What bugs me about that quote is that "...give Dynaheir and I some time..." is grammatically incorrect! It should be "...give Dynaheir and me some time...". I know it's Minsc-like to make grammatical errors in speech, but that *particular* error doesn't seem very Minsc-like to me. I don't think the Minsc character messed it up at the decision of the writer, I think *the writer* messed it up through carelessness, and that's not cool.
I don't know, it's just one of my pet peeves how often people mess up their cases in compound subjects and objects. This one is the indirect object of the verb "to give", and so should be in objective case.
BTW - I hope Dynaheir gets her Elizabethan archaic English right this time. But I guess that's too much to ask.
'Dynaheir and myself' may be more accurate. *shrugs* I'm no grammar nazi, though, so I'm not bothered by it.
That's actually the only grammatically correct choice; you need a reflexive pronoun to convey the intended meaning. Minsc is giving himself something (in this case, some time to rest).
So, can we comment on those Adventure Y pictures posted last year? They make a lot more sense now given what's been revealed since. I'm somewhat surprised no one else has brought it up...
This image is still in the main thread, alongside a few others.
Now we know that the goblin character selected IS a playable npc, and that the weird dancing icon is probably to toggle the stationary summoning mode on and off. Also she can detect traps, which seems to discredit the theory that the shaman class is just a glorified druid kit like barbarian, since it's clearly got radically different abilities from druids, and it can even use different weapons (she's wielding axes).
Of course the shaman class could have changed radically since this was posted 8-9 months ago, but it's still interesting I think.
Actually, now that I think about it some more, M’Khiin Grubdoubler is going to be fairly limited for her weapon selection, no? I can only recall goblin animations existing for bows and axe+shield, unless I'm forgetting something. Even if I am, I can't imagine there being a very wide variety of weapons available unless they've somehow heavily modified the existing sprites.
So, can we comment on those Adventure Y pictures posted last year? They make a lot more sense now given what's been revealed since. I'm somewhat surprised no one else has brought it up...
This image is still in the main thread, alongside a few others.
Now we know that the goblin character selected IS a playable npc, and that the weird dancing icon is probably to toggle the stationary summoning mode on and off. Also she can detect traps, which seems to discredit the theory that the shaman class is just a glorified druid kit like barbarian, since it's clearly got radically different abilities from druids, and it can even use different weapons (she's wielding axes).
Of course the shaman class could have changed radically since this was posted 8-9 months ago, but it's still interesting I think.
This saddens me.. It is way to true and thus we will not get a dance ability =/
Anyways, good catch, I completly forgot about that, thanks for shedding news on shaman (You might want to mention that in the Shaman thread btw..)
But detecting traps does make sense in a way.. it is hard to hide stuff from the spirits who ann.. guide a shaman. ^^
Many people in this thread already said that Glint's portrait doesn't fit. I agree and I'll add to that: It looks more like actual photo of someone then portrait.
I hope it's only beta portrait, but I hardly think so.
"I long to see fresh air again, and give Dynaheir and I some time to rest! Even mighty berserkers can tire of adventuring..."
Way to rub the salt in the wound, Beamdog, and remind us all that Minsc isn't actually a berserker.
@Nonnahswriter Actually, Beamdog doesn't put anything new here. We shouldn't forget the Minsc's words from the start of BG2:
"You... have brushed me aside with your words. You won't help... Boo can see it now! You do not intend to cut my chains! You only intend to yank them! I will make sure that you do not live long enough to abandon more friends! I will... I will... I will do all of this as soon as I get these bars open! RRAAAARRGH!!! The bars! They bend and twist with my berserker strength! Minsc and Boo are free! Now you will... nuh... now... Ooooh! Ohhh hoho... you are a smart one. I understand now! You said what you did just to get me mad! Mad enough to break free! Haha! You are as smart as Boo sometimes! Now we can resume our adventures together! There are friends to avenge and villains to smack about the face and neck! Right Boo?
So, it's absolutely valid for Minsc to call himself a berserker.
Also, now when I have time, let's analyse the screenshots from the Twitch session more closely.
Among the UI thing, we can decipher several details about SoD:
So, there will be sahuagin in SoD as your enemies.
Also, we see "Skie's Grand Plan" as a quest, so maybe there will be personal quests for vanilla NPCs in SoD.
