So upon whom are the new portraits based?

After @CameronTofer had long ago set the trend by modelling for Garrick in original BG1 (and carried over into BG1ee, of course), we now know that @TrentOster is the model for Dorn and @PhillipDaigle for Rasaad.
Are the portraits of Schael Corwin, Voghiln, M'Khiin and Glint also based on the likenesses of team members?
(Hmmm ... actually, Corwin looks rather familiar, although I can't quite bring to mind whom she looks like ... some well-known actress, perhaps?)
Are the portraits of Schael Corwin, Voghiln, M'Khiin and Glint also based on the likenesses of team members?
(Hmmm ... actually, Corwin looks rather familiar, although I can't quite bring to mind whom she looks like ... some well-known actress, perhaps?)
Cause I see similarities here:
@Amber_Scott has already told us that the portrait looks like the voice-actress. Voice-acting is already quite costly in a game budget, and hiring the top of the Hollywood A-list as voice-talent would surely be impossibly expensive. So no, it can't be Jolie.
And anyway, I don't see that much physical resemblance.
What @Amber_Scott said was that the voice actress looked like Corwin not that the portrait was based on the voice actress. Obviously, the voice actress is not Angelina Jolie. But if that picture is not a reworking of Mario Testino's photograph of her then it is a massive coincidence.
for a while. (Also, I *think* it makes Shar-Teel to good-looking =P)