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General BGEE Customization Pre V2.0



  • WhitefirePhoenixWhitefirePhoenix Member Posts: 2
    Thank you @Isaya
  • SammMSammM Member Posts: 2

    Hello friends, I gots me a small problem. I made the change to the .ini file but when I start the game and depress control+space bar all it does is pause the game. console does not appear. I copied and pasted the following to Baldur.ini. 'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1'. Did I go wrong somewhere?

    HI, Did you manage to sort the problem??? Im having the exact issue!!!!!
  • r618r618 Member Posts: 1
    just wanted to say thanks to @Cuv - got somehow screwed up my reputation, probably by killing some commoners by fireballs in the fight upon arrival to Ulgoth's Beard after completing the Durlag's Tower - didn't notice it only after couple saves later :)

    thanks, the script worked perfectly )

    btw on Mac is the script folder in app bundle in Resources / Scripts
  • Fina92Fina92 Member Posts: 284
    edited May 2014
    SammM said:

    Hello friends, I gots me a small problem. I made the change to the .ini file but when I start the game and depress control+space bar all it does is pause the game. console does not appear. I copied and pasted the following to Baldur.ini. 'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1'. Did I go wrong somewhere?

    HI, Did you manage to sort the problem??? Im having the exact issue!!!!!
    Me too.... Is the process the same for BG2EE??

    EDIT: managed to make it work. woop
    Post edited by Fina92 on
  • yastruxyastrux Member Posts: 5
    do old BG item packs (non EE) work on this one ? Like Boards of Magick item pack.
    Cause i checked compatible mod threads and couldnt find a single one of item packs there so i guess they may work unless stated so ?

    PS; Im new, can someone please send me a PM how to open a new thread for this question. Tnx
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975

    Just click that button and you're ok. :)
  • CuvCuv Member, Developer Posts: 2,535
    Awesome! thanks @Cerevant Everyone should be aware of this, very useful.
  • marrowjmarrowj Member Posts: 28
    edited September 2014
    Just wanted to leve my 2 cents here, i changed my ini file a few minutes ago to include 'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1', for the console, now if i put this line in the begining or last of the ini text the game would crash at startup, however if i randomly put it inside all the other text the game starts fine, i have a rather heavely moded game atm so that might be the problem, however this has not happened to me untill v1,3 came out.

    scratch that games starts, but i can not enable console
  • marrowjmarrowj Member Posts: 28
    hmm,,, ok i dont get it?, every time i put in 'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1', either the game crashes and gives me a dump file or if i put the 'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1', inside all the other text it just doesent work?, could someone who understands maby look into my dump file?
  • marrowjmarrowj Member Posts: 28
    edited September 2014
    ok i dont quit understand this but now it is working, i put 'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1', directly after Volume SFX', '80', and it works like a charm, is this new in v1,3? before it did not mater i belive.
  • I have a question/problem/bug whatever. I have created bam's for some existing clubs (and 1 new one). They show in the inventory, but not in the quick bar. The quick bar shows the standard club icon.

    I know there were bug reports a year ago but I can't find it. @Dee‌
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    You need to assign the new bams on the weapon's Melee ability as well.
  • Thanks I will look at it
  • peasantpeasant Member Posts: 5
    Hi everybody! Im a little tired of my friends resurrecting their death chars is there a way to modify with CLUA for punish death for i thought of:

    Lossing 500xp/level (this can be achieved with setXP)
    Loss of 1 point of maximun HP (this one i have no clue)

    And there is a way for resurrect in the spot using CLUA?
    Thanks in advance!
  • compostercomposter Member Posts: 25
    Hi everybody!
    i try to use mod "hidden kits"
    It is not work correctly on EE.
    This mod has "ability to Increase your INACTIVE Class by one level every time you level up". is it real to use Z#HLV1UP.SPL from this mod to use at usual daul classes ?
  • criztiancriztian Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2014
    Post edited by criztian on
  • VreejackVreejack Member Posts: 60
    If you change or delete the balder.ini while the game is active the game will restore it. You must shut down the game to make changes.
  • DraylynDraylyn Member Posts: 7
    okay dfor anyone who says ctrl+shft "isnt working .. hit (return/enter key) ui had the same problem and it works fine you have to hit enter..
  • JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
    Control + 4 shows triggers in the area in blue, including traps.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 830
    edited July 2015
    Skipping chapter code doesn't work. I write C:SetGlobal("Chapter","GLOBAL",5), but nothing happens.
    EDIT: Ok, now it works. 5 should be in question marks: C:SetGlobal("Chapter","GLOBAL","5")

  • roachtbproachtbp Member Posts: 42
    I've already posted this in a couple threads, but one thing I am wondering was if there is a mod that makes clubs and morning stars actually look like clubs and morning stars in battle (instead of maces).

    I hate how clubs, maces, and morning stars all have the mace animation in combat in Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale. Yes, I know this doesn't effect gameplay in any way, but I HATE when I equip a club or morning star on a character, yet see a mace on the battle screen (chalk it up to my OCD, haha).

    Since the original Baldur's Gate artwork was somehow lost by BioWare, I don't know if this is an easy fix or a hard fix, as new weapon sprites would probably have to be created somehow.

    But I did notice that in Planescape Torment (also an Infinity Engine game) there is already a morning star sprite that is used for all blunt weapons on the battle screen (clubs, maces, and morning stars are all represented by a morning star during battle in Planescape Torment, while clubs, maces, and morning stars are all represented by a mace during battle in Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale).

    So maybe the morning star sprite from Planescape Torment could be used for Morning Stars in Baldur's Gate???

    Of course that still leaves the club sprite. As far as I can tell, none of the 5 Infinity Engine games (Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, Icewind Dale, Icewind Dale II, or Planescape Torment) have a sprite for a club when in battle, so someone would probably have to create the club sprite from scratch...
  • I have tried to Enable the CLUA Console and it partially works. I have done exactly as CUV has prescribed with adding the line in the ini file to include 'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1', and when I press ctrl/space, the window opens (as an example) for me to type in C:ExploreArea() but I don't know how to initialize that. Hitting the enter key does nothing nor does ctrl/space. Does anyone know how to get this to work?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773 After you typed the command, hit Enter and that's it.
  • frostyshfrostysh Member Posts: 55
    Hello !

    Is anybody know how I can change the color of default dialog text and backgroung color of it?
  • tuskadartuskadar Member Posts: 9
    Do installed mods work in an existing savegame? Or only with new one?
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    @tuskadar It really depends on the mods. Some will work if installed at any point others will only work on a new game. Anyway it's always a good idea to start a new game after installing mods.
  • tuskadartuskadar Member Posts: 9
    mlnevese said:

    @tuskadar It really depends on the mods. Some will work if installed at any point others will only work on a new game. Anyway it's always a good idea to start a new game after installing mods.

    I was thinking about the divine remix for bgee. Thank you, I'll try if it works.
  • AsternOak582AsternOak582 Member Posts: 1
    I just recently purchased BG:EE on steam and I changed the ini file and went back into the game after reloading it and still can't bring up the cheat bar.
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