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  • Wandering_MinstrelWandering_Minstrel Member Posts: 197
    I tried to make some ramen noodles without that powdered flavoring that comes with it. It didn't taste good so I decided to pour the flavor packet all over my noodles and mix it around. Nasty. I will never do that again.
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    edited November 2015
    It's weird that when you couldn't find it she didn't say "I put it in *that* pocket" or jump in to search the jacket herself. If I was trying to convince someone that something was exactly were I'd put it, I'd be like "It's right here, dummy."

    If you ask me, the main fact here is that stupid pockets are stupid.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    she did mistakenly put it in that pocket and not the other one, but i still could have easily found it if i had just checked inside all the pockets; there are only so many of them :smile:

    but yeah i got no love for stupid pockets
  • XeroshiXeroshi Member Posts: 182
    once when i was 5 i was eating tater tots and was really tired and instead of ketchup i Poured X-Treme hot hot sauce on them still to this day i have a fear of anything that says X-Treme on it
  • XeroshiXeroshi Member Posts: 182
    elminster said:

    I once ate 8 armageddon wings from a place called Duff's (I ordered 10 but gave 2 to friends before we started eating...because I'm such a generous guy :D ).

    They were really, really, really, really, really hot (the internet claims they are 850,000 on the scoville scale but I have no way of knowing how true that really is). They were so hot that some random stranger bought me a beer because it was so painful to eat. :)

  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Before watching the newest Angry Joe's review, I expected him to have clear standards when reviewing a game. Well, I was wrong. Evidently, things he absolutely hated in one game he has no problem in other game of the same genre.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    When I was a fairly small child I found a fake bill. It was printed only on one side. I tied it to a very long string (actually it was cassette tape i think), put it on the pavement and hid behind a bush. With it I lured an old lady who was passing by. Incidentally a light wind was blowing...she would stoop to pick it up, several times, but couldn't because I was pulling on it. She thought the wind was blowing it away from her and ran after it for several yards. I could see everything through the bush; I started to laugh and she saw me too, and probably saw the string as well and sad something nasty. I felt kinda bad afterwards. I don't think i ever told this to anyone, maybe just once.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,476
    @bob_veng were you one of the Three Stooges?
  • brusbrus Member Posts: 944
    Nimran said:

    When I was a kid, I would sneak out to the side of the house and eat some of our dog's food out of the bag. I didn't think it was that bad, apparently, since I kept going back.

    It's all a mather of taste.

  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    Nimran said:

    When I was a kid, I would sneak out to the side of the house and eat some of our dog's food out of the bag. I didn't think it was that bad, apparently, since I kept going back.

    When I was a kid, I used to eat the rock salt from the bag in the garage.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352

    elminster said:

    I once ate 8 armageddon wings from a place called Duff's (I ordered 10 but gave 2 to friends before we started eating...because I'm such a generous guy :D ).

    They were really, really, really, really, really hot (the internet claims they are 850,000 on the scoville scale but I have no way of knowing how true that really is). They were so hot that some random stranger bought me a beer because it was so painful to eat. :)

    When I was in high school drunk at a party, someone dared me to eat a dried prune. It was a ghost pepper. I drank the entire gallon of whoever's milk was in the nearest fridge and spent the next half-hour with my mouth under a faucet of cold water.
    Classic :smiley:
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    edited November 2015
    I got appendicitis once. In retrospect, that was a terrible idea.
  • SethDavisSethDavis Member Posts: 1,812
    on the flip side, turns out scarlet fever isn't quite as bad a plan as it sounds
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2015
    This technically isn't something dumb I did, but I had an exam today that had a series of multiple choice questions (whose answers we had to fill in on a scantron sheet). Problem was that for 3/15 questions there were more answers than there were bubbles to fill in. Clearly the prof had never seen a scantron sheet. So the moral of the story is to always proofread your work :)
  • CaeriaCaeria Member Posts: 201
    This morning I wanted to make Japanese-style eggs for breakfast, but when I went to make them I discovered we were out of mirin (very light, barely alcoholic Japanese cooking wine), so without missing a beat I used shochu (which is similar to vodka), instead. I'm sure all the alcohol cooked out but it still tasted strongly of shochu and not like eggs at all.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Caeria: With a little embellishment, that could make for a truly hilarious story. There are lots of ways that could have gone horribly, horribly wrong.
  • CaeriaCaeria Member Posts: 201
    @semiticgod Heh, one day, when I am able to laugh at what happened, I probably will take that idea and tell it to people with some embellishment for good measure.

    It definitely could have gone worse, so at least I did it to someone with a sense of humor. Even if it was pretty embarrassing to be laughed at by a stranger, I kind of deserved it.
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