READMEs).

    Made in Heaven also seems to have new quests for BG1 only, whereas in BG2 it only makes monster enhancements to existing battles.

    Ajoc's Minimod looks interesting though.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519

    I added a bunch of mods since I pinged you. Enjoy!
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    @Endarire: OK, I went over all the mods you mentioned that I haven't already included:

    1) The following seem to be BG1 quests (based on skimming their READMEs), and therefore not relevant to this thread:
    • Balduran's Seatower
    • Baldur's Gate Mini Quests & Encounters
    • Dark Side of the Sword Coast
    • Drizzt Saga AKA Drizz't Saga
    • Eve of War
    • Extra Expanded Enhanced Encounters
    • Hidden Adventures
    • Northern Tales of the Sword Coast
    • Out! Brief Candlekeep
    • Shades of the Sword Coast
    • Stone of Askavar
    • The Grey Clan Episode 1: In Candlelight
    • The Lure of Sirine's Call

    2) The following one looks like it's mostly for BG1, but also has one (small?) BG2 component. Is it worth it?
    • Ascalon's Quest Pack

    3) The following ones add content to the BG2 game portion, but are EET-only, so I'm skipping them for now:
    • Vampire World
    • The Cowled Menace

    4) The following one I'm kinda dreading, because if I'm not mistaken it blocks a party slot for much of the game with a completely undeveloped NPC (no friendship talks, no interjections, not even a good portrait):
    • Region of Terror

    5) The following one I vaguely remember as an NPC mod which had very overpowered stats and starting equipment, and was also buggy (is it fixed now?). Does it have significant quest content?
    • The Undying

    6) The following ones look relevant:
    • Ajoc's Minimod
    • Duality's Odd Quest Mod (Imnesvale)
    • The Slithering Menace

    7) The following ones, maybe:
    • Ascension (only beefs up existing battles)
    • Made in Heaven Quests & Encounters (only beefs up existing battles in BG2; new quests are for BG1)
    • Wheels of Prophecy (only tweaks existing plot dialogs)
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    @ineth I apologize for my bad memory, not sure why I didn't rememner that. :o
    Hidden Adventures is mainly BGII. The BGII quest of Ascalon's Questpack is one small quest for a missing person who can be found in the Eyless cult.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    edited October 2021
    You are correct about Region of Terror

    It adds a bunch of stuff, and the quest “eye of a god is quite hard”.

    But you are correct about the NPC
    ]Super uninteresting Drizzt have to be in your party all the time, and for a part Wulfgar as I remember. As a bonus you have to rescue Drizzts party members and kill his foes… seeing paint dry is another viable option if you have that much sparetime

    Love the thread by the way. Keep up the good stuff.

    Ps. Shadow over Soubar is one of my favourites - the voice acting is not the best though….
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    From what I recall, Wheels of Prophecy changed the flow of some of ToB content, allowing or requiring things to be done in a non-vanilla order.

    The Undying adds a lot of new quest content from what I've noticed. 2.x was released and 3.x has been in development with an unspecified release date. The mod hasn't been made formally EET compatible, which deterred me from trying it.
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited December 2021
    I added some more mods:

    Still on my TODO list (no promises):
    • Trials of the Luremaster for BG2:EE
    • Tangled Oak Isle
    • Twisting With the Rune
    • Heroes, Thieves and Moneylenders
    • Shadows Over Soubar
    • Sirene
    • Skitia's NPCs
    • Duality's Odd Quest Mod (Imnesvale)
    • The Slithering Menace
    • The Undying
    • Hidden Adventures
    • Vampire World [EET only]
    • The Cowled Menace [EET only]
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited January 2022
    I added another old mega-mod:

    Still missing:
    Most glaringly absent are all the fresh BG2:EE quest mods released in 2019, 2020, and 2021:

    I hope to get to some of those next.

    Also still missing are the EET-only mods that have quest content in the BG2 portion of EET (not sure yet whether they should really be in this thread):

    As well as various assorted older BG2 mods:

    [UPDATE Jan 6: Added a few more missing mods to these TODO lists; struck out reviewed ones]
    [UPDATE Jan 8: Added two more missing mods to these TODO lists]
    [UPDATE Jan 22: Added three more missing mods to these TODO lists]

    Speaking of which... can anyone give me an assessment of the amount of quest content included in the following mods?
    • Twisting With the Rune (BG2:EE portion)
      I had this one installed, but the only additions I came across were an ominous note, and some extra flavor dialog lines in the Twisted Rune encounter itself. Is the actual "meat" of this mod in its BG1 portion?
    • Encounters
      Are we just talking an extra monster here and there, or content that could be considered (mini-)quests?
    • Willie Bruce NPC
      The original announcement thread promised 1 or 2 quests. Did those materialize in the actually released mod?

    Also, everyone please keep pointing out mods I missed.
    (Only mods with actual quest content in SoA or ToB please - things like BG1 quests are outside the scope of this thread).
    Post edited by ineth on
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited January 2022
    I added four more mods:
    • To the 2015 - 2019 section:
      • Trials of the Luremaster for BG2:EE
    • To the new 2020 - 2024 section:
      • Tangled Oak Isle
      • Heroes, Thieves and Moneylenders
      • Skitia's NPCs For BG2:EE and EET

    I also added chapter markers to the text for every mod, so that you can e.g. CTRL+F ToB on the first page of this thread to find mods with ToB quest content.
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