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Post your party pictures here, with brief summary of the general idea



  • SpanishjackSpanishjack Member Posts: 7
    Thanks mate, it is nice whisky too. Sometimes for a female i will change it to Taliska just to mix it up as a first name, or other times as a last name like you is one I will always return to. Yeah Oban is good, was your party listed here? I will have another look through.
  • SpanishjackSpanishjack Member Posts: 7
    Ah yeah Skatan, I checked out the other thread, where I listed my littlemen, i see your Oban character listed, nice work, it is a good fantasy style name, hey? Though it is also outstanding when sipped from a crystal whisky globe with a good cigar haha
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352

    Though it is also outstanding when sipped from a crystal whisky globe with a good cigar haha

    Hehe, indeed it is. I have also named chars in the past based on my own favorite whisky; Cragganmore. A perfect name for a fighter/berzerker dwarf wielding hammers or similar.

    What other liquids are good for char names? Thinking about naming my next char "Appletini", should be frightening indeed!
  • TidusTidus Member Posts: 86
    edited January 2015
    easy on the 'tini, please... :smile:
  • laptopman666laptopman666 Member Posts: 283
    Elrandir said:

    Oh! Of course! My bad! Sorry @Anduin

    *scribbles in a notebook while muttering* Insane... Gnome... Mummy... With delusions... of... grandeur.

    There! Alright! I got it! And uh... Don't look at my notebook. It has... Um... Dirty pictures in it! Yeah! *hides it quickly*

    Dont forget to add me? the crazy viking madman!
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    No, no, no @Elrandir ! I was a living and breathing Gnome back then. In the pink I was. If you want to find out more please read my Biography. The Dead Three & Me.
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    @Grum Can we hear more about Eldaen? I like this story.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    Elrandir: I haven't been taking screenshots....and I've still got to finish durak's tale. But thank you for the vote of confidence. :)
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    @Grum I understand entirely, but I will say this; Screenshots are far from necessary. ;)
  • DemonicDemonic Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2015
    Well since I finally returned to the IWD:EE, after my previous unfinished playthrough (bad party combination and all that...) I went through some topics here and learned some usefull stuff, I decided to tackle the game once again with fresh group.

    So, the party leader and spokesman is Antioch traveling human Skald, who is currently extremely awsome, which I never expected. Identification machine with awsome bard song (Skald song after lvl 20 is just so... powerfull) and decent magic backup. I had to correct my bad opinion about bards.

    The main tank, Gronch the Savage half-orc berserker. I actually planned a dwarf for this role, but after I found the awsome grunting voice set, I immediately re-rolled the char for the hald-orc and I don't regret. He's mostly silent, but he'll shred you to pieces with his bastard sword and shield.

    Another frontliner, Rufus dual classed human fighter/cleric swinging his trusty battle hammer with a shitload of nasty spells. Extremly powerfull cleric with very strong fighting skills. He's like Anomen, except he's usefull.

    Then there is Skjala, human druidess from the north and another surprise in my party. She is actually much more usefull then I expected her to be, her spells are skill with sling are way better than I would ever believe. Jaheira should hide in some corner and cry.

    The fifth member of my party is a Trapper Aska, dual classed Swasbuckler/fighter and she is incredible slicing machine. And the funniest part is, I never expected her to be that f*cking awsome and strong, I just wanted a thief who is actually usefull in fights, since my previous playthrough showed my my terrible mistake of rolling plain thief. Right now both her left and right handed tHac0s are below -5 which combined with improved haste is simply an unstopable meat grinder.

    I actually dual classed her a little later than I propably should, since I wanted her to really be a trapper, so after raising find traps and disable traps (Ok, it's probably not named like that, but we know what I ment, right?), I continued to level her as a Swashbucler to get her traps high... before I realized that I have actually never ever used traps in any BG/BG2/IWD game before and that it just doesn't fit to my playstyle. After that I immediately dual-classed her.

    And the last member of my group, Vaska, the elven sorceress with amazing power. After struggling with sorcerer on my previous playthrough I searched web a lot to find out where was the mistake and it turned out I was terrible when choosing his spells. With Vaska, I made sure I pick only spells which are usefull later in the game and the difference is stunning.

    Right now, I finished TOtLM and HoW and since the game was throwing experience at me at extremely generous rate, all of my characters but Vaska are past level 20 (yes, Rufus and Aska are over 20 in their second class), while Vaska is 19. And I really look forward to see how the final stage of IWD will go with this group.

    P.S. I'll provide screens later.

    /Edit/ I completed the post with screens, that show my party mumbers just before they went to fight the final fight.
    Post edited by Demonic on
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    Helpful hint: This particular forum uses < > for bbcode instead of [ ] . Good luck with your new game. :)
  • DemonicDemonic Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2015
    God d****. Thanks, I'll edit it. I wrote it when I was kind of sleepy and didn't actually bother to check it after sending :D

    /edit/ My previous post is currently complete. I added screenshots of my group just before going to fight the final fight. Also, I have to say I was incredibely happy when It was revealed to me that one particular object is involved in the story of the game I already know from the Drizzt books. I was not so happy when I realized what's going to happen with the priest of Tempus right after I appeared in the final room. I don't like it when story is predictable :/
    Post edited by Demonic on
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    edited March 2015
    A few pages back, I posted a proposed all-female/Amazonian party. I've decided to revamp my party composition a bit, using a few new portraits and characters mixed in with some of the originals. In contrast to my original party, which was largely unscrupulous and wealth-driven, this one will be more good-oriented, albeit chaotic good.

    I haven't decided on names for a few of my new party members, so I've left them blank for the time being.

