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A guide to new magic items in Siege of Dragonspear *SPOILERS*

ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
This is a list of all the new notable magic items in Siege of Dragonspear.
I am not including underwhelming ones like daggers +1 and stuff like that

A list of items in BG:EE and BG2:EE can be found here:



Brevin's quarterstaff +1 (+10 lore, Friends once per day) - Convince Jospil to help you in duchal palace
The Uncursed Staff +1 (Strength: 18, THAC0: -2, Damage: 1d6-2)
The Soulherder's Staff +2 (Magic Res: +15%, Summoned spirits gain a +1 to Strength, Damage: 1d6, +2 magic dmg)
Echo of the Fiend +3 (5% chance of triggering a Sunfire spell centered on the wielder, Fireshield Red twice per day)


Corwin's bow +1 (Dex +1, 10% chance target is entangled for 3 rounds. Save vs Breath negates, only usable by corwin) - Corwins starting equip
Corinth's Bow +2 (AC+1, on crit the wielder is affected by the Luck spell) - Reward for "The Trial" quest at Dragonspear Castle
Bow of the Banshee +2 (10% chance per hit of casting Cloak of Fear centered on the wielder, Deals 1 extra point of magic damage to panicked targets) - inside the cave in Deadman's Pass


Savage Shortbow +2 (+1 con if you are elf or halfelf,+3 dmg vs orcs, halforcs and ogres) - Purchasable from Herod
Blightbringer +1 (10% chance that the target is diseased (sv vs death negates) losing 2 points of Dexterity (non-cumulative) and becoming slowed for 3 rounds, +3 THAC0 and dmg vs Dwarves and Gnomes)
Fleshripper +2 (5% chance per hit of hasting the wielder for 4 rounds, Movement Speed: +2) - Complete "Skie's gone missing" quest


Sword of troll decapitaion +1 on critical hit vs troll, gain +1 str for 1 turn, +2 to hit vs trolls, +2 flame dmg vs trolls) - Bronze sentry, repository of undeath
Dragon Blade +3 ( +1 cold dmg, While enraged, the chance to score a critical hit is increased by 10%, Deals an extra 2d4 points of cold damage and slows the target for 1 round (no save) on a crit) - Quest with the Rashemi couple outside underground river, transfers to BG2 in Firkraag's dungeon
Sword of Ruin +2 - Critical Hit Chance: +5%, Deals an extra 2d4 points of slashing damage on a critical hit - Korlasz Family Tomb bottom level behind secret passage


Grubdoubler's axe +1 (20% chance on hit save vs spells or confused for 3 rounds. +2 to hit and dmg vs humans, returning,M'Khiin only) M'Khiin starting equipment
Axe of Krunthur (Returning throwing axe, +1 attack per round, 33% chance per hit that the target takes 1 poison damage per second for 2 rounds (Save vs. Death negates), Mkhiin Only) - Kanaglyms
Chill Axe (Strength: +1, 2% chance per hit that the wielder will become berserk for 3 rounds)
Rhyte's Last Arrow +2 (Returning throwing axe, chance to score a critical hit: +5% with this weapon only, on a critical hit the wielder gains +5 thac0 for 3 rounds, non cumulative) - Sold by Jegg


Mosela's cudgel +2 (saves vs alteration +2, +1 to hit and damage vs constucts) - Purchasable from Herod
Backwhacker (Target becomes unconscious for 2 rounds when a backstab is performed (Save vs. Death negates) -Sold by Waizahb


Gemblade +1 (20% chance per hit a random gem will be created in inventory)- Coast way forest near ambush site
Gemblade +2 (Intelligence: +1) - after using all 20 stacks of Gemblade +1
Elements' Fury +2 (Deals an extra 1d4 cold damage to fire elementals, Deals an extra 1d4 fire damage to water elementals, Deals an extra 1d4 acid damage to earth elementals, Deals an extra 1d4 electrical damage to air elementals, Damage: 1d4+2, +1 fire, cold, electrical, or acid damage (random)) - water elementals encounter in underground river, dropped by the mage
Dagger of Troll-fighting +1 (Damage: 1d4+1, +1d4 fire)
Acid-Etched Dagger +2 (+1 acid dmg,15% chance per hit target takes 1 point of acid dmg per round for the next 3 rounds )
Pritchard's Family Stiletto +2 (Armor Class: +2 vs. giant humanoids, +4THAC0 and +4dmg vs giant humanoids)


