Post your party pictures here, with brief summary of the general idea

Hey, there are a *lot* of threads being made about party ideas for IWD:EE. I'm finding that I'd like to share some of my parties, with pictures, and general summaries, without commiting myself to fully journaling my runs publicly, or any lengthy discussions about it.
This thread is for sharing your parties, with pictures, that excite you and engage you. We will invite *brief* interchanges about ideas for improvements, although, if this idea catches on, it will be perfectly fine to discuss in greater depth.
The main idea, here, though, is to share pictures and summaries. If anyone is intrigued by a forumite's party idea and pictures, he or she may want to copy-paste the op and pictures, and start a new thread dedicated to that one party idea.
In order to keep the thread manageably loadable in various browsers and on various machines, PLEASE put your screenies in spoiler tags.
So, without further ado, here are my first two IWD:EE parties:
My Order of the Stick party. It's kind of self-explanatory what the general idea is. I still haven't decided whether to concentrate on this one first, or on my next, self-insert four member Might and Magic party. Right now, I'm leaning towards the four member M&M party. But, here's the OotS:

Here's my M&M party. The four of us are based on the character sets I use when I play M&M6, and M&M7. The cleric is me. The other three are, in this particular incarnation, named after three of my favorite actors who would make good castings of my interpretations of my favorite M&M character sets. Suzie the Berserker is based on Suzie Plakson as the female Q from Star Trek, and also Worf's baby momma from Star Trek, and can also be Aribeth from NWN as a pally, although right now I have her as berserker. Zach the Fighter-Thief is based on "Zach Attack" from Big Brother 16 in my current casting of him. He is the goofy "Chalk one more up for the big guy" guy from M&M 6, and prefers to stay shirtless, just because he's too sexy for his shirt, but will put on leather if he must. Justin is currently being played by Justin Bartha, but can also be "Justin" from "Queer as Folk" if I care to make him a blonde. He's the guy with the green archer's outfit from M&M 6, and the blonde elf from M&M 7.

Btw, I've discovered that "hard" difficulty with a strong four-member party like my M&M party may paradoxically make the game *easier*, because of the 50% xp bonus, combined with the small-party xp bonus.
So far, I'm thinking IWD:EE is like, the most awesome thing ever.
This thread is for sharing your parties, with pictures, that excite you and engage you. We will invite *brief* interchanges about ideas for improvements, although, if this idea catches on, it will be perfectly fine to discuss in greater depth.
The main idea, here, though, is to share pictures and summaries. If anyone is intrigued by a forumite's party idea and pictures, he or she may want to copy-paste the op and pictures, and start a new thread dedicated to that one party idea.
In order to keep the thread manageably loadable in various browsers and on various machines, PLEASE put your screenies in spoiler tags.
So, without further ado, here are my first two IWD:EE parties:
My Order of the Stick party. It's kind of self-explanatory what the general idea is. I still haven't decided whether to concentrate on this one first, or on my next, self-insert four member Might and Magic party. Right now, I'm leaning towards the four member M&M party. But, here's the OotS:

Here's my M&M party. The four of us are based on the character sets I use when I play M&M6, and M&M7. The cleric is me. The other three are, in this particular incarnation, named after three of my favorite actors who would make good castings of my interpretations of my favorite M&M character sets. Suzie the Berserker is based on Suzie Plakson as the female Q from Star Trek, and also Worf's baby momma from Star Trek, and can also be Aribeth from NWN as a pally, although right now I have her as berserker. Zach the Fighter-Thief is based on "Zach Attack" from Big Brother 16 in my current casting of him. He is the goofy "Chalk one more up for the big guy" guy from M&M 6, and prefers to stay shirtless, just because he's too sexy for his shirt, but will put on leather if he must. Justin is currently being played by Justin Bartha, but can also be "Justin" from "Queer as Folk" if I care to make him a blonde. He's the guy with the green archer's outfit from M&M 6, and the blonde elf from M&M 7.

Btw, I've discovered that "hard" difficulty with a strong four-member party like my M&M party may paradoxically make the game *easier*, because of the 50% xp bonus, combined with the small-party xp bonus.
So far, I'm thinking IWD:EE is like, the most awesome thing ever.

