I think most modders thrive on feedback, and input. So, I wouldn't be afraid to go, and give some sort of input on it.
So, @Icecreamtub is kind of right. I mean, it would be a waste of time for the devs to even make a Clara DLC when there is a mod in development for the people that want a companion. It just needs feedback, and input on the ideas. I mean, that is the only way you're going to get heard by the modder. Perhaps the modder will listen to the feedback, and make changes according to that feedback.
As for the people who don't want Clara as a companion, and don't want to use the mod, the devs should just add a save Clara option in a patch.
The more I think on it, now that I know about the mod, perhaps there really is *no* point in a save Clara option... Seeing as that's the point in the mood. Still, I agree on the option, just not seeing the point what with the optional Mod. (Which, let's face it, is free DLC giving you what you want.)
Yes because I want to help the poor girl. Also I never play evil so murdering vampire thieves are never going to have a place on my team.
Pity there's no way to bring back Khalid or Dynaheir they were two of my favorite npcs in the first game, I was very sad that they were killed off arbitrarily when I played BG2 for the first time. (Really glad I only play female characters XD Jaheira's romance just feels wrong to me since in BG1 I always saw her as a surrogate mother figure XD)
BTW my opinion: After completing Dragomir tomb quest Clara could shift her alignment to True Neutral, also some stats could be boosted. Dumped stats and Evil alignment is Hexxat influence IMHO
I would rather see Xzar first, but i wouldn't say no to more options...
Don't think this is possible due to the contract restrictions.
Actually, i think it's possible. His death may occur as in the main game, but it's no surprise if a high level necromancer have something prepared about his "ineviteble end". A contingency spell, perhaps? Faking death? There are many possibilities.
Edit: If i remember it correctly, they cannot alter dialogs, but there's nothing against adding more of it.
I think if Clara is saved, she shouldn't be able to be used as an NPC afterwards. What reason would she have to travel with you? especially after having Hexxat with you for too long? Wouldn't she become crazy upset of delusional because of the fact that Hexxat controlled her for a while? And why continue with you? She seemed like a nobody
I don't understand why you Dev's even made an evil thief to begin with. Sure there was a lack of useful evil thieves.. but the options on neutral/good ain't exactly overwhelming either with either Jan or Imoen, both who are rather insufferable and boring.
I think the devs tried to kill too many birds with one stone.
The original BG2 suffers from a lack of both viable thieves AND evil NPCs. I think the devs tried to address both issues with a single character, and while I appreciate all of the effort and development that went into creating Hexxat (and they did create a very well-developed character, make no mistake), the simple truth is that no single NPC could fill in all of the gaps left by the original game. Money and time were likely also constraints as well.
Even if the devs don't make Clara an NPC, I still would love to see one or more other thief NPCs (preferably multis, who are probably more useful in BG2 than single classes). If only there could be an option for
Coran to offer to join your party after you rescue him from the wolves.
I don't understand why you Dev's even made an evil thief to begin with. Sure there was a lack of useful evil thieves.. but the options on neutral/good ain't exactly overwhelming either with either Jan or Imoen, both who are rather insufferable and boring.
I think the devs tried to kill too many birds with one stone.
The original BG2 suffers from a lack of both viable thieves AND evil NPCs. I think the devs tried to address both issues with a single character, and while I appreciate all of the effort and development that went into creating Hexxat (and they did create a very well-developed character, make no mistake), the simple truth is that no single NPC could fill in all of the gaps left by the original game. Money and time were likely also constraints as well.
Even if the devs don't make Clara an NPC, I still would love to see one or more other thief NPCs (preferably multis, who are probably more useful in BG2 than single classes). If only there could be an option for
Coran to offer to join your party after you rescue him from the wolves.
I agree completely. I'm still confused to even why they made her a romance and I find slight irritating that the gay option had to be an evil bastard...AGAIN.
They should have though about this better. Is as if they made based the character on a list of things the game lacked:
"No lesbian romance? Make her one! Check" "No evil thief? Make her one! Check!"
and others.
They should have made more than one character, or at least, changed the tune with the gay characters, so they stopped sending the message that Gay=evil. At least, Dorn could be redeemed, Hexxat can't. How nice. A slap in the face of the lesbians gamers. AGAIN.
If were up to me, I would make npcs and additional content as DLC and everyone interested could(and a lot of people would) buy it. I would certainly buy a decent female option to my female character, one that didn't force me to role play as an evil Charname.
Since such things will never happen, I need to wait until a noble soul makes a mod that actually have a lesbian romance for good characters or could tweak the game to allow Neera to romance females(since the BG2Tweaks doesn't do this). How joyful.
