No it's not. To the untrained eye all elves look the same. Must be their pointed ears.
Unfortunately, lately the web space is invaded by images with elves that have huge donkey ears (I blame Blizzard for that). Plenty of people tried WoW (I did not, and I am happy for it) and then stuck to the idea that elves need to have ear so large that having any helmet becomes an adventure.
I can't change pics in the game since I'm on the phone, but here are my characters, with the pics I would use if I could:
Jeffrey (Hey, it's my name, but I get to be Batman ) Fighter/Mage/Cleric Strength 18/97 Dexterity 17 (18 w/ Kaylessa Armor) Constitution 18 Intelligence 17 (19 w/ Chautog's Thinker) Wisdom 18 Charisma 10
Harley Quinn Bard (Want to use Jester, but can't give up the Sith) Strength 14 (18/00 w/ Gauntlets of Ogre power) Dexterity 18 Constitution 16 Intelligence 17 (19 w/ Chautog's Thinker) Wisdom 11 Charisma 18
Multiple playthroughs, which I personally don't consider cheating - but thanks And had to go 17 charisma to dual on a druid - no choice, sadly. Also, charisma is force of personality, not physical attractiveness necessarily - that was comeliness.
And just to be clear, the armor and gloves from Kaylessa also required multiple playthroughs since you can't get the two items on one playthrough
Harley Quinn Bard (Want to use Jester, but can't give up the Sith) Strength 14 (18/00 w/ Gauntlets of Ogre power) Dexterity 18 Constitution 16 Intelligence 17 (19 w/ Chautog's Thinker) Wisdom 11 Charisma 18
@schreier , love your Batman theme. I have a thief in my current 4-member pure class party, named "Kat", and she's inspired by a combination of Selina Kyle and Teri from the IWD NPC Project.
If you're watching the new show "Gotham", young orphan Selina is a major character, fascinated with the recently orphaned 12-year old Bruce Wayne, and the differences in their situations. (He with extreme wealth and a loving Alfred, and she with nothing but her street smarts.) Also, in the Gotham version of the lore, Selina witnessed Bruce's parents' murder.
Gotham has also introduced the child Pamela Isley in a single scene, hinting that they will do a story arc with her in the future, if they get enough seasons.
Thanks! I am watching .... trying to keep up with all the comic shows. It's interesting - they renamed Pamela Isley as Ivy Pepper - an easier name to connect to Poison Ivy obviously. I do like Selina in the show a lot ... I saw they aren't bringing Harley Quinn in this season, although apparently she's going to be on Arrow at some point I hear.
I think the 4 person party is enough in HOF as long as I bring the summons, although I need the multiple play throughs just to get enough scrolls for 3 arcane casters (let alone for the magic items). It's crazy that even a high level party with great equipment has to be careful or they'll lose people to random encounters.
Let me introduce you to the Conclave of Destruction, The Swords of Extinction, The Messengers of Doom,...or quite simply this cool-evil party, full of books/movies/games references .
As you, I'm also obsessed with the idea of creating the perfect (role-play/feel) party, it took me A LOT OF ROLLS to achieve this numbers but as an old baldurs/icewind dale fan, power-gaming it's always an option, especially when you choose to play on INSANE. So without further ado...
TENEBRAR (human / Party Leader):
He is based on the Witch-King of Angmar. Although he only uses two-handed weapons (and not two-weapons style like the Witch-king), he is extremely dangerous. As a Black-Guard he is protected from the negative plane, which gives more sense to the spirit on which this character was created. His Poison ability also makes him a lethal killer and gives his Two-Handed Sword a resemblance to the mythical Morgul Blades ( magical and poisonous daggers that were used by Ringwraiths). His Aura of Despair also fits on this description as it portraits the Nazgul´s Aura of Dread.
Sound Set: Now do not ask me how, but I got all the sounds from both pc games --> The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II and The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch-king. I took the original sound-bank from Witch-king character and create my own Sound Set.
ATHOTH (human / Second in Command / Necromancer):
For role-playing/feeling purposes, he is somewhat based on The Mouth of Sauron ( as portrayed in The Battle for Middle-earth II ). He is a Berserker - dual - Mage, I've focused his Spells on de-buffs, necromancy and one ore two illusion spells. I picture him as a capable fighter with amazing arcane powers, ready to unleashing hell when the time is right.
Sound Set: As explained before, I also used BFME2 sound-banks from the Mouth of Sauron.
SCAR (human/ Unholy Warrior )
This one is based on Tichondrius, leader of the dreadlords (or nathrezim) who was in command of the armies of the Burning Legion in Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. He is also a Berserker - dual-Mage, his spells are focused on making him an unstoppable killing machine. He uses Red and blue shields, globe of invulnerability, immunity to fire, cold, etc. His weapon of choice is the Katana of course, the perfect soldier must have the perfect weapon.