Cudgel of Montgomer +1 (10% chance per hit of casting Cure Light Wounds on the wielder)
Glimmer of Hope (Wisdom: +1, 10% chance per hit of casting Bless centered on the wielder)


Martyr's Morningstar +2 (Hit Points: -10, On a critical hit, target loses 15% of their max HP)
The Hydra +2 (33% chance per hit of dealing +1d4, +2d4, or +3d4 points of piercing damage) - Free ogres under castle


Storm Pike +2 (15% chance per hit of stunning the target for 1 round (Save vs. Spell negates), On a critical miss, the halberd deals 1d4 electrical damage to the wielder, +1 electrical dmg)
Cold Fury +2 (Each hit slows fire-dwelling and fire-using creatures for 3 rounds (Save vs. Spell negates)+1d2 cold dmg)


Festering Spear +1 (Inflicts 2 points of bleeding dmg, On a critical hit, target is diseased (-2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity for 1 turn, non-cumulative))
Shadowed Spear +2 (AC: +2, 20% chance per hit to teleport to a random enemy and receive a +4 THAC0 bonus for 1 round, 5% chance per hit to teleport to a random enemy and become ethereal for 1 round, Charge abilities: Etherealness) - Reward for "On the Fence" quest at Coalition Camp (Waizahb)

War Hammers

Sundermaul +3 (15% chance per hit of target getting -1 penalty to AC for 1 turn (Save vs. Spell negates), 2% chance per hit that an earthquake is triggered, centered on the wielder)
Voidhammer +3 (Strength: -1, the target suffers -1 to Strength for 5 rounds per hit (minimum 1 Strength; Save vs. Spell negates), Does no damage to undead, Bonuses to hit and damage based on Strength do not apply to this weapon) - Crafted from void shard by Jegg in Bridgefort
Dread Hammer +2 (+1 cold dmg, On a critical miss, the wielder takes 1d4 cold dmg, Deals an extra 2d4 cold dmg vs. good-aligned Clerics)


Firefly +2 (Saving Throws: +2 (halflings), +1 fire dmg)


Crimson Dawn +2 (Crit Chance: +5% (with this weapon only), 15% chance per kill of hasting the wielder for 3 rounds)

Long Swords

Tongue of Acid +3 (+1d3 acid dmg, 10% chance of slowing the target for 3 rounds (Save vs. Spell negates)) - Deal with demon in Avernus
Voidsword +3 (Strength: -1, The target suffers -1 to Strength for 5 rounds per hit (minimum 1 Strength; Save vs. Spell negates), Does no damage to undead, Bonuses to hit and damage based on Strength do not apply to this weapon) - Crafted from void shard by Jegg in Bridgefort
Spell Breaker +2 (Save vs. Spell: +4 (Wizard Slayers and Inquisitors), +2 (others), On a crit, the target is affected by Dispel Magic)
Aster's Edge +3 (Magic Resistance: +30%, +2 extra dmg vs. fiends) - Caelar's equipement


Eadro's Blade +1 (AC +2 vs. elementals and mephits, A critical hit against an elemental or mephit will instantly banish the creature to its home plane, +2THAC0 and +2dmg vs. elementals and mephits)
Bartleby's Wakizashi +1 (Armor Class: +2 vs. slashing attacks (Kensai)) - Dropped from Bartleby in the Three Old Kegs (Baldur's Gate, he will spawn if you pester the lady in the room next to Minsc & Dynaheir)
Dervish Crescent +2 (+1 fire dmg, Movement Speed: +1, 10% chance per kill that the wielder will be affected by Fireshield Red) - Nazramu, genie vendor in coalition camp, available by using spectacles.

