Two sisters and a love interest who struggles over which sister he loves more.
Dimla Crackaxe [ Dwarven Defender ]
Hurla Crackaxe [ Berserker ]
Horath Dullstone [ Priest of Tempus ]
And three rag-tag folks they met in the tavern -
Alexis Owlwood [ Avenger ]
Jam Patterfoot [ Swashbuckler ]
Jasper Jinxum [ Dragon Disciple ]
I've really not mastered Alexis Owlwood as an Avenger. Despite having spell support as a Druid, she rarely does much else but toss sling stones around in combat.
As for Jasper Jinxum, I'm personally feeling a Sorcerer to lack the spell variety of a Wizard. Casting from found scrolls is an option, but as a Wizard, one could learn them and be a lot more versatile in combat vs. just having a set selection of spells to cast from. It does take away trying different spell combinations for combat strategy.
Note: I have no idea how to post pictures in a spoiler tag in these forums :-/ Hope it works
Here is my party, I have complicated house rules for character creation that prevent min/maxing, but at the same time allow a little wriggle room with the stats. I think it makes the character creation process more enjoyabgle to have some control, but to also have to make important decisions (as opposed to roll until high score, chuck all the important stuff up to 18 and go!). It also makes the entire game more enjoyable to have non-perfect characters because spells, items and tactics are more important, but with the little control I have it lets me avoid awful characters and a frustrating game too. That said, my party after completing Vale of Shadows, I'm still on a no-reload run as it stands!
The backgrounds:
Pathfinder is a Ranger, originally a bounty hunter and sellsword from Luskan, who fled the city to live in anoniminity after he made too many powerful enemies. To his surprise he found himself more at home in the wilds and has wandered without a home for many years now, helping find safe paths through the mountains for trade caravans. He commented on some of the members of the latest caravan he guided to Easthaven in his journal:
There is Thomarr, an Uthgardt warrior on a pilgrimage to the temple here in Easthaven. He seeks to learn more about his ancestor the legendary shaman Jarrod and to visit his resting place.
There is Brodir, a Dwarf and a wildsman, an unsual combination to say the least. He is a caravan guard and is more at home in the wilderness than any Dwarf I have met before.
There is Argo, a monk and follower of Ilmater. He is on his way to visit the temple in Kuldahar as part of his pilgrimage across the North.
There is Peony, a Gnomish Illusionist and cheeky little trickster to boot. She has travelled far from her home in the South to search for her eccentric uncle who went missing in what she describes as an "airship incident"... whatever that means.
And finally there is Merla. A druid from a secretive sect who claims to be on an important mission, the details of which she refuses to divulge. I am sure that it has something to do with the recent events in the Dale though. I would question her more, but she has a rather foul temper and I can't deal with another headache right now!
As you can probably tell, I like to create RP parties. I'm tryign some strange stuff from a gameplay point of view too, like having a Dwarf Fighter than only uses Quaterstaffs... um, we'll see how that pans out, lol.
Here is my main party, The (EE)Keepers of The Dale. Currently they are doing contract work for Kresselack.
Leader: Sid - Chaotic Good Human Bard (Crossbow + Dagger) Sid Romani is a traveler, a painter, and a born explorer. She has wandered up to The Ten Towns in search of new inspiration and beautiful scenery. She plays a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack for the party throughout their journey. [Spoiler][/Spoiler] Tank: Buckle - Lawful Neutral Dwarven Defender (Axe, Warhammer) Buckle Redbeard was a soldier in the Undermountain King's Royal Guard, but was politically sabotaged by a member of the rival clan of Drognar. Dishonorably discharged and exiled, he has promised his axe to Sid after she saved him from drowning. He expects to be paid regularly. [Spoiler][/Spoiler] Muscle: Alana - True Neutral Half-elf Fighter/Totemic Druid (Quarterstaff) Alana Rivington is the next in a long bloodline of a tribe of Totemic Druids. She is an active member of her circle, and has headed forth in search of a great but sickly tree. [Spoiler][/Spoiler] Heal/Buff-bot: Tortuga - Neutral Good Dwarf Priest of Tyr (Mace, Flail/Morningstar) This guy is a strict fundamentalist. Nobody seems to like him, save for Anduina, who enjoys sending him off on long religious rants. A sharp study and wise beyond even his years, he's a welcome ally on any battlefield, but an intolerable, droning bore outside of that. [Spoiler][/Spoiler] Sniper: Rachel - Chaotic Good Elven Archer (Long Bow, Long Sword) Alana's friend and neighbor, Rachel Silvias is a local tavern owner who spent her childhood in the wildlands. A guide and helping hand for anyone in need, and an absolutely crack shot. [Spoiler][/Spoiler] The Brain: Anduina - Neutral Evil Elven Mage/Assassin (Long Sword, Short Bow) A near-utter lunatic, Anduina tempers her madness with cold, selfish logic, and a newly found gleeful pastime of riling up Tortuga at every turn. She is adept with machinery, stealth, and magic, but a frail master of none. She dreams at night of the wonderful/horrible day she rises to real power. [Spoiler][/Spoiler] I haven't fleshed out much else yet, but I'll keep going with it.
Note: I have no idea how to post pictures in a spoiler tag in these forums :-/ Hope it works
Here is my party, I have complicated house rules for character creation that prevent min/maxing, but at the same time allow a little wriggle room with the stats. I think it makes the character creation process more enjoyabgle to have some control, but to also have to make important decisions (as opposed to roll until high score, chuck all the important stuff up to 18 and go!). It also makes the entire game more enjoyable to have non-perfect characters because spells, items and tactics are more important, but with the little control I have it lets me avoid awful characters and a frustrating game too. That said, my party after completing Vale of Shadows, I'm still on a no-reload run as it stands!