Sound Set: I also got all the sounds from Warcraft 3, so I took the soundbank from Tichondrius for this one.
BARAMUNTI (gnome / Scout-Assassin / Master of the shadows )
This guy came straight from my old 3.5 d&d graveyard. Back then he was my old but trusted rogue who faced the most haunted, guarded, ancient and dangerous ruins in the 9th circle of hell... funny enough he met his end at the hand of his companions....ahhh! evil parties. He is a Multiclass Illusionist/Thief, he wears every possible outfit that gives him either armor or bonuses to his rogue abilities. He mostly uses illusion spells (doh), trap-like spells like web or grease, AoE ones too like fireball, some gaseous or poisonous ones and some summons. His reconnaissance skills are amazing, and it is the most fun thing to scout while searching for traps hoping the patrols don't catch you while you are visible.
Sound Set: Ahhh this was a hard one but, got my hands @ the soundbank of Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines PC game . The choice was easy, I picked Jack.
GOTHMOG (half-orc/ Priest of Doom)
Ah! yes Gothmog what a remarkable guy. He is also a multiclass Figther/cleric, his 19 Strength makes him a BEAST with defensive harmony, draw upon holy might, etc. Of-course he carries some healing spells, but when its time to fight he and his flail are an unstoppable force, the sound of critical hits and limbs getting smashed are music to his ears.
Sound Set: His sound set comes straight from BFME2 Gothmog
ASGORATH (dwarf / ??????? )
I think it is safe to assume that Asgorath is his own character or at least he is getting there, he is a multiclass Figther/cleric, don't get me wrong he is great as a divine caster, he is OK when it comes to fighting, not so good at tanking tho. Although he manages to assist on heals, buffs and so, I'm still trying to give the guy an identity of his own. And why two clerics? well, they make things a LOT easier when you play on INSANE difficulty. As a matter of fact I keep changing his sound set and his portrait. I'm even considering the possibility of creating a new Character. Maybe a bard even a Druid (but if I remember correctly his shape-shifting abilities were a bit restrictive so I don't know about that) Maybe you guys can give me some ideas. but one thing is certain, my next character is gonna be a female. Who knows, maybe a female version of Asgorath himself...I'm still undecided. My original party was 80% female but I was a little disappointed that there weren't enough sound-banks available for female characters.
Well that's it, hopefully you guys can give me some ideas on what to do with Asgorath .
I had two archers at one point ... Talia al Ghul and Nyssa al Ghul .... used the same pic. But I got tired of all of the ammo management. Kinda mixed interpretations of the girls ... Nyssa normally has a different last name (Raatko) but goes by al Ghul in Arrow
They were both elves with exceptional strength, 19 dexterity and 17 constitution
One with the Hammer, one with Sseth's bow. I loved them and would add them back in a second with a quiver of plenty.
I followed my heart, rather than my head...I wanted a range of characters - enough to fill the key roles, but it was not exactly theory crafted precision.
e.g. the following comes to mind in hindsight:
1) no druid ? 2) human necromancer?? 3) Inquistor??? 4) One half elf has bigger ears than a pure elf????
we are a mostly good-aligned party with a few 'bad apples' (the necromancer and the dwarf are not bad as such, they're just misunderstood...)
I think the party gels pretty well so far. We are melee heavy, but that is OK. One of the things I like about IWD (which I never played before IWD:EE) and what reminds me of the BG series (which I played...lots), is that you sometimes must make the best from a bad bunch. And that in itself can be quite fun.
Some explanation on my choice of pictures:
1) I'm a believer in the pre-wow concept that not all elf and elf derivatives must have massive ears (although some might just coz).
2) I ought to thank these forums for the portraits (thats where I took them from) - so thanks everyone!
"Listen well to the tale of the Fire-Forged Comrades; of the twins Torulf and Torgrim, the Hammer and the Axe, and their elder sister Sigun, Seeker of Dorn's Deep. Of Urkulmuk, Shield of Tempus, Azerron Wyck, the Lost and the Damned, and Evalyne, Dancer in the Dark. This... is their story."
Sigun Runeblade, Seeker of Dorn's Deep: NG female dwarf skald - the party's face and leader, a great storyteller and archer
Torulf Runeblade, the Hammer: LN male dwarf defender - the party's tank and warrior extraordinare
Torgrim Runeblade, the Axe: CN male dwarf barbarian - the party's heavy hitter and warrior extraordinare
Urkulmuk, Shield of Tempus: TN male half-orc cleric of Tempus - the party's healer, buffer and (at times misguided) spiritual guide
Azerron Wyck, the Lost and the Damned: LG male human sorcerer - the party's bombardier and a senile Planewalker
Evalyne, Dancer in the Dark: CG female elf mage/thief - the party's ranged support/buffer and source of comic relief (along with Azerron)
*please note that I don't own nor have created these lovely portraits; all credit is to be given to their original owners/creators*
*I will remove them if asked*
*please don't sue me, I'm a poor man (in more ways than one!)*
@Sniiiimon , the easiest way is to click on "attach a file" at the bottom left of your posting window, and upload your image directly from your computer. Then, click "insert image" on the resulting thumbnail, and then delete the thumbnail.