Short Swords

Herdrin's Short Sword +2 (Critical Hit Chance: +10% with this weapon)
Fractal Blade +3 (Whenever the wielder is hit, there is a 10% chance he/she is surrounded by 3 mirror images for 3 rounds, 50% chance per hit of dispelling all illusionary spells affecting the target) - Hidden room in Bhaal's Temple (Forest of Wyrms)
Ophyllis's Short Sword +2 (Immunity to Command, Greater Command, and Power Word (any), 20% chance per hit of casting Deafness on the target)
Vexation +2 (Inflicts 2 points of bleeding damage, Drains 2 points of Strength from the target and transfers them to the wielder for 5 rounds when a successful backstab is performed (non-cumulative)) - Dropped by the Shadowy Figure in the canyon ambush

Bastard Swords

Severance +2 (HP +5, 15% chance of draining 1d4 Hit Points from the target and transferring them to the wielder)


Astral Crossbow +2 (On a crit, target rendered unconscious for 1 round (no save), +4 THAC0 and dmg vs. evil creatures)
Harold +2 (15% chance per hit of casting Doom on the target)


Fire Bolt +1 (+1d3 fire dmg) - Purchase from Belegarm
Ice Bolt +1 (+1d3 ice dmg) - Purchase from Belegarm
Bullet of Fire +1 (+1d6 fire dmg, save vs spells for none) - Purchase from Belegarm
Bullet of Ice +1 (+1d6 ice dmg, save vs spells for none) - Purchase from Belegarm
Bullet of Electricity +1 (+1d6 electrical dmg, save vs spells for none) - Purchase from Belegarm
Throwing axe +1 - Purchase from Belegarm
Throwing Dagger +1 - Purchase from Belegarm
Dart of Fire/Ice/Acid (+1d6 dmg save vs spell for none) - Purchase from Belegarm
Arrow of antimagic +1 x5 (Target suffers a 50% chance to miscast spells for next 5 rounds. 1d2 dmg) - remains, repository of undeath
Biter +2 (Returning Dart, 10% chance per hit of reducing target's AC by 1 for 1 turn (Save vs. Breath negates) +1 acid dmg) - reward for "family heirlooms" quest
Void-tipped Arrow +3 (Target suffers -1 to Strength for 5 rounds per hit (minimum 1 Strength; Save vs. Spell negates), Does no damage to undead) -Crafted from void shard by Jegg
Bullet of Darkness +3 *The target suffers -1 to Strength for 5 rounds per hit (minimum 1 Strength; Save vs. Spell negates), Does no damage to the undead) -Crafted from void shard by Jegg
The Case of Plenty +1 - Pickpocket Torsin de Lancie


Corwins Armour +2 (Movement speed +1, Magic resistance +10%, only usable by corwin) - Corwins starting equip
Goblin Leathers +1 (Immune to entangle spell, M'Khiin only) M'Khiin starting equipment
Jegg's Leathers +2 (+20% fire and cold resistance, M'Khiin only) - Jegg
Kruntur's Armor +3 (Wisdom: -1 ,Immunity to stun) - Kanaglym
Commander's Chain Mail +3 (Charisma: +1, The wearer and any allies within his/her visual radius are immune to fear and morale failure)
Stalwart Scales +2 (Slashing Resistance: +10%) - Sold by Jegg
Mail of the Hallowed Hero +3 (Protection From Evil, Immunity to poison and disease)
Goblin Hide Armor +2 (Constitution: +1, If the wielder becomes poisoned, the armor automatically casts Slow Poison on them)
Raconteur's Regalia (Pick Pockets: +10%, Spellcasting is not disabled) ) - Sold by Waizahb
Changeling's Vest (Polymorph into a bugbear, baby wyvern, or ice salamander three times per day)
Dragonscale Armor (Immunity to poison) - Crafted from dragon scales by Jegg
The Night's Embrace +3 (If the wearer is rendered helpless (e.g. by a Hold Person spell), he/she becomes invisible for 1 turn, Hide In Shadows: +20%) ) - Sold by Waizahb
Bloody Boneplate +2 (Immunity to backstab, charisma -1) - Dropped by Ferrusk the druid in Underground River
Daeros's Full Plate +1 (Fire Resistance: +40%, Save vs. Breath +2) - Hidden on last floor of Dragonspear Castle, you can find it only after freeing Daeros and possibly Halatathlaer


