Minsc. Gay/Not Gay? Discuss.

Is he full plate and packing steel?
- Minsc. Gay/Not Gay? Discuss.281 votes
- Yes, Minsc is very, very gay.  5.34%
- No, not so much.11.39%
- Minsc is just Minsc. And Boo. Why ask questions best left to sages?55.52%
- Minsc is asexual, a result of his head injury.14.95%
- Minsc is a pansexual lovin' machine.  9.61%
- Some other option (please elaborate)  3.20%
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Also one of the best overall fighters available.
Who doesn't take Minsc? I suppose Gauntlets make his natural strength a moot point.
With that said, if you're looking for a way to kill time, sir, I've got some piled up work here that I could outsource. Just saying.
Miniature giant space hamster sexual.
"Now that I'm in charge, sword-fighting for everyone!"
"You point, I ****!"
"When the going gets tough, someone hold my ****!"
"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, watch it! I'm 'huge'!"
"We will leave no crevice untouched!"
"Let's give it a good shake"
"Butts shall be liberally ****ed in good measure!"
"****, MEET MY SWORD! SWORD, MEET ****!"
This our own version of unnecessary censorship? Jimmy Kimmel would be so proud.
Minsc: I do not like the tone of your voice, dark elf! The face I have is the face the ladies love! Boo love’s Minsc’s face, too. Don’t you, Boo?"
but gentleman here present us with a very strong case... so yeah, minsc for everyone! i guess.
Like @Philhelm said, replace every vain/doomed etc with fabulous and we're game.
@Quartz lol, if you read them that way they could be considered as hints :P
It's just how he rolls.
Now I can never look at him the same way...
We're all fabulous!
We delude ourselves to think that our fabulous band will stand up to our enemies.
Life is so fabulous.
The bustle of the city makes me feel...fabulous.
Let us save our effort and just lie down and be fabulous.
Yeah...yeah that works.
Wait ... Am I discussing of the sexual orientation of computer RPG characters ???
So in fact, might Garrick be gay ?
"Life is wonderful" (If I recall properly)