You can also type < img src=http:link > , without the spaces, to insert an image from an image hosting site like photobucket.
@Audaces ,You can either use @Troodon80 's fabulous Keeper program, or install the mod "Tweaks", and activate the "remove racial restrictions" component.
There we go! Thanks for the help @BelgarathMTH; the portraits are up now. And @Audaces, I for one will use @Troodon80 's Keeper. It's indeed a lovely tool. Check it out if you get the chance!
@Sniiiimon , one more helpful hint. This one is by way of courtesy to forum members. When a thread gets more than a few large images posted in it, most browsers have a very difficult time loading pages in that thread. The forum user settings will lose their place in the thread, some of the images in the thread will start failing to load, the page will hop about at random while the user is trying to scroll, and all sorts of bad user-headache-inducing sorts of things.
To avoid causing this problem to other forum members, especially in an image-heavy thread like this one, or in journaled run threads, or in portrait posting threads, it is very helpful to enclose images in spoiler tags.
[ spoiler ] < your image link > [ /spoiler ] , like that, without the spaces.
It comes out looking like this:
This is my huge, hard to load image, which your browser will now only load for you if you click here.
Which one? I've literally started twelve already, and that's NOT counting the six or seven more that are just single characters. I have a hideous case of restartitis. It's unhealthy. I'll go ahead and post the group I've had the most fun with, though I will shamelessly plug my written play-through here on the forums. It's of a solo gnomish barbarian.
Now then, with my shameless self-promotion out of the way, I'll get to my party. I play on the ipad, so my party's images are somewhat standard. In fact, you could say the whole party is standard. *ahem* "Stereotypical", even...
Because they are! That was the whole point of this party, to create the most standard, traditional adventurers ever. And somehow that's been the most fun party I've yet made.
Stereotypical: The 85 point-total heroes
The leader:
Brogue: Neutral Good Human Bard STR: 10 DEX: 17 CON: 15 INT: 16 WIS: 9 CHA: 18 Personality: Brogue is a natural born leader. Sometimes he makes a rash decision here or there, but between his charismatic personality and incredible intelligence, he's perfect. Brogue isn't what you immediately think of when you envision a leader, however, he's a little wiry, somewhat young looking, and very light-hearted. He consistently cracks jokes, (Male warrior voice set 5) and often takes little teasing jabs at his friends and authority. This isn't to say he disregards the law, he's just not so uptight as to follow everything by the book. A bard by choice and adventurer by necessity, he chose to bring together this group of rag-tag adventurers for a variety of reasons, depending on which story he chooses to tell that night. In one tavern it could be the tale of how they were the only hope of stopping the physical embodiment of an evil deity, while in another tavern it could be that dark assassins had targeted them all, and only through working together could they survive their mysterious assailants. Truth be told, they were likely brought together due to some important, yet trivial reason, and whatever the cause, they will complete the task they were forced into someday. Just perhaps not today.
The muscle:
Tarquin: Neutral Good Human Fighter STR: 18/99 DEX: 16 CON: 17 INT: 11 WIS: 12 CHA: 11 Personality: Gruff, quiet, and a bit rough around the edges, Tarquin has always been stronger than most, and it's the one thing he's ever really been good at. Give him a sword or a flail and he can crush anything, though he tends to restrain his force more than most would assume. He's not overly aggressive, though force is an easier solution for him than most other options. He's loyal to a fault, however, which was likely instilled in him by the army with which he served for six years as a youth. In this time, though, he saw that there were many shades of grey in the world, and so he has lost some sense of the lawfulness he once held. As for his comrades, he trusts most of them, though Shy is too conniving for Tarquin's tastes.
The bow:
Richter: Chaotic Good Human Archer STR: 16 DEX: 18 CON: 17 INT: 10 WIS: 14 CHA: 10 Personality: Much like Tarquin, Richter is gruff, quiet, and a bit rough around the edges. The two get along well, though they speak little. While Tarquin grew up abnormally strong, however, Richter was abnormally fast. He grew up in the woods, cared for by elves who found a dying woodsman carrying a babe. They taught him the way of the bow, though he taught himself to wield the axe of the woodsman, who the elves believed was Richter's father. He still carries a charm made from the wood and metal of the axe, now long since rusted and broken. Richter has a certain wisdom to him, though he rarely speaks his mind. He gets along well enough with everyone, though he is not the most sociable.