The backgrounds:
Pathfinder is a Ranger, originally a bounty hunter and sellsword from Luskan, who fled the city to live in anoniminity after he made too many powerful enemies. To his surprise he found himself more at home in the wilds and has wandered without a home for many years now, helping find safe paths through the mountains for trade caravans. He commented on some of the members of the latest caravan he guided to Easthaven in his journal:
There is Thomarr, an Uthgardt warrior on a pilgrimage to the temple here in Easthaven. He seeks to learn more about his ancestor the legendary shaman Jarrod and to visit his resting place.
There is Brodir, a Dwarf and a wildsman, an unsual combination to say the least. He is a caravan guard and is more at home in the wilderness than any Dwarf I have met before.
There is Argo, a monk and follower of Ilmater. He is on his way to visit the temple in Kuldahar as part of his pilgrimage across the North.
There is Peony, a Gnomish Illusionist and cheeky little trickster to boot. She has travelled far from her home in the South to search for her eccentric uncle who went missing in what she describes as an "airship incident"... whatever that means.
And finally there is Merla. A druid from a secretive sect who claims to be on an important mission, the details of which she refuses to divulge. I am sure that it has something to do with the recent events in the Dale though. I would question her more, but she has a rather foul temper and I can't deal with another headache right now!
As you can probably tell, I like to create RP parties. I'm tryign some strange stuff from a gameplay point of view too, like having a Dwarf Fighter than only uses Quaterstaffs... um, we'll see how that pans out, lol.
In honor of the upcoming holiday season, here's a little four member party I created for "Christmas in Icewind Dale."
Frosty "the Snowman" is a happy, jolly, soul. Until he sees undead. Then he goes nuts and turns into a lethal killing machine. I made him an Undead Hunter, and the Guardian of Christmas.
Mrs. Claus is a Priestess of Lathander, always ready with a smile, and a devout wife and partner to the big guy. She is the party healer. She radiates so much warmth and love, the undead are afraid to go near her. If forced to it, she can handle herself in a melee fight as well.
Santa's Elf is a sneaky little fellow, good at getting in and out of places unseen. He's supposed to help Santa leave toys, but Santa has to watch him carefully, because sometimes he gets mixed up and *takes* things. He's the party scout, trap disarmer, and locksmith.
Here's the big guy himself, Santa Claus the skald. He prefers to avoid directly becoming involved with fights, instead singing his blessings onto Frosty when fighting is necessary. If Frosty, Elf, and Mrs. Claus get into trouble, he is capable of paralyzing and stunning enemies by throwing Chromatic Orb Christmas Ornaments at them, as well as other devastating magical spells.
Here's a Christmas family picture, with Santa, Mrs. Claus and friends preparing to rid the area near Santa's Kuldahar Workshop of an undead infestation.
Here the adventuring members of the Bronzebeard clan sits in the tavern at Kuldahar and discusses their next plan of action over some pints of Ale.. Locals keep to themselves but glare over their shoulders as it is peculiar that six Dwarves are staying in their town. The Dwarf's table is full of the smell of pipe weed and smoke, the sounds of bickering and arguing as the six all put in their opinion on the matter..... Dwarves can never agree on anything...
Some wanted to help the arch druid, others didn't.... but as Belo, the eldest and the cleric of the party pointed out... they would be much better off fighting their way out, gaining loot and treasure along the way... rather then staying in and getting drunk until the winter passes and the pass clears up... They were not too welcomed on arrival so staying for an extended amount of time without putting much work in would both run their own resources dry as well as further upset the town folk....
The Clan originated in the Deep Shanatar, long ago... but long since has spread out.... The six Dwarves hail from their house in Neverwinter.... They have decided that instead of working in the mines or moving back to a dwarven keep to mine they could delve... Going on some minor expeditions the crew decided the best place to delve would be none other than the spine of the world... think what treasures are housed in the old dwarven keeps, the tombs and caves of ancient creatures...
Setting out to easthaven their real adventure begins, and now ... after the attack....they end up in this small tavern in Kuldahar, who's size could hardly fit the six of them...
Here is the party, from top to bottom on the portrait side to the right.
-Leader: Gloren Bronzebeard~ Dwarven Defender~ NG Charismatic, strong, handsome.. adventurous for a Dwarf. He makes his living by organising parties of adventurers and finding dangerous lost caverns, dungeons or mines to loot...
-Right hand man and Brother: Thallin Bronzebeard ~ Fighter/Cleric ~ LG Brave, cautious, sort of timid... Thallin is the counter weight of Gloren. Though he has stuck with Gloren through most of his early adventures he is often quick to warn Gloren of the many dangers that may await them.
-Advisor, Spiritual Guide: Belo Bronzebeard ~ Cleric ~LG Old and strong in the ways of Moradin Belo is the wise advice that Gloren often seeks on not only magical devices but Ethical decisions... Gloren knows Belo has a strong Ethos and high charisma (even for a Dwarf) and is a very wise leader....
-Beserker: Grok Bronzebeard~ Barbarian~ CG Like most beserkers Grok is sort of over zealous, hot headed, high tempered, and quick to judge... Often with good intentions he will dismiss the law in what he thinks is the greater good.. Gloren knows his cousin Grok to be a highly able warrior...though sometimes he can be a loose cannon and get the party in trouble.
-Scout/Thief: Crimlin Bronzebeard~ Bounty Hunter ~ NG Never living underground Crimlin became a great tracker and archer, suffecient in the crossbow and shortbow Crimlin knows much about traps, tracking, lock picking, hunting, poison, herbal remedies and general wilderness knowledge. His strength is finding and navigating dark and deadly caves, he is a good one to bring when seeking a decent shelter in the wilderness... His ethics are not all there though, but for the right price, they can be bought.