Sorry if I'm being bitter, it's just a lot of things about this situation that irritates me. One of the reasons I was so adamant about the Clara DLC was for the fact your character stand like a dork, watching a innocent woman being drained to death without interfering at all, regardless of their alignment; and when Charname finally decide to kill the obviously evil creature, he/she doesn't get anything. No experience, nothing. Just a waste of time. Annnnd if Charname actually accepts the vampire in the party, she will have to accept(no way to ever change it) that the vampire, regardless of the "romance"(I shudder to even think about it), will never redeem herself. No matter if Charname is evil or good. It's irrelevant.
Clara seemed like a way to "fix" this issue. Not only with the loose ends in Hexxat quest, but as a good-alignment romance. Hell, the least the devs could do was to make a way to save Clara and send her on her way, if it is too much of a bother to code all of those things. It would at least give me some satisfation while I waited for other mods... But as I said, I doubt they will listen to us. They would have already said something if they were planning to.
Gosh, I'm being too aggressive. I'm sorry if some people are offended by my words. I'ts not aimed at anyone, but I'm getting very frustated.
I agree completely. I'm still confused to even why they made her a romance and I find slight irritating that the gay option had to be an evil bastard...AGAIN.
Since such things will never happen, I need to wait until a noble soul makes a mod that actually have a lesbian romance for good characters or could tweak the game to allow Neera to romance females(since the BG2Tweaks doesn't do this). How joyful.
Sorry if I'm being bitter, it's just a lot of things about this situation that irritates me. One of the reasons I was so adamant about the Clara DLC was for the fact your character stand like a dork, watching a innocent woman being drained to death without interfering at all, regardless of their alignment; and when Charname finally decide to kill the obviously evil creature, he/she doesn't get anything. No experience, nothing. Just a waste of time. Annnnd if Charname actually accepts the vampire in the party, she will have to accept(no way to ever change it) that the vampire, regardless of the "romance"(I shudder to even think about it), will never redeem herself. No matter if Charname is evil or good. It's irrelevant.
I don't really see Hexxat as being all that evil. She is more pragmatic than anything else (which fits Neutral Evil pretty well IMO).
Most, if not all of her 'evil' deeds are aimed at the goal of regaining her humanity, which she lost through no doing of her own. Larloch is to blame, and she's just trying to STOP being an evil bastard. She's even willing to die, permanently, as long as she gets to die as a human. That's a redemption story that even most 'good' Charnames could get behind, I would think.
Then why she can't be redeemed? Why there's a sudden "stop" mark on her on this issue? Viconia could change to Neutral, Dorn could change too. What's the big deal here? Why?
"Oh, we already did this with Dorn, can't do that again! Sorry, tough luck!"
Then... WHY make her evil? If she had to keep her alignment, they should have made her Neutral.
Regardless of this, lots of characters fight with her(from what I've gathered) for this exact reason. No matter how you seem it, Hexxat used and killed an innocent woman, for her own agenda. This is EVIL. A good charname would really be completely OOC by wishing to keep her in the party. No one good would.
Hexxat -can- be redeemed. And the 'lawful stupid' characters fight with her because they've never bothered to ask her why she acts the way she does. Some of the banter between Hexxat and Dorn is quite eye-opening, and you see her attitude towards others who chose to be the evil schmucks that they are.
Clara is a sacrifice to show Hexxat's ruthless side. I wish the devs had never made her a joinable NPC, just so we could have avoided all this fanfiction about how great she could have been.
Then let's agree to disagree. Obviously you and me have different opinions, I will respect yours, but do show the same to me and to those that agree with me.
Hexxat is absolutely commercial. Too many distinctive characters per one NPC. She is just like that terrible movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfNx6v8ateA ( Seriously, it really seems that Hexat was done according to this Movie )
With our luck, next DLC add Hexxat werewolf ex-boyfriend which is gay...
@LordRumfish Not at all, these two have nothing in common. If you compare them, just because they are both vampires, then you're a racist! Why do you hate undead?
In case you vote no, please share your reasons for this. "Dev's should be working on other things.. bla bla" - Their priorities is not the issue here.
A bit biased your thread, while i really approve the request for an Clara NPC, while i really disliked Hexxat NPC, i prefer to refrain to vote in this thread with an start like that.
I loved the Weimer's Valen NPC. She was bizarrely funny, interesting, evil, non romanceable and most important fact: A mod. She was far better than Hexxat in many things, I wonder who would win in a fight?
