Anyone else dislike druids?

I like Jaheira and all, but man...I just really, really dislike druids (any combination). I would never have allowed one in my party if it wasn't for Jahiera, and even then it was just long enough to get through the romance. I actually couldn't quite edit: finish it.
Maybe I just don't know how to make the best use of druid abilities? It just seems that a cleric is superior in every way...including the Viconia romance. The only thing I could see in a druid is possibly shapeshifting, but it's so nerfed that I have a hard time taking the hit to my party when righteous magic works just as well.
Anyone have any disimilar experiences to share? I would LIKE to like druids (stupid little tree huggers), but I'm just not feeling the love. Anyone got any ideas on how to best implement Jaheira or another druid into your party?
Thanks in advance!
Sorry in advance if anyone here is, indeed, a tree-hugger. You're not stupid. Or little. Maybe little, I don't know. But not stupid. Just a tree hugger. anyways...
Maybe I just don't know how to make the best use of druid abilities? It just seems that a cleric is superior in every way...including the Viconia romance. The only thing I could see in a druid is possibly shapeshifting, but it's so nerfed that I have a hard time taking the hit to my party when righteous magic works just as well.
Anyone have any disimilar experiences to share? I would LIKE to like druids (stupid little tree huggers), but I'm just not feeling the love. Anyone got any ideas on how to best implement Jaheira or another druid into your party?
Thanks in advance!
Sorry in advance if anyone here is, indeed, a tree-hugger. You're not stupid. Or little. Maybe little, I don't know. But not stupid. Just a tree hugger. anyways...
It all comes down to some stupid lore issue about 2nd ed druids becoming grove leaders at level 14.
Lore-wise, there are things I like about the concept of a nature priest, but the way D&D tends to overlay the modern conception of a civilization vs. nature dichotomy on a medieval fantasy setting just doesn't sit right with me.
What? Druids? Oh, right. Well in my opinion they have the worst spell selection but the few good spells they have in there make them useful in just about any party. Also they make great backup healers (because they have nothing better to do...).
Plus they get to play that cool "maintain the Balance" role, which is interesting to contemplate as you smash faces.
Clerics still get awesome firepower spells like flamestrike. I know it's not available until later levels, but there are wands of the heavens everywhere in bg.
With that said, I suppose the Druid shapeshifting is meant to compensate for the lack of options. Me, I just wish they could use bows. Or maybe to see scythes implemented in BG.
I'm afraid the balance thing of druids always got on my nerves. Feel free to ignore the large rant below, and honestly I mean no offense...BUT...
If druids are so up in arms about balance, how come they give trees and animals such preferential treatment in a underdeveloped, uncivilized, non-industrial age world that's teeming with wildernesses and mountains as far as the eye can see? It's not like the real world, where there are droves of bulldozers knocking at the grove's front door, eating precious tropical forest resources! Where's the balance in denying peasant farmers the right to eat so that a couple hundred trees, out of millions of acres-worth of trees, can continue their serene, boring lives? What if I wanted to start a factory to put people to work making baby-blankets? Ohhh boy, Jaheira would be livid! What's she got against baby blankets, anyways???
Huh? Huh?? HUH????
Ahem. I got a little bit emotional there. *deep breaths*
It's a good thing druids aren't real, or I might have to start a lobbyist campaign against them.
Anyways, back to contemplating face smashing. What's the best way to use a druid in your party? I would really like to give Jaheira a fair shot and actually finish the game with her in my party.
They're wrong, mind you, but that's another story.
If you try to play a Druid the same way as a Cleric of course they are going to suck. Think of them as a third magic type ... sure they are both Divine spell casters but honestly you're better off if you dis-associate Druids and Clerics. They play pretty damn differently.
I like Avengers, and I almost always take Jaheria along with me on my good playthroughs (she's a beast with the right equipment). Call Woodland Beings, Ironskins, Fire Elementals, Insect Plague, all awesome spells; it's unfortunate that you don't get most of them until late BG1/BG2
Druid = Diurd
Mage = Egam
Rogue = Eugor
Cleric = Cielc
If you notice Diurd rhymes with turd...
I think this is obviously telling...
So it would rhyme with tired.
Druids are fun to play in a roleplay sense and as a bit of novelty. They're not amazing from a powergamering perspective. However, Storm of Vengeance is a great spell, as are the elemental princes.
Personally I'd rather be a Fighter dualed to druid. You get 5* on a weapon of your choice before the end of the first game depending on when you dual class. Granted you can't use any kickass warhammer or flails you come across, but given that there are staves in BG2 that benefit your number of memorised spells its still a solid option. Plus by having the fighter dualed part you avoid what is really the most painful aspect of being a druid, their side quests in BG2.
Plus I like to vent about them.
They have some powerful high-level spells, but mage and sorcerer spells are so much better--plus it takes way too long for them to bring out their awesome spells. By that time, your mage and cleric maxed their spell level out last chapter.
You can play a multi-class druid/fighter, like Jaheira, but that just makes the XP loss higher than any other class. While your 20th level mage is destroying people, your 15th/16th level druid/fighter is trying to not die.
They don't backstab or open locks, and their ranged attacks are the same as a cleric or wizard.
Their ability to cast cure light wounds doesn't make up for the fact that they can't restore lost levels or remove curses or paralysis. That's why I've indicated that it feels like you have two clerics, but one of them is weaker. I agree when you say that they are not clerics--it's impossible to play them like one, anyway.
So, @Quartz, when you play a druid, how do you use them? How do you take advantage of their...whatever it is?
I am not much of a powergamer. I love BG because of the roleplaying aspects--games that only center around becoming more powerful, like diablo, are fun at first, but they don't keep me coming back.
That being said, for the role-playing aspect of druids, see my rant above.
BTW, clerics can cast storm of vengeance--that's how I know it's an awesome spell. Plus they can cast it way sooner.
Jahiera, however, can't take 5*, because she's multi-class.
So...I'm not feeling that hopeful.
Maybe I should rephrase my question.
What purpose do druids serve in the party, that isn't served by other classes?
What purpose do druids serve in the party that would merit giving up a that 6th spot, or even making them your 2nd or 3rd choice?
But sometimes summoning a nymph when the party needs a good healing just feels so clunky.