-Spy, Assasin : Bain Bronzebeard~ Assassin~ NE Bain is the darkest of them all, one can almost be sure there is a duegar under that black hood he wears and not a Dwarf. The man is highly pessimistic thinking optimism as a weekness. Bain is morbid and obsessed with death. He welcomes it which sometimes allows him to seemingly be acting heroic, when he is simply testing his luck with fate. He takes his time and can be insanely meticulous when carrying out an assassination or when stalking an enemy and although dark, he is a good addition to any party.
I forgot to mention for "Christmas in Icewind Dale" - Santa's "pseudodragon" flying familiar is of course named "Rudolph". He morphs into his pseudodragon form when threatened, but most of the time, he appears as a tiny, red-nosed reindeer. Santa loves him so much, he usually keeps him secreted away in a special extradimensional "backpack", until foggy Christmas Eves.
Santa should have summoned him out and included him in the family portrait.
As I am immensely drawn to the morality of EVIL whenever I'm roleplaying, I have formed a party of despicable individuals!
The Leader: Jean Vilanni (Enchanter)
A bitter woman with a lust for power. Power in her eyes is not destructive fireballs and arcane blizzards, but manipulation and control. Not one to get her hands dirty, she commands a monster named Krul to do her bidding through magic. With Krul at her side and a collection of disabling and manipulating spells up her sleeves, Jean is a Mage to be feared.
The Monster: Krul (Berserker)
Krul. A monstrous behemoth and loyal thrall to Jean. With club and shield, Krul destroys all who oppose his mistress. Jean's control over him is so deep, she can trigger an instinctive blood rage within the beast, within which he is near unstoppable. Often, Jean's would-be enemies have fled at the sight of Krul.
The Bandit: Elain Castor (Thief/Fighter)
Elain Castor. A woman guided by her own love for combat and riches. A true thrill seeker, Elain has never sat idle. A trip to Easthaven lead her to meeting Jean and becoming a part of the exhibition to Kuldahar. Though her original intentions were to go it alone upon arrival, seeing the whole party in combat together ignited a spark inside her. The potential for riches and thrilling battles was immense, the choice to stick around was easy.
The Death Whisperer: 'Blacktongue' (Fighter/Cleric)
Loose lips sink ships, and Blacktongue's lips were once the loosest. A manipulator in his own right, Blacktongue, once Ludrick Pardis, used his religious background to whisper in the ears of those who came to trust him. He sewed paranoia and chaos into the hearts of the weak and smiled as their worlds crashed around them. The price of his counsel was steep and his poor hapless disciples paid willingly. Eventually he earned the nickname Blacktongue, the death whisperer, for those who sought his counsel were known to perish soon after.
The Mercenary: Cassandra Mills (Fighter)
Little is to be said for Cassandra. A mercenary with a preference for the bloody kind of work, Cassandra is a talented archer and at home in the forest. Cassandra was 'hired' by Jean as an additional companion for her trip to the North, though Cassandra wasn't fool enough to turn down a job offer from a mage with a near 8 foot tall monstrosity at her beck and call.
Michael, the archangel of Fire, the warrior of God, he who defeats the Dragon, wielding the flaming sword, Angel of the South, and summer.
Raphael, the archangel of Air, the Healer, he who stirs the waters to bring healing, wielding the sling, Angel of the East, sunrise, and spring.
Auriel, the archangel of Earth, the Angel of Death, she who comes as a thief in the night, dancing the shadows, Angel of the North, and winter.
Gabriel, the archangel of Water, the Messenger of God, he who sounds the final trumpet, the wielder of the Magic of Change, Angel of the West, and autumn.
Group picture of angelic avatars:
Katherine Kurtz's Deryni archangels were the inspiration for my first party in my first game of Might and Magic 6, way back when, years before Baldur's Gate was released. Her ideas of a perfectly balanced magical set of quarters has influenced my fantasy thinking and party creation ever since.
I myself identify with the Archangel Gabriel, and water. He/I could be a bard, a mage, or a sorcerer under 2nd edition D&D rules. I went with sorcerer for this particular incarnation, which ties into my beloved Might and Magic series.
My first two kitty cats were named after Michael and Gabriel. The second was a female black and white whom I named "Gabrielle". My next cat was a black and white whom I named Auriel. I still haven't found my "Rafe" kitty, but I currently have a male blue cat whom I named "Blue", who actually fits Rafe's personality pretty well. Maybe I should have named him "Rafe".
Interestingly, my first name is "Michael", and my zodiac sign is smack in between Leo and Cancer. Most charts put me in Leo, just barely. So, I have some affinity for both the Fire Warrior, and the Water Sorcerer. The Water Sorcerer dominates in me, though, I think.
@BelgarathMTH, I really like your Angelic party! I have similar concept for a party. It's still work in process, but basic idea is that everyone will be dual or multi Cleric. Though I plan to use less known angel names.
Note: I have no idea how to post pictures in a spoiler tag in these forums :-/ Hope it works
Here is my party, I have complicated house rules for character creation that prevent min/maxing, but at the same time allow a little wriggle room with the stats. I think it makes the character creation process more enjoyabgle to have some control, but to also have to make important decisions (as opposed to roll until high score, chuck all the important stuff up to 18 and go!). It also makes the entire game more enjoyable to have non-perfect characters because spells, items and tactics are more important, but with the little control I have it lets me avoid awful characters and a frustrating game too. That said, my party after completing Vale of Shadows, I'm still on a no-reload run as it stands!
The backgrounds:
Pathfinder is a Ranger, originally a bounty hunter and sellsword from Luskan, who fled the city to live in anoniminity after he made too many powerful enemies. To his surprise he found himself more at home in the wilds and has wandered without a home for many years now, helping find safe paths through the mountains for trade caravans. He commented on some of the members of the latest caravan he guided to Easthaven in his journal:
There is Thomarr, an Uthgardt warrior on a pilgrimage to the temple here in Easthaven. He seeks to learn more about his ancestor the legendary shaman Jarrod and to visit his resting place.
