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Reality Check - Expectations vs. what the game delivers

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  • trappskitrappski Member Posts: 3
    Well... Right now this expansion doesn't deliver at all. :P

    But to answer the first part. I'm not really sure what to expect.
    More than a solid adventure hopefully som inventive new areas and quests an some all fun and interesting development of characters old and new.
  • teenpartyteenparty Member Posts: 46
    This better be quite good, or else what's the point?
  • InsultionInsultion Member Posts: 179
    Ahh. My expectations. Don't bite my head off for this. I expect precious little. I do not like Beamdog's writing capabilities and at times I truly wonder if they were fans of the game as adults or as starry eyed kids. However... Chris Avellone gave the game his blessing in a sort of round about manner. So I assume I will enjoy it all the same. I'm looking forward to new content.
  • MasterAeschylusMasterAeschylus Member Posts: 11
    Go play call of something and soccer 2016?
  • teenpartyteenparty Member Posts: 46
    Insultion said:

    Ahh. My expectations. Don't bite my head off for this. I expect precious little. I do not like Beamdog's writing capabilities and at times I truly wonder if they were fans of the game as adults or as starry eyed kids. However... Chris Avellone gave the game his blessing in a sort of round about manner. So I assume I will enjoy it all the same. I'm looking forward to new content.

    I don't think anyone was blown away by the added content to BG1 and 2.
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  • teenpartyteenparty Member Posts: 46
    Shandyr said:

    So are your expectations rather low because of the additional content to BG1 and BG2 ?

    I've been underwhelmed so far. Then again, I just looked at the new patch and I am really happy with that. Game looks better than ever and the UI has finnaly gotten some much needed improvement.
  • InsultionInsultion Member Posts: 179
    Shandyr said:

    So are your expectations rather low because of the additional content to BG1 and BG2 ?

    For the most part, yes. I haven't touched on everything, such as Wilson in BG2 and Baeloth as a companion in the main campaign of BG1, but from what I have gone through, I was less than enchanted. I do like the EEs, however, and would rather have the extra goodies than not, as well as the streamlining and now the UI adjustments.

    It's always hard to take something great and add to it with any measure of equal greatness.
  • nomadmercnomadmerc Member Posts: 48
    I am more looking forward to the mods that will be born because of the renewed interest in the BG series.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Lowest expectation: A well written story bridging BG to BG2 with some good tactical battles sprinkled through out the game. Banter will semi voiced acted (much like BG2) with a fluctuating tone between silly and seriousness.

    Medium expectation
    : A well written story bridging BG to BG2 explaining the fate of every playable NPC with a lot of tactical battles through out the game. Banter will be semi voiced with an over all serious tone to the game with mild jokes sprinkled into the banter to keep it light.
    High expectation: Not only does the expansion bridge the two games, it fills in wholes of what has happened to both major and minor characters (think Tamoko if she survived your encounter, or Melicamp, or the BG thieves guild npcs) with a lot of easter eggs sprinkled through out such as bringing in certain inventory items (Melicamp the chicken, Idol of Kozah etc) is brought into the expansion.
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    edited March 2016

    That's my expectation.
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    I have medium high expectations if only for the return of David Warner. Irenicus is one of the best voiced antagonists of all time.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Shandyr said:

    - during your first playthrough (in spoiler tags)

    Just one quick note (for any future situations) - try to follow this plea by Shandyr. Also, check

    With SoD now released, try to alwaysuse spoilers when you want to reveal something.
  • DashivaDashiva Member Posts: 35
    If Baldur's Gate was an 8, BG2 was a 10, I expect this to be a 6 or a 7.

    I don't really have much I expect in terms of "what will happen" or "I hope there'll be AMAZING characters and romance!" etc. It will be impossible to not compare it to the original games and as I mentioned, I don't expect it to be as amazing as those games were, and that's absolutely fine. Let's hope for a pleasant surprise!
  • psudonym55psudonym55 Member Posts: 3
    I expect little more than a vaguely polished fan mod because that is pretty much what everything that has been added in the enhanced edition has felt like to me.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    My expectations before playing SOD for the very first time:

    - Have the chance to travel with some BG companions whose fate is unknown (Branwen, Kivan, Eldoth, Alora, Shar-Teel, Xan and so on);
    - Have the chance to know more about Khalid and Jaheira;
    - Gay romance for male CHARNAME (because Dorn is evil and I am a good guy);
    - New shiny items;
    - New monsters;
    - Gorgeous areas.

    After my first playthrough... Is the game out now? I need to know it before posting my feedback :)
  • woowoovoodoowoowoovoodoo Member Posts: 150
    I've expected a good voiceover and more than satisfied. Just spent 15 minutes clicking over voices of CHARNAME. One of my favorites so far is the remark of Female (Scholarly): YOUR DOOM APPROACHES!
  • InsultionInsultion Member Posts: 179

    I've expected a good voiceover and more than satisfied. Just spent 15 minutes clicking over voices of CHARNAME. One of my favorites so far is the remark of Female (Scholarly): YOUR DOOM APPROACHES!

    I just want my HOW Male 1 but have not the means to bring it to bg
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited April 2016
    I was expecting (well, actually hoping for), a relatively bug-free experience like IWD:EE was. After only a couple of hours playing in BG:EE version 2, (I know, not technically SoD, which I did buy and install), I encountered a major bug with the Neera encounter, and an interface bug where the kit ("class" tab) description will not scroll down to give all the information about class and kit.

