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Papaver Somnifer, The Journal of a dwarven chef (solo no item minimal reload challenge)



  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    He's back! Papaver is finally back!

    Have a round of whisky with Dorn in FAI to celebrate it.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    edited May 2015
    A less exciting update. It was interesting however, that how Xan ignored his (joinable) NPC status because of Papaver low Charisma score :)
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    All hail the greatest chef/adventurer on the sword coast!
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    28. entry (part two)
    And here the writing abruptly ends. But i would recognize this handwrite even without the telling details everywhere. This means that Imoen was captured here too. The question is: where is she now? It seems, that i must follow the bandits' track back to Beregost to this Tranzig fellow. So get back to the roads... but first i make my offer to Vergadain for my success from the treasure of the half-orc, and use the sanctuary to have another undisturbed rest. Yes, and i must to examine these two little barrels too.

    "Fifteen men on the dead man's chest
    ...Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!
    Drink and the devil had done for the rest
    ...Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!"

    29. entry
    I came back to Nashkell and get another nice sum for another holy symbul of an evil priest. Maybe i should collect these! At the entrance of the local inn waited for me two bounty hunter now:

    Fortunately with my help in the mines there were no question from the local guards in helping me, and they did the dirty job for me, while i sought for a more calm place to rest my tired feet.

    It seems the local people do recognize me too now:
    If this is a good thing, i'm not perfectly sure.In the Belching Dragon tavern i met with no other, but Volothamp Geddarm, the great and famous critic of the culinary art! The bartender was not amused with him:
    but i was eager to discuss some interesting recipe with the well known traveler. In fact he is kind of paragon for me. But, to tell the truth, his lore in the local events was a little bit outdated:
    We have tales, meal and drink to share nonetheless.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    Good news: Papaver beat Sarevok in the poverty run. Bad news: with this progression to get there in the journal will take me some two years from now :D
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774


    I enjoy reading this journal a lot. To me, it doesn't matter when you finish it. I enjoy the process, not the result (although the result is very important for you, of course;)

  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    29. entry
    The Coast. Fresh air, the smell of the salt, the beautiful landscape.
    And hobgoblins. a pack of them.
    Yes after waking up on the seashore i bumped in a pack from these ugly creatures. I tried to hide in the shadows and get through them without trouble, but they were too many, and i must flee. And i would have, if strangers didn't stopped me for idle chat:
    Whatever. Just let me RUN PLEASE!

    In the end i managed to escape and to find the way to Beregost, where my only hope to find Imoen wait for me in the form of an evil mage named Tranzig. I find him without much trouble. The problem was not to find him, but to make him speak about the bandit's hideout. My first try was unsuccesful, but Vergadain saved me succesfully.
    Then i decided to soften the mage with some traps. For this i had to rest, and i didn't got too far from Beregost this time. However my dream was not totally calm:
    These weird dreams also bring inexplicable magical abilities for me.

    In the end i got back to the inn, and i had find Tranzig still there. His overconfidence was his doom:
    Sadly neither he, neither his belongings could tell me anything about Imoen. Maybe at the bandit camp!
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    And this is maybe a start of LP videos from lolien :)
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    30. entry
    It was a long time before, that i could grab my quill and journal to write about my adventures and tribulations.
    A lot of things happened since...

    First, after a rest in Beregost, and accidentally left there my journal, i went out in the wilderness in search of Imoen and the bandit camp. And i found it without much hassle. I managed to decieve the bandits in the area and join in their ranks for a couple days. This was enough for me to slip into their leader's, Tazok's tent, where i set free a prisoner and found some documents from Tazok's correspondence with his superiors, without taking anyone's attention in the camp. The freed lass told me about the true force behind the iron crisis: The Iron Throne (an expressive name). He also mentioned me about a young girl, who was here with him for a little time as a prisoner, after i had asked about Imoen.

    I left for Baldur's Gate to visit the Iron Throne's headquarter, but the city gates were closed, because of the bandit activity in the region. So i went to the other place, where i had some chance to obtain information from my enemy: to the Cloakwood area, where -according to the documents, what i found in the bandit camp- the Iron Throne operated a mine under the guide of Davaeorn.

    I would like to go back and fetch my journal at Beregost. On my way to the village i crossed High Hedge, and i decided to visit Melicamp and Thalantyr. Which decision proved to be a dangerous mistake... Thalantyr had wanted to eliminate me for some reason. He said he have some unfinished business with my original father. It all makes sense now, but i was totally confused about this that time. I had to kill him, and his apprentice Melicamp. He gave me no other choice. I fled for Cloakwood.