There is Brodir, a Dwarf and a wildsman, an unsual combination to say the least. He is a caravan guard and is more at home in the wilderness than any Dwarf I have met before.
There is Argo, a monk and follower of Ilmater. He is on his way to visit the temple in Kuldahar as part of his pilgrimage across the North.
There is Peony, a Gnomish Illusionist and cheeky little trickster to boot. She has travelled far from her home in the South to search for her eccentric uncle who went missing in what she describes as an "airship incident"... whatever that means.
And finally there is Merla. A druid from a secretive sect who claims to be on an important mission, the details of which she refuses to divulge. I am sure that it has something to do with the recent events in the Dale though. I would question her more, but she has a rather foul temper and I can't deal with another headache right now!
As you can probably tell, I like to create RP parties. I'm tryign some strange stuff from a gameplay point of view too, like having a Dwarf Fighter than only uses Quaterstaffs... um, we'll see how that pans out, lol.
Where did you get character portraits? They are just what I'm looking for.
@Belgarath: lol, the Christmas themed party is great and that portrait does in-fact have a certain look of Santa Claus about it. I don't think I'll be able to take that portait seriously again now :-D
Peony is a type of flower, thats all, hehe. I notice now it is a name from IWD2 NPC portrait pack too, but I just wanted a flower name for her and Peony came into my head, not realising the connection with the IWD2 NPC project!
I give names with a reason:
-Pathfinder (it is a Ranger nickname, describes what he does) -Thomarr (it's just sounds like it could be from the same culture as Jerrod, no other reason) -Peony (it's a flower, and females of the small races I think are suited to being named after flowers for some reason) -Argo (it is the name of Jason or the Argonauts ship and means "fast and shining" which I thought was suited for a monk since they are fast and I guess holy/shining) -Merla is french for crow I think -Brodir, just a Dwarf name I used in WoW a long time ago :-p
@Shar: Thanks, I found them all by Google image search for Icewind Dale portraits!
Here's a party concept that I've been trying to put together from the time that IWD was first announced, and only now am on the verge of completion (I just need to come up with some names).
The basic concept is an Amazonian/"Thelma & Louise"-type party of all-female renegades and outlaws - no male and/or lawful characters allowed. They are driven by desire for personal gain and/or glory, so no classes with self-righteous "causes" (i.e: paladins, rangers, druids) are allowed either.
The leader is a chaotic neutral barbarian. I imagine her as being (over)confident, brash, crass, raunchy, and confrontational, though also a bit sexy and seductive in her own way. I imagine that she becomes something of a "reluctant hero" (like Han Solo in the original Star Wars), without a particular desire to do good, but ultimately being roped into become the savior of the realms.
As you can see below, I didn't design the characters purely for maximum effect - I chose their classes and proficiencies based on their portraits and imagined backgrounds, and I tried to balance out their stats (i.e: clearly defined strengths and weaknesses) in the manner of BG1 NPCs. For example, I deliberately gave my barbarian "low" con (no bonus, except when she rages) to balance out the fact that I had given her such high str and dext. Likewise, I chose elves or half-elves as my main tanks instead of (the more typical) dwarves, because the idea of elven tanks just seemed more interesting and unique to me (plus, admittedly, bearded woman creep me out a bit).
So without further ado, here's my party lineup:
Although the barbarian is my party leader, she'll mainly be used for sharpshooting and flanking (rather than straightforward tanking), then "raging" into the thick of battle at key moments. The berserker and fighter/cleric will serve as my main tanks, with the Priest of Tempus providing backup melee support as needed. The mage/thief will also be a backup sharpshooter, and the skald will be largely devoted to singing her song and giving bonuses to the fighting crew.
Any strategic advice that anyone might have to offer for my party would be welcome.
Another Party I threw together, this time with a concrete theme that I'm sure @GlorenBronzebeard will appreciate. This party makes use of the SoB mod and a tiny bit of EE keeper tweaking.
Slot 1: Gyan Stoneholme, LG Dwarven Fighter/Cleric (Alaghor of Clangeddin).
Slot 2: Thorin Stoneholme, LG Dwarven Dwarven Defender.
Slot 3: Rurik Stoneholme, NG Dwarven Fighter/Swashbuckler.
Slot 4: Gort Stoneholme, LG Dwarven Kensai/Cleric. (This character is objectively terrifying. I didn't think you do could that much damage in a single round with a warhammer.)
Slot 5: Lurgan Stoneholme, NG Dwarven Marksman/Thief.
Slot 6: Mornthul Stoneholme, NG Dwarven Mage/Monitor of Mystra. (Thunder Blessing came early. Deal with it!)
Well I completed the game with my previous party so I'm forming a new group of evil!
Let me tell you a tale...
A monk of the Dark Moon has left her monastery on pilgrimage to the North, in the hopes of corrupting the faith there with her own. Equipped only with the mind and body she has honed over a life of devoted training and worship, her chances of survival are slim. Her name is Luna Ferus, and she is no fool.
[Spoiler] [/spoiler]
In the interests of returning to her home alive, she requests to be accompanied by a fellow follower of the Dark Moon. Many monks and priests were reluctant to leave the secluded safety of the monastery but a young priest with a dark smile and sly eyes stepped forward. Introducing himself as Doran Kastiel, the priest offered himself as a companion to Luna.
[Spoiler] [/spoiler]
The two promptly left the monastery with food and coin to cover most of their journey. But having just one companion did not sit well with Luna, nor did it sit well with a guardian of the monastery, Aeristar Dusk. A magically trained archer, Aeristar felt it her duty to protect and assist the pair on their dark pilgrimage.