Robe of Arcane Aptitude (Intelligence: +1, Armor Class: 5, Spell Sequencer once per day)
The Ghostdreamers' Robe (Armor Class: 5, Improves casting speed by 1, Vocalize) - Kanaglym
Robe of Red Flames (Fire Resistance: +30%, All fire damage inflicted by the wearer is increased by 10%) -Gift from Edwin for solving his problem


Buckler of the fist +2 (Immune to Hold person) - Purchase from Belegarm
M'Khiin's Buckler +2 (+10HP, M'Khiin only) M'Khiin starting equipment
The Suncatcher +2 (15% chance attacker takes 1d4 points of fire damage and becomes blinded for 2 rounds (Save vs. Spell half and negates blindness), Sunfire once per day)
Shield of Egons +2 (Turn Undead Level: +2 (Priests of Lathander and Undead Hunters), +1 (others)) - quest from the mummy in starter dungeon
Rhino Beetle Shield +2 (extra +2AC vs. missile attacks, Missile Damage Resistance: +25%) - crafted by Jegg
Dragonscale Shield +3 (Save vs. Death: +3) - crafted by Jegg
Steadfast +2 (Hit Points: +10 (dwarves), +5 (others)) - sold by Jegg
The Bloodied Guardian +2 (Fire Resistance: +25%, When the wielder's Hit Points drop below 50%, he/she gains +1 to Strength for 5 rounds) - Dropped by Sentry of Tempus at the end of "Foehammer's Blessing" quest at Dragonspear Castle
Solar Aegis +3 (Constitution: +1, Fire Resistance: +40%) - Caelar's equipment



Cloak of minor arcana (lore +10, caster level +1, 10 charges, 1 charge: generate a random arcane scoll of level 3 or below) - Dropped by Poros
Sable Cloak (Cold Resistance: +40%, Immunity to slow)
Crommus's Capelet (Each time hit, there is a 5% chance wearer affected by the Blur spell, Save vs. Ench spells: +2) - from menhirs quest
Cloak of the Beluir Watch (Armor Class: +2 vs. giant humanoids, Hit Points: +5 (halflings)) - Found in burned inn
Cloak of the Gargoyle (Physical Damage Resistance: +5%, Protects against critical hits, Stone Form once per day)
Cloak of the Strange Beast (+1 AC (stacking) -1 Cha) - Worn by ghost ettin


Ostentatious boots (Charisma +1)-Lady Area, top floor of 3 kegs
Sidestep Slippers (AC+1, Dex+1, svs vs Invocations +2, monks only) - Purchasable from Jazzrem the calishite in Sorcerous sundries
Soft Feet (Move Silently: +25%, Immunity to Grease, Entangle, and Web) - Sold by Waizahb
Star-Strewn Boots (Magic Resistance: +7%, +15% (Wizard Slayers))


Bracers of Defence AC5 (Sets armour value to 5) - Purchasable from Jazzrem the calishite in Sorcerous sundries
Bracers of Perseverence (HP+10, on a critical miss, user gets Aid cast on them, monks only) - Purchasable from Jazzrem the calishite in Sorcerous sundries
Bracers of the Shuttered Lid (THAC0: +2 on unarmed attacks, Immunity to blindness, On a critical hit the target is blinded for 2 rounds no save) ) - Nazramu, genie vendor in coalition camp, available by using spectacles.
Nimblefinger Gloves (Dexterity: +2 (gnomes), +1 (halflings, dwarves, and goblins), Pick Pockets: +25%, Set Traps: +25%)
Stalker Gauntlets (Dexterity: +1, Hide in Shadows: +15% (+30% for Stalkers), Backstab Multiplier: +1 (Stalkers only))


