New Star Trek TV Series
Anyone hear about this? I'm super pumped.
Ok so technically at this point they are saying its going to be a web series after I guess the pilot airs. Still pretty excited about it though
Ok so technically at this point they are saying its going to be a web series after I guess the pilot airs. Still pretty excited about it though

Post edited by elminster on
"Captain... Jean Luc Picard of the U.S.S Enterprise."
I really did not get Voyager, none of the crew really gelled for me (other than the doctor, Trek has great doctors with the exception of NG) and it felt a redundant twist on Next Gen. Enterprise, on the other hand, I really got into and turned out to be my second favorite trek franchise - which I believe pretty much excommunicates me from Trekdom.
It is a shame that none of the crews after NextGen got a movie though - I would have loved an ensemble movie cast from all the shows!
Yea. Janeway got a cameo in Star Trek Nemesis. But otherwise that was it for anyone in the cast of those three crews.
I do have a problem paying to watch CBS as a whole, but they might actually make a sale with me because it is Star Trek. We will see.
Edit: I was once at a convention to see Quark and Odo. Armin Shimmerman stated to the audience, "Paramount are the true Ferengi."
The third season as a single ongoing storyline was an interesting pitch to save the franchise that I really enjoyed, and the 4th season was an homage to patching up continuity
And I
I was never a huge fan of Voyager, although I did watch most of it. It just lacked the cohesion and personalities that TNG and TOS had and when they tried to be 'Intriguing' like DS9, they just failed (in my view). I think that The Doctor and Seven of Nine were the shining outliers of the show, with honorable mention going out to Tuvok as a distant third. But really none of the rest 'Did it' for me.
Regardless. I really don't have much interest in this new series if it's going to follow the new timeline/universe. I just didn't like the movies too much and don't wish to see a new series handled by a similar team.
Quick quiz: You've discovered a derelict ship, there's a chance this is a hostile situation. Your away team should consist of:
A ) A platoon of marines in full powered armor, a couple of junior naval officers to check the ship's systems and a sick bay attendant in case of casualties.
B ) The captain, the first officer, the ship's surgeon and some guy in a red shirt.
Now that said, the series have not all been created equal.
I think Voyager was the weakest by a wide margin. The overall concept was fine, but they failed on execution. Unappealing characters and too many weak stories. That it still managed to be fun on occasion is a testament to the strength of the franchise and underlying ideas.
Enterprise had exactly opposite problems from Voyager. The whole set-up was weak. A pre-quel series for such a well developed universe guaranteed continuity problems every single week. But the characters were fun, and many of the main story-arcs were terrific. It truly was let down by a dreadful series finale, but that has become an epidemic problem with scripted television the last decade or so. Writers SHOULD be trying to honor their show, their characters, their audience. But all too often it's become the time to get clever and "creative". Few things are more disappointing than a television writer trying to be creative...
I agree completely with Spyder about DS-9; it all started to really gel in the third season. I always suspected this was caused by pressure from Babylon 5. It started at about this time and really raised the stakes on telling a tight serialized story. DS-9 was pushed into coming up with more meaningful arcs with consequences. I think those two shows really made each other better.
TOS will always be so special just for starting it all. And watching it brings back so many great memories! Of course the whole idea of "arcs" was barely touched on back then, but just so many great ideas and moments.
I'm pretty excited about a new Trek!
Throughout the entire series they have continually indicated that Star Fleet is about peaceful exploration rather than military conquest. If at every planet they investigated the showed up in power armor they probably wouldn't get many 'Federation applicants'.
The only problem I had with Enterprise was the last episode.......
I didn't hate 'Enterprise', but it definitely did not grip me such that I had to watch it. And of course the opening music just got on my nerves, but that is personal and subjective. I might have to go back and Netflix it.