[Spoiler] [/spoiler]
The three travelled further North for several days, eventually encountering a lone stone building hidden along a secret path in some woodland, away from the prying eyes of 'good folk.' A bolt of lightning burst from the trees narrowly missing the group, followed by the smooth tones of a red eyed mage clothed in impressive robes. He bid the group turn back, or die, for they were trespassing on his land.
Luna unintimidated bid the group press on, though Astrov would not let that slide. With a brief chant he attacked Luna, only for her image to dissolve in the wind, a mere illusion. By Astrov's head her hand rested and she whispered her party's destination. She demanded that compensation for this assault on her life be paid in his joining the pilgrimage. Humbled by the skill of the monk and intrigued by the potential for magical discovery in the North, he agreed on the condition his apprentice come as well. Luna saw no harm in this and thus the deal was struck. Astrov called upon his apprentice, Victoria Orlinde, to pack supplies before the five-man group departed.
[Spoiler] [/spoiler]
Victoria, whined and complained the entire trip, the ever lowering temperature and constant prayers from Luna and Doran infuriated her to no end and in turn, her master grew angry at her, striking her more than once on several occasions, to which the rest of the party paid no heed. Eventually they reached Easthaven. In sore need of some rest, they entered the local tavern and drank, though sparingly, to warm their bodies and minds.
It was here they met Drizera Myste, a drow with a fierce mouth and healthy sense of humour, roaring with laughter at another table. Closer inspection saw the drow had a dagger stabbed into a man's hand who was crying with pain. Feeling eyes on her, Drizera addressed the party with a chuckle and a bloody handshake.
[Spoiler] [/spoiler]
A mercenary looking for work, Drizera told the group of the exhibition headed to Kuldahar. Sensing an opportunity to acquire a new companion and to corrupt a Druidic sanctuary, Luna offered Drizera some work. Just as the deal was struck, the door to the tavern swung open, revealing an armoured silhouette against the snowy northern sunlight...
malavon fight, he died first but his damn golems are much tougher
ilmadia fight, lure them all to the priest for free healing, but it did'nt help (I play on HOF with no death rule)
and after I beat them and gain good amouts of exp I was so surprised that my jaw drops! So we have hla in iwd or I just messed up game in my override so much?
My current party. A human paladin - no kit as the kits are useless for a paladin in EE. Using longswords&shields
a dwarven defender - tank in its purest form. Using axes&shields
a human swashbuckler - trap detection a lockpicker (no trap setting at all). Dual-wielding short swords and to be dualed to a mage after reaching chapter 6 (that's when most traps are no longer dangerous),
an elven archer (using longbows). Racial enemy Giants
a half-elf bard (using crossbows). Once again no kit, as the vanilla IWD bard is best that can be. BG2 kits are laughable.
and a half-elf cleric mage (using slings&shields). Pure nuker and buffer at needed. .
Two sisters and a love interest who struggles over which sister he loves more.
Dimla Crackaxe [ Dwarven Defender ]
Hurla Crackaxe [ Berserker ]
Horath Dullstone [ Priest of Tempus ]
And three rag-tag folks they met in the tavern -
Alexis Owlwood [ Avenger ]
Jam Patterfoot [ Swashbuckler ]
Jasper Jinxum [ Dragon Disciple ]
I've really not mastered Alexis Owlwood as an Avenger. Despite having spell support as a Druid, she rarely does much else but toss sling stones around in combat.
As for Jasper Jinxum, I'm personally feeling a Sorcerer to lack the spell variety of a Wizard. Casting from found scrolls is an option, but as a Wizard, one could learn them and be a lot more versatile in combat vs. just having a set selection of spells to cast from. It does take away trying different spell combinations for combat strategy.
Here is my party, I have complicated house rules for character creation that prevent min/maxing, but at the same time allow a little wriggle room with the stats. I think it makes the character creation process more enjoyabgle to have some control, but to also have to make important decisions (as opposed to roll until high score, chuck all the important stuff up to 18 and go!). It also makes the entire game more enjoyable to have non-perfect characters because spells, items and tactics are more important, but with the little control I have it lets me avoid awful characters and a frustrating game too. That said, my party after completing Vale of Shadows, I'm still on a no-reload run as it stands!
The backgrounds:
Pathfinder is a Ranger, originally a bounty hunter and sellsword from Luskan, who fled the city to live in anoniminity after he made too many powerful enemies. To his surprise he found himself more at home in the wilds and has wandered without a home for many years now, helping find safe paths through the mountains for trade caravans. He commented on some of the members of the latest caravan he guided to Easthaven in his journal:
There is Thomarr, an Uthgardt warrior on a pilgrimage to the temple here in Easthaven. He seeks to learn more about his ancestor the legendary shaman Jarrod and to visit his resting place.
There is Brodir, a Dwarf and a wildsman, an unsual combination to say the least. He is a caravan guard and is more at home in the wilderness than any Dwarf I have met before.
There is Argo, a monk and follower of Ilmater. He is on his way to visit the temple in Kuldahar as part of his pilgrimage across the North.
There is Peony, a Gnomish Illusionist and cheeky little trickster to boot. She has travelled far from her home in the South to search for her eccentric uncle who went missing in what she describes as an "airship incident"... whatever that means.
And finally there is Merla. A druid from a secretive sect who claims to be on an important mission, the details of which she refuses to divulge. I am sure that it has something to do with the recent events in the Dale though. I would question her more, but she has a rather foul temper and I can't deal with another headache right now!
As you can probably tell, I like to create RP parties. I'm tryign some strange stuff from a gameplay point of view too, like having a Dwarf Fighter than only uses Quaterstaffs... um, we'll see how that pans out, lol.
Currently they are doing contract work for Kresselack.