Peacock cap (+1 charisma, or +2 charisma if you are a bard) - Purchasable from Jazzrem the calishite in Sorcerous sundries
Silver Circlet (+1 saving throws) - Viconia's starting equipment
Helmet of Dumathion (physical resistance +3%, +1 con (+2con to dwarves), save vs death +2) - Brother deepvein, dwarvern dig
Crown of Lies (Can memorize 2 extra 3rd-level, 1 extra 4th-level, and 1 extra 5th-level wizard spell, Lore: -30) - Chest in Hephernaan's room
The Guardian Devil (AC: +1, Slashing Dmg Resist: +15%, Piercing Dmg Resist: +15%, Missile Dmg Resist: +15%)
Battle Tankard (Immunity to fatigue)
Helm of Equus (Charisma: +2)
Helm of Unwavering Purpose (Armor Class: +1, Immunity to confusion)
Bard Hat (Immunity to silence and deafness, Bard song effects linger on for 2 additional rounds after the bard stops singing)
Wizzard Hat (Casting Speed: +1, Movement Speed: +2) ) - Nazramu, genie vendor in coalition camp, available by using spectacles.
Headband of Focus (THAC0: +2 (unarmed attacks), Critical Hit Chance: +5% (unarmed attacks), Draw Upon Holy Might once per day) ) - Sold by Waizahb
Circlet of Lost Souls (Caster Level: +1, Summoned spirits are constantly under the effects of the Bless spell)
Voghiln's Helmet (Magic Resistance: +5%, 15% chance per melee hit that humanoid opponents are stunned for 1 round, Save vs. Wand negates) - Voghiln's starting equipment
Circlet of the Cynosure (Immunity to fear, charm, and paralysis) - Caelar's equipment)


Lon's Amulet - (Bless on wearer, Wisdom +1 to shapeshifters only) - Lon, Iron throne building
Archer's Eyes (Critical Hit Chance: +5% on ranged attacks, Dex: +2 (Archers), +1 (others))
Amulet of Abnormally Awesome Ankheg Summoning (Acid Resistance: +15%, Summons two ankhegs) - Dropped by Ferrusk
Clasp of Helm (Saves vs. Necromancy spells: +3, Wisdom: +1 (Priests of Helm only), Detect Illusion once per day)
Locket of Embracing (Caster Level: +1 (Clerics and Paladins), Can memorize two extra 1st-level divine spells)
Modron Heart (THAC0: +2 vs. chaotic, Damage: +2 vs. chaotic, Armor Class: +2 vs. chaotic) - From Rakshasa pulled with spectacles in Underground River
Kendra's Chain (Slashing Resistance: +5%)
The Gift (Hit Points: +10, Charisma: +1, Immunity to fatigue, Jaheira only) -crafted by Khalid at the end of "Anniversary Gift" Quest
Heart of the Mountain (Armor Class: +2, Summoned spirits gain +10 Hit Points) - dropped from Hamadryad in Deadman's Pass
Amulet of Protection +2 - Nazramu, genie vendor in coalition camp, available by using spectacles.
Amulet of Whispers (Vocalize while equipped and silence 15' radius 1/day) - Hidden Cellar in Deadman's Pass


Belt of the cunning rogue (+15% open locks, +15% disarm traps) - Glints starting equipment
Belt of the Skillful Blade (Slashing Damage: +10% bonus, THAC0: +2 bonus with the off hand (Blades and Swashbucklers only)) - Sold by Waizahb
Cloverleaf (luck on wearer) - Nazramu, genie vendor in coalition camp, available by using spectacles.


Barrityl's burden (ring, Can memorize 1 extra 1st, 2nd, 3rd level spell. -5 thac0 and dmg vs genies, create a random gem or damage the wearer once per day, baeloth only) Baeloth's starting equipment
Ring of Lockpicks (Pick locks +25%) - Purchasable from Herod
Ring of the Tiny Fiend (Fire Resistance: +10%, Cold Resistance: +10%, Electricity Resistance: +10%, Acid Resistance: +10%, Summon 1d4 mephits once per day) -From Zaviak's spectacles quest, 2 creatures fighting, pull the humanoid one
Ring of the Crusade (Armor Class: +1, +3 vs. demons and devils, Saving Throws: +1, +3 vs. demons and devils)
- Reward for "Understanding the Crusade" quest at Dragonspear Castle
Ring of Purity (Armor Class: +2 vs. evil creatures, Hit Points: +10, Chant) ) - Nazramu, genie vendor in coalition camp, available by using spectacles.

