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BGII:EE Compatible Mod List



  • LordInsaneLordInsane Member Posts: 38
    LiamEsler said:

    Adalon's Blood added to post

    @Fuine The BGII Fixpack is deprecated, since it's fixes are already in BGII:EE :)

    Not all of them... as far as I can tell, at least one of the 'Optional But Cool' components isn't there (I checked with EE Keeper. No holy symbol of Baervan or Shar that I could find, so Ghreyfain's Holy Symbol Fixes isn't there).
  • EnterHaerDalisEnterHaerDalis Member Posts: 813
    Is SCS bug free and working smoothly for BG2:EE? Can anybody who beat the game give me a run down on any issues with it? I want to install it because I had a far too easy time with SoA so far

    If anybody can give me some info that would be appreciated thanks
  • AranneasAranneas Member Posts: 282
    @EnterHaerDalis I've only gone through chapter 3 so far because I'm adding mods to my pile and testing a bunch of things to see if they break (heh) but SCS seems to be about 80-90% functional. One major caveat is that Improved Vampires was apparently causing crashes so that's been disabled for now, along with Improved Bodhi which is dependent on it; and most of the mods which only hit ToB are disabled for now, most likely due to lack of testing.
  • EnterHaerDalisEnterHaerDalis Member Posts: 813
    Aranneas said:

    @EnterHaerDalis I've only gone through chapter 3 so far because I'm adding mods to my pile and testing a bunch of things to see if they break (heh) but SCS seems to be about 80-90% functional. One major caveat is that Improved Vampires was apparently causing crashes so that's been disabled for now, along with Improved Bodhi which is dependent on it; and most of the mods which only hit ToB are disabled for now, most likely due to lack of testing.

    yeah ok thanks for this. I just finished SoA and I think I'll finish ToB then check in and see if it's near completion for my next playthrough. I don't really feel like installing something that creates more bugs/crashes heh
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    @Worg - Thank you :) There are other CoI mods, too. ISNF works on EE. Innershade, the White Queen and Yvette still needs some luv to work.
  • KilmantorKilmantor Member Posts: 34
    Anyone tested if Tactics doesn't work at all or if some parts like certain encounters are maybe running?
  • AranneasAranneas Member Posts: 282
    @Kilmantor The vast majority of Tactics requires you to have ToB installed; however, thanks to the old installation code it is not able to detect ToB in the EE setup. Past trying to get the install to work I haven't bothered with the remaining components.
  • DavidWDavidW Member Posts: 823
    Aranneas said:

    most of the mods which only hit ToB are disabled for now, most likely due to lack of testing.

    I've no idea what that means; can you elaborate?

  • AranneasAranneas Member Posts: 282
    @DavidW it means absolutely nothing -_- I misread my log, mistaking several mentions of 'Ascension' for 'ToB'
  • TvrtkoSvrdlarTvrtkoSvrdlar Member Posts: 353

    Are you the one working on Ascension, or is it someone else? Truth be told, I'm kinda hoping it's you, because a seamless meshing of Ascension + SCS would be beyond epic :)
  • DavidWDavidW Member Posts: 823
    No, I've got nothing to do with it.
  • LayneStaleyLayneStaley Member Posts: 40
    @StoneSwords Is there any possibility that RTT kit pack can be compatible whit BG2 EE?
  • FoggyFoggy Member Posts: 297
    @LayneStaley No it is not compatible for now. Basically all kits mods can be installed but appear grayed out in character selection. Updating kits is more complex and time consuming than the other mods, frankly it's a PIA and it will take some time to see many kit mods updated to BG2EE compatibility.
  • WispWisp Member Posts: 1,102
    Unless you want to use EE-specific features, making kits compatible with BG(2)EE is made simple by the function fl#add_kit_ee. It's only slightly more difficult if you want to use EE-specific features.
  • FoggyFoggy Member Posts: 297
    Wisp said:

    Unless you want to use EE-specific features, making kits compatible with BG(2)EE is made simple by the function fl#add_kit_ee. It's only slightly more difficult if you want to use EE-specific features.

    Thank you for this, simply genius. Previously I had sql errors when adding kit name, couldn't figure how to update CLSRCREQ.2da with new entries that EE didn't recognize, this function will sure come in handy. Will it be possible to patch ADD_KIT to include fl#add_kit_ee or is it better to just use it after? I'm no modder but I suppose you would eventually expand ADD_KIT once kits are tested to be functional and running without errors in EE.
  • LayneStaleyLayneStaley Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2013
    @Wisp and @Foggy Ah yeah and how does fl#add_kit_ee. works?

  • starrchild9080starrchild9080 Member Posts: 3
    No news on the Solaufein Romance and Flirt Pack mods? Nuts. :( Tactics is a neat mod, but there seems to be no love for Sola. I'd try to update them myself, but I have *no* knowledge of how to do that. Any tutorials out there that might help?
  • AranneasAranneas Member Posts: 282
    @starrchild9080 flirt pack has already been updated, see the front page post =) sola might be a while since weimer isn't in on the fun
  • WispWisp Member Posts: 1,102
    edited November 2013
    SQL errors are unrelated and are basically a BG(2)EE problem. ADD_KIT will eventually be updated to handle BG(2)EE on its own, yes. In the mean time, fl#add_kit_ee should be a convenient stand-in.

    There are usage examples included in the download.
  • starrchild9080starrchild9080 Member Posts: 3

    Oops! Meant the *Sola* Flirt Pack mod, my bad. :)
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    I like Solaufein too, and would love that mod to be updated :)
  • IsayaIsaya Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 752
    @LiamEsler In the list, you might add that BP Series and Adalon's Blood are compatible with foreign languages too. They include utf8 encoding variations for texts.
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    @Isaya Done. :)
  • AranneasAranneas Member Posts: 282
    Full Plate seems not quite to be 100% compatible just yet, at least not with the modlist I'm running - it skips over a couple items in the conversion process (namely, Full Plate Mail) but it hasn't broken anything so far
  • yossarianyossarian Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2013
    Subrace is not 100% compatible, but if you don't update the GUI and don't install the npc changes you can still benefits from the stats changes. Currently playing as a drow fighter/mage and getting faerie fire, magic resist, and decreased experience
  • JaredisnotmadJaredisnotmad Member Posts: 4
    Played through the Expanded Thief Stronghold by Gebhard Bluchar, and have found no problems. Appears the last BG2 version is compatible with BG2EE.

    And again, cheers for putting this list together. Much appreciated.
  • LayneStaleyLayneStaley Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2013
    @Wisp forgive me again,i am a landslide in this ambit and also i'm italian accordingly i do not understand very good how i can do in the file fl-add_kit_ee and which folder i put him, i read that i put him in the folder TP2 files but i don't find her, can you explain me please?
    Post edited by LayneStaley on
  • FoggyFoggy Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2013
    Anyone else having trouble with Amber NPC? she have no voice and I had to copy the wav files from version 2.6 on vanilla BG2 and add them to BG2EE override for Amber to be voiced again. Seems something is wrong with version 4 since it doesn't install the sounds.
  • havlyahavlya Member Posts: 16
    edited November 2013
    Are there sound set for charname to here?
    I want some bg:ee and icewind dale soundset i there way put that in for main char?
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