Seriously though, there are a lot of interesting vampires in media(VAMPIRES, not those half-backed that the Twillights books made up ¬¬), but a lot of stereotypes remain. Almost every female vampire simply have to be a lesbian or have an ambiguous sexuality, they, of course, have to be Über evil(again, Twilight really doomed every other story about a good natured vampire, since now no vampire can be taken seriously without being a soulless creature, thanks to those books -_-) AND have to use eeeeeeevil magics from hell! HA HA HAAAAAA!
Hexxat is absolutely commercial. Too many distinctive characters per one NPC. She is just like that terrible movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfNx6v8ateA ( Seriously, it really seems that Hexat was done according to this Movie )
With our luck, next DLC add Hexxat werewolf ex-boyfriend which is gay...
With the way things are going, I would not doubt that, but he will be really evil since he is gay, after all*sarcasm*
Almost every female vampire simply have to be a lesbian or have an ambiguous sexuality, they, of course, have to be Über evil [...]
That's kind of the basic nature of vampires in modern media. Vampires are preying on humans and their blood, which they get by essentially kissing a person. The kiss isn't even on the lips, but in a very sensual place, usually the neck. Even the earliest film adaptation of vampires had Nosferatu prey on young, beautiful women in an erotic kind of way. So even if the vampire is some deformed monster, he's still inherently sexual in its way of feeding. There are some forms of undead who feed on humans in a non erotic way, but vampires are not one of those.
I would rather see Xzar first, but i wouldn't say no to more options...
Don't think this is possible due to the contract restrictions.
Actually, i think it's possible. His death may occur as in the main game, but it's no surprise if a high level necromancer have something prepared about his "ineviteble end". A contingency spell, perhaps? Faking death? There are many possibilities.
Edit: If i remember it correctly, they cannot alter dialogs, but there's nothing against adding more of it.
I thought it was that they couldn't alter existing content, only add to it. I guess that could include an "addition" of Xzar getting resurrected. But, seeing as we didn't get any of the BG NPCs back, and how Yoshimo was left as-is, it seems to me that it is either not possible or Overhaul is erring on the side of caution.
(I'm not saying that vampires aren't sexual in their nature, succubus are very sexual just like them, what I'm saying is that every FEMALE vampire have to have a lesbian undertone, be evil and be a spellcaster. Streyotypes. Now, back to the topic at hand!)
I just saw that Clara NPC mod... Still very unsure of this. What's your opinion, guys?
Vampire normally use sex to get blood, it's so strange that they act as bissexual for this end? I have nothing against this kind of stereotype, it's very plausible in fact. My problem lies in the Twilight imbecile stereotype of 2 goddy two shoes neck bitters, that no one understand (teenagers) living happy forever... but let's not touch this subject, cos i will have to review the facts they shine in the sun... get pregnant... vegetarian vampire (only drink animal blood)... and my screen is to slim to sustain a punch of my fist nowdays.
(I'm not saying that vampires aren't sexual in their nature, succubus are very sexual just like them, what I'm saying is that every FEMALE vampire have to have a lesbian undertone, be evil and be a spellcaster. Streyotypes. Now, back to the topic at hand!)
I just saw that Clara NPC mod... Still very unsure of this. What's your opinion, guys?
Other than it's cheddar over gouda? TOO many unnecessary extra rules, it should best done simple.
Edit: OR...
I think one of the interesting aproaches would be if hexxat have killed while still have dominion over her, leaving Clara having a portion of Hexxat presence left over inside her head. Like some fuzzy memories, or sometimes a voice inside to tell what to do. A little and simple back story about her own, and there you have a perfectly insane thief for the party. Good things can come out of this one :P
So, @Icecreamtub is kind of right. I mean, it would be a waste of time for the devs to even make a Clara DLC when there is a mod in development for the people that want a companion. It just needs feedback, and input on the ideas. I mean, that is the only way you're going to get heard by the modder. Perhaps the modder will listen to the feedback, and make changes according to that feedback.
As for the people who don't want Clara as a companion, and don't want to use the mod, the devs should just add a save Clara option in a patch.
The more I think on it, now that I know about the mod, perhaps there really is *no* point in a save Clara option... Seeing as that's the point in the mood. Still, I agree on the option, just not seeing the point what with the optional Mod. (Which, let's face it, is free DLC giving you what you want.)
IF it's done well in quality. (Since i'm a bit disappointed about it in the new content)
Pity there's no way to bring back Khalid or Dynaheir they were two of my favorite npcs in the first game, I was very sad that they were killed off arbitrarily when I played BG2 for the first time. (Really glad I only play female characters XD Jaheira's romance just feels wrong to me since in BG1 I always saw her as a surrogate mother figure XD)
BTW my opinion:
After completing Dragomir tomb quest Clara could shift her alignment to True Neutral, also some stats could be boosted. Dumped stats and Evil alignment is Hexxat influence IMHO
Edit: If i remember it correctly, they cannot alter dialogs, but there's nothing against adding more of it.