We see a new helmet on Minsc, previously unseen. Also, there's the Ammo Belt in the inventory - the Ammo Belt will be in SoD.
So, Arcane and divine spells screens have been re-done, and among other things we see Glyph of Warding as one of Jaheira's spells. https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/9544/druid-isnt-getting-glyph-of-warding reads that this is a cleric only spell. And a druid in SoD will have it. There's hope for more druid spells in SoD, if compared to BG.
This shows that the stat that is increased (STR) now is shown in Green, not Red. The same thing happens in the Minsc's inventory above. This has been one of the feature requests - if a stat is increased (and not decreased), it should be shown in other colour rather than red. Although I don't think that this version of green is the best.
Also, a Cavalier having 25 STR (or is it 23?) and Dynaheir getting the same amount on one of the following screenshot can mean that there will be a STR-enhancing item that cavalier and mages can use.
Here we see a mention of getting a +15% bonus to learn from the main school and bonuses and penalties regarding Saving Throws against different schools for a specialist mage.
Here we see a "Bonebat" as a most powerful enemy defeated. A Bonebat? @Anduin should look at this!
Here we see one of the Developer Tools, of which Beamdog told us about (as well as Dynaheir's high STR).
Hrm... may I suggest switching to a darker shade of green for increased stats? Not sure about others, but with my eyesight I can barely register those neon green digits, much less reading them.
Even an optional .ini setting for changing this colour would be helpful.
Picture quality in that screenshot is poor. The actual screen of a game is clearer.
Well, that is to be expected. But still doesn't really change much for me. You see, my eye's problem lies with it being an extremely bright coloured neon green font on top of an already light coloured background. And that doesn't bode well for this pudding.
A darker shade of green (for example, dark moss green) would look more natural on the shown papyrus/parchment background. And also would make the numbers more readable for glasses wearer. A win-win situation right there, which could be achieved by simply changing one colour code.
Unless something changes or there's something I am blissfully unaware of, there will be XP cap instead of the level cap. So you can get level 12th thieves, but not level 1th fighters.
Could we get verification of the Fighter level typo please? Level 10th, Level 11th, Level 12th...?
Or are Fighters really going to be restricted to first-th level?
@Nimran , you're right, it should be the reflexive "myself" in that Minsc quote, because the whole sentence is "I long to see fresh air again, and (to) give Dynaheir and myself some time to rest."
The secret to getting compound subjects and objects right is to take out the other subject or object. "I long to give myself some time to rest."
So I didn't get it right the first time, either. Shame on me. It's embarrassing to correct an incorrect usage with another incorrect usage. I guess the potential for embarrassment is why most people refuse to bother with it. But I still think it makes a writer look very unprofessional to have unintended incorrect usage, which is why we have proofreaders and editors.
Part of the trouble with this particular one is that you could argue that Minsc is uneducated, and wouldn't get it right any way. I still think it's actually careless writing in this case, and they should change it to be correct. It definitely jars my immersion to see dialogue in a game that contains misspellings and non-dialect based incorrect grammar. It's usually pretty obvious when the writer has made the mistake and not the character, even when a writer is having the character speak with an accent.
Unless something changes or there's something I am blissfully unaware of, there will be XP cap instead of the level cap. So you can get level 12th thieves, but not level 1th fighters.
Could we get verification of the Fighter level typo please? Level 10th, Level 11th, Level 12th...?
Or are Fighters really going to be restricted to first-th level?
The typo lies in the "Fighter" and this is actually the confirmation of the "Malcanters student" kit for mages u_u
Are there any clearer screenshots floating around somewhere? I just wanted to try and compare them with current screenshots of BGEE to see the improvements in the sprite rendering/smoothing in SoD
Are there any clearer screenshots floating around somewhere? I just wanted to try and compare them with current screenshots of BGEE to see the improvements in the sprite rendering/smoothing in SoD
Are there any clearer screenshots floating around somewhere? I just wanted to try and compare them with current screenshots of BGEE to see the improvements in the sprite rendering/smoothing in SoD
Ah thanks, cool I will have a look now and see if I can spot a difference lol
I don't know, it's just one of my pet peeves how often people mess up their cases in compound subjects and objects. This one is the indirect object of the verb "to give", and so should be in objective case.
