Drow weapons make no sense

I was playing bg2 the other day, in chapter 6, with the drow are attacking and something struck me as very odd, now correct me if i'm wrong but don't drow weapons disintegrate in sunlight, then how are the drow (demons aside) attacking Suldenesslar and winning?
Secondly, under strict D&D rules adamantine only gradually disintegrates when exposed to sunlight.
Irenicus used other creatures to attack the city.
The drow were merely used as a distraction to keep the elves busy.
I always disable the script that disintegrates drow items. I earned them; I keep them.
1. Get naked
2. Keep in your inventory just the drow equip you want to save
3. Select a familiar able to pick pocket (cat or ferret) and order it to pick pocket you
4. The game makes a check of the items on the PCs, but not the familiars
5. Leave the "Underdark Exit" map and talk to your familiar to retrieve the stolen items
Remember that this check will trigger only in the map Underdark Exit in BG2, while in ToB it's more problematic :P
Oh I do... And my approach to video games never changes.
I do confess to being a little miffed by the sell price of the armor and weapons "In the Underdark" where it will not disintegrate. Stuff that, on the surface would sell for tens of thousands sells for a few hundred at most below. But since by that time you have so much money that you don't NEED any more, I suppose it is not really a big deal.
Few points: i thought the enchantment on such gear fades, not instant disintegration. Also, in 2nd ed dont you have to make almost implausibly high quality gear to allow +5?? I remember magic gear was generally crummy in older dnd, and the equivilant of mw was quality level, which allowed enchantment.
And if not, please share.