Leader: Sid - Chaotic Good Human Bard (Crossbow + Dagger)
Sid Romani is a traveler, a painter, and a born explorer. She has wandered up to The Ten Towns in search of new inspiration and beautiful scenery. She plays a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack for the party throughout their journey.
Tank: Buckle - Lawful Neutral Dwarven Defender (Axe, Warhammer)
Buckle Redbeard was a soldier in the Undermountain King's Royal Guard, but was politically sabotaged by a member of the rival clan of Drognar. Dishonorably discharged and exiled, he has promised his axe to Sid after she saved him from drowning. He expects to be paid regularly.
Muscle: Alana - True Neutral Half-elf Fighter/Totemic Druid (Quarterstaff)
Alana Rivington is the next in a long bloodline of a tribe of Totemic Druids. She is an active member of her circle, and has headed forth in search of a great but sickly tree.
Heal/Buff-bot: Tortuga - Neutral Good Dwarf Priest of Tyr (Mace, Flail/Morningstar)
This guy is a strict fundamentalist. Nobody seems to like him, save for Anduina, who enjoys sending him off on long religious rants. A sharp study and wise beyond even his years, he's a welcome ally on any battlefield, but an intolerable, droning bore outside of that.
Sniper: Rachel - Chaotic Good Elven Archer (Long Bow, Long Sword)
Alana's friend and neighbor, Rachel Silvias is a local tavern owner who spent her childhood in the wildlands. A guide and helping hand for anyone in need, and an absolutely crack shot.
The Brain: Anduina - Neutral Evil Elven Mage/Assassin (Long Sword, Short Bow)
A near-utter lunatic, Anduina tempers her madness with cold, selfish logic, and a newly found gleeful pastime of riling up Tortuga at every turn. She is adept with machinery, stealth, and magic, but a frail master of none. She dreams at night of the wonderful/horrible day she rises to real power.
I haven't fleshed out much else yet, but I'll keep going with it.
Frosty "the Snowman" is a happy, jolly, soul. Until he sees undead. Then he goes nuts and turns into a lethal killing machine. I made him an Undead Hunter, and the Guardian of Christmas.
Mrs. Claus is a Priestess of Lathander, always ready with a smile, and a devout wife and partner to the big guy. She is the party healer. She radiates so much warmth and love, the undead are afraid to go near her. If forced to it, she can handle herself in a melee fight as well.
Santa's Elf is a sneaky little fellow, good at getting in and out of places unseen. He's supposed to help Santa leave toys, but Santa has to watch him carefully, because sometimes he gets mixed up and *takes* things. He's the party scout, trap disarmer, and locksmith.
Here's the big guy himself, Santa Claus the skald. He prefers to avoid directly becoming involved with fights, instead singing his blessings onto Frosty when fighting is necessary. If Frosty, Elf, and Mrs. Claus get into trouble, he is capable of paralyzing and stunning enemies by throwing Chromatic Orb Christmas Ornaments at them, as well as other devastating magical spells.
Here's a Christmas family picture, with Santa, Mrs. Claus and friends preparing to rid the area near Santa's Kuldahar Workshop of an undead infestation.
Here the adventuring members of the Bronzebeard clan sits in the tavern at Kuldahar and discusses their next plan of action over some pints of Ale.. Locals keep to themselves but glare over their shoulders as it is peculiar that six Dwarves are staying in their town. The Dwarf's table is full of the smell of pipe weed and smoke, the sounds of bickering and arguing as the six all put in their opinion on the matter..... Dwarves can never agree on anything...
Some wanted to help the arch druid, others didn't.... but as Belo, the eldest and the cleric of the party pointed out... they would be much better off fighting their way out, gaining loot and treasure along the way... rather then staying in and getting drunk until the winter passes and the pass clears up... They were not too welcomed on arrival so staying for an extended amount of time without putting much work in would both run their own resources dry as well as further upset the town folk....
The Clan originated in the Deep Shanatar, long ago... but long since has spread out.... The six Dwarves hail from their house in Neverwinter.... They have decided that instead of working in the mines or moving back to a dwarven keep to mine they could delve... Going on some minor expeditions the crew decided the best place to delve would be none other than the spine of the world... think what treasures are housed in the old dwarven keeps, the tombs and caves of ancient creatures...
Setting out to easthaven their real adventure begins, and now ... after the attack....they end up in this small tavern in Kuldahar, who's size could hardly fit the six of them...
Here is the party, from top to bottom on the portrait side to the right.
-Leader: Gloren Bronzebeard~ Dwarven Defender~ NG
Charismatic, strong, handsome.. adventurous for a Dwarf. He makes his living by organising parties of adventurers and finding dangerous lost caverns, dungeons or mines to loot...
-Right hand man and Brother: Thallin Bronzebeard ~ Fighter/Cleric ~ LG
Brave, cautious, sort of timid... Thallin is the counter weight of Gloren. Though he has stuck with Gloren through most of his early adventures he is often quick to warn Gloren of the many dangers that may await them.
-Advisor, Spiritual Guide: Belo Bronzebeard ~ Cleric ~LG
Old and strong in the ways of Moradin Belo is the wise advice that Gloren often seeks on not only magical devices but Ethical decisions... Gloren knows Belo has a strong Ethos and high charisma (even for a Dwarf) and is a very wise leader....
-Beserker: Grok Bronzebeard~ Barbarian~ CG
Like most beserkers Grok is sort of over zealous, hot headed, high tempered, and quick to judge... Often with good intentions he will dismiss the law in what he thinks is the greater good.. Gloren knows his cousin Grok to be a highly able warrior...though sometimes he can be a loose cannon and get the party in trouble.