    I mentioned it in a thread in "Road to 2.0", TODAY, and got told by @Dee to make a ticket on Redmine. I said, "No thank you, I am not interested in being an unpaid beta tester for Beamdog," and I meant that strongly.

    I may just play IWD:EE and other games for a while, because I am very disappointed in polish, debugging, and stability of 2.0 and by extension, SoD, upon release.

    I will have to hope that eventually patches will be released that get the new trilogy product into playable shape. (It's not exactly "unplayable" exactly, rather, there's so much wrong with it it's just irritating to play.)

    Other than the bugs, I actually like the total interface overhaul very much. I've seen all sorts of things I like, even love about it. But I will need a much less buggy version before I can really get immersed in it and enjoy it. Knowing Beamdog, this process from BG:EE version 2 to ToB:EE version 2, including SoD, in a polished form, will take at least a year, maybe two.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    I mentioned it in a thread in "Road to 2.0", and got told by Dee to make a ticket on Redmine. I said, "No thank you, I am not interested in being an unpaid beta tester for Beamdog," and I meant that strongly.

    What do you think an open beta is for? So you can play the game earlier than others?

    No it is to help weed out bugs and glitches. You received the product (read as being paid) earlier than others to help with this. You didn't and now you whine after the release that the bug you found is still in the game?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    deltago said:

    I mentioned it in a thread in "Road to 2.0", and got told by Dee to make a ticket on Redmine. I said, "No thank you, I am not interested in being an unpaid beta tester for Beamdog," and I meant that strongly.

    What do you think an open beta is for? So you can play the game earlier than others?

    No it is to help weed out bugs and glitches. You received the product (read as being paid) earlier than others to help with this. You didn't and now you whine after the release that the bug you found is still in the game?
    The thread he's talking about was created today, after the update was released. No need to antagonize people, here.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @deltago, you misunderstood what I said, or didn't read carefully enough. I did NOT participate in the early release beta. I bought the "finished" product today, as released.

    Please do not reply to posts you have not read carefully and understood.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    edited April 2016
    So far...

    Things I like:
    New interface thingamobob. It's great.
    Sexy landscape and art. The characters all look incredible.
    New voice sets are superb, much better than the last additions
    Imoen learning magic
    New voices for existing characters!!!! So great to hear Minsc again
    The first dungeon looks so well-designed.
    The starting parties kinda make sense, which is great (though I'd have preferred Alora over Safana for good parties)

    Things I don't like:
    When you click on a base class you need to click "next" before seeing the kit options
    Clicking "enter" doesn't exit screens like item descriptions
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    I've been playing since about 1600 today, or whatever time it was that my download/install completed. I just wrapped a bit ago, when my cavalier bought the farm at the hands of some undead (I was getting tired anyway). Thus far, I've imported three saves into the game, with the following protagonist character classes (in sequential order): DD, Elven Stalker, Cavalier. (The above provided mostly for perspective sake).

    Expectation 1: sheer, utter, enjoyment of an expansion to the game I've loved for the last almost two decades.

    The result: immense quantities of that for about the last 8 hours. I expect much more of that tomorrow, after adulting things are wrapped up.

    Expectation 2 (more of a hope really): I, like many others, associate music with great memories. I hoped that the music would prove to be of that caliber.

    The result: Sam Hulick and the Beamdog crew delivered that desire in spades. I'm going to rack out in a little bit, listening to the music that Sam contributed to this series. Thank you, Mr. Hulick, for immersive, thematically fitting, wonderful music. I will treasure it via my Digital Edition purchase. I hope someone at Beamdog shows him that portion of the post.

    Expectation 3 (I was hoping to avoid these, but alas...I can only blame myself): I expected some mod created issues with some of my saves, since I'd saved some heavily modded playthrough PC's for SOD injection. The DD didn't install with containers, my elven stalker installed with 25 strength for everyone in the party, and my Cavalier installed flawlessly. I had previously heavily modded my BGEE experience, reverting back to stock earlier this week. Those PC's came from heavily modded playthroughs, so the issues on two of them are very likely a result of those mods.

    Exception 4 was that the playing of this game was going to eat into a lot of my personal time, particularly since I recently retired from one career. I will be taking a break from work to focus on home life a bit more. My free time is most likely going to be wrapped up in this game.

    To say that I'm amped is an understatement, and the game hasn't disappointed. I am really impressed with the lore of the story thus far, and am emotionally invested in the story (which is the highest praise I can give about a game really).

    Thanks Beamdog. For everything.
  • Kaisc006Kaisc006 Member Posts: 25
    Insane difficulty with the option for no increased damage is very fun. Every fight requires a tactical approach and saps on your resources without opponents feeling cheesy by dealing excess damage / being unhittable. Are these Ai improvements only in SoD or so they change all the games with 2.0? That would be incredible if they do because literally every fight feels fresh
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    My expectation:a weekend filled with adventure in SoD! New content with the old voice actors I have grown up with. The thought alone is enough to put a smile on my face. I will bring my work-laptop to home just for this!

    Also I expect bugs. Lots and lots of bugs. But I shall not fear.
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