The faith:
Dirth: Lawful Good Human Cleric STR: 10 DEX: 17 CON: 16 INT: 12 WIS: 18 CHA: 12 Personality: Dirth is the kindly priest and father figure of the group. Always willing to offer his wisdom, he helps to guide Brogue and keeps the others in the right. His most frequent saying is "Your current situation, no matter how hard, is no excuse for you to do the wrong thing." He cares for the group a great deal, and has often put himself in harms way to protect the others, despite not being the most skilled combatively. He sees Shy as his mission in life, as the rogue's way of life is so morally wrong to the priest. It is interesting to note that no one knows which deity Dirth worships, as he keeps his faith very private. "It is not for me to convert others to my father, merely to convert them to right actions." he says.
The berk:
Shy: Chaotic Good Human Thief STR: 17 DEX: 18 CON: 16 INT: 11 WIS: 11 CHA: 12 Personality: Born on the streets, Shy was forced into his life of crime as soon as he could stick his hand in someone else's pocket. He sees a great difference between murder and theft, though, so he never quite fit in with the society he was born into. He thinks of himself as a Robin Hood-esque "noble thief", though he often falls short of his lofty opinion of himself. That said, he is nowhere near as horrible as many in his profession, and when he sees someone in trouble he only looks around suspiciously for a couple of seconds before rushing in. He dislikes the group he's with now, though, as they mistrust or dislike him. The exception is Brogue, who he enjoys the company of immensely, as the two of them enjoy many of the same things. Women, booze, and fine food.
The mind:
Mortis: Neutral Good Human Mage STR: 10 DEX: 17 CON: 16 INT: 18 WIS: 14 CHA: 10 Personality: Mortis is your average self-obsessed brainiac. Originally drawn to magic for it's intellectual challenge and usefulness when applied to the task of helping others, he quickly became obsessed with how talented and skilled he was. Born to a noble wizard family, he was the genius among geniuses. His seven brothers envied his prowess and his father sent him to the foremost wizarding academy in the kingdom to not only cultivate his skill, but to also get him away from his jealous brothers. As many of you are aware, jealous mages are a dangerous thing. After nearly frying a fellow student with an experiment too ambitious for even an archmage, he was expelled. Rather than return to his family, however, he chose to study on his own, through the task of adventuring. While he somewhat disliked the more physical aspects of the job, he adored the new and unique challenges that often found their way to him. He frequently found ways to assist others as well, which positively enthralled him. He does not care much for his allies, as they are all rather simple, though Brogue is his link to the "normal ones", as he possesses a great level of intelligence and some skill with magic as well.
My personal optimal 4 man party consisting of 2 melee and 2 ranged characters. Three basic classes (Fighter, Priest, Rogue) are covered in the beginning with the two Human characters both dualing to Mage later on.
I had a choice between Dwarf and Half Orc for Fighter/Cleric, but went with the latter because it felt a lot more interesting from a roleplaying perspective. The other races are self explanatory.
Entire party is of Good alignment. Used EE Roller for 92+ stats. I'm a graphical whore so I spent all my time browsing/editing portraits instead of attempting to put together any kind of story
Vaine Hellsing, Human Assassin/Mage, Party Spokesperson, Crossbow
Scott the Bold, Human Berserker/Mage, Dual Wield Long Swords
Victoria, whined and complained the entire trip, the ever lowering temperature and constant prayers from Luna and Doran infuriated her to no end and in turn, her master grew angry at her, striking her more than once on several occasions, to which the rest of the party paid no heed. Eventually they reached Easthaven. In sore need of some rest, they entered the local tavern and drank, though sparingly, to warm their bodies and minds.
Do you have a larger version of this image? I would like to use this portrait for one of my character and I have not been able to find it on deviant art. Thanks.
@Amarand, I wouldn't count on the quote feature to tag someone whose attention you need. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I always make sure to tag anyone I need again in the new post, even if there was a tag already in the quote, like so: " @Resterian, Do you have a larger version..."
LOL - that's what I get for trying to give forum control advice. I just learned that if there is a quotation mark right next to the @ sign, the tag won't work. And, you can't tag in an edit, so, I have to post it again. @Resterian .
