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Where would you like to find Neera/Dorn/Rassad in BG 2 EE?

HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
This is what Dee had to say on the matter...

"They won't be sitting in bird cages waiting for you to let them out (wink), but I can say with reasonable confidence that you'll be able to find them more simply than, say, Valygar."

...and I have no illusions about changing whatever plans they already have for implementing the new EE characters in BG 2 EE. However, where would you *like* to find them? Where do you think it would be cool/suitable/interesting etc?

For me... part of me wishes they'd be found exactly in those cages at the start of the game :D But clearly that's not happenin... so:

Neera: The most logical place you'd find her is actually Spellhold. She might've had another accident shortly after travelling into Amn. But of course that'd be pretty inconvenient for anyone hoping to get her early...

Dorn: I can see him being a voluntary gladiator in the Copper Coronet...

Rassad: I dunno about him much, didn't even realise he was an recruitable NPC until after I finished my first and only BG EE run to date.


  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    Yeah, I'd bet money you have to rescue Neera from the Cowled Wizards in some form or another. Perhaps they're trying to find out if they can use her to force open the planer sphere? That's just pure speculation on my part, mind.

    Dorn could very easily be in the Copper Coronet, although I don't see him being a gladiator. Alternatively, he could join Edwin as a goon for the Shadow Thieves.

    Rasaad... will probably be in the temple district, I suppose. Perhaps dealing with the church of Lathander in some way. Alternatively, he could be tied into the shadow temple questline, but there are already two npcs in the Umar Hills bundle.

    PS. Now I'm wondering if Neera's gonna have any unique dialog with the githyanki wild mage that comes to take back the silver sword.
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  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    edited August 2013
    Neera having some form of trouble with the Cowled Wizards would seem most likely. I doubt it would be anything to do with the planar sphere... them just wanting to get a dangerous mage off the streets. Most likely they would just lock her up in Spellhold or a similar place, so she'd have to be lying low and trying not to use her magic. The circus is one place you could lie low I suppose.

    But in any case, you want them and any personal quests they may have, to able to be gotten and done before setting off for Brynnlaw.
    Post edited by Coutelier on
  • VortakaVortaka Member Posts: 173
    Well, it's settled for Neera then! Trouble with Cowled Wizards! (I'm totally in for it!). @Coutelier : To be around the circus would be a good idea indeed!
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Rassad might be in the slums trying to help people. *shrug*
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited August 2013
    Spoilers, spoilers.
    What city did Rasaad grow up in? I've already forgotten the details of the dialogues concerning his and his brother's origins.

    We've been told that they'll all be easier to find than Valygar, which implies that you don't have to leave the city of Athkatla to find them.

    Since Dorn is a mercenary, I could see him hooking up with Korgan, and Korgan's quest. He might also associate himself with Firkraag.

    Rasaad wants to bring the enlightenment of Selune to the common masses, so I think that either in or near thethe Temple of Ilmater on the Promenade, or the Temple of Imater above the Copper Coronet, or anywhere around the slums, would make sense. I'll predict the slums as his probably location. He should have quite a bit to say to Nalia, as well.

    Neera does make sense as being hunted by the Cowled Wizards, but she could also be caught up in the Maevar/Edwin quest. In fact, in the Maevar dungeons with Pinkpants would be a logical location for her, or perhaps being held prisoner on the third floor of the Maevar guildhouse by Edwin.
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    @belgarathmth Rasaad is from Calimshan.
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    edited August 2013

    I'd like to see them in Suldanessellar.

    This way, you can introduce three NEW NPCs for BG2:EE in Athkatla!

    I'm pretty sure Dee already said there would be one entirely new NPC, in addition to Neera, Dorn and Rassad.

    And to be honest, I want quality, not quantity. I know they can't do too much with regards to new NPC and old NPC interaction due to contract issues, but I really hope the new NPCs fit seamlessly into the BG 2 story, and hopefully interact at least a little with the old ones where appropriate.
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    Neera could always be the careless person going towards a big explosion caused by Irenicus to check it out...

    The other two I have no idea...
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    Here are my wild guesses - probably just as wrong as everyone else. :-)

    Dorn: Someone has hired him to kill you, so you meet him in a random encounter when traveling between areas in Athkatla. You can convince him to join you instead, in which case he'll turn on his followers, or you can turn him down and fight him. This is your only chance to get him.