Cursed items

The Protector of the Unworthy (Armor Class: +4 bonus vs. slashing attacks, Armor Class: -4 penalty vs. crushing attacks) - Orog and wolves in Deadman's Pass
Jester's Bracers (Armor Class: 5, Charisma: -1 (except for Jesters), Wearer is forced to tell corny jokes)
Cornugon's Revenge +2 (Regenerate 2 Hit Points every round, Constitution: -2, Wearer cannot be protected from evil) - Dropped in troll battle during the Coalition Camp's defence
Robe of Netheril (Magic Resistance: +50%, Disables spellcasting) - Chest in Hephernaan's room
Gift of the Demon +5 (Breaks after 5 hits) -Zaviak's quest in Avernus elevator room
Gift of the Demon +1 - obtained after using all 5 hits of the +5 version


Bag of holding + All containers - Purchase from Belegarm
Potion of Persuasiveness (+4 charisma, lasts 3 hours) - Purchasable from Herod
Gentrus's hand mirror (Identify 3 times per day) - Burned Inn hidden stash
Stone Ally (3 charges no recharge, Summon a lesser stone golem for 1 turn) - Teleria
The Forest Queen's Benediction (Mass Cure once per day) - in a stump container in Deadman's Pass near Nüber
Flute of the Immaculate Breeze (Zone of Sweet Air twice per day)
Tangled Strings (Dispels confusion effects on a single target twice per day)
Screaming Bagpipes (Sound Burst twice per day, Damage: 4d8 sonic (Jester), 2d8 (others) (Save vs. Breath halves), Special: Deafens for 3 rounds (Save vs. Breath negates), AoE: 30-ft. radius around the Bard) ) - Sold by Waizahb
Wand of Water Elemental Summoning (Summon lesser water elemental for 1 turn)


All remaining lvl 1 to 5 spells, Including some priest scrolls up to lvl 5 - Purchase from Belegarm

Notable extras:

All these items already existed in the game, but these are additional copies of them.
Buckler +1 - b1 of opening dungeon
Extra asps nest +1 - tomb in repository of undeath
Onaroth sells Ankheg plate
Elven Chain - Spider Cave
The Guard's Ring +2 - Pickpocket Torsin de Lancie.


The Following Items transfer over to BG2:EE from SoD:
Voidsword +3
Voidhammer +3
Robe of Red Flames
Belt of the Skillful Blade
Archer's Eyes
Helmet of Dumathoin
Bard Hat
Biter +2
Tangled Strings
Buckler of the Fist +2
Dragon Blade +3

Note that you need to have these items in your inventory when you import to bg2 in order for them to appear.

Post edited by ajwz on


  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    I need your help to complete this definitely unfinished guide. If you find an item or have any small thing to contribute, please post it in this thread and I will add it to the list
  • PK2748PK2748 Member Posts: 381
    Where is the Bard's Hat
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    the list isn't close to being complete yet
  • illathidillathid Member Posts: 320
    Glad to see the work on this!
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    edited April 2016
    Main post updated, erased this one.
    Post edited by lansounet on
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    awesome job @lansounet
    I have updated the guide accordingly
  • Would it make sense to cross-reference this guide with the list of items that carry over to BG2EE? I think having that information in this thread would be handy.
  • Wraith_SarevokWraith_Sarevok Member Posts: 130
    Axe of Krunthur is M'khiin only equipment just so ya know.

    You can bet THAT was disappointing to find out! ><
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Kaigen said:

    Would it make sense to cross-reference this guide with the list of items that carry over to BG2EE? I think having that information in this thread would be handy.

    yes i do plan to do that, I'm just working out how I should format it relative to the SoD and bg2ee guides
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    @ajwz updated my post with what I left out, that should be pretty much everything. Now we need to find location for every unique item.

    Let me know when you're done so I'll erase my previous post.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    lansounet said:

    @ajwz updated my post with what I left out, that should be pretty much everything. Now we need to find location for every unique item.