My party is a Jansen-themed almost-all Gnomes party (whoohooo!):[spoiler=Gerald Jansen the 14th]Gerald is a truly Chaotic Neutral gnome that always liked taking command in battle situations and making unnecessary commentaries during meal (and sometimes dinner too). He spent his childhood with his family, part of whom accompanies him in his journeys. While his uncle Scratchy is the second man in-arms-at-command of the party and the strategist, Gerald is a commander like Noother (a distant cousin of Noober or just no other) and a beast in combat (even while not taking into account the occasions in which he bite an opponent). He is formerly known as Gerald Jansen XIV, the Last Berkserker of House Jansen. His ego and his rather abundant free time lead him to prepare a trip to the Ten Towns, with both touristic and adventurous purposes. [/spoiler][spoiler=Joe Jansen]Joe "Mageboner" Jansen is the ultimate epitome of Harry Callahan (even the portrait looks like Clint Eastwood!) Law and Coolness. Having trained all of his youth with a soup-spoon, he now masters the .44 Magnum Morning-star as if he was Elric of Meliboné wielding Stormbringer (without the accidental kills...). A man of a few words an a gnome of even less, Joe rarely talks on other topics than ferrets (in fact—all of his comments are ferret-based or ferret-related) or how cool he looked while delivering the death-blow to a giant Ogre. When asked about the journey to Icewind Dale, he first did not show much interest, but later he decided he'll go, because he thinks might find a ferret pet in the Cold North. [/spoiler][spoiler=Jane Jansen]Jane "Middlegnome" Jansen was found alone at the age of 3, wandering on a desolated field next to Uncle Scratchy's cave-house. He took her to the Jansen House(TM) and she lived the rest of her life with the Jansen family. In her early years of adulthood, her interest in adventuring lead her to train herself in the use of the sword and the bow, and practicing her thieving skills. She was the first one to agree with Gerald to go on an adventurous journey to the Spine of the World. [/spoiler][spoiler=Margy Jansen]Margaret "Margy" Jansen grew up with his father Jimmy Jansen (the son of the father of Gerald's grand-uncle, in short, Margy's one of Gerald's 2nd cousins), whom in the time she was born was a High Priest of Garl Glittergold, but later turned himself to adore Segojan Earthcaller, and time later Flandal Steelskin. Margaret has chosen to become an Ironguard of Gaerdal Ironhand since she was young, even if she also pays respect to her father's last deity [Flandal Steelskin] as well. She decided to enlist herself on Gerald's journey to provide protection from the hand of the Gods, but before that she made everyone sign a policy which clearly stated that she was not going to cook under any situation. [/spoiler][spoiler=Uncle Scratchy]The only son of the union between an Ice Giant and an Eagle, Scratchy has the fortitude and agility of his parents, besides the deviousness and typical trickery of the Standard Gnome(TM). He spent his youth adventuring, and, as a rather knowledged and respectable person (considering how his attitude was in the days of his youth...), he decided to get back into adventuring and accompany Gerald. It is rumored that Jimmy Jansen is his brother, that he is an incarnation of Yemeth*, and that he learnt magic with Lum the Mad* (whom is rumored to be part of the Jansen family too). [/spoiler][spoiler=Grandma Jansen]Both grumpy and extremely caring, Grandma Jansen masters any magical trick that has been yet discovered, Arcane or Divine. She has a particular affection for Joe Jansen, his favorite grandson (Jimmy Jansen argues about this a lot), as she says. Even if Gerald clearly stated that they will be going to Icewind Dale, and after Jane Jansen's insistent begging, she still brought her summer clothes 'just in case' she wanted to use them (so far she used none of them). She was a bit reluctant of signing Margy's policy, knowing she is the only one adept to cook a decent meal (Scratchy doesn't recognize his left hand from his right hand, besides always being busy talking about battle strategies with Gerald, Joe doesn't want to know anything about cooking, and Jane could hardly differ a flying-pan from a frying-pan). She doesn't adore a specific deity, instead she is a Priest of the whole Gnomish Pantheon. [/spoiler]*Easter-egg like mentions to The Nameless One from Planescape Torment.
Edit: corrected several grammar errors. (Edit 2: and even more...)
Umm... that's just creepy.
Unfortunately, lately the web space is invaded by images with elves that have huge donkey ears (I blame Blizzard for that). Plenty of people tried WoW (I did not, and I am happy for it) and then stuck to the idea that elves need to have ear so large that having any helmet becomes an adventure.
Jeffrey (Hey, it's my name, but I get to be Batman
Strength 18/97
Dexterity 17 (18 w/ Kaylessa Armor)
Constitution 18
Intelligence 17 (19 w/ Chautog's Thinker)
Wisdom 18
Charisma 10
Pamela Isley
Berserker 13 / Druid
Strength 10 (19 w/ Belt)
Dexterity 18
Constitution 18 (20 w/ Vexing Armor)
Intelligence 11
Wisdom 18
Charisma 17
Selina Kyle
Strength 18/60
Dexterity 18 (20 w/ Kaylessa's Gloves and Armor)
Constitution 16
Intelligence 17 (19 w/ Chautog's Thinker)
Wisdom 12
Charisma 12
Harley Quinn
Bard (Want to use Jester, but can't give up the Sith)
Strength 14 (18/00 w/ Gauntlets of Ogre power)
Dexterity 18
Constitution 16
Intelligence 17 (19 w/ Chautog's Thinker)
Wisdom 11
Charisma 18
Basically Gotham Sirens
And duplicate items screams cheating.