-Scout/Thief: Crimlin Bronzebeard~ Bounty Hunter ~ NG
Never living underground Crimlin became a great tracker and archer, suffecient in the crossbow and shortbow Crimlin knows much about traps, tracking, lock picking, hunting, poison, herbal remedies and general wilderness knowledge. His strength is finding and navigating dark and deadly caves, he is a good one to bring when seeking a decent shelter in the wilderness... His ethics are not all there though, but for the right price, they can be bought.
-Spy, Assasin : Bain Bronzebeard~ Assassin~ NE
Bain is the darkest of them all, one can almost be sure there is a duegar under that black hood he wears and not a Dwarf. The man is highly pessimistic thinking optimism as a weekness. Bain is morbid and obsessed with death. He welcomes it which sometimes allows him to seemingly be acting heroic, when he is simply testing his luck with fate. He takes his time and can be insanely meticulous when carrying out an assassination or when stalking an enemy and although dark, he is a good addition to any party.
Santa should have summoned him out and included him in the family portrait.
The Leader: Jean Vilanni (Enchanter)
A bitter woman with a lust for power. Power in her eyes is not destructive fireballs and arcane blizzards, but manipulation and control. Not one to get her hands dirty, she commands a monster named Krul to do her bidding through magic. With Krul at her side and a collection of disabling and manipulating spells up her sleeves, Jean is a Mage to be feared.
The Monster: Krul (Berserker)
Krul. A monstrous behemoth and loyal thrall to Jean. With club and shield, Krul destroys all who oppose his mistress. Jean's control over him is so deep, she can trigger an instinctive blood rage within the beast, within which he is near unstoppable. Often, Jean's would-be enemies have fled at the sight of Krul.
The Bandit: Elain Castor (Thief/Fighter)
Elain Castor. A woman guided by her own love for combat and riches. A true thrill seeker, Elain has never sat idle. A trip to Easthaven lead her to meeting Jean and becoming a part of the exhibition to Kuldahar. Though her original intentions were to go it alone upon arrival, seeing the whole party in combat together ignited a spark inside her. The potential for riches and thrilling battles was immense, the choice to stick around was easy.
The Death Whisperer: 'Blacktongue' (Fighter/Cleric)
Loose lips sink ships, and Blacktongue's lips were once the loosest. A manipulator in his own right, Blacktongue, once Ludrick Pardis, used his religious background to whisper in the ears of those who came to trust him. He sewed paranoia and chaos into the hearts of the weak and smiled as their worlds crashed around them. The price of his counsel was steep and his poor hapless disciples paid willingly.
Eventually he earned the nickname Blacktongue, the death whisperer, for those who sought his counsel were known to perish soon after.
The Mercenary: Cassandra Mills (Fighter)
Little is to be said for Cassandra. A mercenary with a preference for the bloody kind of work, Cassandra is a talented archer and at home in the forest. Cassandra was 'hired' by Jean as an additional companion for her trip to the North, though Cassandra wasn't fool enough to turn down a job offer from a mage with a near 8 foot tall monstrosity at her beck and call.
Michael, the archangel of Fire, the warrior of God, he who defeats the Dragon, wielding the flaming sword, Angel of the South, and summer.
Raphael, the archangel of Air, the Healer, he who stirs the waters to bring healing, wielding the sling, Angel of the East, sunrise, and spring.
Auriel, the archangel of Earth, the Angel of Death, she who comes as a thief in the night, dancing the shadows, Angel of the North, and winter.
Gabriel, the archangel of Water, the Messenger of God, he who sounds the final trumpet, the wielder of the Magic of Change, Angel of the West, and autumn.
Group picture of angelic avatars:
Katherine Kurtz's Deryni archangels were the inspiration for my first party in my first game of Might and Magic 6, way back when, years before Baldur's Gate was released. Her ideas of a perfectly balanced magical set of quarters has influenced my fantasy thinking and party creation ever since.
I myself identify with the Archangel Gabriel, and water. He/I could be a bard, a mage, or a sorcerer under 2nd edition D&D rules. I went with sorcerer for this particular incarnation, which ties into my beloved Might and Magic series.
My first two kitty cats were named after Michael and Gabriel. The second was a female black and white whom I named "Gabrielle". My next cat was a black and white whom I named Auriel. I still haven't found my "Rafe" kitty, but I currently have a male blue cat whom I named "Blue", who actually fits Rafe's personality pretty well. Maybe I should have named him "Rafe".
Interestingly, my first name is "Michael", and my zodiac sign is smack in between Leo and Cancer. Most charts put me in Leo, just barely. So, I have some affinity for both the Fire Warrior, and the Water Sorcerer. The Water Sorcerer dominates in me, though, I think.
@BelgarathMTH - Love the Santa Claus theme. Never realized Mrs. Claus was such a hottie. ;-)
@WoodMan - Those are some great portraits that really fit in with the IWD style.
Peony is a type of flower, thats all, hehe. I notice now it is a name from IWD2 NPC portrait pack too, but I just wanted a flower name for her and Peony came into my head, not realising the connection with the IWD2 NPC project!
I give names with a reason:
-Pathfinder (it is a Ranger nickname, describes what he does)
-Thomarr (it's just sounds like it could be from the same culture as Jerrod, no other reason)
-Peony (it's a flower, and females of the small races I think are suited to being named after flowers for some reason)
-Argo (it is the name of Jason or the Argonauts ship and means "fast and shining" which I thought was suited for a monk since they are fast and I guess holy/shining)
-Merla is french for crow I think
-Brodir, just a Dwarf name I used in WoW a long time ago :-p
@Shar: Thanks, I found them all by Google image search for Icewind Dale portraits!
The basic concept is an Amazonian/"Thelma & Louise"-type party of all-female renegades and outlaws - no male and/or lawful characters allowed. They are driven by desire for personal gain and/or glory, so no classes with self-righteous "causes" (i.e: paladins, rangers, druids) are allowed either.