I have long planned to do a Buffy The Vampire Slayer party, Buffy-Undead Hunter (ofcourse!), Willow-Wild mage (her magic backfiring is a major theme) Oz-Shapeshifter Tara-cleric of lathander maybe, her magic is more subtle and benevolent and weak than Willow's, so... Xander-so badly want to make him a bard, but he shouldn't be casting spells. Or a fighter/thief for necessity. Any more ideas?
an all shortly party (which I am rolling with now)
Dwarven Defender
Dwarven Barbarian
Dwarven Cleric of Talos
Gnome Shadowdancer
Gnome Illusionist/Thief
Gnome Illusionist/Cleric
And a Dragon Age Origins party
Alistair the Inquisitor
Morigan the Tomatic Druid
Lelianna the bard
Oghren the Beserker
Wynne the cleric/mage
Zevran the assasin
Makes a pretty balanced party.
Having a lot of fun though!
Thus, Thorin Oakenshield's Estrogen Brigade was born. If you ever encountered Richard's fans, it'd make a lot of sense.
It's Thorin the Dwarf Defender and a bunch of ladies as his entourage. All elves or half-elves, except for the pally, who's a human, obviously. He can complain all about their elvendom and unmanly smells all the time now.
Also, it's a pretty functional team.
Please don't ask me how much time I spent actually rolling these characters. The silly gimmicky party would stop being a joke.
No telling when I'll actually get around to playing, but when I do, I was planning on dualling Dart to mage and possibly Shana to cleric... Not so sure if that's a good idea though. XD Also, I don't have a thief. Hmm...
1.) Skald (84)
S:14 D:14 C:15 I:13 W:10 Ch:18
2.) Dwarven Defender (75)
S:14 D:10 C:19 I:10 W:14 Ch:8
3.) Priest of Tempus (81)
S:12 D:12 C:15 I:14 W:18 Ch:10
4.) Totemic Druid OR Avenger (86)
S:12 D:14 C:15 I:12 W:18 Ch:15
5.) Swashbuckler (86)
S:13 D:18 C:14 I:15 W:10 Ch:16
6.) Mage (72)
S:8 D:12 C:10 I:18 W:14 Ch:10
Generally I like parties with lots of casting options, and I typically always take a cleric/druid. I love avenger because later on its level 1/2 spell slots maintain usefulness and can also provide as a front-line fighter/dpser.
Skald was a no brainer for me because of its amazing +2 THAC0/Dmg, -2 AC buff for party, effectively making it a great support buffer for bosses, otherwise he will be using a bow and firing from the back.
In the original IWD I am not sure anyone rolled a pure thief, and everyone multiclasses fighter/thief, this time around I think a swashbuckler would fill a great support damage roll and if I were to find elven mithril it would go to this character.
Mage may go specialization, haven't decided yet, but leaning towards it as the skald can supplement spells otherwise.
Didn't double check on all the minimum required stats but the general gist is to make the game challenging.
I used these rules:
No reallocating stat points, accept them as rolled
Use 6 different races
Use 6 classes I have not used before
Reload on TPK or permadeath only
(I do turn down difficulty for scribing--scrolls are too scarce and it is not a good look for a grown man to cry over a video game)
Dwarven Barbarian, party leader. She's actually not played the role I envisioned at all. She holds the line after the ranged attacks, traps, and spells have softened the mobs. When in a traditional melee mode, she has struggled mightily.
Halfling Priest of Tempus, backup melee and full time party buff/enemy debuff. I am really enjoying this kit! I can't believe I got this roll after 5 minutes! I almost turned it down as it rather went against the general theme, but it was too good to resist. I've never come close to that roll with a cleric before...
Elven Archer. I underrated how impressive this character is. She has 50% of the party kills.
Vanilla Half-Elf Bard. He is the only arcane caster. I hope I don't regret that at some point, but so far he has been terrific as CC, buffs, damage spells, songs, and engineer of many grease traps
Human Avenger. This is my favorite character so far. I can't imagine playing IWD without an Avenger. They seem perfectly suited with respect to both roleplay and the mechanics of the game. Web, shapeshift, iron skins, thorn
Gnome Bounty Hunter. He has taken a greater role as the game has progressed. The Archer scouts, the bounty hunter traps, Archer draws agro and leads the mobs through traps, and the rest clean up (at least for the more punishing fights). I had previously resisted using traps, and never even laid a single one in BG, but I have to admit, they are pretty fun.
Anyway, that's the crew, depicted earlier on in the proceedings. I am loving the game and these guys are fun. I am feeling very light on melee, however. I am through Dragon's Eye now and it has been challenging but very enjoyable.
Planning to dual Mr Two-Brains over to mage at some point. I'm currently in Dragon's Eye; was a bit of a hassle so far, but it's startin to smooth out.
I've gotten almost obsessed with creating just the right party; I've spent real life days of my gaming time, and I've restarted about five or six times now, including one save game with the IWD NPC Project, which was made compatible with IWD:EE almost immediately. (Kudos to @kulyok and @jcompton .) I haven't even gotten past the Vale of Shadows yet because I keep playing with EEKeeper, Tweaks, and NPC Project trying to get the perfect settings.