    Let me know when you're done so I'll erase my previous post.

    Awesome, I have updated the list again
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,068
    Thank for your work on this!
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    I had a creature using darkness 15' against me, I think in the secret room in the Temple of Bhaal. Same for Dancing lights, forgot where (Underground river, around the water elementals?). Faerie Fire is a druid spell from IWD?
  • Camus34Camus34 Member Posts: 210
    I think I'm in love with Crimson Dawn. lol
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    edited April 2016
    @Wraith_Sarevok I remember these boots of speed now, they're a quest thing and not supposed to be worn (for very long).

    Post edited by lansounet on
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    How on earth can Wizard slayers use star stewn boots lol
  • DetectiveMittensDetectiveMittens Member Posts: 235
    ajwz said:

    How on earth can Wizard slayers use star stewn boots lol

    Flags/OPcodes my friend.
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    Magis resistance items, albeit magic items, make sense being usable by wizard slayers I guess
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    All the mentions of "crafted by someone" would be Jegg in Bridgefort, and I think he follows you to the coalition camp.
  • Wraith_SarevokWraith_Sarevok Member Posts: 130
    edited April 2016
    ajwz said:

    How on earth can Wizard slayers use star stewn boots lol

    It's an undocumented feature of the class. Most boots are classified as "armor" for whatever reason, so Wizard Slayers can still use them.
  • StoibsStoibs Member Posts: 66
    edited April 2016
    Huh, well I definitely must have missed the Soulherder's Staff then.
    Got the other 2 shaman items for my Shaman Protagonist though. (That circlet both here and when found again in BG2 seems to also improve your thaco by 2 for whatever reason)

    Sad that even with all these gear enhancements; spirit summoning itself is still crap overall. It's like the devs conceded the point that these spirits aren't very viable at all and tried to do *something*, though it's still not enough.
    I'm just about to enter into ToB on my continued multi-game, multi-hundred hour spanning run with my original shaman that I started back in the Beta of BG1 from March, and I haven't even bothered with spirits in a good 100+hrs now.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    Thank you very much for this list. Very useful :)
  • AriusArius Member Posts: 92
    edited April 2016
    Started a thread for BG2EE. But this morning I found a Helmet of Dumathion (physical resistance +3%, +1 con, save vs death +2) in Bg2SoA sewers in temple district on one of the dwarves in the 6 man NPC crew in the northern part of the map.

    I have imported this group from BGEE to SoD and now to BG2EE SoA/ToB. It's a player made party. One of my Dwarves had this helmo in SoD. So did I somehow import this item or do SoD items now appear in SoA/ToB?

    Either way my Dwarf fighter/thief is loving having his helmet back as it is plus 2 con boost for dwarves. And Dwarf rogue with a 21 con is NICE!

    Oh and on the list.....could you post item codes too.?
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    Awesome list, @ajwz!
  • SikorskySikorsky Member Posts: 402
    Is there any confirmation that SoD items transist or appear in BG2. The list of places where we can find them will be cool.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Sikorsky said:

    Is there any confirmation that SoD items transist or appear in BG2. The list of places where we can find them will be cool.

    ok I put in a temporary solution, with the list of items that transfer. will update it properly when i have more information
  • StoibsStoibs Member Posts: 66
    The goblin shaman who has that goodberry staff in the sewers (for that Lilacor riddle quest) had one of the these shaman items for me in BG2, struggling to remember whether it was the amulet or the circlet, sorry.
    Can't remember where I got the other, but these 2 certainly appeared in BG2 for me in any case.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    You missed a major effect on Kruntur's armor. When it is equipped, M'khiin is unable to use shamanic dance. It's also mutually exclusive with the Ghostdreamer's Robe.
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182

    You missed a major effect on Kruntur's armor. When it is equipped, M'khiin is unable to use shamanic dance. It's also mutually exclusive with the Ghostdreamer's Robe.

    To be fair, it's not listed in the long description or that STATISTICS part of the item :x The second part I don't understand, aren't they both body armor equipment, or do you mean you can only obtain either?
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