And just to be clear, the armor and gloves from Kaylessa also required multiple playthroughs since you can't get the two items on one playthrough
Also, in case you didn't know, Pamela Isley is Poison Ivy's real name (in the regular DC universe)
If you're watching the new show "Gotham", young orphan Selina is a major character, fascinated with the recently orphaned 12-year old Bruce Wayne, and the differences in their situations. (He with extreme wealth and a loving Alfred, and she with nothing but her street smarts.) Also, in the Gotham version of the lore, Selina witnessed Bruce's parents' murder.
Gotham has also introduced the child Pamela Isley in a single scene, hinting that they will do a story arc with her in the future, if they get enough seasons.
I think the 4 person party is enough in HOF as long as I bring the summons, although I need the multiple play throughs just to get enough scrolls for 3 arcane casters (let alone for the magic items). It's crazy that even a high level party with great equipment has to be careful or they'll lose people to random encounters.
Let me introduce you to the Conclave of Destruction, The Swords of Extinction, The Messengers of Doom,...or quite simply this cool-evil party, full of books/movies/games references
As you, I'm also obsessed with the idea of creating the perfect (role-play/feel) party, it took me A LOT OF ROLLS to achieve this numbers but as an old baldurs/icewind dale fan, power-gaming it's always an option, especially when you choose to play on INSANE. So without further ado...
TENEBRAR (human / Party Leader):
He is based on the Witch-King of Angmar. Although he only uses two-handed weapons (and not two-weapons style like the Witch-king), he is extremely dangerous. As a Black-Guard he is protected from the negative plane, which gives more sense to the spirit on which this character was created. His Poison ability also makes him a lethal killer and gives his Two-Handed Sword a resemblance to the mythical Morgul Blades ( magical and poisonous daggers that were used by Ringwraiths). His Aura of Despair also fits on this description as it portraits the Nazgul´s Aura of Dread.
Sound Set: Now do not ask me how, but I got all the sounds from both pc games --> The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II and The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch-king. I took the original sound-bank from Witch-king character and create my own Sound Set.
ATHOTH (human / Second in Command / Necromancer):
For role-playing/feeling purposes, he is somewhat based on The Mouth of Sauron ( as portrayed in The Battle for Middle-earth II ). He is a Berserker - dual - Mage, I've focused his Spells on de-buffs, necromancy and one ore two illusion spells. I picture him as a capable fighter with amazing arcane powers, ready to unleashing hell when the time is right.
Sound Set: As explained before, I also used BFME2 sound-banks from the Mouth of Sauron.
SCAR (human/ Unholy Warrior )
This one is based on Tichondrius, leader of the dreadlords (or nathrezim) who was in command of the armies of the Burning Legion in Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. He is also a Berserker - dual-Mage, his spells are focused on making him an unstoppable killing machine. He uses Red and blue shields, globe of invulnerability, immunity to fire, cold, etc. His weapon of choice is the Katana of course, the perfect soldier must have the perfect weapon.
Sound Set: I also got all the sounds from Warcraft 3, so I took the soundbank from Tichondrius for this one.
BARAMUNTI (gnome / Scout-Assassin / Master of the shadows )
This guy came straight from my old 3.5 d&d graveyard. Back then he was my old but trusted rogue who faced the most haunted, guarded, ancient and dangerous ruins in the 9th circle of hell... funny enough he met his end at the hand of his companions....ahhh! evil parties. He is a Multiclass Illusionist/Thief, he wears every possible outfit that gives him either armor or bonuses to his rogue abilities. He mostly uses illusion spells (doh), trap-like spells like web or grease, AoE ones too like fireball, some gaseous or poisonous ones and some summons. His reconnaissance skills are amazing, and it is the most fun thing to scout while searching for traps hoping the patrols don't catch you while you are visible.
Sound Set: Ahhh this was a hard one but, got my hands @ the soundbank of Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines PC game . The choice was easy, I picked Jack.
GOTHMOG (half-orc/ Priest of Doom)
Ah! yes Gothmog what a remarkable guy. He is also a multiclass Figther/cleric, his 19 Strength makes him a BEAST with defensive harmony, draw upon holy might, etc. Of-course he carries some healing spells, but when its time to fight he and his flail are an unstoppable force, the sound of critical hits and limbs getting smashed are music to his ears.
