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Icewind Dale 2: Enhanced Edition is almost here!



  • BarazBaraz Member Posts: 53
    edited August 2021
    This is a fan made mod, completely not-for-profit, people working in their own spare time whenever they can, but you still have cretins demanding it be released immediately.

    So for balance - take as much time as you need guys, keep the enhancements going, I don't mind if it's another year, I'm sure it will be great when it's ready.
    Generally agree, but I suggest the team may see this as a compliment, to be spoken to like how many consumers talk to gaming developers :wink:

    Not sure commenters should have bothered answering the person and adding an insult. Someone was too excited to read the introduction about this project or misread (I know, I know, but responding just adds what?). That consumer-player can now play the original IWD2 at worst or wait for the community Enhanced edition. All good.
  • Improved_AlacrityImproved_Alacrity Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2021
    This is a fan made mod, completely not-for-profit, people working in their own spare time whenever they can, but you still have cretins demanding it be released immediately.

    So for balance - take as much time as you need guys, keep the enhancements going, I don't mind if it's another year, I'm sure it will be great when it's ready.

    I'm beginning to question the validity of balance for this mod in the first place when they are adding a bunch of new spells, gear, feats, that seem completely over the top. Might as well make this a compilation mod of fan made content. Personally, I don't want a complete rework/redesign; a few new features/quality of life changes like quick loot, smoother controls (the rebindable camera control to WASD in beam dog's EE feels really nice compared to mouse screen scrolling), improved graphics (the new zoom looks great), smarter enemy AI (looking forward to the new encounter design), less grindy HoF (great change), and bug fixes can go a long way instead of inflating the game with more stuff. This reminds me of how many people felt when IWD EE added a bunch of new class kits compared to the original which was less about balancing the game than unintentional bloating:

    I guess people will be more positive about the updates if it were less about adding random content (I mean what's that magic missile staff... seriously why) and more about the actual progress of the development: how much is done, what to expect soon, when is the expected deadline, etc.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    This is a fan made mod, completely not-for-profit, people working in their own spare time whenever they can, but you still have cretins demanding it be released immediately.

    So for balance - take as much time as you need guys, keep the enhancements going, I don't mind if it's another year, I'm sure it will be great when it's ready.

    I'm beginning to question the validity of balance for this mod in the first place when they are adding a bunch of new spells, gear, feats, that seem completely over the top. Might as well make this a compilation mod of fan made content. Personally, I don't want a complete rework/redesign; a few new features/quality of life changes like quick loot, smoother controls (the rebindable camera control to WASD in beam dog's EE feels really nice compared to mouse screen scrolling), improved graphics (the new zoom looks great), smarter enemy AI (looking forward to the new encounter design), less grindy HoF (great change), and bug fixes can go a long way instead of inflating the game with more stuff. This reminds me of how many people felt when IWD EE added a bunch of new class kits compared to the original which was less about balancing the game than unintentional bloating:

    IWD2EE does strengthen the party, but it also strengthens the enemies to balance it out. Individual components may make the game easier or harder, but overall, when all components of IWD2EE are installed, it is about the same difficulty as the original IWD2.
  • BhaallBhaall Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2021
    Hi there,

    First of all, thank you for access to beta, love this mode!

    I run to some issues:

    1. Faster Targos: Shaford won't speak to party after goblin attack. Also any experience for "missed" errands? But that could be intentional.
    2. Recrutiable NPC: Sadly missing info. Not a bug, but it is very useful information.
    3. Faster horde fortress: Failed in any attempt to open front door.
    4. After finish Faster Targos, Cahl-Hyred just walk away from inn and never return.
    5. Serious incompatibility with One Pixel Production mod (1pp). Currently testing all components. My bad. it seems, that new game solved this issue

    Post edited by Bhaall on
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Bhaall Please don't report bugs here. Report them on the IWD2EE Discord.
  • KryoTVKryoTV Member Posts: 3
    I've been following this thread for quite a while now. This is very intriguing as IWD2 has been a big part of my childhood. I was about to message semiticgoddess, but there was a message saying he would be stepping back as moderator and I was not certain if that's meant for this forum or the project.

    I'd like to offer beta testing and translation help (German), if required. Who should I be contacting?

    Thank you very much in advance and thanks for creating this.
  • AkachiAkachi Member Posts: 38
    edited September 2021
    KryoTV wrote: »
    I've been following this thread for quite a while now. This is very intriguing as IWD2 has been a big part of my childhood. I was about to message semiticgoddess, but there was a message saying he would be stepping back as moderator and I was not certain if that's meant for this forum or the project.

    I'd like to offer beta testing and translation help (German), if required. Who should I be contacting?

    Thank you very much in advance and thanks for creating this.

    If it's still possible to get into the beta message @OlvynChuru . You'll probably need a Github account.
  • KryoTVKryoTV Member Posts: 3
    Akachi wrote: »
    KryoTV wrote: »
    I've been following this thread for quite a while now. This is very intriguing as IWD2 has been a big part of my childhood. I was about to message semiticgoddess, but there was a message saying he would be stepping back as moderator and I was not certain if that's meant for this forum or the project.

    I'd like to offer beta testing and translation help (German), if required. Who should I be contacting?

    Thank you very much in advance and thanks for creating this.

    If it's still possible to get into the beta message @OlvynChuru . You'll probably need a Github account.

    Thank you very much, I did as you proposed.