    After several days of sleepless journey i reached the mines, where another party of assasins waited for me. I stalked my way throgh the mine to the wizard Davaeorn. My only choice was to kill him, and i did that. He was a tough one. but i stole his spellbook, and after he had waste his memorized spells and i'd rest under the sanctuary of Vergadain the odds turned in my favour. Without his spells he couldn't made any threat to me, and the guards could not catch me in the dark tunnels, no matter how strong they tried. With Davaeorn dead i helped the prisoners to escape and flood the mine for the advice of a fellow dwarf, Yeslick.

    In Davaeorn letters i find the names of the leaders of the Iron Throne, so i went back to Baldur's Gate, and this time the gates were open. I even got help for my investigation against the Iron Throne from no others than the Flaming Fist, and the Grand Duke! After i revealed a doppleganger conspiracy in the town, i managed to break into the Iron Throne headquarter too, and found evidences against the leaders. But they had left the town for no other destination, than Candlekeep! The Grand Duke asked me to follow them there, and gave me a book for the entry fee. I managed to enter my former home, but something was not right there. Soon i found out, that dopplegangers infested the keep too. And i found something more. A letter from Gorion, what he had wrote before his death.

    I'm the child of the dead God Bhaal.

    It's insanity, but it explain so much. Starting from the ambush at the night Gorion died, and what was all for me. My dreams and the odd abilities, what seemed to come from that dreams. The loyality of the dead priest of the dead god, Korax the ghoul. My talent in raising undead warriors lately. And the malignity of the former adventurer Thalantyr, who despised the followers of Bhaal in the past with passion, and who saw a possible threat in me, after he get to know about my dark lineage from the assasins, who were after me. It's a hard truth.

    It was all a nightnmare then. Against all odds, i found the Iron Throne leaders, and again, they leave me no other choice, than kill them. Then i was caged and sentenced to death for this kill. Fortunately my old tutor Tethtoril was not under the influence of the dopplegangers and beleived in my cause. He helped me to escape through the old catacombs of the keep. I don't remember much from that place. It was filled with dopplegangers, undead and other monsters.

    I escaped. Now i'm here in Beregost, where i'm despised too for my murder against the local mage.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    edited May 2016
    31. entry
    I went to the leader of Beregost, the head priest of the local temple, to clean my name. I thanked him for listening my story with some generous donation. He was so kind, that he warned me, that there is a new price on my head because of the killing of the Iron throne leaders.

    And now the leader is Sarevok, Rieltar's son.

    I thoght, that it's dangerous to go back in Baldur's Gate now, so i went for tending some unfinished business in the statue garden. Vergadain gave me strenght to defeat the numerous basilisk infestation in the regio and the mad gnome, whith whom i met before. It seems ages...


    A bunch of whaterdavian fool youngling tried to mock with me, but they found me in bad mood.

    I teached them not to mock with a dwarf, however weaponless may it seems.

    Back in Beregost i met with an old "friend", the bounty hunter Karlat. He surely knew about the raised price on my head, so our meeting was not a friendly one.

    Hard to keep up a cheery face in these days. And i fear that Imoen is now in Baldur's Gate too with this misterious Sarevok. We shall see where vergadain guides me tommorow.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    32. entry
    Sleep eluded me, so i thought that i should fetch something to eat. And so two things turned up in my mind: one the request of an old gnome lady from the Friendly Arms Inn, the other a recipe, what i had to try out since some times. I got up and went to Landrin's house at once:


    The cooks in the village were not too helpful with preparing my multilegged meal, but i could gather the ingredients at least. So i put up an open fire on the central square of Beregost, and prepared this delicacy with the help of my undead minions. I even managed to gain help from a young chap on the square, he accepted to help me in change of helping him in an other business.

    After appeasing my rumbling belly, i went with the young chap named Garrick to his employee, a women with the name Silke. Honestly i couldn't understand everything what she said because of her annoying voice hindered my understanding. But then she asked me to kill people for no apparent reason. When i asked for reason she turned to be angry, and tried to attack me. I don't know what she suspected to accomplish against five men and two armed undead.

    And my spell was the faster.

    I thought that i go to the FAI and report Landrin that her house is safe now. After some disturbance (an odd pink haired girl needed my help in a hare and hounds game with some thayan wizards),

    i arrived to Bentley's inn without further trouble, and managed to speak with the gnome lady.

    I still couldn't sleep, but neither could i do anything sensible at this point. So i end up just wondering around the inn and admiring the paintings on the walls.

    I prefer practical things, but some arts may worth the time making.

    I could not postpone my sleep forever of course.

    And now i'm in the city of Baldur's Gate again, and i know what i'll do. Seek Sarevok, and hopefully Imoen too.

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    Papaver is back! Me hungry. Mm, very hungry. Me thinks that spider looked very tasty today.
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