The original BG2 suffers from a lack of both viable thieves AND evil NPCs. I think the devs tried to address both issues with a single character, and while I appreciate all of the effort and development that went into creating Hexxat (and they did create a very well-developed character, make no mistake), the simple truth is that no single NPC could fill in all of the gaps left by the original game. Money and time were likely also constraints as well.
Even if the devs don't make Clara an NPC, I still would love to see one or more other thief NPCs (preferably multis, who are probably more useful in BG2 than single classes). If only there could be an option for
They should have though about this better. Is as if they made based the character on a list of things the game lacked:
"No lesbian romance? Make her one! Check"
"No evil thief? Make her one! Check!"
and others.
They should have made more than one character, or at least, changed the tune with the gay characters, so they stopped sending the message that Gay=evil. At least, Dorn could be redeemed, Hexxat can't. How nice. A slap in the face of the lesbians gamers. AGAIN.
If were up to me, I would make npcs and additional content as DLC and everyone interested could(and a lot of people would) buy it. I would certainly buy a decent female option to my female character, one that didn't force me to role play as an evil Charname.
Since such things will never happen, I need to wait until a noble soul makes a mod that actually have a lesbian romance for good characters or could tweak the game to allow Neera to romance females(since the BG2Tweaks doesn't do this). How joyful.
Sorry if I'm being bitter, it's just a lot of things about this situation that irritates me. One of the reasons I was so adamant about the Clara DLC was for the fact your character stand like a dork, watching a innocent woman being drained to death without interfering at all, regardless of their alignment; and when Charname finally decide to kill the obviously evil creature, he/she doesn't get anything. No experience, nothing. Just a waste of time. Annnnd if Charname actually accepts the vampire in the party, she will have to accept(no way to ever change it) that the vampire, regardless of the "romance"(I shudder to even think about it), will never redeem herself. No matter if Charname is evil or good. It's irrelevant.
Clara seemed like a way to "fix" this issue. Not only with the loose ends in Hexxat quest, but as a good-alignment romance. Hell, the least the devs could do was to make a way to save Clara and send her on her way, if it is too much of a bother to code all of those things. It would at least give me some satisfation while I waited for other mods... But as I said, I doubt they will listen to us. They would have already said something if they were planning to.
Gosh, I'm being too aggressive. I'm sorry if some people are offended by my words. I'ts not aimed at anyone, but I'm getting very frustated.
"Oh, we already did this with Dorn, can't do that again! Sorry, tough luck!"
Then... WHY make her evil? If she had to keep her alignment, they should have made her Neutral.
Regardless of this, lots of characters fight with her(from what I've gathered) for this exact reason. No matter how you seem it, Hexxat used and killed an innocent woman, for her own agenda. This is EVIL. A good charname would really be completely OOC by wishing to keep her in the party. No one good would.
Clara is a sacrifice to show Hexxat's ruthless side. I wish the devs had never made her a joinable NPC, just so we could have avoided all this fanfiction about how great she could have been.
Hexxat is absolutely commercial. Too many distinctive characters per one NPC.
She is just like that terrible movie:
( Seriously, it really seems that Hexat was done according to this Movie )
With our luck, next DLC add Hexxat werewolf ex-boyfriend which is gay...
Not at all, these two have nothing in common.
If you compare them, just because they are both vampires, then you're a racist!
Why do you hate undead?
Seriously though, there are a lot of interesting vampires in media(VAMPIRES, not those half-backed that the Twillights books made up ¬¬), but a lot of stereotypes remain. Almost every female vampire simply have to be a lesbian or have an ambiguous sexuality, they, of course, have to be Über evil(again, Twilight really doomed every other story about a good natured vampire, since now no vampire can be taken seriously without being a soulless creature, thanks to those books -_-) AND have to use eeeeeeevil magics from hell! HA HA HAAAAAA!
Even the earliest film adaptation of vampires had Nosferatu prey on young, beautiful women in an erotic kind of way. So even if the vampire is some deformed monster, he's still inherently sexual in its way of feeding.
There are some forms of undead who feed on humans in a non erotic way, but vampires are not one of those.
I just saw that Clara NPC mod... Still very unsure of this. What's your opinion, guys?
Here, the link:
Edit: OR...
I think one of the interesting aproaches would be if hexxat have killed while still have dominion over her, leaving Clara having a portion of Hexxat presence left over inside her head. Like some fuzzy memories, or sometimes a voice inside to tell what to do. A little and simple back story about her own, and there you have a perfectly insane thief for the party. Good things can come out of this one :P