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[MOD] More Style for Mages (v1.56)



  • KyzarinKyzarin Member Posts: 21
    I like the robe tweaks section of this mod, particularly since I can get around the graphical glitch involving female elven mages. I currently have it installed on BG2EE, and it works nicely, but it doesn't catch all of the robes. In particular, I'd like to see this mod include the Robe of Vecna.
  • CheryChocieCheryChocie Member Posts: 47
    Nice looking mod, I really really like the design on the new hooded robes, the one for the Good mage in particular is a lovely colour combination. How hard do you reckon it is to change the appearance of Robe of Vecna into the hooded variant, either the white or the red would be nice. I've never been fussed on the appearance of the Robe of Vecna, be nice to have the hooded variant.
  • paltispaltis Member Posts: 11
    Kyzarin said:

    I like the robe tweaks section of this mod, particularly since I can get around the graphical glitch involving female elven mages. I currently have it installed on BG2EE, and it works nicely, but it doesn't catch all of the robes. In particular, I'd like to see this mod include the Robe of Vecna.

    Yeah, including Robe of Vecna would be much appreciated =)
  • KyzarinKyzarin Member Posts: 21
    I did a bit of messing around in NI and managed to figure out how to change the Robe of Vecna's appearance to the glitch-free no hood/no cape version. It still has the Robe of Vecna's original colors, and doesn't have the morphing abilities attached, but for those who want a quick fix, download the attached file, unzip, and put it in override.
  • paltispaltis Member Posts: 11

    Not to sound ungrateful, but if you get a chance to remove the (in my opinion) awful colors, please let me know! I did it myself back when I had the PC version (IEEP), but I haven't got any item editors to work on my mac yet..
  • enneractenneract Member Posts: 187
    paltis said:


    Not to sound ungrateful, but if you get a chance to remove the (in my opinion) awful colors, please let me know! I did it myself back when I had the PC version (IEEP), but I haven't got any item editors to work on my mac yet..

    Do it the right way. use WeiDU.

  • paltispaltis Member Posts: 11
    never mind, IE did the trick!
  • KyzarinKyzarin Member Posts: 21
    I got the colors removed. Same deal as last time: download; unzip; override. I'm a newbie at the whole modding thing (though I've been playing BG2 for years), and I haven't yet had a chance to familiarize myself with such things as WeiDU.

    @Pecca: If these files I've uploaded are helpful to you, you have my permission to use them when you update your mod.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    edited November 2013
    Thank you all using my mod. I put here tweaked Robe of Vecna. It's the same style as the other robes, so you will be able to choose your desired visual type via item abilities. The first rar contains robe with original colors and the second has no set colors. Just put one of them in the override folder.

    As for the rest, there are a lot more robes than in BG:EE and even more than in BG2 (there are new) so it's gonna take some time to tweak them all.

    @Kyzarin: Thanks for your effort, but I'm using a different method with customization through item abilities.
  • TvrtkoSvrdlarTvrtkoSvrdlar Member Posts: 353

    I love your mod. In fact, I can't play BGEE without it now, especially when running a wiz/sorc CHARNAME.

    Any plans to update it for BG2EE? Say, put all the items in a new store in the Adventure Mart?
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @TvrtkoSvrdlar: Thanks, I've been making it for BG2:EE for some time now, I'd say it's almost ready. I had to change Wizard's Staffs, so they would be interesting in BG2:EE and also solve few other complications.
  • DarkersunDarkersun Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2013
    @Pecca @Kaltzor as fa as I can see all Mods that change Armor ([BG2 Tweaks casting in armor and thief abilitys in armor], [Full Plate and Packing Steel], [Item Revision]) handle them as if they are heavy armor.

    Is it possible to change that?
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    makes me very happy. how about an update?
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @Dark_Ansem: What do you wish to be updated?
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    I dunno, when the next update is out I'd say compatibility will be needed :)
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @Dark_Ansem: The mod is fully compatible with the current version of the game. I don't think that future patches will cause some incompatibility, but if they will, I'll update it. :)
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    could you make, however, an optional version for humans without beards?
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @Dark_Ansem: The only thing I can think of is using elven male sprites for human males. Editing existing human male animation to remove the beard would require an extremely long and tedious work.
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    oh right, I keep forgetting... thanks!
  • vigovilingarvigovilingar Member Posts: 64
    Question: Has anybody met problems with selling/buying items in High Hedge? I have had instal this mod and bg2 tweaks pack mod (so mayby the second one is broken) ... and game crashes when try to buy good archimage's robe. Could somebody help me? :)
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @vigovilingar: I can't tell, what can be wrong. Do you have some tweak installed that affects High Hedge store or that robe?
  • vigovilingarvigovilingar Member Posts: 64
    I'm not sure. I have instaled bg2 tweak pack, and this robes appears at othere stores, so maybe that is the reason.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    I just released major update. I combined the two mods for each game into one, so from now on, this mod works for both BG:EE and BG2:EE. Content of the other game will be skipped automatically.

    Aside from various bug fixes, I added some new stuff, so check the OP again. The most notable one is that Cespenar can now upgrade Staffs of Wizardry in ToB.
  • chrstnmonkschrstnmonks Member Posts: 176
    where would you get this stuff in bg2 what store
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @chrstnmonks: Store of Garlena, the helmite, on the top of Watcher's Keep. It can accessed from both SoA and ToB. It's all written in the OP.
  • DeefjeDeefje Member Posts: 110
    For balance issue, could it be made that the range attack of the staff of the magi doesn't add the dispell?

    so melee attack + dispell... or ranged magical damage? I've found the already very powerful staff of the magi to become gamebreakingly powerful this way. =)
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @Deefje: I made the ranged attack because it was requested by someone. The staff itself is so gamebreakingly powerful even without the ranged attack, that it doesn't really matter that much.
  • DeefjeDeefje Member Posts: 110
    Ah, it's all relative I guess... I just usually give one of my npc's the staff, cast the occasional spell with 'm but they're usually decoration. Since my mages never enter melee usually the dispell has no effect, though with the ranged attack it's more noticable.

    I guess it's up to me how I use it, I'll just put my mage back on passive. ;)
  • Princess_SarahPrincess_Sarah Member Posts: 39
    thank you so much for taking the time to make this! I just installed it and am really excited about rolling a new spell caster protagonist now :)
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