    My party leader, a chaotic good human barbarian. I normally never give characters points in sword & shield style, but given the barbarian's armor restrictions, my hope is that it will enable her to bypass enemy artillery fire and rush to close quarters with sharpshooting enemies.

    Halfling priestess of Tempus. Like a true follower of Tempus, she'll be standing at the front lines, decked out in heavy armor, alongside my barbarian party leader.

    Half-orc fighter-thief. She fills multiple roles as a thief, a sharpshooter (with a longbow), and a flanker (with a halberd).

    Human kensai. Strictly for flanking. Her weapon of choice is the axe, and I gave her points in both single weapon and 2-handed weapon style so that she gets a bonus regardless of whether she uses a one- or two-handed axe. This will be my first earnest playthrough with a kensai, so wish me luck!

    Gnomish cleric-illusionist. The only evil-aligned member of the party. As lawfully-aligned, I figure she'd be more willing to stay in line with the party's good-leaning course than a neutral or chaotic evil character would, and wait to snatch up whatever riches the party might uncover in its journeys - plus she also gets access to my personal favorite familiar in the game (an imp that polymorphs).

    Human skald. I anticipate that she will spend the majority of her time just singing her song. Skald song bonuses make a very noticeable difference in IWD, especially over the early and middle portions of the game.

    As before, any comments and advice are welcome!

  • PetrolPetrol Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2015
    No image but here's my last party :

    All humans, 2 friends paladin, a cavalier and an hundead hunter, they want to clear the world from evil.

    So they hired a fighter mercenary (berzerker), a priest of helm because you can't fight evil without the benediction of Helm !

    They want to be known all over the whole world for their exploits : annihilate all evil, so they hired a bard (vanilla)

    The last one who joined the party presented him as a locksmith, they didn't know that he is an assassin.

    Playing insane mode with core rules, extra pop but no extra exp.
    I picked the 1st dice roll but + - the characteristics.

    Another party i'm playing, all half elves

    A father and his 3 sons left the family to baldur's gate.
    On contact oh humans, the father became a cleric, the 1rst son a fighter, the 2nd a bard, ans the 3rd a fighter.
    The 3rd is a tricky so he learned thief too.

    After a period of time they left the town to the family camp in the forest.
    The mother is a druid (avenger) and the daughter a ranger (archer).

    The father who loves hunting with his daughter learned ranger, he became a ranger/cleric
    The mother took the 1rst son under her teaching, he became a fighter/duid
    The 2nd son learned the art of fighting, so he became a blade
    The 3rd son, learned magic, he became a fighter/thief/mage

    Post edited by Petrol on
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @BelgarathMTH actually, it uses HTML—no BBCode at all (luckily).
  • DemonicDemonic Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2015
    @CrevsDaak That's not entirely true, spoilers are made using ][ :)
  • PixilPixil Member Posts: 5

    I changed some aligments with an editor so it'd be like I wanted it.

    - Lawful Good (Hiding is not illegal, that's all she does. She would never steal from someone)
    - The party leader, scout, leads summons through dungeons while invisible, uses shadowstep if messes up.
    - Born in a place called the Shadowmain. she's a spawn of the monster Himantor. Through magic, Pixil becomes one with shadows to avoid threats. She's not physically strong and avoids fighting at all costs. She's exceptionally clever and can usually argue even with the intelligence of ancient demons.

    - Chaotic Good
    - The summoner, she makes armies of animals and spirit animals that protect the party while they sleep, or to clean out dungeons with the help of Pixil. She's also a healer.
    - Orphan growing up on the streets. Found out through a squirrel she could communicate with animals, was led to the forest where she made friends with protective animal spirits and learned how to survive in the wild.

    - Neutral Good
    - The undead exterminator, her chanting makes undead explode. She's also teaming up with Magi as healer.
    - Enota doesn't mind getting around a few laws, she's snarky, inquisitive, socially awkward (doesn't understand social cues), and is constantly thinking of the purpose of things in the world.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    An interesting set-up, @KeratinSins , very IWDish. You'll be fine without a wizard, especially taking into account you have a Skald.

    Go for it and take pleasure from your game!
  • AerichAerich Member Posts: 276
    Very interesting indeed, @KeratinSins. If you are playing on Core difficulty, that party will be fine as long as your front three fighters will lower themselves to use ranged weapons every now and again. :)

    I'm currently playing a lvl 1 HoF game - my Insane game notwithstanding.

    Half Orc Fighter/Cleric
    Half Elf Fighter Druid
    Half Elf F/M/T
    Half Elf F/M/C
    Human Monk
    Human Sorceror

    The idea is to have lots of spells. :wink: But seriously, I favour no-downtime caster-heavy and melee capable parties for HoF mode if doing a lvl 1 party. One grunt (F/Cl) to take the pain, other spot-tanks that later can take over the primary tank duty (F/M/T, F/M/Cl, or even F/D) and a couple classes I wanted to try out.

    The monk and sorc feel like they have lots of downtime in-game during combat. Monk is currently still fragile, as Barkskin doesn't last long at all for HoF. Sorc casts a few nasty curses, but otherwise doesn't really do much on HoF mode yet.
  • KeratinSinsKeratinSins Member Posts: 3
    I appreciate the feedback guys. My party has worked out very well. Surprisingly well actually. My three frontliners have been chopping through pretty much everything without much difficulty. I'm back at the Dragons Eye now, so we'll see how they handle that challenge. The last time I was there I had to use a few spells to progress..

    Most importantly: I'm having a blast! I really enjoy my party. They are all lawful evil: they are here to enrich themselves. Since they where new to the area, they started out quite humble. Talked (somewhat) kindly to people, and didn't commit any obvious crimes (but if you leave your house without locking the door a few things might disappear right?). However, their confidence is growing. A little less polite, and a little more bold. We'll see how they end up ;)
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