    Neera: In the Council of Six building, having been arrested by the Cowled Wizards. You can bribe them to let her go. If you don't, you'll find her in Spellhold but she won't join you. BG2 Spoiler:

    She'll die with the other inmates at the end of the battle against Irenicus.

    Rasaad: Teaching the ways of Selune somewhere in Athkatla - probably the Docks or the Slums.
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    Dorn... in the docks. Just seems like where you would find a half orc blackguard. Probably in the inn on the steps which name escapes me. If he isn't there, then hes in prison in the government district.

    Rasaad... City gates. Not much else going on there, might as well add something to it.

    Neera belongs in Spellhold, but I imagine they won't put her there. Where would you find a chaotic neutral wild mage in pretty much the anti magiest city in the realms? Either Spellhold or hiding out. I would expect to find her underground somewhere, maybe the sewers under the copper coronet or temple district.
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    Tresset said:

    It is fun seeing how off the mark all of you are! :) Heheheee

    Are u implying that you already know??!
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959

    Neera: In the Council of Six building, having been arrested by the Cowled Wizards. You can bribe them to let her go. If you don't, you'll find her in Spellhold but she won't join you. BG2 Spoiler:

    The problem with this is... if u can just bribe the Cowled Wizards, it would save Charname a lot of effort with Imoen :D
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282

    I'm pretty sure Dee already said there would be one entirely new NPC, in addition to Neera, Dorn and Rassad.

    And to be honest, I want quality, not quantity. I know they can't do too much with regards to new NPC and old NPC interaction due to contract issues, but I really hope the new NPCs fit seamlessly into the BG 2 story, and hopefully interact at least a little with the old ones where appropriate.
    What I'd be wary of is them imposing themselves on the story anymore than the already existing NPC's do. No starting a quest in chapter 2 that you can't finish until chapter 5, except for the odd romance specific encounter, maybe.
  • SCARY_WIZARDSCARY_WIZARD Member Posts: 1,438
    Tresset said:

    It is fun seeing how off the mark all of you are! :) Heheheee

    Neera is hanging out next to the Tanner's Shop? And Dorn is in the Government District, discussing matters with Coregig Axehand? And Rasaad is in the Crooked Crane, with those two annoying criminals? I knew it!

    do we get flying mounts
  • FredjoFredjo Member Posts: 477
    Neera could be hired by the mayor of Trademeet to guard against the animal attacks. Rasaad should be in Chateau Irenicus since he needs to level up a lot in order to become effective and Dorn could be the only male-prostitute in Copper Coronet
  • raxtorenraxtoren Member Posts: 228
    "Beep" them.

    My party is already full anyway.
  • elementelement Member Posts: 833
    edited August 2013
    there will be a new location on the map and one or more will be there(maybe thats too optermistic)

    i quite like how you found dorn in bgee i wouldnt mind seeing something like that again, theres allways a chance neera might just turn up due to a random teleport or something

    failing that maybe they felt lazy and just added them to the limited wish spell with the wish 'i want a companion' who you get is based on your wisdom
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    NO! Stop teasing us! Mean developers and beta testers! You'll drive us mad! Just look how many exclamation points I using!!!

  • GoodSteveGoodSteve Member Posts: 607
    mlnevese said:

    If Neera already existed when BG2 was originally launched she would probably be the cause of the explosion trying to help the group and Irenicus would agree to go to Spellhold with the Cowled Wizard before something even worst happened. :)
    Yeah but that would infer that Irenicus is afraid of Neera and he is far too badass to afraid of Neera.
  • eainterplayeainterplay Member Posts: 55
    If I were the lead developer, I would put Rashaad outside of the circus tent. He could have been planning to sign up for the circus as a martial art act only to discover evil inside.

    Neera would be located in the government district be harassed by red wizard emissaries visiting the cowled wizards. Charname would demand her to be released, and the red wizards could not use their magic to fight charname for fear of cowled wizards, but would promise to return for Neera later.

    Dorn would be in the graveyard district searching for a powerful soul for his demon patron.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    If anyone gets it right the person should get a Nostradamus badge ;)
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