Sound Set: His sound set comes straight from BFME2 Gothmog
ASGORATH (dwarf / ??????? )
I think it is safe to assume that Asgorath is his own character or at least he is getting there, he is a multiclass Figther/cleric, don't get me wrong he is great as a divine caster, he is OK when it comes to fighting, not so good at tanking tho. Although he manages to assist on heals, buffs and so, I'm still trying to give the guy an identity of his own. And why two clerics? well, they make things a LOT easier when you play on INSANE difficulty. As a matter of fact I keep changing his sound set and his portrait. I'm even considering the possibility of creating a new Character. Maybe a bard even a Druid (but if I remember correctly his shape-shifting abilities were a bit restrictive so I don't know about that) Maybe you guys can give me some ideas. but one thing is certain, my next character is gonna be a female. Who knows, maybe a female version of Asgorath himself...I'm still undecided. My original party was 80% female but I was a little disappointed that there weren't enough sound-banks available for female characters.
Well that's it, hopefully you guys can give me some ideas on what to do with Asgorath
They were both elves with exceptional strength, 19 dexterity and 17 constitution
One with the Hammer, one with Sseth's bow. I loved them and would add them back in a second with a quiver of plenty.
I followed my heart, rather than my head...I wanted a range of characters - enough to fill the key roles, but it was not exactly theory crafted precision.
e.g. the following comes to mind in hindsight:
1) no druid ?
2) human necromancer??
3) Inquistor???
4) One half elf has bigger ears than a pure elf????
we are a mostly good-aligned party with a few 'bad apples' (the necromancer and the dwarf are not bad as such, they're just misunderstood...)
I think the party gels pretty well so far. We are melee heavy, but that is OK. One of the things I like about IWD (which I never played before IWD:EE) and what reminds me of the BG series (which I played...lots), is that you sometimes must make the best from a bad bunch. And that in itself can be quite fun.
Some explanation on my choice of pictures:
1) I'm a believer in the pre-wow concept that not all elf and elf derivatives must have massive ears (although some might just coz).
2) I ought to thank these forums for the portraits (thats where I took them from) - so thanks everyone!
Here is the party line up:
Sigun Runeblade, Seeker of Dorn's Deep: NG female dwarf skald - the party's face and leader, a great storyteller and archer
Torulf Runeblade, the Hammer: LN male dwarf defender - the party's tank and warrior extraordinare
Torgrim Runeblade, the Axe: CN male dwarf barbarian - the party's heavy hitter and warrior extraordinare
Urkulmuk, Shield of Tempus: TN male half-orc cleric of Tempus - the party's healer, buffer and (at times misguided) spiritual guide
Azerron Wyck, the Lost and the Damned: LG male human sorcerer - the party's bombardier and a senile Planewalker
Evalyne, Dancer in the Dark: CG female elf mage/thief - the party's ranged support/buffer and source of comic relief (along with Azerron)
*please note that I don't own nor have created these lovely portraits; all credit is to be given to their original owners/creators*
*I will remove them if asked*
*please don't sue me, I'm a poor man (in more ways than one!)*
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To avoid causing this problem to other forum members, especially in an image-heavy thread like this one, or in journaled run threads, or in portrait posting threads, it is very helpful to enclose images in spoiler tags.
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It comes out looking like this:
Now then, with my shameless self-promotion out of the way, I'll get to my party. I play on the ipad, so my party's images are somewhat standard. In fact, you could say the whole party is standard. *ahem* "Stereotypical", even...
Because they are! That was the whole point of this party, to create the most standard, traditional adventurers ever. And somehow that's been the most fun party I've yet made.
Stereotypical: The 85 point-total heroes
The leader:
Brogue: Neutral Good Human Bard
STR: 10
DEX: 17
CON: 15
INT: 16
WIS: 9
CHA: 18
Personality: Brogue is a natural born leader. Sometimes he makes a rash decision here or there, but between his charismatic personality and incredible intelligence, he's perfect. Brogue isn't what you immediately think of when you envision a leader, however, he's a little wiry, somewhat young looking, and very light-hearted. He consistently cracks jokes, (Male warrior voice set 5) and often takes little teasing jabs at his friends and authority. This isn't to say he disregards the law, he's just not so uptight as to follow everything by the book. A bard by choice and adventurer by necessity, he chose to bring together this group of rag-tag adventurers for a variety of reasons, depending on which story he chooses to tell that night. In one tavern it could be the tale of how they were the only hope of stopping the physical embodiment of an evil deity, while in another tavern it could be that dark assassins had targeted them all, and only through working together could they survive their mysterious assailants. Truth be told, they were likely brought together due to some important, yet trivial reason, and whatever the cause, they will complete the task they were forced into someday. Just perhaps not today.
The muscle:
Tarquin: Neutral Good Human Fighter
STR: 18/99
DEX: 16
CON: 17
INT: 11
WIS: 12
CHA: 11
Personality: Gruff, quiet, and a bit rough around the edges, Tarquin has always been stronger than most, and it's the one thing he's ever really been good at. Give him a sword or a flail and he can crush anything, though he tends to restrain his force more than most would assume. He's not overly aggressive, though force is an easier solution for him than most other options. He's loyal to a fault, however, which was likely instilled in him by the army with which he served for six years as a youth. In this time, though, he saw that there were many shades of grey in the world, and so he has lost some sense of the lawfulness he once held. As for his comrades, he trusts most of them, though Shy is too conniving for Tarquin's tastes.
