Petition to build baths, restrooms and food stalls in Siege of Dragonspear.

So far this game franchise had seen no baths, next to no restrooms and not a single tavern anywhere had *anything* to eat for their patrons. A gastronomic hell wherever you go...
The time is ripe to see some hygienic relieve facilities and full bellies, I say!
The time is ripe to see some hygienic relieve facilities and full bellies, I say!
Don't look at me like that, I'm deadly serious~
- Petition to build baths, restrooms and food stalls in Siege of Dragonspear.72 votes
- Yes, build baths, restrooms and food stalls.29.17%
- Yes, build baths. But no restrooms, or food stalls.  0.00%
- Yes, build restrooms. But no food stalls, or baths.  2.78%
- Yes, build food stalls. But no baths, or restrooms.  4.17%
- No, build neiter baths, restrooms, or food stalls.  8.33%
- Let's just broaden the tavern menus with additional dishes and begone with this already.  4.17%
- Who needs baths if we just as well could have hot springs resorts?13.89%
- Eh, I'm more of a shower person myself.  4.17%
- I demand the addition of beer gardens to cope with any damn siege!12.50%
- There are too many choices in this petition.20.83%
And @Ardanis plenty of gazebos as well
And we are expected to be real adventures, hunting our own food, bathing in lakes and streams, relieving ourselves on the biggest tree on the map to mark our territory!
I dont need none of this fancy crap you call toilets!
Might be more effective for IWDII:EE and IWDIII though. Given the right outdoor temperatures.
Or at least something like this
I guess I don't get out as much as I should
― Henry Ford
Petitions is not how good games are made, good games are made by the creativity of it's artists and how they deal with the source material, taking into account what people like to see in a game, but not by upvotes or elections.
A petition is simply a request. Many of these topics are things that users have wanted for years. You don't have to agree with a request, but that does not make them bad in any sense. The devs will only know how you feel if speak up and it's better to do so earlier than later.