Fun, fun, fun! This game is such a delightful early Christmas present from Beamdog. I can see myself playing all the way through this winter. Awesome work, Beamdog!
She is named after the star Epsilon Virginis, Vindemiatrix. This is the star traditionally associated with the grape harvest and wine making
Vindemiatrix is also a very good guide star to the Virgo Galaxy Cluster, a very mind-bending sight in a telescope.
But, "I came from the Matrix" is what I'll think of from now on
[spoiler=Lich Sorceress] - Link to Original Artwork
[/spoiler][spoiler=Skeleton Knight] - Link to Original Artwork
[/spoiler][spoiler=Wight Squire] - Link to Original Artwork
[/spoiler][spoiler=Zombie Archer] - Link to Original Artwork
[/spoiler][spoiler=Undead Priest] - Link to Original Artwork
[/spoiler][spoiler=Ghoul Rogue] - Link to Original Artwork
The only way I can think of the whole town not turning hostile towards the party is..
The lich uses much of her energy to maintain the whole party's disguise with illusions and avoid detection spells.
Edit: Source artwork are now linked after pictures
Loving the undead theme!
Where'd you manage to snag those convenient portraits?
Also, is it wrong that I think the lich sorceress is kinda hot?
Here's my HoF one:
[spoiler=Fighter Mage Thief]
So, it's designed for maximum efficiency hence the high ability scores.
So far, it performs very well. But so does everything with Web and Animate Dead.
Running a party right now on insane that I call The Paragons and the Prisoner. Four goodlie characters hunted one evil dude across Faerun and eventually caught up to him in Easthaven before getting dragged into events bigger than all of them.
Party Leader: Tarsis Claire, Lawful Good Human Undead Hunter (of Torm)
Slot two: Vigil Kayne, Lawful Good Human Cleric of Helm
Slot Three: Keridin the Clanless, Chaotic Good Dwarf Barbarian
Slot Four: Sheffield, Neutral Evil Tiefling Fighter/Mage/Thief
Slot Five: Myndreal Tel'Arhuin, True Neutral Elf Avenger
Slot Six: Ceva, Chaotic Good Dragon Disciple
For RP purposes that has been a very cool party. Up until the departure from Easthaven I had my party take the Circular formation around Sheff and didnt let him have a weapon or armor. Only after the avalanche did they let himself be armed, and even then kept a close watch on him. They wont even let him talk to anyone, despite his high Charisma.
I spent almost an hour rolling up Sheffs stats. Figured anybody that can rouse two holy warriors, a druid, a Sorcerer and a barbarian ought to be pretty tough. Got him a 98, so I think its fitting and well worth the time.
Kidding aside, I guess you have to do that if you want to try HoF from level one. Nice party and pics.
EDIT: Btw, I love your skald portrait choice. I just noticed today that that sword behind him is only vaguely hinted at in shadow, and that the actual main hand gear shown on his person is a big arse horn! Horn skalds of the world, unite! Given that our principal horn player in the Chattanooga Symphony wears his hair long and braided, credits Star Wars music for his career choice, and is just an awesomely cool guy all around, I have come to think of all pro French horn players as skalds.
@SharGuidesMyHand You're not alone on that! Well, I kind of imagined the Lich's distorted face being the real look while the body is but an illusion to fool the common folks.
Man, that sounds like such a fun way to spend an afternoon or two...
RP can be awesome if a cool idea like that presents itself to you.
I love the part about keeping the tiefling in the middle of the circle, and not giving him weapons/armor!
Also, 98? Wow! How many times did you have to hit that reroll button?
Thanks, I appreciate it. (:
Hah yea the rolling took ages. I actually ended up skipping two other mid ninty rlls because my eyes were getting tired.
Doing a playthrough using BG2 Tweaks, and, on top of it, using EEKeeper to make some of these class combo's actually possible. The party itself doesn't have a name, which is a shame, because it's easily one of the more interesting parties I've put together.
Slot One: Marnamos Runehelm, Lawful Good Dwarf Dwarven Defender/Cleric. (He's actually a Paladin of Moradin, but since that isn't a thing...I had to improvise.)
Slot Two: Danithiel Al'ethori, Chaotic Good Elf Fighter/Mage. (Danithiel's bio states she's a Bladesinger, which, as I'm sure all of you know, is a fancy word for Elven Badass.)