BTW - I hope Dynaheir gets her Elizabethan archaic English right this time. But I guess that's too much to ask.
-edit nevermind no it isnt in this context
This image is still in the main thread, alongside a few others.
Now we know that the goblin character selected IS a playable npc, and that the weird dancing icon is probably to toggle the stationary summoning mode on and off. Also she can detect traps, which seems to discredit the theory that the shaman class is just a glorified druid kit like barbarian, since it's clearly got radically different abilities from druids, and it can even use different weapons (she's wielding axes).
Of course the shaman class could have changed radically since this was posted 8-9 months ago, but it's still interesting I think.
Find Traps could be an implementation of their "spirit guide" ability.
Anyways, good catch, I completly forgot about that, thanks for shedding news on shaman
(You might want to mention that in the Shaman thread btw..)
But detecting traps does make sense in a way.. it is hard to hide stuff from the spirits who ann.. guide
a shaman. ^^
I hope it's only beta portrait, but I hardly think so.
"You... have brushed me aside with your words. You won't help... Boo can see it now! You do not intend to cut my chains! You only intend to yank them! I will make sure that you do not live long enough to abandon more friends! I will... I will... I will do all of this as soon as I get these bars open! RRAAAARRGH!!! The bars! They bend and twist with my berserker strength! Minsc and Boo are free! Now you will... nuh... now... Ooooh! Ohhh hoho... you are a smart one. I understand now! You said what you did just to get me mad! Mad enough to break free! Haha! You are as smart as Boo sometimes! Now we can resume our adventures together! There are friends to avenge and villains to smack about the face and neck! Right Boo?
So, it's absolutely valid for Minsc to call himself a berserker.
Among the UI thing, we can decipher several details about SoD:
So, there will be sahuagin in SoD as your enemies.
Also, we see "Skie's Grand Plan" as a quest, so maybe there will be personal quests for vanilla NPCs in SoD.
We see a new helmet on Minsc, previously unseen. Also, there's the Ammo Belt in the inventory - the Ammo Belt will be in SoD.
So, Arcane and divine spells screens have been re-done, and among other things we see Glyph of Warding as one of Jaheira's spells. https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/9544/druid-isnt-getting-glyph-of-warding reads that this is a cleric only spell. And a druid in SoD will have it. There's hope for more druid spells in SoD, if compared to BG.
This shows that the stat that is increased (STR) now is shown in Green, not Red. The same thing happens in the Minsc's inventory above. This has been one of the feature requests - if a stat is increased (and not decreased), it should be shown in other colour rather than red. Although I don't think that this version of green is the best.
Also, a Cavalier having 25 STR (or is it 23?) and Dynaheir getting the same amount on one of the following screenshot can mean that there will be a STR-enhancing item that cavalier and mages can use.
Here we see a mention of getting a +15% bonus to learn from the main school and bonuses and penalties regarding Saving Throws against different schools for a specialist mage.
Here we see a "Bonebat" as a most powerful enemy defeated. A Bonebat? @Anduin should look at this!
Here we see one of the Developer Tools, of which Beamdog told us about (as well as Dynaheir's high STR).
Even an optional .ini setting for changing this colour would be helpful.
A darker shade of green (for example, dark moss green) would look more natural on the shown papyrus/parchment background. And also would make the numbers more readable for glasses wearer. A win-win situation right there, which could be achieved by simply changing one colour code.
Or are Fighters really going to be restricted to first-th level?
The secret to getting compound subjects and objects right is to take out the other subject or object. "I long to give myself some time to rest."
So I didn't get it right the first time, either. Shame on me. It's embarrassing to correct an incorrect usage with another incorrect usage. I guess the potential for embarrassment is why most people refuse to bother with it. But I still think it makes a writer look very unprofessional to have unintended incorrect usage, which is why we have proofreaders and editors.
Part of the trouble with this particular one is that you could argue that Minsc is uneducated, and wouldn't get it right any way. I still think it's actually careless writing in this case, and they should change it to be correct. It definitely jars my immersion to see dialogue in a game that contains misspellings and non-dialect based incorrect grammar. It's usually pretty obvious when the writer has made the mistake and not the character, even when a writer is having the character speak with an accent.
I want a battlebat! I WANT A BATTLEBAT ! ! !