The bow:
Richter: Chaotic Good Human Archer
STR: 16
DEX: 18
CON: 17
INT: 10
WIS: 14
CHA: 10
Personality: Much like Tarquin, Richter is gruff, quiet, and a bit rough around the edges. The two get along well, though they speak little. While Tarquin grew up abnormally strong, however, Richter was abnormally fast. He grew up in the woods, cared for by elves who found a dying woodsman carrying a babe. They taught him the way of the bow, though he taught himself to wield the axe of the woodsman, who the elves believed was Richter's father. He still carries a charm made from the wood and metal of the axe, now long since rusted and broken. Richter has a certain wisdom to him, though he rarely speaks his mind. He gets along well enough with everyone, though he is not the most sociable.
The faith:
Dirth: Lawful Good Human Cleric
STR: 10
DEX: 17
CON: 16
INT: 12
WIS: 18
CHA: 12
Personality: Dirth is the kindly priest and father figure of the group. Always willing to offer his wisdom, he helps to guide Brogue and keeps the others in the right. His most frequent saying is "Your current situation, no matter how hard, is no excuse for you to do the wrong thing." He cares for the group a great deal, and has often put himself in harms way to protect the others, despite not being the most skilled combatively. He sees Shy as his mission in life, as the rogue's way of life is so morally wrong to the priest. It is interesting to note that no one knows which deity Dirth worships, as he keeps his faith very private. "It is not for me to convert others to my father, merely to convert them to right actions." he says.
The berk:
Shy: Chaotic Good Human Thief
STR: 17
DEX: 18
CON: 16
INT: 11
WIS: 11
CHA: 12
Personality: Born on the streets, Shy was forced into his life of crime as soon as he could stick his hand in someone else's pocket. He sees a great difference between murder and theft, though, so he never quite fit in with the society he was born into. He thinks of himself as a Robin Hood-esque "noble thief", though he often falls short of his lofty opinion of himself. That said, he is nowhere near as horrible as many in his profession, and when he sees someone in trouble he only looks around suspiciously for a couple of seconds before rushing in. He dislikes the group he's with now, though, as they mistrust or dislike him. The exception is Brogue, who he enjoys the company of immensely, as the two of them enjoy many of the same things. Women, booze, and fine food.
The mind:
Mortis: Neutral Good Human Mage
STR: 10
DEX: 17
CON: 16
INT: 18
WIS: 14
CHA: 10
Personality: Mortis is your average self-obsessed brainiac. Originally drawn to magic for it's intellectual challenge and usefulness when applied to the task of helping others, he quickly became obsessed with how talented and skilled he was. Born to a noble wizard family, he was the genius among geniuses. His seven brothers envied his prowess and his father sent him to the foremost wizarding academy in the kingdom to not only cultivate his skill, but to also get him away from his jealous brothers. As many of you are aware, jealous mages are a dangerous thing. After nearly frying a fellow student with an experiment too ambitious for even an archmage, he was expelled. Rather than return to his family, however, he chose to study on his own, through the task of adventuring. While he somewhat disliked the more physical aspects of the job, he adored the new and unique challenges that often found their way to him. He frequently found ways to assist others as well, which positively enthralled him. He does not care much for his allies, as they are all rather simple, though Brogue is his link to the "normal ones", as he possesses a great level of intelligence and some skill with magic as well.
I had a choice between Dwarf and Half Orc for Fighter/Cleric, but went with the latter because it felt a lot more interesting from a roleplaying perspective. The other races are self explanatory.
Entire party is of Good alignment. Used EE Roller for 92+ stats. I'm a graphical whore so I spent all my time browsing/editing portraits instead of attempting to put together any kind of story
Vaine Hellsing, Human Assassin/Mage, Party Spokesperson, Crossbow
Scott the Bold, Human Berserker/Mage, Dual Wield Long Swords
Zorazar, Half Orc Fighter/Cleric, Dual Wield Morningstars
Caewyn Annaré, Elf Archer, Longbow
Edit: corrected several grammar errors. (Edit 2: and even more...)
Glolien Grolio: halfling bard
Because i'd like a bard and a halfling in my party. Why not both?
James Raynor: human undead hunter
Because no zerg hunter subclass in IWDEE.
Marthur Malcanter: human priest of Tyr
Because i'd like to try out a new kit.
Taurr: minotaur berserker
Because miniature giant space marine minotaurs are beefy.
Alveus Malcanter: human first level mage
Because his advices will be essential in Icewind Dale.
Rose Goldskin: gnome illusionist/thief
Because Jan Jansen must inherit his talent from someone.