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Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition Status Update (December 3rd, 2012)



  • Excalibur_2102Excalibur_2102 Member Posts: 351
    This topic brought a tear to me eye :')
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418

    Great job & great attitudes guys! Thanks for both!
  • Aris4lifeAris4life Member Posts: 103
    edited December 2012
    Thank you Overhaul for making my dream come true :D It's good to see Baldur's Gate rise again :) And it feels even better, now that i see that you really care about our opinion.
  • PeteAtomsPeteAtoms Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 140
    I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Thanks for the update and reassurance that the problems are being addressed.
  • jfliederjflieder Member Posts: 115
    Good work Overhaul Games. Keep it up! Your efforts are much appreciated.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 839
    edited December 2012

    Etamin said:

    Great to hear you are hard working at fixing the game :). What with language-support patch? Can we expect it this week?

    We've had language updates to German, Spanish, Polish and Czech. As well the English voices should play in those languages now.
    I mean dubbing-support patch. We have subtitles, but with some problems with diactric letters (ł, ó, ę etc) not showing correctly. So we are waiting for official patch supporting other languages, with dubbing files to download and fix this problem with language-specific letters. When the game launched it was said it will be released this week. Is it still valid date with all this hard work you are doing?
  • mickyh44mickyh44 Member Posts: 32
    Keep up the good work :-)
  • SpiffyMcBangSpiffyMcBang Member Posts: 160
    ajwz said:

    Also, boo doesn't squeak - can I have a refund?


    Well. If this is true, I'm glad I went the evil route. Faerun doesn't deserve to be saved.

  • LisandruLisandru Member Posts: 13
    Exactly that is the difference between Bioware nowadays and Overhaul Games AND also the reason why you guys will succeed. I wish you all the best! We know you're just humans like us and I really hope no one judges you just because of a rocky start.
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Boo squeaks for me.... He squeaked really loud when I killed Minsc.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    I can't Baldurdash because of a laggy intel chip. More like a Baldurcrawl... But full support for the team! Keep it up. Can't wait for the patch. If you need a forum countdown, call me.
  • CassiopeiaCassiopeia Member Posts: 14
    Phil, and everyone else who's working so hard on this: You're amazing. And we love you. I personally am grateful because the bug that caused me not to play nonstop prevented me from not sleeping and not finishing any of the 3 papers and 2 other projects I've had to finish in the last week. So thanks for not letting me fail my classes <3

    ... I was trying to be supportive with a cute cat picture, but this is the first forum I've been active on in... ever, so I fail.
  • egalor_originalegalor_original Member Posts: 92
    edited December 2012
    Alright, we have kittens in the thread. Now, where are the boobs to complete the picture?
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    ermo said:

    "Shut up and keep my money" indeed. And if you don't mind me asking, where do I pledge funds to the continued development of the game? I really want to see this refresh become both an artistic and commercial success, and just like I've pledged funds to Chris Robert's Star Citizen venture, I would like to show my support and pledge funds to the rekindling -- and continued development of -- the Baldur's Gate series and the Infinity Engine that made this all possible.

    I would also like to reiterate something I've said before:

    Can someone ( @Nathan, @PhillipDaigle, @TrentOster, @CameronTofer ) at Beamdog please, please, please upgrade the site purchasing system to allow for multiple purchases before BG2:EE is announced for pre-order -- not saying drop everything and do it now, though, obviously. I have a great deal of respect for these guys and the work they're putting in, but I don't think anyone at Beamdog realises just how absolutely-mind-numbingly-tedious it is to purchase more than a couple copies of BG:EE at a time... One or two at a time is fine,, click RPG, scroll down a little and click BG:EE, click buy now, click PayPal, enter user name and password, click to proceed, click return to Beamdog, roughly three minutes per purchase. Now imagine that a few more times and imagine the look of absolute boredom on my face.

    Something like this would suffice:


    I'm not complaining. I want to give you my money. Just a suggestion for the fine folks at Beamdog to consider :).

    (If that's not possible due to being busy with other things, would it be possible - once BG2:EE is announced for pre-order - to contact Beamdog and tell them how many I want to purchase and get them to send me a PayPal link to complete said purchase? Or perhaps a PayPal donation button?)

    On the plus side, I am loving this game. Hope to have more time to play it over the weekend.
  • ScarsUnseenScarsUnseen Member Posts: 170
    Ask, and you shall receive:

  • KaksiKaksi Member Posts: 5
    I think it is really good to know you guys are working hard to improve things.

    I played the multi-player game immediately upon release, and there were so many bugs we couldn't play and that was annoying because we were looking forward to it for half a year.. but beginnings are hard, I am sure things will be much improved quickly and people who jump on board at a later time will probably have a much better experience.

    After playing the single player game for a while I must say that it shines.. the improvements are really worth while and it is a totally different experience compared to BG1.

    So keep up the good work, and it will pay off :-)
  • byghostlightbyghostlight Member Posts: 5
    thanks for all your hard work, I am thoroughly drawn back into and addicted to the world of Baldurs Gate again, shame people get so upset, down right rude and make things personal
  • LongLankinLongLankin Member Posts: 9
    I am an old time Baldur's gate fan, and the game started me on the road to becoming computer literate. I now understand enough about it to realise that I would rather be sitting here than in your seat. I appreciate the work that you are putting into this and wish you success, as if you do succeed it will be better for the gaming world as a whole. I might point out that what has been happening at Bioware since they were bought up by EA has not been very good to see.
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    Mmm new tasty update :D
  • Wonderboy2402Wonderboy2402 Member Posts: 121
    I hope people have understanding and give them further time to troubleshoot and push fixes. My copy works great and has yet to even crash or fail to start. But I have been there with other games, that crash or not start.

    Give them more time. They are updating a 20th century game to the 21st and it is like 3+ system operations removed. =]
  • dpsdps Member Posts: 1
    I, too, would like to say thanks to the Overhaul team for even daring to restore this game. I have been enjoying BG:EE immensely. Great work! Keep it up.
  • LongLankinLongLankin Member Posts: 9
    Well done guys, after the update the game opens. I wish I could buy you all a beer!
    (also posted in priority bug crash on game start thread)
  • HogfatherHogfather Member Posts: 27
    Well done at surviving the launch. You will get there.

    Any news on multiplayer matchmaking? :)
  • agentmulderagentmulder Member Posts: 114
    I would like to thanks the support staff, my ticket was answered real fast and with a solution that solved my problem.
  • CoryNewbCoryNewb Member Posts: 1,330
    You're the man now dog! Keep up the good work, we appreciate all you do! (ok I don't speak for all of we, but I no doubt appreciate it)
  • SubzoeySubzoey Member Posts: 19

    ajwz said:

    Also, boo doesn't squeak - can I have a refund?


    Well. If this is true, I'm glad I went the evil route. Faerun doesn't deserve to be saved.

    Boo just doesn't like to squeak in the tutorial. Outside that he's a happy squeaker.
This discussion has been closed.