    Best regards,

  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @KryoTV *She

    Confusion understandable, older posts using different pronouns and all that.
  • KryoTVKryoTV Member Posts: 3
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    @KryoTV *She

    Confusion understandable, older posts using different pronouns and all that.

    I am sorry for the wrong pronoun. Please excuse my mistake.
  • ThanatosZeroThanatosZero Member Posts: 17
    Since the icewind dale is a arctic area, feats, items, foes and possible ACFs based on the material found in Frostburn, could further help to enhance the 3e experience.
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    Hope this gets done as big fan of IW2 and all the EE games, anxiosuly waiting :smiley:
  • ShankstaBytesShankstaBytes Member Posts: 19
    looks awesome
  • hinotoumeihinotoumei Member Posts: 2
    just installed the game. Anyway that a widescreen/borderless fullscreen/resolutoin mod can be incorporated?
  • SarvalSarval Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021
    I would like to participate in testing, send me the link please-)!
  • RiftweaverRiftweaver Member Posts: 1
    I would very much like to participate in the testing as well, this was one of my alltime favorite games and i'd love to help see it get to completion with the enhanced edition
  • EdgewalkerEdgewalker Member Posts: 7
    It's been a while since my last playthrough so I can't wait for IWD2:EE to be released out from the beta, checking on this thread weekly. I love the project!

    Since the forums will be unavailable for "a few weeks" starting November 8, any chance we could get a "development update" before that?
  • XeknosXeknos Member Posts: 11
    Added to favorites.

    I think the last time I played IWD 2 was back in 2016, between playthroughs of the EE versions of IWD and BG. I was really spoiled by the EE versions, so IWD 2 felt like more of a slog than it used to.

    I'm looking forward to seeing this hit release.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    I spent so much time away from here that I never saw this thread until today. I did not think that this sort of project was possible, given the underlying "code missing" difficulty. I actually played through IWD2 last year since I worked from the kitchen table for 95% of it.
  • BaptorBaptor Member Posts: 343
    I'd be happy to playtest this, if you are still accepting, please send me the link. :)
  • FrkunFrkun Member Posts: 52
    Wow. The only IE game I didn't play, and I don't do it because of how old it is. Count me in.

    Is it possible to have an estimated delivery date? Because the first post says it is pending a closed beta test, but as I see in this thread, there's new content being added continuously. Which is great, don't get me wrong, but it contradicts a little bit being in beta testing.
  • EdgewalkerEdgewalker Member Posts: 7
    I'm happy to see the forums back up! Let's hope for some 2021/2022 progress update from the team. :)
  • TonkoJavorTonkoJavor Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2021
    I made an account here on the forums after learning about IWD2EE and the Red Chimera Group. Out of all the EE games, IWD2 was always my favorite - there's just something magical and wonderful about that whole northern atmosphere and setting... I played the game to death during my high school years. Pretty sad we never got an IWD3, but this EE is definitely a step in the right direction!

    I just wanted to thank everyone working on the project, you fine people are amazing!

    Sent you a message about getting a beta copy so I can do some testing for you folks.
    ( my new githhub is: )
    Keep up the good work! ;)
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    IWD2EE revises a bunch of the thieving systems. In the vanilla game, there was very little incentive to invest in the Open Locks, Search, or Disable Device skills. Picking locks with the Open Locks skill was actually harder than forcing them open.

    The lockpicking system now works close to how it does in Baldur's Gate and the original Icewind Dale: picking locks with a thief is generally easier than forcing them open with strength, and there isn't much variance on the roll (if you fail to pick or force open the lock more than a couple of times, you probably won't be able to).

    Also, picking locks and disarming traps now give experience!


    Forcing open locks does not give experience.
  • KreatoRKreatoR Member Posts: 36
    Damn that is great!
  • KreatoRKreatoR Member Posts: 36
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    IWD2EE revises a bunch of the thieving systems. In the vanilla game, there was very little incentive to invest in the Open Locks, Search, or Disable Device skills. Picking locks with the Open Locks skill was actually harder than forcing them open.

    The lockpicking system now works close to how it does in Baldur's Gate and the original Icewind Dale: picking locks with a thief is generally easier than forcing them open with strength, and there isn't much variance on the roll (if you fail to pick or force open the lock more than a couple of times, you probably won't be able to).

    Also, picking locks and disarming traps now give experience!


    Forcing open locks does not give experience.

    Is this mechanic implemented or will it be in a future version? I just started a fresh run and dont get the exp from traps or locks.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    KreatoR wrote: »
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    IWD2EE revises a bunch of the thieving systems. In the vanilla game, there was very little incentive to invest in the Open Locks, Search, or Disable Device skills. Picking locks with the Open Locks skill was actually harder than forcing them open.

    The lockpicking system now works close to how it does in Baldur's Gate and the original Icewind Dale: picking locks with a thief is generally easier than forcing them open with strength, and there isn't much variance on the roll (if you fail to pick or force open the lock more than a couple of times, you probably won't be able to).

    Also, picking locks and disarming traps now give experience!


    Forcing open locks does not give experience.

    Is this mechanic implemented or will it be in a future version? I just started a fresh run and dont get the exp from traps or locks.

    It is implemented. Are you sure you're playing the latest version of IWD2EE?
  • KreatoRKreatoR Member Posts: 36
    2.11.5. version
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    KreatoR wrote: »
    2.11.5. version

    Huh. Well, it's working for me.
  • jafh123jafh123 Member Posts: 1
    Wow! How do I become a tester?? :o
This discussion has been closed.