What do you do in your life?
I'm a bit curious what people here do in there real life beside play BG of course so I try to give the most options that I could think of, so click away what fit you best and please comment and say what of the choices you are doing, if you are working then why you choose that in particular, if you are a student in uni what your main course, and in school what your favorite topic (if there is one)

- What do you do in your life?75 votes
- Student in school / Universitiy16.00%
- Teacher / Academic person12.00%
- Nurse / Doctor / pharmacist / Psychologist / holistic  6.67%
- Artist / Musician / Actor / Dancer / Designer  8.00%
- Fitness trainer / Nutritionist  0.00%
- Programmer / Computer man/woman / Technician14.67%
- Writer / Journalist  4.00%
- Architect / interior decorator  0.00%
- Policeman / in the Military  0.00%
- Others38.67%
What about you guys?
I am a small business owner. When it's slow, I can play BG. So, when I don't have time to play, it's generally a good sign. Alas, I have been hanging around here and playing BG too much lately.
@Kamigoroshi but what you do in that "classified stuff" ?
I walk the path of the welding engineer. Not exactly a secret though.
It's a great living, and I get to live to one of the best cities in the world...
Don't think of it as just a dream. Work your @$$ off and make it happen.
@meagloth You're younger than I thought, haha. But let me tell you something I wish I could've told myself in the 10th grade: Don't let those years fly by you. Seize them, no matter what you want to do, make sure that in the future you will remember them fondly and with no regrets... because those golden years... they don't come back...
That aside, there's all sorts of projects that I have going!
@meagloth, @InvictusCobra said a very wise thing. Seize those years!
Oh and my minor is a small and medium size enterprises program. Management an ting.
and btw listen to @InvictusCobra he did said a very wise thing. Seize those years!
@InvyouictusCobra it ok to not know what you wanna do in life it isn't easy with all the option one have it very easy to get lots in them, I know it isn't easy and we all have our down fall but the important thing is that you will look up and look for what you wanna do and hopefully you will find it and change your course of studying for what you like.
@ZelgadisGW good luck on your dream to be a freelance digital artist, and no dream is foolish!
@LordRumfish good luck on being a writer it isn't an easy thing and I say go for it go for what you love it the best thing in the world to work in what you love to do what you love
@Isandir I'm glad to hear that you enjoy what you do that is super important
@Teflon lol yeah you are right I should had enter that option as well but I forgot about it with all the choices out there. Thank you, and sure no problem it what I'm gonna do treat the sicks
It so nice to hear people and read about what one do in their lives that is one of the reason I become a nurse I like to hear peoples stories thank you all for sharing with me a peace of your stories
hoo and yeah I forgot lawyers too lol soo many thing one can do
For what it's worth, I studied Philosophy!
I believe you will find something like that too, someday. But first you have to believe that you can find something like that.
In reality I would love to make a living off of fiction writing. I am currently stuck in the editing phase of a book I hope to get published. It will most likely be self published on Amazon since "real" publishers are a pain.
P.S. Just enough fear for this site to morph into a multi class fb and linkedin.
and no thank you I don't wanna more fb / linkedin site here, it won't be fun site no more.