The leader is a chaotic neutral barbarian. I imagine her as being (over)confident, brash, crass, raunchy, and confrontational, though also a bit sexy and seductive in her own way. I imagine that she becomes something of a "reluctant hero" (like Han Solo in the original Star Wars), without a particular desire to do good, but ultimately being roped into become the savior of the realms.
As you can see below, I didn't design the characters purely for maximum effect - I chose their classes and proficiencies based on their portraits and imagined backgrounds, and I tried to balance out their stats (i.e: clearly defined strengths and weaknesses) in the manner of BG1 NPCs. For example, I deliberately gave my barbarian "low" con (no bonus, except when she rages) to balance out the fact that I had given her such high str and dext. Likewise, I chose elves or half-elves as my main tanks instead of (the more typical) dwarves, because the idea of elven tanks just seemed more interesting and unique to me (plus, admittedly, bearded woman creep me out a bit).
So without further ado, here's my party lineup:
Although the barbarian is my party leader, she'll mainly be used for sharpshooting and flanking (rather than straightforward tanking), then "raging" into the thick of battle at key moments. The berserker and fighter/cleric will serve as my main tanks, with the Priest of Tempus providing backup melee support as needed. The mage/thief will also be a backup sharpshooter, and the skald will be largely devoted to singing her song and giving bonuses to the fighting crew.
Any strategic advice that anyone might have to offer for my party would be welcome.
Slot 1: Gyan Stoneholme, LG Dwarven Fighter/Cleric (Alaghor of Clangeddin).
Slot 2: Thorin Stoneholme, LG Dwarven Dwarven Defender.
Slot 3: Rurik Stoneholme, NG Dwarven Fighter/Swashbuckler.
Slot 4: Gort Stoneholme, LG Dwarven Kensai/Cleric. (This character is objectively terrifying. I didn't think you do could that much damage in a single round with a warhammer.)
Slot 5: Lurgan Stoneholme, NG Dwarven Marksman/Thief.
Slot 6: Mornthul Stoneholme, NG Dwarven Mage/Monitor of Mystra. (Thunder Blessing came early. Deal with it!)
One fix. He should be a party leader
Let me tell you a tale...
A monk of the Dark Moon has left her monastery on pilgrimage to the North, in the hopes of corrupting the faith there with her own. Equipped only with the mind and body she has honed over a life of devoted training and worship, her chances of survival are slim. Her name is Luna Ferus, and she is no fool.
In the interests of returning to her home alive, she requests to be accompanied by a fellow follower of the Dark Moon. Many monks and priests were reluctant to leave the secluded safety of the monastery but a young priest with a dark smile and sly eyes stepped forward. Introducing himself as Doran Kastiel, the priest offered himself as a companion to Luna.
The two promptly left the monastery with food and coin to cover most of their journey. But having just one companion did not sit well with Luna, nor did it sit well with a guardian of the monastery, Aeristar Dusk. A magically trained archer, Aeristar felt it her duty to protect and assist the pair on their dark pilgrimage.
The three travelled further North for several days, eventually encountering a lone stone building hidden along a secret path in some woodland, away from the prying eyes of 'good folk.'
A bolt of lightning burst from the trees narrowly missing the group, followed by the smooth tones of a red eyed mage clothed in impressive robes. He bid the group turn back, or die, for they were trespassing on his land.
Luna unintimidated bid the group press on, though Astrov would not let that slide. With a brief chant he attacked Luna, only for her image to dissolve in the wind, a mere illusion. By Astrov's head her hand rested and she whispered her party's destination. She demanded that compensation for this assault on her life be paid in his joining the pilgrimage. Humbled by the skill of the monk and intrigued by the potential for magical discovery in the North, he agreed on the condition his apprentice come as well. Luna saw no harm in this and thus the deal was struck.
Astrov called upon his apprentice, Victoria Orlinde, to pack supplies before the five-man group departed.
Victoria, whined and complained the entire trip, the ever lowering temperature and constant prayers from Luna and Doran infuriated her to no end and in turn, her master grew angry at her, striking her more than once on several occasions, to which the rest of the party paid no heed.
Eventually they reached Easthaven. In sore need of some rest, they entered the local tavern and drank, though sparingly, to warm their bodies and minds.
It was here they met Drizera Myste, a drow with a fierce mouth and healthy sense of humour, roaring with laughter at another table. Closer inspection saw the drow had a dagger stabbed into a man's hand who was crying with pain.
Feeling eyes on her, Drizera addressed the party with a chuckle and a bloody handshake.
A mercenary looking for work, Drizera told the group of the exhibition headed to Kuldahar. Sensing an opportunity to acquire a new companion and to corrupt a Druidic sanctuary, Luna offered Drizera some work. Just as the deal was struck, the door to the tavern swung open, revealing an armoured silhouette against the snowy northern sunlight...
Also, I love how you have five characters with sophisticated medieval names, and then "Melissa."
malavon fight, he died first but his damn golems are much tougher
ilmadia fight, lure them all to the priest for free healing, but it did'nt help (I play on HOF with no death rule)
and after I beat them and gain good amouts of exp I was so surprised that my jaw drops! So we have hla in iwd or I just messed up game in my override so much?
...And a transmuter.
I've already started the playthrough.
A human paladin - no kit as the kits are useless for a paladin in EE. Using longswords&shields
a dwarven defender - tank in its purest form. Using axes&shields
a human swashbuckler - trap detection a lockpicker (no trap setting at all). Dual-wielding short swords and to be dualed to a mage after reaching chapter 6 (that's when most traps are no longer dangerous),
an elven archer (using longbows). Racial enemy Giants
a half-elf bard (using crossbows). Once again no kit, as the vanilla IWD bard is best that can be. BG2 kits are laughable.
and a half-elf cleric mage (using slings&shields). Pure nuker and buffer at needed.