Slot Three: Lady Melissa Tirford, Lawful Good Human Fighter/Cleric of Helm. (I had to pick up AoE to ensure she's actually able to use a bastard sword, the favored weapon of Helm.)
Slot Four: The Watcher in Black, True Neutral Human Necromancer/Cleric. (The Watcher in Black is a Deadwatcher of Jergal, the former god of being an evil jackass. However, now that Jergal isn't really a Greater Deity of Strife and Murder and Death, his priesthood has gone from being really terrible people to being...less terrible people.)
Slot Five: Scarlet Reincourt, Chaotic Good Human Fighter/Assassin. (Scarlet has had the least amount of tweaking done to her.)
My current sixth slot is occupied by:
Slot Six: Fulthip "Kneecapper" Blastnose, Chaotic Good Gnome Fighter/Assassin.
However, the slot used to be filled with:
Slot Six: Thurk Rageblood, Neutral Good Half-Orc Barbarian/Druid.
1. Wizardslayer (1st Class) / Mage (2nd Class) Dual Class Human LN (Traitor to his own sect) main arcane caster
2. Bounty Hunter Halfling LN Traps and other thieving stuff
3. Jester Human LN Arcane spells backup and archer
4. Kensai Gnome LN DPS Machine
5. Totemic Druid Half-Elf TN support and buff healing
6 Priest of Lathander Dwarf TN primary healer and buffs
Agelar, a 10 lvl elf duskblade, hits an ettin with critical hit through Darkened Glory katana +2 with chanelled Shocking Grasp. Due to critical, ettin gets cursened and then another critical from Wakizame, a 10th lvl half-orc kensai. These are my two main damage dealers and my pride.
Agelar in particular role fits role of fighter\thief in my party, doing high damage but with mediocre defenses, like Wakizame, they are not hardy in HOF unlike normal game. Still can't find out if +5% bonus from Darkened Glory to critical stacks with passive bonus from dual wielding. But criticals gets now more regular.
But that's nothing but a scrath to my enemy, because in beginning of chapter four I got pretty bored (whole game becomes quite easier once you learn haste and stoneskin) and check "Heart of Fury" mode on. Well see how thins turns out, are my party good enough for HOF or gets ashamed and diminished to simply Insane mode? Interesting!
Other party members are:
Taggert, a 10 lvl pure paladin, quick Lay on Hands, and DUHM on himself, waiting for Pale Justice, 8\10
Rearden 7lvl bers > 12 druid. He gets his dual surprisingly quickly because of enourmous exp reward in Dragon's Eye on Insane. He can tank in stoneskin and entropy shield, casts eveyday barskin on kensai, and casts Entangled on smaller enemies, after that spike thorns and such. I'll give him 8\10
Sky, a 9th lvl figter\mage focused on daggers. These weapons are pretty good in this game, especcialy Mage daggers and Spinesheath with +5 THAC0 bonus. She is pretty ordinary gish, casting Haste on friends and Webs on enemies. Robe of Enfusing fits her perfectly.
Sigrid, chaotic evil female elf barbarian, party leader. Foundling of the Uthgardt barbarians. She's not a very good person, but she was abused as a child, so people who abuse women and children make her mad. Being a barbarian, you wouldn't like her when she's mad. Is currently something of a walking fantasy stereotype, since her fancy new bracers mean she's no longer wearing armor.
Ishild, lawful evil female human blackguard. Dark knight of Loviatar, sent to Easthaven to investigate a deep well of unimaginable pain from the surrounding area. Hasn't found it yet, but has found many other sources of deep emotional trauma. Sigrid's tendency to beat the shit out of those responsible is becoming annoying, but the piles of dead and wounded the party leaves in its wake makes up for it.
Asbjorn, true neutral male human totem druid. Shaman of the Uthgardt barbarians and Sigrid's more level-headed husband. The calming voice of the group, usually, but "calm" shouldn't be confused with "merciful."
Isaac, chaotic neutral male halfling bounty hunter. Hunter, trapper, and trader from the Ten Towns, liaison between the Uthgardt and the Dale's more civilized residents. Has a bit of a "Tom and Jerry" complex, in that he enjoys turning the tables on those bigger and strong than him more than is probably healthy.
Konrad, neutral evil male human bard. Agent of Loviatar, specializing in information gathering and spreading social discord. Ishild's partner in the Easthaven investigation. Something of a coward when it comes to actual combat, but his words have a power over wounds, so he's not a bad guy to have along in any case.
Gudrun, chaotic evil female human sorceress. Asbjorn's sister, possessed by an ice spirit and rather insane. Loyal, but enigmatic, unstable, and very, very dangerous. Think River Tam with fewer morals.
Will edit later with pictures.