Remove black map borders, revert local area map to v1.3 functionality

I'd like to start a discussion with users about what they think about the inclusion of this graphical option.
As the title states, I wish for the option to limit the panning of the gameplay map to only the map edge- not past it. Beamdog has stated that panning the camera past map borders is a feature, but it's clearly an unwanted one for some users and we would appreciate the ability to disable this functionality.
I believe that this change to the map borders was done to facilitate the new area map. It looks good, but is a classic example of form over function. So what I'm asking for, is the option to revert the local area map to v1.3 functionality and the concomitant disabling of these excessive black borders.
Additionally, the new local area map has LESS functionality than the old one! We used to be able to scroll the area map with the keyboard, and with the new map functionality we no longer can. This is yet another example of a change that no one asked for which reduces functionality.
Regardless, the feature is *neat* but I think a not-insignificant portion of your playerbase would appreciate reverting the map panning feature and local area map (if these two things really are coupled) to v1.3 functionality.
@Natreg @ScottBrooks @Dee @bengoshi @Cerevant
As the title states, I wish for the option to limit the panning of the gameplay map to only the map edge- not past it. Beamdog has stated that panning the camera past map borders is a feature, but it's clearly an unwanted one for some users and we would appreciate the ability to disable this functionality.
Status changed from Will Not Fix to Not an Issue
This is by design. The user interface used to cover several locations(such as the south border of maps). They attempted to make it dock with the UI but it never quite worked correctly. This way is far smoother.
Or make the ability to pan the view out of bounds optional/only available for mobile versions of the game (Tablets, phones etc.)
I understand why this was introduced but it's pretty ridiculous to be able to move the map borders into the center of the screen. Surely that much isn't necessary. It would look much better to remove most of this visible blank space.
I believe that this change to the map borders was done to facilitate the new area map. It looks good, but is a classic example of form over function. So what I'm asking for, is the option to revert the local area map to v1.3 functionality and the concomitant disabling of these excessive black borders.
Additionally, the new local area map has LESS functionality than the old one! We used to be able to scroll the area map with the keyboard, and with the new map functionality we no longer can. This is yet another example of a change that no one asked for which reduces functionality.
Regardless, the feature is *neat* but I think a not-insignificant portion of your playerbase would appreciate reverting the map panning feature and local area map (if these two things really are coupled) to v1.3 functionality.
@Natreg @ScottBrooks @Dee @bengoshi @Cerevant
Plus having a black area outside the playable portion of the map is nothing new. It's how all interior maps have worked forever.
I like the zooming in/out feature but I don't like how I can't drag the screen in map view. I would always do that but apparently I must have been in the minority?
I like the new map feature though.
The map functionality I really, really like as well as the new interface colours, so I'm not a traditionalist but this really bothers me.
I understand it's due to the new UI's format, but it's just so ugly and immersion breaking.
I would much prefer a tighter viewing screen to this.
But yeah, if a toggle for this would be reasonably easy to implement, it seems like a good idea.
Would love it if a Beamdog person would drop in here to comment.
I was the first to report about these black borders on the forums when the open beta started -
It looked strange to me but the first thought I had when noticing it was: "it may look strange but it's a part of new UI functionality". And my guess turned right: according to Dee, it allows for a number of things to work more intuitively, and also allows some edge-of-the-map signs to display fully without being cut off at the side of the screen.
Now I have doubts if I will get EE2/SoD. From the screenshots I know this issue for exaple would really annoy me, and apparently "its not a bug, its a feature" excuse is being used, which means it won't be fixed. The rest of the news about the buggy mess that the 2.0 series apparently is, is depressing to hear too, but I was more than willing to be patient and wait until thats all fixed (since I assume/hope it will be). Don't much like the pictures of the new UI either, but apparently its very moddable so I have faith someone will fix that too (its also less in your face thing).
This issue however seems like the kind of hardcoded thing that modders can't really fix. And since Beamdog apparently won't, its not going to go away, and will be here forever.
Naah, that blackness was there because of the Fog of War. You could not see whats on the other side of the wall, so it was under the same kind of Fog that maps normally are until you explore those areas. Its been a while, but I think there were outside areas (like say areas of bg-city) that had major walls that you actually had to reach the other side to until the fog lifted and you saw what was on the other side. Its the same thing here and there are people and things on the other side of the interior walls, we just don't see them.
Now is that actually the case in truth? Was there really stuff on the other side of interior walls? No, but its so very easy to maintain Suspension of Disbelief by telling myself that it is and avoid breaking immersion there. The clear human made lines of walls make the darkness so much more acceptable and easier to ignore.
See here:
Makes sense that my characters can't see whats on the other side of that wall, since it blocks sight. That mental justification is unusable in the outside areas, since in the pictures like the one here, my player SHOULD be able to see whats in that blackness over there.
Nothing blocking sight, so I am hit with the head with a ITS A SILLY GAME UI FEATURE that basically backstabs my SoD for major major damage.
While there are probably(?) maps (especially small encounter maps or such) that have some of this problem in the original series/1.3, its much rarer and I can't really recall major issues in the original games. Bioware atleast tried to help me keep up the illusion that I am really there, in Faerun, playing a child of Bhaal.
But now? I look at the pictures of half of the screen filled with grass that abrubtly transforms into darkness in a way thats impossible for me to mentally ignore and just feel depressed. Sigh.
Just use the same mental justification about the area outside of the wall for the area outside of the map. It's not hard. It's black because there's nothing worth seeing there. Boom.
But I am currently playing BG 1 again and the wilderness areas really felt better without the borders.
Frankly, if they had actually modified the current areas and added "border areas" where you had more forest or more empty field of grass and other such continuation of the current area that was all full of area trigger and which you could not actually enter but which was still visible, I would have had far less issue with it.
You apparently have no difficulty with this. I am truly happy for you. Unfortunately, I don't share your views here. I look at the horrid picture posted in the other thread an am filled with both annoyance and disappointment.
That being said, surely the option can be created for those people who don't like change. As long as we don't get rid of the actual improvements, which, having my party on the center of the screen at all times for me is nice. But I'm not opposed to limiting the map borders for those who feel they will lose immersion.